Thank you for the explanation. Now when you mentioned it. I have also experienced this that the cr went into meta and stoped casting all of a sudden. Than I exited manually meta and the cr casted again. I hope this will fix this issue.
And the second issue I have also experienced with cata. Sometimes the cr didn´t used DS before Cata if told so.
So we now need only a improve of the felguard/wrathguard to using whirlwind at x units and aoe as demo should be good enough.
There are too many pages in this thread, sorry. Can someone post a config file for demonology and affliction? in 647 demo (full ench) i do only 18k with the base settings
millz udpate soon ?? thanks
erf im starting raid mythic beast darmac
Is posibble to add option for dark soul usage for demonic fury above xxx for 4x demonbolt ? Cr cast after opener metaform, dark soul, doom and cancel metaform rest of dark soul is waste. And something is broken with opener i use prepot soulfire and cr cast hog, corruption, hog, hog when he should cast hog, corruption, shadowbolt, hog, shadowbolt, hog somone have this problem or this is intended ? here is log. i hope u understand my poor english![]()
You want dark soul for your opener, to not have that is a huge DPS loss since. This is when your ring, and all your trinkets will be proccing + your pre pot, you want that extra mastery from DS for those 2x demon bolts right off the pull. It will be up for the first x4 demon bolt anyway
If you aren't using the glyph - you need to be. This ensures that you will have DS up for every demon bolt cycle.
As for the rotation, i would assume it is doing this so it can get all 3 HOG's in before going into demon form for 2x demon bolts on the pull. Getting those 2x demon bolts in ASAP from the pull is very important so you don't miss out on the pre pot. Adding in those extra 2 shadowbolts might cause you to clip the potion on that second demon bolt.
Is posibble to add option for dark soul usage for demonic fury above xxx for 4x demonbolt ? Cr cast after opener metaform, dark soul, doom and cancel metaform rest of dark soul is waste. And something is broken with opener i use prepot soulfire and cr cast hog, corruption, hog, hog when he should cast hog, corruption, shadowbolt, hog, shadowbolt, hog somone have this problem or this is intended ? here is log. i hope u understand my poor english![]()
i can not use the cr since the buddystore proplem how can u do it anyone ?
Hi Millz. Can you please implement a sound for enabling and disabling HoG ? That would be really nice. Thanks in advance.
Not working cause of new build?
Yeah wasn't sure what to make it say. "Enabling hand of gul'dan and chaos wave" is quite a mouthful. I could just do "Enabled" / "Disabled".