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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Hey! I'm using Kink's guide posted earlier, but I have some questions about when to go into meta. His config is: Enter at 850, Cancel at 651. I guess the general consensus is that this setting is optimal, correct?
I also assume that we should generally start the fight with as much demonic power as possible, to go straight into a meta-demonbolt rotation?

Sorry for the stupid questions, I literally dinged my warlock yesterday and trying to figure things out :)
Hi Millz. After todays announcement that 6.1 will be released next week and demonbolt will be nerfed, are you aware of the rotation and specc changes for warlocks ? Actually the thougths are going to AD/GoServ/DS for ST because GoServ will be buffed with 6.1. Now is the best time to implement a drop down menu for switching adds for SoServ because actually you have changed it to spawn a second felguard.

What wil be the settings for meta switches (start/cancel) ? For sure we will play without the DS Glyph.

Maybe nilrem, chriasp or kevin have some informations which will be the way to go with 6.1.

I am asking because to have a quick and fast change maybe pushing the build out on tuesday next week so it will be ready on wednesday when the servers goes online. Hopefully HB will work on wednesday :-)
Enter at 850, Cancel at 651. I guess the general consensus is that this setting is optimal, correct?

Yes - this is generally the right thing to do when specced for demon bolt. When specced for cata, things change based on the fight.

I also assume that we should generally start the fight with as much demonic power as possible, to go straight into a meta-demonbolt rotation?

Always best to start with more demon fury for obvious reasons ( more time in meta )

Hi Millz. After todays announcement that 6.1 will be released next week and demonbolt will be nerfed, are you aware of the rotation and specc changes for warlocks ? Actually the thougths are going to AD/GoServ/DS for ST because GoServ will be buffed with 6.1. Now is the best time to implement a drop down menu for switching adds for SoServ because actually you have changed it to spawn a second felguard.

What wil be the settings for meta switches (start/cancel) ? For sure we will play without the DS Glyph.

Maybe nilrem, chriasp or kevin have some informations which will be the way to go with 6.1.

I am asking because to have a quick and fast change maybe pushing the build out on tuesday next week so it will be ready on wednesday when the servers goes online. Hopefully HB will work on wednesday :-)

There is still a lot of debate about this and there is no clear concise winner for single target. For AOE the anser is definitely GoSup - Cataclysm ( with dark soul glyph ). Demo will still be the top burst aoe spec in the game and no one can really match that. The other high aoe specs are actually all getting nerfs.

For single target, there is a toss up between Synergy - DS and Service - DS. There is also some debate in the early stages about demonbolt to 5 stacks instead of 4 ( this is still in its early stages of theorycrafting so for the time being lets ignore this.

Keep in mind though that demonbolt is still VIABLE. It is just not OP like it currently is. Sims currently have it as a 3-5% dps loss compared to affliction, which isn't that much in the grand scheme of things considering the significant power of demo cleave. Demonbolt still has the niche of on demand burst for things like flamebender ( the wolves ) and even with a 25% nerf it will still pull ahead of affliction on stuff like that. I do wish they would change the 25 % nerf to something like 12-15 %. That would bring demonbolt slightly ahead of Demonic Servatude and put affliction / demo on par with each other.

If you want my personal opinion since you asked, for the first week I am probably going affliction for ST and cata-demo for aoe fights. Once there are more accurate sims this will probably change though. I can't really tolerate demo without a fel/wrathguard unless it is a big dps boost...
Yes - this is generally the right thing to do when specced for demon bolt. When specced for cata, things change based on the fight.

Any sort of guideline on what fights should have longer and shorter? I can't actually play lock I just do it because my guild needs one...
Any sort of guideline on what fights should have longer and shorter? I can't actually play lock I just do it because my guild needs one...

