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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

If the CR went in at Sub 20% and only casted soulfires in meta that would be a huge dps loss. It would need to calculate a TTD and work off that, not just set at 20%. On a normal boss 20% is plenty of time to get a full demon bolt cycle in.

Also, keep in mind bosses like iron maidens. One boss may have a low TTD but the other ones may still be at 10% or higher. I would rather not have the CR go into meta and waste demo fury on soulfires when there is still plenty of time left on the other two bosses for demon bolts. I think maybe a hotkey would be best to tell the addon to stop its demonbolt cycle and just pure soulfire spam maybe ? Not sure what the best approach here would be, but just going into meta and soulfiring sub 20% is a bad idea.

Yes i agree a hotkey would be appropriate
Any possibility to have a Checkbox for deactivating HoG usage so the cr can use chaos wave ? This would be a nice improvement for Darmac and Thogar. I know this is a benefit from playing manually but there must be a way where we can tell the cr that HoG to ignore and to burst aoe enemys with cw. I think this was the thing which was asked by Kevin. Also good to know when the mentioned update will be released ? Actually playing demo without these fixes is a hard life.

We also need a update for the add cleave wrathstorm/felstorm to be cast at X amount on Targets.

You said also that the usage of 3 HoG stacks is implemented but the cr handle this really stupid. It uses the first stack and than instant the second stack and than instant the third stack. This results in a huge delay in the opener so the timings for the procc CDs are really hard to sync properly.

Here is the log:


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I go from 150 fps ultra settings when HB is not running but as soon as I click start it drops to around 35 and is unplayble, sometimes drops to like 0-4 fps and freezes on me for up to 15 seconds and when it come back im dead and raid gets pissed at me. I have made multiple threads which never get any support please help.
Just got this and so far I like it. However with all the aoe in brf, it seems a bit underwhelming. First, Hellfire seems to do NO damage, I check meters and it's not even on there even though I am casting it. Is there any way to disable it? It's a worthless spell and upping the number for aoe kills the CR. Also, chaos wave would be outstanding on fights such as Kromag when 15-20 are out, but didn't see it used, any way to fix that?
Just got this and so far I like it. However with all the aoe in brf, it seems a bit underwhelming. First, Hellfire seems to do NO damage, I check meters and it's not even on there even though I am casting it. Is there any way to disable it? It's a worthless spell and upping the number for aoe kills the CR. Also, chaos wave would be outstanding on fights such as Kromag when 15-20 are out, but didn't see it used, any way to fix that?

Increase the AOE Mob count - this, if I recall will only effect Hellfire and not the rest of the rotation.
I go from 150 fps ultra settings when HB is not running but as soon as I click start it drops to around 35 and is unplayble, sometimes drops to like 0-4 fps and freezes on me for up to 15 seconds and when it come back im dead and raid gets pissed at me. I have made multiple threads which never get any support please help.

Set Enyo's Framelock to 20. Setting it higher won't improve DPS but just dump your FPS.
T17 Demonic Guide​

Basic Settings Guideline:
-- For maximum performance from your rotation, it is recommended you disable all and any settings that aren't currently in use. A good example being if the fight has fixate mechanics to disable Soulshatter to free up the unnecessary GCDs being used.

-- I will attach all of my setting files that I use for heroic/mythic raiding. They are labeled appropriately for the spec/talent combo that they are meant for. By default, doom's minimum HP value is set to 100,000 & Chaos bolt's at 75,000. Make sure to adjust hotkeys & defensive abilities to your preference as they are disabled by default for maximum performance and manual defensive usage, which is recommended. If you have an on-use trinket, be sure to set those to be used w/ Dark Soul as well.

-- Start every pull by pre-casting either Incinerate for Destruction (2.0-2.5 seconds on the pull timer), Soul Fire for demonology (roughly ~3.5 seconds on the pull timer) and Haunt as affliction (~2-2.5 seconds on the pull timer) w/ pre-pot. I will include macros for this at the bottom of the guide.

Talent/Spec Guideline:
Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Synergy
-- Single target spec.

Demonology - Demonbolt - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/cleave (2+ targets) spec.

Demonology - Cataclysm - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target/AoE spec.

Destruction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

Destruction - Cataclysm - Grim of Sacrifice
-- Cleave/Sustained AoE spec.

