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WingIt - All In One

I see you're running v284 which is supposed to have fixed that bug (described here).

Have your talent points been allocated? If so, then allocate & try again. If not, then the bug must still exist, and hopefully BWdev can get eyes on this.


Yeh, points are definitely allocated. I'll bump the thread you linked and hopefully get eyes on.

Yo, running into an "Pull support for Knight is not currently implemented." issue when I fire up. I'm running a JK Guardian, Defense specced, which I believe is listed as working and tested.

Have latest version of BW and SVN version of WingIt.

Double checked and it's not the same issue, sorry.
Do any of the links in this thread take me to the file location that I paste into the "LOAD PROFILE" box when I load up Buddy Wing?
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I would like to test the dirty fighting class as I saw it is in your new wingit cc. But cant get it to work. If you can help me I will try it out.
Also I saw in the BasicSmuggler class, shouldnt it be Take Cover instead of Crouch ?
Its currently not for public use.

Since we need another logic with Take Cover (Cover Points), Crouch will be used atm.
My scoundrel moves to the target and then just stands there. Doesnt unmount to attack. Any suggestions ?
Please do the following steps:
- Update WingIt
- Set under BuddyWing InfoDumping tab the LogLevel to Diagnostic.
- Start bot
- Post log after a few minutes.

Thank you :)
Thank you for the log - I already fixed all errors and rewritten a part of the Routine, it should run much better. Please update WingIt again.

What is the debuff name of "Vital Shot"?

Thank you.
Going to try and get a decent log on this (although it doesn't show any errors just the ability spam), but for a Marksman Sniper I would say at least 80-90% of the time when it goes to start combat it just ends up spamming Crouch/Ambush over and over again. What looks like is happening is that it crouches then starts to fire off Ambush, but for some reason it then crouches again cancelling ambush. Normally when it gets in this loop after 3-4 times it will throw one of the grenades and then everything will be fine. Sometimes I have to manually fire a grenade to get it out of the loop.

Once it is fully in the combat loop it doesn't have this problem. If combat starts by something shooting at the bot it won't ever do this. Only if the bot is the one initiating combat.

It seems to be caused when the bot senses that something's in range it will fire off crouch immediately... But the crouch shield is in the wrong position. So it then tries to re-crouch with the shield facing towards the target... but even if it crouches in the right position it still tries to re-crouch.

The only other thing I can think of is that when you crouch you actually move back a tiny fraction. So if that pushes the bot outside of the pull range it is going to move forward and try to re-crouch to get back into range... Even though everything is well in range with the default pull range (so that's why once combat is fully engaged it works fine).

EDIT: Here's a log snippit showing it looping Crouch/Ambush until it cast Frag Grenade.

[00:30:10.623 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[00:30:10.639 N] Killing Vicious Vine Cat with 100% health at 22.78 meters
[00:30:10.829 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:10.838 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:10.918 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:11.119 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:11.982 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:12.851 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:12.922 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:13.027 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:13.974 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:14.949 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:15.008 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:15.179 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:16.043 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:16.959 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:17.016 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:17.231 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:18.103 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:18.970 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:19.026 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:19.230 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:20.122 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:20.985 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:21.043 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:21.494 N] Casting Fragmentation Grenade
[00:30:22.136 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:23.005 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:23.064 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:23.263 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:26.184 N] Casting Explosive Probe
[00:30:27.701 N] Casting Rifle Shot
[00:30:28.229 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!

Also, by it re-crouching like this it negates the Ballistic Dampers passive skill you get in the Marksmanship tree (which really sucks in a bad situation).
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It works great now. The debuff is Bleeding(Tech)

Thx for your fantastic work.

Going to try and get a decent log on this (although it doesn't show any errors just the ability spam), but for a Marksman Sniper I would say at least 80-90% of the time when it goes to start combat it just ends up spamming Crouch/Ambush over and over again. What looks like is happening is that it crouches then starts to fire off Ambush, but for some reason it then crouches again cancelling ambush. Normally when it gets in this loop after 3-4 times it will throw one of the grenades and then everything will be fine. Sometimes I have to manually fire a grenade to get it out of the loop.

Once it is fully in the combat loop it doesn't have this problem. If combat starts by something shooting at the bot it won't ever do this. Only if the bot is the one initiating combat.

It seems to be caused when the bot senses that something's in range it will fire off crouch immediately... But the crouch shield is in the wrong position. So it then tries to re-crouch with the shield facing towards the target... but even if it crouches in the right position it still tries to re-crouch.