Not to sound rude, but I don't agree with the mindset here.What I would do is strongly suggest you read up on how to play the class properly. You should always have a base idea of how to play a class if you intend to actually raid on it. Lets say HB is down for update and you have no idea how to play because you only used a CR, what are you going to do? Ditch raid? What happens if the CR is broken or isn't working properly? Great example is Tuesday when 6.1 releases. HB will most likely be down Tuesday night and you will have to DPS for yourself.

I use the CR on progression fights so that I can adapt and learn mechanics easier because I can focus on them, while the CR handles the rotation for me. No CR out there is going to 100% play your class without any knowledge of how the class works. I suggest you do some light reading on how demo works before you start using the CR, and as a general rule for any class you want to play.

It really depends on the fights phases. For instance, when I roll Cata I like to have long burst phases. With the CR set to 850 to 651 this means you have a very short burst phase in meta. Overall in the fight you will end up with the same amount of average DPS. But lets say for instance Thogar. It is better to be in meta so you can maximize DPS on the flamebinders + man of wars. They need to die ASAP so it is nice to have full demo fury for when they spawn. Pop cata + Chaos Waves and then spam the shit out of soul fire on the two adds that need to die asap. It is all really personal preference, but I do strongly suggest you get a working knowledge of the spec / class before you start raiding on the toon. This will help you with positioning as well as bad positioning / lots of movement will kill your DPS regardless of how good a CR is.

Just my two cents though :)
Hi Millz. Some update after playing this new ID. The HoG/CW hotkey works like a charm. From the last weeks I have pulled 30k more dps with this. Only two changes are really needed. The sound part of enabling/disabling hog/cw and of course a extra option for the felguard whirlwind to be casted at x units in range. This will even push the aoe to a higher level. Maybe you can push a new build before your Weekend leave. Whould be great mate. Thanks
Hi Millz. Another change request :-)

Can you please also add a trigger for HoG like you already did for CW ? I mean so we can decide if the cr should use HoG on 1, 2, 3, 4 ... targets ? CW is nice but in some situations where boss dmg is needed in aoe fights it is good to switch to HoG and use it on more targets stacked so we don´t need to always hit the hotkey. Thanks in advance.
Hi Millz,

Would it be possible to also get a extra option in de demo ds tab too enable DS before it will use CW. This would help a lot on fights like beastlord or any kind in the future when we need to play this aoe/cleave rotation with the new implemented cw/hog hotkey.

The current aoe mode setting of demonolgy is not actually used anymore at the moment I think for high end raiding. Would it be possible too make a new sort of aoe/cleave mode that would cover all the new requests we are making towards the aoe/cleave bosses?
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Hi Millz. Some update after playing this new ID. The HoG/CW hotkey works like a charm. From the last weeks I have pulled 30k more dps with this. Only two changes are really needed. The sound part of enabling/disabling hog/cw and of course a extra option for the felguard whirlwind to be casted at x units in range. This will even push the aoe to a higher level. Maybe you can push a new build before your Weekend leave. Whould be great mate. Thanks

Sound is coming in next build. "Hand of Gul'dan Enabled/Disabled".

Felstorm unit count is in next build too :)

Hi Millz. Another change request :-)

Can you please also add a trigger for HoG like you already did for CW ? I mean so we can decide if the cr should use HoG on 1, 2, 3, 4 ... targets ? CW is nice but in some situations where boss dmg is needed in aoe fights it is good to switch to HoG and use it on more targets stacked so we don´t need to always hit the hotkey. Thanks in advance.

Sure - next build.

Hi Millz,

Would it be possible to also get a extra option in de demo ds tab too enable DS before it will use CW. This would help a lot on fights like beastlord or any kind in the future when we need to play this aoe/cleave rotation with the new implemented cw/hog hotkey.

The current aoe mode setting of demonolgy is not actually used anymore at the moment I think for high end raiding. Would it be possible too make a new sort of aoe/cleave mode that would cover all the new requests we are making towards the aoe/cleave bosses?