Affliction - Demonic Servitude - Grim of Supremacy
-- Single target spec.

-- During progression I strongly recommend speccing into Sacrifical Pact for fights with burst damage for huge mitigation. Dark regeneration also works well with glyph of healthstone and on fights where you are lacking the necessary heals, works good in combination with say healer cooldowns or brackenspore's healing mushroom.

Boss Specific Guide:
-- Specs are listed in priority in which I'd play on that specific fight. Current specs/talents are selected for Heroic Blackrock Foundry.
-- Remember to un-glyph Dark Soul as demonology when not using Demonbolt.
-- All specs/talent recommendations are for the highest theoretical DPS outcome on that fight. If you feel it would better help with progression to say take Demonbolt over cataclysm, then do so.

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Flamebender Ka'graz​
Spec/Talents: Demonology
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt

Hans'gar and Franzok​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet

Beastlord Darmac​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Fel Imp as pet

Operator Thogar​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Demonic Servitude

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Destruction > Affliction
-- If you can position yourself to be on a rune in the middle of the grasping earth hands then I recommend Cataclysm for Demonology/Destruction.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Supremacy/Cataclysm/Observer as pet

The Blast Furnace​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction >= Destruction
-- If adds staying alive are a non issue, I recommend demonbolt for more single target damage during progression.
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Cataclysm
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet
-- Destruction: Grimoire of Sacrifice/Cataclysm

The Iron Maidens​
Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Fel Imp as pet

Spec/Talents: Demonology > Affliction
-- Demonology: Grimoire of Synergy/Demonbolt
-- Affliction: Grimoire of Supremacy/SB: Haunt/Observer as pet

-- Incinerate Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Incinerate
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Incinerate

-- Soul Fire Pre-pull macro:
#showtooltip Soul fire
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Soul Fire

Guide Change Log:
[ 2/9/2015 ]: - Updated guide to support Blackrock Foundry bosses. Updated Rotation profiles with quality of life changes for BRF.

When attempting to load any profile, it sits on loading profile and doesn't do anything. I assume I am doing something wrong but there is no guide on this part.
Tried this out tonight (free 2 day premium version)

Demonology on training dummy with 620 ilvl = 22k dps over 10 minutes
Demonology in LFR Highmaul with 620 ilvl = 11k dps avg per boss fight

Any ideas as to why it would change so drastically? On most fights I just ignored fight mechanics and stood completely still. FPS average from 60 - 80. MS average around 75.
Hi Millz. You are right mate but this TTD Soulfire thing I have experienced yesterday on the flamebender kagraz fight but this was the first time I have ever experienced this so called "execute mode" since I am playing demo with demonic. I played so many times on a boss fight with high fury value and the cr don´t want to go into meta and cast soulfire near the end of a fight. This issue I have every time. Yesterday also we killed a boss and I finished the fight with 600-700 fury. I think this problem occcures when the demonbolt debuff is not up and the cr trys to build up the fury for demonbolt. Do you need a log or is this issue present on your to do list ?
Yes, this is exactly what i was trying to say. The CR doesnt go into META and cast soulfire on execute, it tries to build up fury for demonbolt!

I think a whole new seqence is needed for sub 20%, maybe tick a box for execute phase switch or something

It does have conditions in to switch into Metamorphosis specifically for the Soul Fire fury dump on low TTD - but I'll add some debugging into the log file and see what's going on with it. Maybe the 'execute trigger' isn't working correctly.

Any possibility to have a Checkbox for deactivating HoG usage so the cr can use chaos wave ? This would be a nice improvement for Darmac and Thogar. I know this is a benefit from playing manually but there must be a way where we can tell the cr that HoG to ignore and to burst aoe enemys with cw. I think this was the thing which was asked by Kevin. Also good to know when the mentioned update will be released ? Actually playing demo without these fixes is a hard life.

We also need a update for the add cleave wrathstorm/felstorm to be cast at X amount on Targets.

You said also that the usage of 3 HoG stacks is implemented but the cr handle this really stupid. It uses the first stack and than instant the second stack and than instant the third stack. This results in a huge delay in the opener so the timings for the procc CDs are really hard to sync properly.

Here is the log:

Disable HoG -> Just change CW to be cast on 1 unit to do that, but wouldn't recommend it.