The only other thing I can think of is that when you crouch you actually move back a tiny fraction. So if that pushes the bot outside of the pull range it is going to move forward and try to re-crouch to get back into range... Even though everything is well in range with the default pull range (so that's why once combat is fully engaged it works fine).

EDIT: Here's a log snippit showing it looping Crouch/Ambush until it cast Frag Grenade.

[00:30:10.623 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[00:30:10.639 N] Killing Vicious Vine Cat with 100% health at 22.78 meters
[00:30:10.829 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:10.838 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:10.918 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:11.119 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:11.982 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:12.851 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:12.922 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:13.027 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:13.974 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:14.949 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:15.008 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:15.179 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:16.043 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:16.959 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:17.016 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:17.231 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:18.103 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:18.970 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:19.026 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:19.230 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:20.122 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:20.985 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:21.043 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:21.494 N] Casting Fragmentation Grenade
[00:30:22.136 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:23.005 D] Completed Cast: Crouch Result: Ok
[00:30:23.064 N] Casting Crouch
[00:30:23.263 N] Casting Ambush
[00:30:26.184 N] Casting Explosive Probe
[00:30:27.701 N] Casting Rifle Shot
[00:30:28.229 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Targeted unit is dead, clearing Poi and carrying on!

Also, by it re-crouching like this it negates the Ballistic Dampers passive skill you get in the Marksmanship tree (which really sucks in a bad situation).

it may be that the skills in the ops rotation need to be retimed.

what level are you?


so you guys know, one of my two main pcs, blew a month ago; so basically, to work on anything BW, I have to stop doing a lot of other stuff... thus I am not doing much right now
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If anyone ends up trying to level an Imperial Agent with Advanced Class and it's not working, it's because it's being re-worked. Just a heads up :)
If anyone ends up trying to level an Imperial Agent with Advanced Class and it's not working, it's because it's being re-worked. Just a heads up :)

just an fyi, the last time I tested the sniper, BW was the problem not WingIt, as with ALL movement removed from WingIt the sniper still crouch danced and melee classes will not remain still. Basically, BW has some internal failure causing a ton of totally pointless movement and if you move you break crouch -> this is a problem

Remember this is with all the code in the Movement file re-coded to do nothing and all calls to Movement in the sniper CC removed; unfortunately that makes the issue a BW core problem, and until I hear something about it I personally will not be wasting anymore of my time (all PC troubles aside) on trying to make a CC work around bad movement in the BW core; the CC needs to handle all movement, none at all, or be able to step a flag etc.

Unless something changed (and no one even replied to my post with a log) that is the problem as it stands. As the person who developed all the sniper code I can tell you it went from working 99% with a weird twitch (procing BD) to not working at all in one BW update; make of that what you will or ignore it.
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What you are saying makes sense as there is *nothing* in the logs (as you can see from the snippit above) to prove otherwise.

Like I said, it looks like since crouching moves you back a step that is enough to move the character out of the "pull range" so that BW then tries to move you back forward... which then breaks the crouch... which when crouch is re-cast causes BW to be out of the pull range again... which causes BW to move you forward breaking crouch... rinse... repeat.

I appreciate your time no this and if this isn't something that the BW team is going to fix, I simply don't have enough knowledge on how to fix this. Basically an exception has to be made for crouch *somewhere*... That while crouched the only time the Sniper moves is if the target can't be seen or is out of range. Otherwise it needs to be locked down solid.
What you are saying makes sense as there is *nothing* in the logs (as you can see from the snippit above) to prove otherwise.

If you're a brave soul...
The latest WingIt SVN (changeset #496) has rewritten the Crouch logic for all Agent/Smuggler specs. Hopefully, we've fixed or worked around most of the bugs. Give it a whirl, and let us know if its better or not.

If you're a brave soul...
The latest WingIt SVN (changeset #496) has rewritten the Crouch logic for all Agent/Smuggler specs. Hopefully, we've fixed or worked around most of the bugs. Give it a whirl, and let us know if its better or not.


I can confirm that this now works on rev 500 that I just pulled from the SVN. This is on a Marksman level 37. THANKS alot for the fix now it works flawless for me :)

EDIT: Was abit to fast there with my experience, it still does the same thing but not every time now. Also it tries to cast the skill Suppressive Fire but wont click on the ground were it should shoot.

EDIT2: Did a fresh install of both BW and WingIt and now it works, will test for a couple of hours and report back again.

EDIT3: Okay its back to the same old thing again, seems it works just for a while then it is back to 3 cover then fraggrenade.
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I just updated wingit now getting the no routines loaded for your character.
I tried deleting CompiledAssemblies and settings. Still getting it.
Havent changed toon any.