Will do.
Question, when I activate Burst (trinket + Dark Soul: instability) the CR stops DPSing for a few seconds when entering Demo form - any ideas on this?

i wanted some hint about how to use the hotkeys, there is something i don't really understand.

for the aoe hotkey, is it a On/Off hotkey (push one time = On, push an other time = Off), or is it a hotkey that need to be push all along the time i need to aoe ?
and, if i use the hotkey, i have to uncheck the aoe box in demonology tab ?

CR is awesome, I have one feature request though. It pops Immolation Aura even when mobs are spread out or far away from me. Can we get a range check on it?
Can we disable use of hellfire in the AOE rotation for Demo spec?

Sick of standing in the back and watching it cast hellfire for no reason, awful for when in raids or dungeons!

I've had to disable it for now but I have to sacrifice the use of Chaos Wave so it doesn't use Hellfire.
Hi Millz. Some new requests:

1. The cr goes los on the Franzok and Hansgar fight on mythic because of the intelligent stomps. Can you please fix this because its possible to cast trough the stomps as on Oregorger.

2. Please change the opener because the cr uses 3 stacks and this delays the dp casts to much so its nearly impossible to link db with the 10 sec trinkets and ring procc at the beginning. Because of this the cr also stacks to about 350-400 fury which is too much. We only need 240 fury for the opener. Maybe stacking to 300 fury is also acceptable but everything above this ist too much.

3. You mentioned about a fix where the cr goes into meta and stands still doing nothing. This happens again. I always need then to cancel meta so the cr can start the rotation again.

Here is the log:


Can we disable use of hellfire in the AOE rotation for Demo spec?

Sick of standing in the back and watching it cast hellfire for no reason, awful for when in raids or dungeons!

I've had to disable it for now but I have to sacrifice the use of Chaos Wave so it doesn't use Hellfire.
Just make AOE count into a high number like 15 or 20.
My CR (paid) is not casting Demonbolt at all. What's going on? This is with every iteration for the past couple months, fresh installs and different toons. It just doesn't cast it at all.
Hi Millz. Some new requests:

1. The cr goes los on the Franzok and Hansgar fight on mythic because of the intelligent stomps. Can you please fix this because its possible to cast trough the stomps as on Oregorger.

2. Please change the opener because the cr uses 3 stacks and this delays the dp casts to much so its nearly impossible to link db with the 10 sec trinkets and ring procc at the beginning. Because of this the cr also stacks to about 350-400 fury which is too much. We only need 240 fury for the opener. Maybe stacking to 300 fury is also acceptable but everything above this ist too much.

3. You mentioned about a fix where the cr goes into meta and stands still doing nothing. This happens again. I always need then to cancel meta so the cr can start the rotation again.

Here is the log:

Warning for 1. - Millz this is situation like on Kargath in highmaul, be careful about this since if you make it as on Blackhand it might bug out wanting to dot the boss while he's out of the arena, will cripple routine also in normal and heroic mode since ID's are the same. Only way I see adding this is by some kind of detection of position of the stomp between us and boss, and as far as I know that is hell :D
Someone asked about rotation and stuff in 6.1, for now situation is that demonbolt isn't worth casting at all so most will go Demonic Servitude or Cataclysm (for padding meters). Best ST spec will be Affliction since the set bonuses give you the ability to get 100% Haunting spirits buff up. For cleave fights Destro will be top especially with buffs it's getting. Details will be known before tuesday. :D
Warning for 1. - Millz this is situation like on Kargath in highmaul, be careful about this since if you make it as on Blackhand it might bug out wanting to dot the boss while he's out of the arena, will cripple routine also in normal and heroic mode since ID's are the same. Only way I see adding this is by some kind of detection of position of the stomp between us and boss, and as far as I know that is hell :D

I don´t know if this will result in a different issue but actually its really annoying because we are playing the two camp tactic and in some stages there are a line of stomps between the caster and meele camp. This results in stoping the cr for approx 20-30 sec which is a huge dps loss. Especially when you have one boss in target than the cr goes in meta and uses DS to go into DB cycle but after this it stands still for the whole stomp duration.