I was coding while I had other stuff to do. Maybe I wasn't really awake.
I will try this combat routine out. You can test it too if you want.
Tested. Does work like it should.
Meteor +
Gods Whip +
Fiend's Kneel +
Skill Build I used to test it:
Test time: 50min
Exp per hour: 500.000 exp
Coinpurses per hour: 180
Mobs Kills per Hour: 195
Equip Magnificent Lake Set full Unique
+ Celestial Obsidian staff
Yeah all those coordinates and co are already covered up with CastSkillAt
private bool CastSkillAt(uint skillId, Creature target)
while (core.me.isCasting || core.me.isGlobalCooldown)
double x = target.X;
double z = target.Z;
double y = target.Y;
if (!core.UseSkill(skillId, x, y, z))
if (target != null && core.GetLastError() == LastError.NoLineOfSight)
if (core.dist(target) <= 5)
core.ComeTo(target, 2);
else if (core.dist(core.me.target) <= 10)
core.ComeTo(target, 3);
else if (core.dist(target) < 20)
core.ComeTo(target, 8);
core.ComeTo(target, 8);