Is there a time limit on how long they can draw this out, On paying?
I'm no laywer but depending to ? 113 ZPO the count has to say how long blizzard have to pay the fee.Is there a time limit on how long they can draw this out, On paying?
I wasn't going to post in this. But since the debate about wow going down, came up, I'll just throw out an obvious. Basically Blizzard has 8 million players still. Approx. a revenue of 120 mil dollars a month. That is down from the all time high of 11 million. 650,000 Euro is $853,970.00usd, not a small chunk of change at all, but one Blizzard will absorb easily.
Now let's say that Blizz lost another 3 million subscribers. The simple math shows, that the monthly revenue just from 5 million subscribers would be in the neighborhood of $75,000,000. 00 USD a month. I hardly think Blizzard is ready to just throw in a 75 million dollar towel, just because they lost a bit of its subscriber base. I'm pretty sure, they'd like the number back up to 11 mil subscribers, but they can manage quite well, even if it's base went to 3 mil. subscribers. They may shut down some servers if it goes down that far, but I doubt that they'd just throw in the towel completely. 3 mil people throwing a fit isn't something I think they want to try really. Nor do I think they'd still want to loos even 45 mil monthly revenue. And don't forget! Blizzard doesn't just have World of Warcraft. Meaning, that like many other big businesses, they'd just bleed money into it from one of their many other endeavors. Wow is still hands down, one of the best games there is. It's in the top 5 games of mmo games even with its outdated graphic engine. Many have tried to best it and failed and many will continue to try and fail. World of Warcraft isn't going anywhere, any time soon. Yeah some botters may quit if Hb loses this law suit . But don't fool yourself into thinking Wow will go away, just because (in the lime light of a 8 mil subscriber base) a hand full of botters decides to quit subscribing. I have no numbers, but I'll step out on a limb and say; I'll bet there's more subscribers playing wow that don't bot than do.
No one knows the actual numbers except Blizz. But the point made, was a rational legitimate one. Who cares if the numbers are off! Blizzard is making plenty of money in any case and that was the point made. Was no need to say someone was wrong in numbers, when the points that were being made are valid and even those pointing a finger saying "oh look your numbers are wrong, nanner, nanner, nanner!" have no more of any idea of the right numbers than anyone other than Blizzard. Wow isn't going anywhere. Not for some time to come anyway. Sheesh they are getting ready in the next few weeks to add another major patch to Pok?mon wow. That sure doesn't seem like a move of evidence that Blizz is going down the tube. Might be a hale Mary move hoping to get back players or not to loose anymore. But it's going nowhere.
Side note pointed at another post back some pages.
All the bot allows for me to do, is to not have to sit at the computer for hours farming. But, I can farm manually a lot faster then it can.
For instance. If I need thick or rugged leather, all I have to do, is get on a lvl 70 to lvl 90 that can skin, go to Sunken Temple, round up all the dragonkins, one shot em, spend about 3 min skinning them, go out and do it over again until I get what I need. In 15 min., I know by manually doing that, as opposed to running a gb2 or grind profile, I will get far more leather in that 15 min. time then I would with HB running an hour. But HB is good to afk with. No doubt about that!
Nope, the numbers must be actual numbers, otherwise its considered fraud, in the United States. If the Supreme Court, also IRS, found out Blizzard smudged the numbers, a hefty fine or more. United States laws still still apply to any US based Company and individual (from the US), whether it's business or pleasure, in any country.
The points being made are far from valid.
You clearly took my post out of context.
wie darf man das jetzt verstehen mein englisch ist nciht gerade das beste aber f?r alle deutschen nutzer geht erstmal nichts mehr oder wie?