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WingIt - All In One

Also see in log. jug warrior
[WingIt, MAINTENANCE ERROR] Debuff 'Armor Reduced' is neither a Juggernaut nor a Guardian debuff.
    Spelling error in Debuff name?
    Attempting use with wrong class?
I can find no history of the "Armor Reduced" debuff ever existing in our MirrorData.cs file--which is where it belongs. I'm sure Neo tested the JuggernautGuardian specs, and not sure what's going on.
I'm going to leave this one for Neo to look at when he can.

[WingIt, MAINTENANCE ERROR] GuardCompanion called while in combat. This behavior may only be used out-of-combat.

<sigh> This tells me that BuddyWing is calling WingIt's OutOfCombat behavior while still in combat.
I didn't run into this in my testing, but there must be some unanticipated boundary condition that causes this.
I've just updated the repository again with some defensive checks of this condition as a work-around.

Thanks for the reports!

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I'm having some problems with my Sniper. He targets a mob and just continuously keeps casting crounch. The log looks like this:

WingIt] Failed to Crouch--will retry again in 3.000 seconds.
Casting Crouch
[WingIt] Failed to Crouch--will retry again in 3.000 seconds.
Casting Crouch......

And just continues on like this.

Have i missed something in the setup or something?
Any help would be much appriciated!

Seems like this only happend in a certain area. I restarted the bot and did the quests in that area manually and now it seems to be working.

Nevermind my last edit. This still happens. Sometimes he targets mobs but does not attack them.
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2 issues I am having:

First, seems to be similar to the Jugg/Guardian issue:
[WingIt, MAINTENANCE ERROR] Debuff 'Wither' is neither a Assassin nor a Shadow debuff.
This is called in the combat routine but this one doesn't seem to affect combat really.

Second, the bot will "freeze" after casting Slow Time/Wither, meaning that it just decides not to cast any more and will essentially idle in combat until dead. (It still casts defensive spells per routine). Usually some manual input (casting a few spells, jumping and running around) will restart the routine.
I just did a flashpoint run as a tank and noticed only 2 issues. Targeting/Pulling and Releasing spirit.

Anytime someone targets and Enemy to CC it, the bot targets and attacks that unit. You can't attack another unit until that one is dead. This means, as a tank, you are fighting a useless mob while your team fights the boss for the whole fight.

This is like the millionth time Ive said this on these forums and will still get ignored... Combat Bot should not release to med station after you die. If you are solo, you could have fought for an hour to get to a point only to die and have to start over b/c of combat bot. If you are in an instance, you will miss out of loot b/c of this.

It is nice that you guys are putting in this extra work to add this functionality, but the real issue is not being addressed. These movement/targeting/pulling issues should be addressed by the botbase and not by the CC.

I like a lot of the changes with the new generation of bots the buddy team has made, but I don't like the way the bot can do whatever the f*ck it wants. **prepare yourself for run-on sentence** If you want to use it the way you used HB, someone has to spend extra time writing extra code just to make the bot behave, so you can write the code you wanted to write to begin with.
Anytime someone targets and Enemy to CC it, the bot targets and attacks that unit. You can't attack another unit until that one is dead. This means, as a tank, you are fighting a useless mob while your team fights the boss for the whole fight.
I've captured this to our TODO list. We've also got "smarter crowd control" and "smarter interrupts" on that list. Right now, most of the Routines don't have logic that takes group role into consideration, but this should change in time. I'm sorry it won't happen quick enough to make most people happy. :D

This is like the millionth time Ive said this on these forums and will still get ignored... Combat Bot should not release to med station after you die. If you are solo, you could have fought for an hour to get to a point only to die and have to start over b/c of combat bot. If you are in an instance, you will miss out of loot b/c of this.
As you know, death management is a function of the BWcore, and not much any Routine (like NoobRage or WingIt) can do about it. Your frustration is completely understandable, but best vocalized to people that can actually do something about it. :D

It is nice that you guys are putting in this extra work to add this functionality, but the real issue is not being addressed. These movement/targeting/pulling issues should be addressed by the botbase and not by the CC.
The way BosslandGmbH bots have always been designed is that the Botbase selects the initial taget for the pull, then turns the Routine loose. From then on, its the Routine's responsibility to assess the battlefield and make appropriate target choices. Being smarter about this is definitely a goal for WingIt. Right now, we're still putting the building blocks for things like this in place, and trying to work around the thorny bugs caused by the SWtOR client/Hero engine.

I like a lot of the changes with the new generation of bots the buddy team has made, but I don't like the way the bot can do whatever the f*ck it wants.
Not quite sure what you mean by this. The BW architecture for control is significantly different than the way HB handles things. What is the bot doing that you disapprove of?

