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HaslaAssistant 2.3+ Mob grinder with Hasla/Group features

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Would like to hear some feedback about the AssistMode fix from WoodenJester. And feedback in general.
Are you missing some features? Don't hestitate tell me what you would like to see in ArcheGrinder :)
Is it possible now to make different death rutes for multiply accounts on the same pc?
Is it possible now to make different death rutes for multiply accounts on the same pc?

Should be with the combat.cs in the next post

And the DeathRoute option still has the problem with the Unmarshal error. I wasn't able to fix it yet :/

And if someone is wondering why I didn't added the option to close game at X labor. I'm waiting untill Out will write sth to my suggestion or add it to the Implemented ideas or Ideas that will not be implemented. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/arche...layersbotters-ab-post1997750.html#post1997750
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No he will try to find a DeathRoute.db3 (X.db3 name dosn't matter) file in the folder that match the position where you died. And if there are more than 1 deathroute that are usable for the location where he respawned he will pick a random one.

But you can put as many X.db3 files in your folder as you wish. The plugin will try to find the one that match the location where you are. But keep the names small don't use sth. like fasodhf0823z09hadfgha08dfge4789823asdfwe.db3 as a name :)

And the DeathRoute option still has the problem with the Unmarshal error. I wasn't able to fix it yet :/

And if someone is wondering why I didn't added the option to close game at X labor. I'm waiting untill Out will write sth to my suggestion or add it to the Implemented ideas or Ideas that will not be implemented. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/arche...layersbotters-ab-post1997750.html#post1997750
i definetely going to donate if someone makes it possbile to use different deathrutes using hassla assitant , or additional plugin /script for that . it would save so much time<
i definetely going to donate

donate 1$ or what? :D

The name need to be like:
if your char would have this name.
I haven't tested it but it should work. Because it's the same change I did to those save settings option :)


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well i mean for 30euro + i can buy universal fight which i guess has an option of multiply roots , or if im not right , then i can donate up to 50$ - if it will be working correctly , and will not cause additional crashes and has maybe additonal fucntions( wait timer after death, before respawn , at least some kind of interface which will allow to change wait timer before runing back to farm spot , restore xp/ not restore button ) , actually the game itself brings money , only need coders here , defenitely lack of them are here right now or all busy at other projects.
Would like to hear some feedback about the AssistMode fix from WoodenJester. And feedback in general.
Are you missing some features? Don't hestitate tell me what you would like to see in ArcheGrinder :)

It's working good for me. However, if I don't target anything for a minute or so. The bot just takes off on its own and attacks whatever is near by. So if I stop for a second, I have to manual turn off the bot.
It's working good for me. However, if I don't target anything for a minute or so. The bot just takes off on its own and attacks whatever is near by. So if I stop for a second, I have to manual turn off the bot.

I've had a similar kind of situation, so far I've noticed that it only happens if you start the assisting bot before the party leader is actively running.
If you startup the leader first with combat active & then start up the assisting bot, it should run fine (I've been running it flawlessly for 3x 6 hour sessions).
I've had a similar kind of situation, so far I've noticed that it only happens if you start the assisting bot before the party leader is actively running.
If you startup the leader first with combat active & then start up the assisting bot, it should run fine (I've been running it flawlessly for 3x 6 hour sessions).

This is from my experience an issue since before it was taken over.

I set my main bot to not loot but have my other party members do it so it can move onto the next target while they loot giving it the chance to get to the target first.
Exception gets thrown if the assisting bot is the party leader, can happen by mistake >.<

This fixes the error:
private Creature AssistPartyLeader(bool assistPriority = false, bool fightPlayersBack = false)
            Creature leader = core.getPartyLeaderObj();
            if ( core.me == leader ){ core.Log("[ALERT] You need to pass lead if running in Assist Mode!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); return null; }
            List<String> mems = new List<String>();
            foreach (PartyMember mem in core.getPartyMembers())
            if (leader.target != null) {
                if (mems.Contains(leader.target.name) || !leader.target.isAlive()) { Thread.Sleep(1000); core.Log("[Temporary Logging] Party Member is target or target is dead, waiting"); return null; }
                else { return leader.target; }                
            return GetBestNearestMob(assistPriority, fightPlayersBack);
Ok after a solid 8 hour run I feel this is an amazing solid rebuild.

I had to disable un-spec meteor & Gods whip as they honestly are very mana inefficient, but otherwise Good work * claps * I wish i had money to throw at you.

I would like to also note four notes works amazing with this :P
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I would like to also note four notes works amazing with this :P

How do you use the four notes plugin code with ArcheGrinder?
Did you changed the combat.cs so it will play only those songs and use buffs, buffitems etc?
How do you use the four notes plugin code with ArcheGrinder?
Did you changed the combat.cs so it will play only those songs and use buffs, buffitems etc?

I think he meant running Four Notes on a separate character under a separate plugin, not combined into ArcheGrinder.
How do you use the four notes plugin code with ArcheGrinder?
Did you changed the combat.cs so it will play only those songs and use buffs, buffitems etc?
I think he meant running Four Notes on a separate character under a separate plugin, not combined into ArcheGrinder.

I run multiple bots generally 3-4 archegrinder & my FourNotes in a party depending on the location.
Where was Fake Death's code located? I'll check if maybe I can find solution :). I have an idea but dunno if it will work.
Where was Fake Death's code located? I'll check if maybe I can find solution :). I have an idea but dunno if it will work.

I already know how to fix it. Will add it in the next release. +-7 days maybe lesd
Big issue need to be fixed: When bot cast spell , but someone not in party( other bot , player) does it slightly earlier , bot starts searching new target while the first mob keeps atacking him(because other guy stops dealing damage or his Damage very low) , this situation usually leads to death > lose xp > less profit > etc etc. If it possible to fix with adding some kind of script to check if bot has no target , but keeps receiving damage - to use play dead at 30% or something like that . well that happens often in particular areas and pisses me off much) or at least force cast insulating lens from sorcery.
1. Bot use play dead at 30% or something like that
2. force cast insulating lens from sorcery.

1. He will use Play Dead if he is below 15% hp
You can change it in combat.cs to what ever you want at line 1462 if (core.hpp() < 15 && !prefs.healerMode && CanCast(_PLAY_DEAD, true))
I already wrote this in the post
2. Forcing insulating lens while fighting isn't worth the shield you get in my opinion. At least nobody will care about it if he is lvl 55 and farming library.
Any chance of getting Gm detection added to this? Would be really useful with all the recent bans and possibly future ban wave..make it log out or something when one is detected in the area?
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