3x HoG is used quickly in the opener so that it can get into Metamorphosis form. There's conditions for when it should and shouldn't delay stacking them.

Added x units in range for felstorm to my to-do list.

Should i use hardlock 1 and 2?

Anti-lag #1 and #2 in the Demonic GUI will improve your FPS. Enable hardlock in Enyo and TPS to around 15-30 (15ish if your FPS is bad, 30 if it's good).

I go from 150 fps ultra settings when HB is not running but as soon as I click start it drops to around 35 and is unplayble, sometimes drops to like 0-4 fps and freezes on me for up to 15 seconds and when it come back im dead and raid gets pissed at me. I have made multiple threads which never get any support please help.

There are issues with Honorbuddy's new overlay system which is causing FPS issues, but as Cere21 has said, lower your ticks per second value and it should improve.
Disable HoG -> Just change CW to be cast on 1 unit to do that, but wouldn't recommend it.

3x HoG is used quickly in the opener so that it can get into Metamorphosis form. There's conditions for when it should and shouldn't delay stacking them.

Added x units in range for felstorm to my to-do list.

Disable HOG is indeed not so good, but needed, too work with CW. On the beastmaster and thorgan fight we need the following actually, and maybe further into the xpac:

  • Hotkey to enable/disable Hog temporary for stacking up CW.
  • Checkbox when to use hog/cw on unitcount. Already implemented for cw.
Disable HOG is indeed not so good, but needed, too work with CW. On the beastmaster and thorgan fight we need the following actually, and maybe further into the xpac:

  • Hotkey to enable/disable Hog temporary for stacking up CW.
  • Checkbox when to use hog/cw on unitcount. Already implemented for cw.
Sorry but this is shit. Change all rotation via hotkeys for 1-2 bosses in all raid? That's bad for performance and for understanding how this settings work for all new and not so skilled old users. If you need something very specifically - pause your cr and do it manually. Don't ruin light and faster cr with really decent dps with trash supporting for "specifically aoe for 1 boss in all raid tier". Thank you.
Tried this out tonight (free 2 day premium version)

Demonology on training dummy with 620 ilvl = 22k dps over 10 minutes
Demonology in LFR Highmaul with 620 ilvl = 11k dps avg per boss fight

Any ideas as to why it would change so drastically? On most fights I just ignored fight mechanics and stood completely still. FPS average from 60 - 80. MS average around 75.

I am a little skeptical that you hit 22k dps unbuffed on a target dummy with 620 ilevel. Did you have some sort of buff that would increase your damage in some way ? This amount of DPS seems way to high for 620 and unbuffed, especially without the mastery buff. That mastery buff is a huge buff to our DPS. With 680 ilevel now I hit about 28k on a target dummy without buffs.

I would start there by looking at what buffs you had on you when you hit 22k dps.

As for LFR, with your ilevel you should probably be hitting around 17-20k dps if I had to guess. If you aren't hitting that then I suggest you look at kinks profiles and try and use them. They should boost your DPS significantly vs the default PVE settings. Also, make sure you load the aura list. Without an aura list your damage is going to suck.

EDIT : Just ran a simcraft with BIS 630 ilevel gear, and with full raid buffs + lust it comes our at 21274.3 DPS. That being said, I would definitely take a look at what "special" buffs you had on you when you were attacking the target dummy, and whether or not you were close enough to the dummy to get AOE in there, that boosts lock DPS significantly.
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Sorry but this is shit. Change all rotation via hotkeys for 1-2 bosses in all raid? That's bad for performance and for understanding how this settings work for all new and not so skilled old users. If you need something very specifically - pause your cr and do it manually. Don't ruin light and faster cr with really decent dps with trash supporting for "specifically aoe for 1 boss in all raid tier". Thank you.

Two problems here, one it is not just 1 fight, it is 2. With 10 bosses in the zone, that is 20% of the bosses. The CR in its current state is unusable on these two bosses making it only 80% effective in the current tier, no one does highmaul any more so I am not even including that in this calculation.

I agree with you the options posed are not the greatest. What if HOG / CW got the same treatment fire and brimstone has ? You can set the amount of targets where the CR goes into "cleave" or "aoe" mode for Demonology. Right now it only has high aoe count, which I am pretty sure almost everyone just sets to 1000 or something so it never kicks in. If we had a AOE / Cleave count the CR would save HOG / CW for the times when the units in range = the setting. By default it could just be 1 which would be normal standard rotation. If anything else it would pool HOG / CW ?

