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HaslaAssistant 2.3+ Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

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Just tested Fake Death function in build #2.472. It breaks skill using play flute for example, or by tagging next monster after reaching min mana. I happened 6/10 times so don't know if it's my or plugins issue.
Changed the condition a little.
He will use it only if he is out of combat and he isn't at minMP.
Yeah he might stop the flute / lute option. But at the moment I can't test anything.
No idea what cause it. But plugin use flute while Fake Death is being used. Plus while testing some more it used like 7 flawless FDs but then it broke on min. mana.
By a flawless FD I mean fake death which was casted in time (below min. mana or min. health) and was used till it finished its cast.
I don't mind using test version because I watch game going anyways, so it don't need to be stable. I just cannot interact allot with game because I use it at work :P.
Well I changed the condition a little bit for the mana reg faked death option. You need to redownload the version and compile it again. Now it should use fake death only if the char is below 10% hp or if he is out of combat and hasn't as many mana as you set with the minMP value.
I do believe party mode is not broken :(

It will not assist the party leader ever.


I do believe party mode is broken :(
It will not assist the party leader ever.
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Tested if for an hour now. I doesn't start next fight while FD is active, but it sometimes breaks it by using another mana regen action, like eating soup / playing flute.
Upcoming patch will include:
ArcheGrinder/ArcheBuddy won't crash if you close the window from ArcheGrinder.
ArcheGrinder will be closed correctly if you close the window from ArcheGrinder. (It dosn't stay open in the plugin manager)
ArcheGrinder/ArcheBuddy won't crash if you close the game.
Combat and Lootsettings are now saved for each char individually. (Saved by Charname)
FakeDeath for Mana Regeneration will be removed and is under review.

Estimated release date: 04.July.2015 16:00 (CEST)
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I seem to be having problems with playing instruments. It seems to work fine half the time when I'm in a party but otherwise I need to have a friend who has a macro recorder play instruments along side me to regen mana and health as if i'm playing. any advice?
I seem to be having problems with playing instruments. It seems to work fine half the time when I'm in a party but otherwise I need to have a friend who has a macro recorder play instruments along side me to regen mana and health as if i'm playing. any advice?

At the moment not. But as soon I have enough free time I will look into it and test the playing instruments feature with 3 chars.
Is anyone else having a problem with the Assist Mode?
If it's not only me, i'll have a look into it myself & report what i find with possible fixes..

Whilst on assist mode, i self buff but never target anything/attack
The Problem with assist mode is that:
If the party leader set himself as target only once --> it dosn't work
the asssist mode will try to attack the target from the party leader. If the party leader focus himself once it'll fuck up.
Yes assist mode isn't working perfect at the moment and not like it should be. But at the moment I don't know how to fix it.
Might be solvable with something like this:

private Creature AssistPartyLeader(bool assistPriority = false, bool fightPlayersBack = false)
            Creature leader = core.getPartyLeaderObj();
            if (leader == null)
                return GetBestNearestMob(assistPriority, fightPlayersBack);
            List<String> mems = new List<String>();
            foreach (PartyMember mem in core.getPartyMembers())
            while (mems.Contains(Convert.ToString(leader.aggroTarget.name)))
            {} return leader.aggroTarget;

It's untested, but i'll give it a shot now.

And for the record, I've not managed to get Assist Mode working at all - regardless of if the leader targets himself or not.
And for the record, I've not managed to get Assist Mode working at all - regardless of if the leader targets himself or not.

Well then I might have killed it with some changes to the main form.
But should be fixable ;) Will look into it. #Can you buy me more time for this day plz? :D
Yeah i just got an object reference exception error with that little snip i posted..
I'll look into it myself & post a fix if it happens to work :)
Just overwrite your current function with this: (combat.cs)

        private Creature AssistPartyLeader(bool assistPriority = false, bool fightPlayersBack = false)
            Creature leader = core.getPartyLeaderObj();
            List<String> mems = new List<String>();
            foreach (PartyMember mem in core.getPartyMembers())
            if (leader.target != null) {
                if (mems.Contains(leader.target.name) || !leader.target.isAlive()) { Thread.Sleep(1000); core.Log("[Temporary Logging] Party Member is target or target is dead, waiting"); return null; }
                else { return leader.target; }                
            return GetBestNearestMob(assistPriority, fightPlayersBack);

It's fully working, and doesn't stop if the target is *anyone* in the party.
This will actually stop if your target is of the same faction & you do not have bloodlust enabled - might be an idea to have that as an option x)

Changed it, it spammed the log with the while loop - still spams, but only every 1 second whilst the leader has an invalid target.
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