Sorry bud, but your way of thought is very warped. Blizzard will eventually lose ground and World of Warcraft will nearly be of no interest to most of the MMO gamers out there. As I previously stated, there are many other MMO's available on the market that are much more appealing to the MMO'er, and for the majority of those users who leave World of Warcraft is because of the lack of and OLD content, those users who had left and/or leaving certainly exceeds the numbers who leave because of individuals that bot. The main reason, MOST, users do leave is because of the fact that REAL LIFE outweighs Blizzards fantasy world, with those users finally coming to terms that World of Warcraft or any MMO is nothing but a waste of time and get's them no where in life, that's a fact. Also, if you knew anything about economics/economy, you'd know that its a fact that World of Warcraft is still standing because of botters helping to fill the market with resources, without botters, resources would either be scarce or highly priced.
Speculation? Far from speculation, more of a fact. Everquest use to be the top MMO on the market, there were bots and Sony sued bots, bots came back, bots ran the economy, but the majority of the player base left because of.... wait for it... lack of content and OLD material, then came World of Warcraft... an alternative and new approach in MMO gaming. I could list of dozens of new MMO's that exceed World of Warcraft, but back in the day of Everquest... there really wasn't anything but that, Everquest. Everquest is now Free to play, and World of Warcraft will soon follow suit after a few years, as everyone is saying. No one is claiming World of Warcraft or Blizzard is going down in a couple days, or months after bots are gone (which will never happen), but it will eventually fade out and lose major interest in MMO'ers. This is not speculation, it's a hard fact. You are speculating, do your research.
About the numbers, yes, we do have the "legal" right to know the real numbers... it's the law (i.e. Court dockets). If, which they had, Blizzard smudged the numbers on the court dockets that is considered a FELONY, and if the Court found out the numbers are not actual, the Court could (more then likely) enforce their judicial power to suspend Blizzard and/or totally shut them down. The court, if appointed a prudent judge, would go out of his/her way to obtain factual information, and reserve the right to investigate every nook and cranny without obstruction. Obstruct a judge, you're fucked! Court dockets are available to everyone, who can read, they are not private, nor a privileged resource.
t1a1, seriously, you know nothing about the legal system.