This is not my outright suggestion but just something to stir some debate and see what other peoples opinions are. I really hate the fact that I have to disable the CR completely for 2 fights in the tier because I can do 20k+ more DPS simply be spamming shadowbolt and saving CW for add phases. Simply saying "this is shit" isn't very constructive and honestly, makes people just read over your argument. Try to be constructive.
Two problems here, one it is not just 1 fight, it is 2. With 10 bosses in the zone, that is 20% of the bosses. The CR in its current state is unusable on these two bosses making it only 80% effective in the current tier, no one does highmaul any more so I am not even including that in this calculation.

I agree with you the options posed are not the greatest. What if HOG / CW got the same treatment fire and brimstone has ? You can set the amount of targets where the CR goes into "cleave" or "aoe" mode for Demonology. Right now it only has high aoe count, which I am pretty sure almost everyone just sets to 1000 or something so it never kicks in. If we had a AOE / Cleave count the CR would save HOG / CW for the times when the units in range = the setting. By default it could just be 1 which would be normal standard rotation. If anything else it would pool HOG / CW ?

This is not my outright suggestion but just something to stir some debate and see what other peoples opinions are. I really hate the fact that I have to disable the CR completely for 2 fights in the tier because I can do 20k+ more DPS simply be spamming shadowbolt and saving CW for add phases. Simply saying "this is shit" isn't very constructive and honestly, makes people just read over your argument. Try to be constructive.

As millz stated before hog is used in the opener and will get used in the normal rotation. This can be a 20-30k dps loss or even more depending on luck on beastmaster or thorgan.

I like the idea that it would react like fire and brimstone on certain fights.

In the beastmaster fight saving up for hog stacks is needed since the adds come at a rapid interval, for thorgan the interval is longer meaning there is a longer time of single target dps.
Making it work like fire and brimstone isnt enough imo. Having a hotkey to switch on the fly to pool hog stacks and working like fire and brimstone on X targets or going to normal rotation with a hotkey(cleave or semi aoe mode) would make the rotation very strong.
Making it work like fire and brimstone isnt enough imo. Having a hotkey to switch on the fly to pool hog stacks and working like fire and brimstone on X targets or going to normal rotation with a hotkey(cleave or semi aoe mode) would make the rotation very strong.

^ I agree with this here. Is something like this possible millz ?
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere but I tried and couldn't find it.

I have been using the Paid version for about 2 seeks and while I know that there have been some updates, I haven't received any message that my app has been updated, nor do I see how to update it. Do I need to do something manually to get the newest version ?

Thanks !
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere but I tried and couldn't find it.

I have been using the Paid version for about 2 seeks and while I know that there have been some updates, I haven't received any message that my app has been updated, nor do I see how to update it. Do I need to do something manually to get the newest version ?

Thanks !

CR's from the buddy store auto update. If you view the settings of the CR then the first page should have the list of updates, the date it was updated, and what was updated.
As millz stated before hog is used in the opener and will get used in the normal rotation. This can be a 20-30k dps loss or even more depending on luck on beastmaster or thorgan.

I like the idea that it would react like fire and brimstone on certain fights.

In the beastmaster fight saving up for hog stacks is needed since the adds come at a rapid interval, for thorgan the interval is longer meaning there is a longer time of single target dps.
Making it work like fire and brimstone isnt enough imo. Having a hotkey to switch on the fly to pool hog stacks and working like fire and brimstone on X targets or going to normal rotation with a hotkey(cleave or semi aoe mode) would make the rotation very strong.

This is not fair dude. There are a few people here like me who wants the help improving this cr because we would like to compete in the higher rankings and to have a fantastic rotation. We all know that most of the people here uses this for casual playing but it comes a time when somebody likes to also play in the higher rankings with this cr.

We all know that millz is a fantastic coder but we use this cr in the raids and like to support him to max out this cr.

This change with HoG on hotkey on/off would not bother normal players because millz can surely put HoG usage on default and every player can decide if he like to stack HoG or not.

So please millz fix this as fast as possible because every raid atm starts on Beastlord and it is actually not playable with this cr in its current state.