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HaslaAssistant 2.3+ Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

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Please consider adding healing. Having a pocket healer that can detect when you're low or a certain % would be awesome.

Id love you big time or even donate for such things.
Please, could you add something to check if the mob is yours? I'm looking like an idiot atacking other's mobs


And that crashing plugin with the respawn as well has to be a big priority because once it dies. Theres no point to anything
is assist mod working?im trying to use it at library it target the party member and do nothing
That's true, but the old had something for checking if the mob is yours... maybe could you implement it here?

I can upload the version with the same mob checking options like the old one + my changes.
But I can't guarantee that loot will work like it should then.
pls some help! i make a gps file with only 2 points connected. 1 Respawn and 2 Pew. i put it to the DeathRoute folder but the grinder or says that didnt find the .db file and crash or when i die just stay died and do nothing. i never managed to make it respaw and go back neither 1 time! beside this is a very good bot!!!
Firstly I want to say thanks for all you've done! the Archegrinder is working like a charm.
The only thing I'm not sure about is how do I get my character to go back to a specific room in the Library. The character isn't even on the map when I use GPS editor and it doesn't recognize the points. When it does, there is no way for it to open doors and just get stuck in the respawn room.

Anyway to go around this? thanks
pls some help! i make a gps file with only 2 points connected. 1 Respawn and 2 Pew. i put it to the DeathRoute folder but the grinder or says that didnt find the .db file and crash or when i die just stay died and do nothing. i never managed to make it respaw and go back neither 1 time! beside this is a very good bot!!!

You have to make sure you have the two waypoints spelled 100% correctly, and that the folder name is spelled correctly. :)
Alternative add more points if two points you have are really far apart, like more than 5 secs.
You just need to create a db3 file (name doesn't matter, you can have as many as you want) inside the DeathRoutes folder with these 2 points:
- A point named "Respawn" near the respawn point your farm area sends you to on death
- A point named "Pew" at the other end of the path where bot should start the normal combat again
ok i found my problem. the problem was that i download the one with name archegrinder with icon so the folder wasnt correct. i read the .cs file so i figure out the mistake. ty for the help
Am I the only one who hasn't been able to get ArcheGrinder to cast ground targetting skills such as God's Whip or Fiend's Knell? I've tried with "Skill Deployment Location" option under "Functionality" checked and unchecked. Other than that awesome plugin! Also wondering if there's any way to make it work with a separate combat routine or would it be better to stick with the AIO included in Combat.cs?
Am I the only one who hasn't been able to get ArcheGrinder to cast ground targetting skills such as God's Whip or Fiend's Knell? I've tried with "Skill Deployment Location" option under "Functionality" checked and unchecked. Other than that awesome plugin! Also wondering if there's any way to make it work with a separate combat routine or would it be better to stick with the AIO included in Combat.cs?

After trying a few things (with next to no knowledge of C#) I was able to get Fiend's Knell to work by changing UseSkillAndWait(_FIEND_KNELL); to CastSkillAt(_FIEND_KNELL, target);. I'm pretty sure that will be the appropriate fix for God's Whip but I'm about to go to bed and I don't have Sorcery in my build at the moment. Will post back when I get a chance to try it out.
Can someone try this combat.cs ?
At the moment I don't have the possibilty to test it.
It should use god's whip and Fiend's Knell
Also it should use Meteor if hp from target is at 70% or higher + your mp is at 50% or higher

And thx for your feedback


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Also wondering if there's any way to make it work with a separate combat routine or would it be better to stick with the AIO included in Combat.cs?

Just change the combat.cs like you want. It should work with every combat routine you create as long you don't change important functions.
Do you have any combat routine in mind that you want to use?
Can someone try this combat.cs ?
At the moment I don't have the possibilty to test it.
It should use god's whip and Fiend's Knell
Also it should use Meteor if hp from target is at 70% or higher + your mp is at 50% or higher

And thx for your feedback

Tried compiling your Combat.cs and got the following errors :
Combat.cs(1399,29) : error CS0103: The name '_Metoer_Strike' does not exist in the current context
Combat.cs(1417,21) : error CS0103: The name 'UseSkillAtTarget' does not exist in the current context
Combat.cs(1419,21) : error CS0103: The name 'UseSkillAt' does not exist in the current context
Combat.cs(1420,17) : error CS0103: The name 'UseSkillAt' does not exist in the current context
Combat.cs(1421,17) : error CS0103: The name 'UseSkillAt' does not exist in the current context
Combat.cs(1422,17) : error CS0103: The name 'UseSkillAt' does not exist in the current context

Did you mean to use CastSkillAt? Also, I got impatient last night and had to try God's Whip with CastSkillAt(_GODS_WHIP, target); and it didn't work. So Fiend's Knell works with CastSkillAt ( , target); and God's Whip does not. Not sure about Meteor Strike but I can try that some time this weekend.

The only forum post I've seen that is talking about God's Whip is https://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/202876-a-2.html but unfortunately it's in Russian.

I'm about to head out, hopefully we'll be able to tweak this out soon. Thanks again for all your work.
I was coding while I had other stuff to do. Maybe I wasn't really awake.
I will try this combat routine out. You can test it too if you want.

Tested. Does work like it should.
Meteor +
Gods Whip +
Fiend's Kneel +

Skill Build I used to test it: http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/320624
Test time: 50min
Exp per hour: 500.000 exp
Coinpurses per hour: 180
Mobs Kills per Hour: 195
Equip Magnificent Lake Set full Unique
+ Celestial Obsidian staff

The only forum post I've seen that is talking about God's Whip is https://www.thebuddyforum.com/archives/202876-a-2.html but unfortunately it's in Russian.

Yeah all those coordinates and co are already covered up with CastSkillAt
private bool CastSkillAt(uint skillId, Creature target)
            while (core.me.isCasting || core.me.isGlobalCooldown)

            double x = target.X;
            double z = target.Z;
            double y = target.Y;

            if (!core.UseSkill(skillId, x, y, z))
                if (target != null && core.GetLastError() == LastError.NoLineOfSight)
                    if (core.dist(target) <= 5)
                        core.ComeTo(target, 2);
                    else if (core.dist(core.me.target) <= 10)
                        core.ComeTo(target, 3);
                    else if (core.dist(target) < 20)
                        core.ComeTo(target, 8);
                        core.ComeTo(target, 8);


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