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WingIt - All In One

As a hack for now... Just have the sniper toss Fragmentation Grenade to start combat. Whenever I manually toss one it's able to 100% reliably crouch afterwards.

Going to try to edit the files myself to figure this out if I can...

EDIT: Serious dirty hack but I put this:

Sniper.Cast("Fragmentation Grenade", castWhen => AbilityManager.CanCast("Fragmentation Grenade", MyTarget)),

In front of every instance of this:

CreateBTPS.MoveAndCrouchForTarget(ret => MyTarget),

and it works like a charm. Effs with my DPS a little, but makes it so I don't have to manually pop off anything anymore to get combat started.
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Shadow seems to work fine for a little while, but stops combat after a few hits and just starts idling. Here's a log of fighting one mob, I've tested with multiple mobs and the bot keeps blacklisting the enemies until all are blacklisted and then stops.


the wingit keeps putting my carnage marauder into shii-cho form, even tho it does recognize my carnage spec :/

Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.878.289
Logging in...
Login Success!
User is a Warrior
[WingIt] Level: 50
[WingIt] Class: Warrior
[WingIt] Advanced Class: Marauder ( Carnage )
[WingIt] Talent build: 5 Annihilation | 34 Carnage | 2 Rage
[WingIt] Building method list
[WingIt] Added 282 methods
[WingIt] Using MarauderCarnage_SentinelCombat_Pull
[WingIt] Using WarriorKnight_Pull
[WingIt] Using MarauderCarnage_SentinelCombat_Combat
[WingIt] Using WarriorKnight_Combat
[WingIt] Using MarauderCarnage_SentinelCombat_OutOfCombat
[WingIt] Using WarriorKnight_OutOfCombat
Chose WingIt - All In One as your combat routine.
[WingIt] Level: 50
[WingIt] Class: Warrior
[WingIt] Advanced Class: Marauder ( Carnage )
[WingIt] Talent build: 5 Annihilation | 34 Carnage | 2 Rage
[WingIt] Using MarauderCarnage_SentinelCombat_Pull
[WingIt] Using WarriorKnight_Pull
[WingIt] Using MarauderCarnage_SentinelCombat_Combat
[WingIt] Using WarriorKnight_Combat
[WingIt] Using MarauderCarnage_SentinelCombat_OutOfCombat
[WingIt] Using WarriorKnight_OutOfCombat
Current bot set to Quest Bot
Loaded profile [E] Ilum-Dailies [Neo93]
Sell quality set to Premium.
Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready!
[13:15:24.992 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[13:15:24.993 N] Loaded profile [E] Ilum-Dailies [Neo93]
[13:15:27.426 N] Casting Shii-Cho Form
[13:15:35.541 N] Casting Shii-Cho Form
[13:15:46.021 N] Stopping the bot.
[13:15:46.225 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[13:16:29.888 N] Current bot set to Quest Bot
[13:16:29.889 N] Loaded profile [E] Ilum-Dailies [Neo93]
[13:16:37.171 N] Casting Shii-Cho Form

and my operative just stands there after targetting a mob....

View attachment 2012-07-12 13.20.zip
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on 2 characters jugg and assassin sometime in combat after killing 1 mob or so just stands there...
Found a bug when I noticed my Concealment Operative was using rifle shot to pull instead of anything in the pull section of the cc.

In the Concealment_Scrapper.cs file it looks like

[Class(CharacterClass.Agent, AdvancedClass.Operative, SkillTreeId.OperativeLethality)]

when it should look like

[Class(CharacterClass.Agent, AdvancedClass.Operative, SkillTreeId.OperativeConcealment)]
You guys keep changing files on me. Heh.

Well the new/old Marksmanship_Sharpshooter.cs file is missing support for Cover Pulse. Very useful skill when you've got one or more melee on your ass. I added it below Shield Probe.

Mirror.Cast("Shield Probe", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= Global.HighHealth), // Defense Screen
Mirror.Cast("Cover Pulse", ret => Me.MobCountAround(Global.MeleeAoEDistance) >= 1),

It probably should not happen if you're in a group, but I don't group so that doesn't bother me.

Also comes back and is saying that "Laze Target" isn't a valid buff... When it is. No space after the end of it this time like the whole "Escape " thing either. So no idea there.

Also, it is casting Crouch in succession very quickly even though it is getting back an Ok result in the logs:

[01:38:12.747 N] Casting Crouch
[01:38:12.754 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[01:38:12.951 N] Casting Crouch
[01:38:13.700 N] Casting Fragmentation Grenade
[01:38:13.949 N] Casting Crouch
[01:38:14.817 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[01:38:14.993 N] Casting Crouch

On thing I'm going to muck around with is that in the .cs file you call Crouch multiple times in a row. You have the Pull section, which Crouches, then the Combat section, which Crouches. So I think I'm going to add a Crouch check to one or both of them and see what happens.
Okay so it just looks like for some reason that Crouch can't be the first thing that BW uses. If I have it use anything else... Like Fragmentation Grenade or even just Rifle Shot as the first thing in the Pull section it has no problem with crouching (and keeping the specific buffs).

EDIT: I also don't see support for the "Snap Shot" buff. Trying to figure out how to use it correctly.
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Okay so it just looks like for some reason that Crouch can't be the first thing that BW uses. If I have it use anything else... Like Fragmentation Grenade or even just Rifle Shot as the first thing in the Pull section it has no problem with crouching (and keeping the specific buffs).

EDIT: I also don't see support for the "Snap Shot" buff. Trying to figure out how to use it correctly.

