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HaslaAssistant 2.3+ Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

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Any chance of getting Gm detection added to this?

Well a small plugin that will close the game if a GM is near you isn't that difficult. And you can also create a plugin that will play a sound if a gm is near you.. 20lines code maybe less :D
But at the moment I'm focusing on other things and ArcheGrinder isn't the only project I'm running.
Hello , I downloaded the latest version 2.48 . I have 20 + keys AB, has become very common to drop the client using your script , you said that you fix this, but it became much worse
Hello , I downloaded the latest version 2.48 . I have 20 + keys AB, has become very common to drop the client using your script , you said that you fix this, but it became much worse
Dropped how, please describe what happens and any error messages you get. What specs you are using, settings etc.
Hello , I downloaded the latest version 2.48 . I have 20 + keys AB, has become very common to drop the client using your script , you said that you fix this, but it became much worse

AB has been odly unstable as of late, I had no issues with 2.48 until there was daily updates. I have mentioned this before in the support section.
Would be nice if someone could test the Use Play Dead for Mana Regeneration option :)
Let's have hope it will work nicely :).

Yeah let's hope it. Released my github version. It's the newest and it has 2 more options. Restore XP and Don't fight while returning to the Pew point from your .db3 file. But I'm not sure about that version. Without testing I think it need more conditions etc. But I will look into it as soon as possible.
Not possible to use your plugin with Archebuddy crash error.... Can you do something about that? If I can help you someway, tell me.
A little addition to the mob finding function if you're interested:

At the moment it looks for completely fresh mobs, 100% hp etc with no target - which also means it will leave mobs if an assisting bot is fighting it back.

// second check to see if the creatures target is one of our party members (do we have healers/assistants?)
                        if (core.me.isPartyMember)
                            List<Creature> PartyMems = core.getVisiblePartyMembers();
                            if (PartyMems.Contains(obj.target)) { return obj; }

Full Section:

        private Creature GetBestNearestMob(bool assistPriority = false, bool fightPlayersBack = false)
            Creature mob = null;
            double smallestDist = double.MaxValue;
            bool isBestMobFresh = false;
                List<Creature> nearbyMobs = core.getCreatures();
                foreach (Creature obj in nearbyMobs)
                    bool isFresh = (core.hpp(obj) == 100);
                    double dist = core.me.dist(obj);
                    bool isOnPlayer = obj.target == core.me;

                    if (IsValidTarget(obj, fightPlayersBack)
                        && (zone.ObjInZone(obj) || (isOnPlayer && dist < prefs.combatRange - 1))
                        && (dist < smallestDist || (assistPriority && !isBestMobFresh && isFresh))
                        && (!assistPriority || isFresh || isOnPlayer || (assistPriority && !isBestMobFresh && dist < prefs.combatRange))
                        // just return directly if we find something attacking us - we want to take that down for sure
                        if (obj.target == core.me)
                            return obj;

                        // second check to see if the creatures target is one of our party members (do we have healers/assistants?)
                        if (core.me.isPartyMember)
                            List<Creature> PartyMems = core.getVisiblePartyMembers();
                            if (PartyMems.Contains(obj.target)) { return obj; }

                        mob = obj;
                        smallestDist = dist;
                        isBestMobFresh = isFresh;
            catch (Exception ex)
                core.Log("Error while looking for a new target: " + ex.Message);

            return mob;
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* claps * i was about half way there with my personal fix you just made my month. I will have to test this out.

I was wondering why you don't have aggroTarget assigned here like i have set.
if (PartyMems.Contains(obj.target.aggroTarget)) { return obj; }
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* claps * i was about half way there with my personal fix you just made my month. I will have to test this out.

I was wondering why you don't have aggroTarget assigned here like i have set.
if (PartyMems.Contains(obj.target.aggroTarget)) { return obj; }

Wouldn't that return the target of the target?
obj in this case being a mob in the area, .target being a possible party member, .aggroTarget being the target of the party member
PartyMems will never contain the target of the party member.

Use either:

if (PartyMems.Contains(obj.target)) { return obj; }


if (PartyMems.Contains(obj.aggroTarget)) { return obj; }
So far this has worked best for me
if (PartyMems.Contains(obj.aggroTarget)) { return obj; }
Taranira, hi. Maybe you know buff ID for skill Health Lift rank 4?
Taranira, hi. Maybe you know buff ID for skill Health Lift rank 4?

Buff ID
id:794 name:Health Lift (Rank 1)
id:795 name:Health Lift (Rank 2)
id:796 name:Health Lift (Rank 3)
id:7655 name:Health Lift (Rank 4)
id:13867 name:Health Lift (Rank 5)
id:13868 name:Health Lift (Rank 6)
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I've tested Play Dead for few hours. It works just fine. It uses it's when out of combat, it's not breaking it while it's above min mana, it casts it will the end. But the thing is (at least for me) that it stopped using other regeneration sources. It always uses Play Dead. Maybe separate % setting for PD with ability to set it lower than mana food and pots. But it's just customization not necessary thing. Anyways as far as I tested Play Dead worked well.
Maybe separate % setting for PD with ability to set it lower than mana food and pots. But it's just customization not necessary thing. Anyways as far as I tested Play Dead worked well.

Yeah I think I will create a separate % setting for PD that a good idea.
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