T17 Demonic Guide
Basic Settings Guideline:
-- For maximum performance from your rotation, it is recommended you disable all and any settings that aren't currently in use. A good example being if the fight has fixate mechanics to disable Soulshatter to free up the unnecessary GCDs being used.
-- I will attach all of my setting files that I use for heroic/mythic raiding. They are labeled appropriately for the spec/talent combo that they are meant for. By default, doom's minimum HP value is set to 100,000 & Chaos bolt's at 75,000. Make sure to adjust hotkeys & defensive abilities to your preference as they are disabled by default for maximum performance and manual defensive usage, which is recommended. If you have an on-use trinket, be sure to set those to be used w/ Dark Soul as well.
-- Start every pull by pre-casting either Incinerate for Destruction (2.0-2.5 seconds on the pull timer), Soul Fire for demonology (roughly ~3.5 seconds on the pull timer) and Haunt as affliction (~2-2.5 seconds on the pull timer) w/ pre-pot. I will include macros for this at the bottom of the guide.
Talent/Spec Guideline:
Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Synergy
-- Single target spec.
Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/cleave (2+ targets) spec.
Demonology - Cataclysm - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/AoE spec.
Destruction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.
Destruction - Cataclysm - Grim of Sacrifice
-- Cleave/Sustained AoE spec.
Affliction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.
-- During progression I strongly recommend speccing into Sacrifical Pact for fights with burst damage for huge mitigation. Dark regeneration also works well with glyph of healthstone and on fights where you are lacking the necessary heals, works good in combination with say healer cooldowns or brackenspore's healing mushroom.
Boss Specific Guide:
-- Specs are listed in priority in which I'd play on that specific fight. Current specs/talents are selected for
Heroic Blackrock Foundry.
-- Remember to un-glyph Dark Soul as demonology when
not using Demonbolt.
-- All specs/talent recommendations are for the highest theoretical DPS outcome on that fight. If you feel it would better help with progression to say take Demonbolt over cataclysm, then do so.
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
Flamebender Ka'graz
Spec/Talents: Demonology
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
Hans'gar and Franzok
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
Beastlord Darmac
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Fel Imp as pet
Operator Thogar
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction > Affliction
-- If you can position yourself to be on a rune in the middle of the grasping earth hands then I recommend Cataclysm for Demonology/Destruction.
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Observer as pet
The Blast Furnace
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
-- If adds staying alive are a non issue, I recommend demonbolt for more single target damage during progression.
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
Destruction: Grimoire of Sacrifice/Cataclysm
The Iron Maidens
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Observer as pet
-- Incinerate Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Incinerate
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Incinerate
-- Soul Fire Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Soul fire
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Soul Fire
Guide Change Log:
[ 2/9/2015 ]: - Updated guide to support Blackrock Foundry bosses. Updated Rotation profiles with quality of life changes for BRF.