Thanks for all the trying things and info, Xanathos! It helps a lot, even though we don't say it much.

I'm sorry Crouch is so goofy. After a chat with Apoc, it seems the Hero engine has some serious problems for botting. (E.g., things don't remain 'synced' because Hero is multi-threaded, and the bot can't 'lock the thread' to capture a consistent state, and that's just one of the many problems). We will keep working to get a solid crouch behavior. Hopefully, we'll win someday.

At this point, I'm considering a state machine solution, but that idea isn't firm yet.

Xanathos said:
To be honest... If I had to guess it looks like it is having problems when the target is at a different *height* then the character.
Most excellent observation. Once you pointed it out, I've noticed that even starting combat that requires LoS has problems if the target is slightly above you on a Z-axis. I talked to Aevitas about possibly altering the TorCharacter.InLineOfSight property, but he says its a native call (wrapper directly to the SWtOR engine), and there's nothing we can do about it. Our only hope at this point is to figure out a way to detect and work-around the problem. Haven't even started to look at this one yet.

On the brighter side (as of WingIt SVN changeset #548)...
  • Thanks to all of Neo's hard work, we're now on full-tilt Mirrors.
    The beauty of this is that any changes made to benefit an Empire class will automatically benefit the corresponding Republic class, and vice-versa. There are probably a few bugs (missing buffs/debuffs/abilities) that we'll need to work out over the next few days. I've seen you've already pointed out a few.
    I'm leaving all that work in Neo's hands--he's done a spectacular job with it so far, and I'm not the 'spec expert' that he is or has become.

  • We should have our initial pass as LazyRaider-like support. The commands are as follows:
    • PageUp toggles Combat on/off
    • PageDown toggles Movement on/off (all movement--including questing, looting, combat, and unstuck)
    • End triggers a "burn the boss" phase (only the Mercenary_Commando and Powertech_Vanguard specs support this atm)
    I've never used LazyRaider so don't know what other 'requirements' the Community expects of this behavior. The implementation was largely built on work Protopally had implemented in his Routine contributions to WingIt.

Know that we're still plugging away, but the easy stuff is off the WingIt TODO list now, and progress will be slower. As, what is left on the TODO list are progressively harder problems to solve.

Having a little trouble with my Guardian (defense specced). When BW fires up its defaulting the a Knight Routine as its saying my talent points aren't spent....but they certainly are.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Thanks for all the trying things and info, Xanathos! It helps a lot, even though we don't say it much.

I'm sorry Crouch is so goofy. After a chat with Apoc, it seems the Hero engine has some serious problems for botting. (E.g., things don't remain 'synced' because Hero is multi-threaded, and the bot can't 'lock the thread' to capture a consistent state, and that's just one of the many problems). We will keep working to get a solid crouch behavior. Hopefully, we'll win someday.

At this point, I'm considering a state machine solution, but that idea isn't firm yet.

For the time being just put in a dirty hack of the bot firing off either Fragmentation Grenade or Rifle Shot before the crouch call in the Pull section. I've got Fragmentation Grenade set in mine and I'm having ZERO issues with crouch now.
Side question... Is there any way for BW to tell if your current target is using an ability with an activation time or channel time? Reason being is that I'd love to get "Distraction" hooked up to be used that whenever an Elite is using something with either that it fires off at the top of the combat queue.

That way every 12 seconds in a fight with an elite you can interrupt said ability and keep them from using it for 4 seconds.
  • We should have our initial pass as LazyRaider-like support. The commands are as follows:
    • PageUp toggles Combat on/off
    • PageDown toggles Movement on/off (all movement--including questing, looting, combat, and unstuck)
    • End triggers a "burn the boss" phase (only the Mercenary_Commando and Powertech_Vanguard specs support this atm)
    I've never used LazyRaider so don't know what other 'requirements' the Community expects of this behavior. The implementation was largely built on work Protopally had implemented in his Routine contributions to WingIt.

I'm using it right now with the Movement turned off and it seems to be WONDERFUL. As long as you watch what Poi BW is trying to get to it will still auto-loot, etc, as long as you manually run over to it. =)
I found out why my Shadow was constantly going to sleep while in combat. The bot was doing a quest, where it needs to use an item on a hostile NPC and then escort it to the quest giver.

Joining the Battle
	Id: 0xE000FAA6C55763C0
	Current Step: 3
	Current Branch: 1
	Repeatable: False
	Profile Functions: 
		IsStepComplete(0xE000FAA6C55763C0, 3)

The bot managed to use the item by itself and after I manually completed the quest, everything is working great again. Full log attached. On the log, Joiner Guardian is the NPC thats supposed to be escorted.


damn I just updated my wingit folder, and guess what...

my operative is working FLAWLESSLY in combat now, i'm leveling way faster now whit this build (currently lvl 23).
thanks for the hard work :) keep it up
Side question... Is there any way for BW to tell if your current target is using an ability with an activation time or channel time? Reason being is that I'd love to get "Distraction" hooked up to be used that whenever an Elite is using something with either that it fires off at the top of the combat queue.

That way every 12 seconds in a fight with an elite you can interrupt said ability and keep them from using it for 4 seconds.


Having a little trouble with my Guardian (defense specced). When BW fires up its defaulting the a Knight Routine as its saying my talent points aren't spent....but they certainly are.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Please post a log

damn I just updated my wingit folder, and guess what...

my operative is working FLAWLESSLY in combat now, i'm leveling way faster now whit this build (currently lvl 23).
thanks for the hard work keep it up

Good to hear :)