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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

MIllz, can you code so the bot dont uses hand of guldan when there is more than 3 mobs, instead have it using it in demon form.

Depending on how long the mobs will be up, and if you have demon bolt or cataclysm talent using HOG is a dps increase over chaos wave. If the mobs will only be alive for a short period of time CW is better, if they will be a live longer, and you have Demonbolt, you want HOG for the increased fury. If you have cataclysm, it should always use chaos wave TBH but the CR doesn't take that into account currently.

Millz is working on some HOG / CW changes to increase the effectiveness, just give him some time :)
What happened to the Highmaul versiom ?

T17 Demonic Guide​

Basic Settings Guideline:
-- For maximum performance from your rotation, it is recommended you disable all and any settings that aren't currently in use. A good example being if the fight has fixate mechanics to disable Soulshatter to free up the unnecessary GCDs being used.

-- I will attach all of my setting files that I use for heroic/mythic raiding. They are labeled appropriately for the spec/talent combo that they are meant for. By default, doom's minimum HP value is set to 100,000 & Chaos bolt's at 75,000. Make sure to adjust hotkeys & defensive abilities to your preference as they are disabled by default for maximum performance and manual defensive usage, which is recommended. If you have an on-use trinket, be sure to set those to be used w/ Dark Soul as well.

-- Start every pull by pre-casting either Incinerate for Destruction (2.0-2.5 seconds on the pull timer), Soul Fire for demonology (roughly ~3.5 seconds on the pull timer) and Haunt as affliction (~2-2.5 seconds on the pull timer) w/ pre-pot. I will include macros for this at the bottom of the guide.

Talent/Spec Guideline:
Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Synergy
-- Single target spec.

Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/cleave (2+ targets) spec.

Demonology - Cataclysm - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/AoE spec.

Destruction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

Destruction - Cataclysm - Grim of Sacrifice
-- Cleave/Sustained AoE spec.

Affliction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

-- During progression I strongly recommend speccing into Sacrifical Pact for fights with burst damage for huge mitigation. Dark regeneration also works well with glyph of healthstone and on fights where you are lacking the necessary heals, works good in combination with say healer cooldowns or brackenspore's healing mushroom.

Boss Specific Guide:
-- Specs are listed in priority in which I'd play on that specific fight. Current specs/talents are selected for Heroic Blackrock Foundry.
-- Remember to un-glyph Dark Soul as demonology when not using Demonbolt.
-- All specs/talent recommendations are for the highest theoretical DPS outcome on that fight. If you feel it would better help with progression to say take Demonbolt over cataclysm, then do so.

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Flamebender Ka'graz​
Spec/Talents: Demonology
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt

Hans'gar and Franzok​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet

Beastlord Darmac​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Fel Imp as pet

Operator Thogar​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction > Affliction
-- If you can position yourself to be on a rune in the middle of the grasping earth hands then I recommend Cataclysm for Demonology/Destruction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Observer as pet

The Blast Furnace​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
-- If adds staying alive are a non issue, I recommend demonbolt for more single target damage during progression.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Sacrifice/Cataclysm

The Iron Maidens​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Observer as pet

-- Incinerate Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Incinerate
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Incinerate

-- Soul Fire Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Soul fire
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Soul Fire

Guide Change Log:
[ 2/9/2015 ]: - Updated guide to support Blackrock Foundry bosses. Updated Rotation profiles with quality of life changes for BRF.
I hope millz will give us a fast update if it is possible for a Checkbox for hog stacking for cw in quick burst aoe fights like beastlord and thogar and of course a fast fix
Not loading products from the store: This is an issue with Honorbuddy, not the routine. The team are aware of it, but no ETA on a fix yet.

When I use you're routine over singulars its a dp I start chopping and evenatally freeze for 20 seconds a few times every fight sometimes wiping the raid and thats unacceptable. Your routine is the ONLY routine i have lag and freezing issues with i've tried clean installs of HB, i've tried deleting DEMONIC settings folder and cache doesn't seem to fix issue. Any suggestions please. And it's not anything to do with my machine whether I am in ULTRA or LOW settings i have 125+ in combat fps without bot with it drops to 0-35 fps even on ST bosses like butcher i froze. Also my dps was ridculousy low only 15k for 650 demo on TECTUS! If you have skype or teamviewerto take a look at it that would be swell. I need it to be working for raids next week i already missed this week.

Enable Anti-Lag #1 on the advanced tab, and try the release version of HB rather than the beta version.

MIllz, can you code so the bot dont uses hand of guldan when there is more than 3 mobs, instead have it using it in demon form.

That's already possible via the settings in the demonology tab.

Hey Millz. I have a small request. To get the most out of the routine I have to play with suspend on keystroke. And I am also raidleading in my guild. Is it possible to get an option to ignore a specific button for the suspend on keystroke setting? Since I am using push to talk and the routine pauses when I do so

No easy way to implement that as it would affect it for everyone.

CW & HoG hotkey -> Adding this in the next build, will get it pushed today hopefully.
Allright. Just tought it was possible to do it with a dropdown menu as with the hotkeys. But not a biggie then. And really appriciate the hotkey for CW/HoG. Will it work like when we press the hotkey it will instantly use HoG/Cw?
Allright. Just tought it was possible to do it with a dropdown menu as with the hotkeys. But not a biggie then. And really appriciate the hotkey for CW/HoG. Will it work like when we press the hotkey it will instantly use HoG/Cw?

A toggle so that you can enable or disable the routine from using either of the abilities.