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry about your frustrations. :)

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As you know, death management is a function of the BWcore, and not much any Routine (like NoobRage or WingIt) can do about it. Your frustration is completely understandable, but best vocalized to people that can actually do something about it. :D

It is indeed handled inside the bot itself. Hooking TreeStart would allow you to set up your own corpse release behaviour, but you'd have to implement the rest of the bot as well through a plugin or whatever. Allowing users to disable release on death isn't very high on our list of things to do, because it's counter logical most of the time. I might add it as an option for the combat bot only at a later point. Perhaps.

Quoted from a different thread I had started in support forums. Someone who CAN actually do something about it says it's not high on the priority list and also says he *might* add it at a later point. We just really don't agree on what the priority list should be.
After updating from SVN. My warrior keeps spamming Casting Unnatural Might.
If see it again on small log will post. Im currently making the Warrior class quest profile. So is full of quest dumps, starts stops. Makes log too big to post.
After updating from SVN. My warrior keeps spamming Casting Unnatural Might.

I'm having the same problem as in2fun, although i have it on my level 12 Sniper and he just casts crouch over and over again.

[WingIt] Failed to Crouch--will retry again in 3.000 seconds.
Casting Crouch
[WingIt] Failed to Crouch--will retry again in 3.000 seconds.
Casting Crouch......

It says that he fails to cast crouch even if it succeds.

Is he moving, then re-crouching. Or just doing it in one spot?
I remember reading somewhere about the crouching too far away, or right at max range. Then when crouchs it actually backs up a hair. So needs to shift, move closer, re-crouch. So on.
Wonder if lowering the range through settings would help. I know there is way to do it in there. Havent tried it myself yet since never needed to.
Is he moving, then re-crouching. Or just doing it in one spot?
I remember reading somewhere about the crouching too far away, or right at max range. Then when crouchs it actually backs up a hair. So needs to shift, move closer, re-crouch. So on.
Wonder if lowering the range through settings would help. I know there is way to do it in there. Havent tried it myself yet since never needed to.

That sounds excatly like what my toon is doing! I will try to lower the maxrange as you suggested and reply here if it works out!

This is exactly what happens. The sniper enters cover and starts to cast Ambush and at the same time it instantly exits cover, therefore the ambush does not go of.
After this it enter cover again and starts the rotation over and over again, without manageing to fire a single attack.

I did ,by the way, not find here to lower the pull range in the settings tab. All i found was "Combat Routine", "Mount" and "Sell item quality".

Anyone that has been using the sniper cc and have had it working? I have specced in the "Marksmanship" tree if that helps.
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Seen error so hit stop so you guys can see if problem. Working ok, just helping.
 at WingIt.Extensions.<>c__DisplayClass21.<MobCountAround>b__1f(TorNpc t)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.Count[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
   at WingIt.Extensions.MobCountAround(TorCharacter torCharacter, Single distance, TorCharacterPredicateDelegate mobQualifier)
   at WingIt.Routines.JuggernautVengeance_GuardianVigilance.<JuggernautVengeance_GuardianVigilance_Combat>b__8(Object castWhen)
   at Buddy.CommonBot.CombatRoutine..(Object ret)
full log attached. (too big to post due to [HLL] Dictionary spam.
Will post log if happens again.
what does this mean
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': As*******h
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': J'*******i, Ze*******r
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ze*******r
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ke*******d
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ke*******d
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what does this mean
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': As*******h
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': J'*******i, Ze*******r
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ze*******r
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ke*******d
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ke*******d

It means someone with the name beginning with "Ke" and ending in "d" drove by on their star wars scooter and you buffed them.
They are trying to make bot buff people in party. But buggy atm. Doesnt know who is in party or not. So buffs all, and might try to rez if see someone die. Not bad thing, except when they dont take rez and bot stands there doing the back and forth dance rezzing till person times out and dead body goes away.
what does this mean
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': As*******h
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': J'*******i, Ze*******r
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ze*******r
Casting Unnatural Might
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ke*******d
[WingIt] Buffing players missing 'Unnatural Might': Ke*******d

Ama said:
It means someone with the name beginning with "Ke" and ending in "d" drove by on their star wars scooter and you buffed them.

In2fun said:
They are trying to make bot buff people in party. But buggy atm.
Not bad thing, except when they dont take rez and bot stands there doing the back and forth dance rezzing till person times out and dead body goes away.

Indeed. the intent is to revive or buff only party members. However, the BW API is telling us random people are in our party when they are, in fact, not. We have yet to figure out a work-around or supplemental test for the mis-information from the BW API.

We've made some minor improvements to the Revive behavior in WingIt SVN changeset #622, last night. But, we also know that issues remain.

In respect for people's privacy, we mask out the playerbase names around them. (With enough unmasked information, someone could ascertain on which server you are playing.) We've since decided that masking the names is insufficient, and future WingIt drops will only report the player's class and the name's first character (that triggered the reviving or buffing activity).

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