Adding a mouseover cataclysm hotkey too.
Amazing. But i used the wrong words. Let me try again. If the hotkey is turned on (save hog/cw) and adds come. You then press it again (to use hog cw), will it use it almost instant or will it have a delay? Guess i will just try it out. But looking forward to it. Good job Millz
Amazing. But i used the wrong words. Let me try again. If the hotkey is turned on (save hog/cw) and adds come. You then press it again (to use hog cw), will it use it almost instant or will it have a delay? Guess i will just try it out. But looking forward to it. Good job Millz

Oh right, it should use it as soon as it can yeah. They're both quite high priority spells since they're on a cool down.
Oh right, it should use it as soon as it can yeah. They're both quite high priority spells since they're on a cool down.

Nice mate. You are my favourite coder :-)

Another understandig question. Please explain point by point because it effects the next question:

1. Will there be a hotkey for HoG and a seperate one for CW on/off or a single hotkey which turns both on/off ?

2. Let me guess we are on the operator thogar fight. So I disable HoG from the beginning to save it for the adds. The adds show up, we enable it again and the cr switches to meta and uses every 3 charges of CW ? What if we we have Cata ? Will it use first DS before cata and then CW or is CW higher ? DS - Cata - CW would be stronger because CW also benefits from DS.

3. Do we need to edit the CW Trigger for the operator Thogar fight to maybe 1 or should it be at 3, 4, ... ?

4. What if the hotkey disables both HoG/CW and we have CW trigger at 3. So there are 2 enemies up and we enable HoG/CW again, does the cr uses than HoG like hell ?

I don´t know after thinking about it my thoughts are because if we set the cw trigger to for example 4 but there are only 3 enemies up and because of many spell animations we can´t see the right amount of enemies it will than waste all HoG stacks. Maybe a implementation with checkboxes for HoG usage on/off and CW usage on/off would be a better fix because the cr can calculate faster than a player.

And of course please test this very good. You said a lot of time that a change to HoG would wipe the complete rotation so please don´t let this happen :-)
Nice mate. You are my favourite coder :-)

Another understandig question. Please explain point by point because it effects the next question:

1. Will there be a hotkey for HoG and a seperate one for CW on/off or a single hotkey which turns both on/off ?

2. Let me guess we are on the operator thogar fight. So I disable HoG from the beginning to save it for the adds. The adds show up, we enable it again and the cr switches to meta and uses every 3 charges of CW ? What if we we have Cata ? Will it use first DS before cata and then CW or is CW higher ? DS - Cata - CW would be stronger because CW also benefits from DS.

3. Do we need to edit the CW Trigger for the operator Thogar fight to maybe 1 or should it be at 3, 4, ... ?

4. What if the hotkey disables both HoG/CW and we have CW trigger at 3. So there are 2 enemies up and we enable HoG/CW again, does the cr uses than HoG like hell ?

I don´t know after thinking about it my thoughts are because if we set the cw trigger to for example 4 but there are only 3 enemies up and because of many spell animations we can´t see the right amount of enemies it will than waste all HoG stacks. Maybe a implementation with checkboxes for HoG usage on/off and CW usage on/off would be a better fix because the cr can calculate faster than a player.

And of course please test this very good. You said a lot of time that a change to HoG would wipe the complete rotation so please don´t let this happen :-)


1) No, just 1 key to disable both. If the conditions match for CW then it won't use HoG (i.e. the minimum number of units setting).

2) If Cata was off cooldown then it would use that first (it's higher priority than CW/HoG). So DS -> Cata -> CWx(charges)

3) Up to you. If you never want it to use HoG then set it to 1.

4) Depends on the setting for how many units within range for CW.
udpate today millz ??

Yeah it will be - I've just pushed it, but need to wait for it to be approved.

Update list:
- [Demonology] Fixed casting ToC when it should be casting Doom/Soul Fire.
- [Demonology] Dark Soul internal minimum fury requirement now only applies to conditions that requires Metamorphosis.
- [Demonology] Added hotkey toggle to enable/disable HoG & CW usage.
- Disabled LoS checks on Blackhand.
- Added Cataclysm on mouseover hotkey.
Yeah it will be - I've just pushed it, but need to wait for it to be approved.

Update list:
- [Demonology] Fixed casting ToC when it should be casting Doom/Soul Fire.
- [Demonology] Dark Soul internal minimum fury requirement now only applies to conditions that requires Metamorphosis.
- [Demonology] Added hotkey toggle to enable/disable HoG & CW usage.
- Disabled LoS checks on Blackhand.
- Added Cataclysm on mouseover hotkey.

Can you please explain the two first topic a little bit ? I don´t really know what you mean with this. Maybe a example for better understanding. Ty
Can you please explain the two first topic a little bit ? I don´t really know what you mean with this. Maybe a example for better understanding. Ty


1) In some log files the debugging was printing out that it needed to cast either Doom or Soul Fire, but because ToC is the filler with no conditions it was casting that instead whilst spell queueing. It should just smooth the rotation out a bit.

2) This is to fix DS not always casting before Cataclysm when the setting is enabled.

1) In some log files the debugging was printing out that it needed to cast either Doom or Soul Fire, but because ToC is the filler with no conditions it was casting that instead whilst spell queueing. It should just smooth the rotation out a bit.

2) This is to fix DS not always casting before Cataclysm when the setting is enabled.

Thank you for the explanation. Now when you mentioned it. I have also experienced this that the cr went into meta and stoped casting all of a sudden. Than I exited manually meta and the cr casted again. I hope this will fix this issue.

And the second issue I have also experienced with cata. Sometimes the cr didn´t used DS before Cata if told so.

So we now need only a improve of the felguard/wrathguard to using whirlwind at x units and aoe as demo should be good enough.
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