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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

This is not fair dude. There are a few people here like me who wants the help improving this cr because we would like to compete in the higher rankings and to have a fantastic rotation. We all know that most of the people here uses this for casual playing but it comes a time when somebody likes to also play in the higher rankings with this cr.

We all know that millz is a fantastic coder but we use this cr in the raids and like to support him to max out this cr.

This change with HoG on hotkey on/off would not bother normal players because millz can surely put HoG usage on default and every player can decide if he like to stack HoG or not.

So please millz fix this as fast as possible because every raid atm starts on Beastlord and it is actually not playable with this cr in its current state.

Am i not helping too improve the routine? Kinda raiding at very high rating atm but for bestmaster and thorgan the cr is just missin 30 k dps.
Am i not helping too improve the routine? Kinda raiding at very high rating atm but for bestmaster and thorgan the cr is just missin 30 k dps.

Sorry dude this quote wasn't for you. I picked the false one because I am writing from a mobile device. Some posts over you there was a dude saying not to change HoG which is not so good at the actual state. HoG needs definitively an improvement as you said with hotkeys or something else. I apologize for the false quote.
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so ive tried 2 different cards to pay for this and it declines both cards, and i know both are good who do i need to contact please and ty

edit: changed the payment options and used paypal
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<Honorbuddy>/Routines/Demonic/<files in here>
When I use you're routine over singulars its a dp I start chopping and evenatally freeze for 20 seconds a few times every fight sometimes wiping the raid and thats unacceptable. Your routine is the ONLY routine i have lag and freezing issues with i've tried clean installs of HB, i've tried deleting DEMONIC settings folder and cache doesn't seem to fix issue. Any suggestions please. And it's not anything to do with my machine whether I am in ULTRA or LOW settings i have 125+ in combat fps without bot with it drops to 0-35 fps even on ST bosses like butcher i froze. Also my dps was ridculousy low only 15k for 650 demo on TECTUS! If you have skype or teamviewerto take a look at it that would be swell. I need it to be working for raids next week i already missed this week.


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And we got our 25% nerf to DB. Its going to kill the talent and Cata will become close to equal for ST. So lets have fun in BRF and padd the adds that doesnt even matter. /rant over. But I will have to do some math to check up whats going to be the best way to go in the future
And we got our 25% nerf to DB. Its going to kill the talent and Cata will become close to equal for ST. So lets have fun in BRF and padd the adds that doesnt even matter. /rant over. But I will have to do some math to check up whats going to be the best way to go in the future

That nerf will make us drop to medior tag along class again i guess. Wild stab in the dark, pvp related nerf i guess in some way.
Feels like blizzard want people playing some kind of aoe/cleave support role in brf. My 5 cents? They will nerf and buff everything so we play every talent.... weird the other spec's do not receive a buff.
That nerf will make us drop to medior tag along class again i guess. Wild stab in the dark, pvp related nerf i guess in some way.
Feels like blizzard want people playing some kind of aoe/cleave support role in brf. My 5 cents? They will nerf and buff everything so we play every talent.... weird the other spec's do not receive a buff.
Yeah. But cmon a 50% n3rf to DB in pvp in total.. They have no fuckings idea what they are doing. They are just pulling numbers out of their asses. After my calculations it will be a roughly 9-10% nerf to our ST and I think 3% could be allright. So I think maybe Affli will become our ST spec again. Our burst cleave will be really good with the DS buff, but who cares for adds that arent important
I am a little skeptical that you hit 22k dps unbuffed on a target dummy with 620 ilevel. Did you have some sort of buff that would increase your damage in some way ? This amount of DPS seems way to high for 620 and unbuffed, especially without the mastery buff. That mastery buff is a huge buff to our DPS. With 680 ilevel now I hit about 28k on a target dummy without buffs.

I would start there by looking at what buffs you had on you when you hit 22k dps.

As for LFR, with your ilevel you should probably be hitting around 17-20k dps if I had to guess. If you aren't hitting that then I suggest you look at kinks profiles and try and use them. They should boost your DPS significantly vs the default PVE settings. Also, make sure you load the aura list. Without an aura list your damage is going to suck.

EDIT : Just ran a simcraft with BIS 630 ilevel gear, and with full raid buffs + lust it comes our at 21274.3 DPS. That being said, I would definitely take a look at what "special" buffs you had on you when you were attacking the target dummy, and whether or not you were close enough to the dummy to get AOE in there, that boosts lock DPS significantly.

Just ran it again, standing where I was out of AoE range of the other target dummies and got up to 27k DPS at 629 ilvl. It is possible that it was spreading DoTs to the nearest target dummy and my addon just wasn't showing it. In any case, I still am dropping from that to 12-13k on boss fights. Was unable to find Kinks profiles for Highmaul. Could someone link those to me or point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Just ran it again, standing where I was out of AoE range of the other target dummies and got up to 27k DPS at 629 ilvl. It is possible that it was spreading DoTs to the nearest target dummy and my addon just wasn't showing it. In any case, I still am dropping from that to 12-13k on boss fights. Was unable to find Kinks profiles for Highmaul. Could someone link those to me or point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Use the Hotkey to turn Aoe off before you test it. And the kink profile is on page one
Use the Hotkey to turn Aoe off before you test it. And the kink profile is on page one

Aha, yes, that made a difference. 14k sustained. The link at the first page provides profiles for BRF which will be fine come next week, but since i'm only 629 I won't be running BRF normal modes. Does anyone have the profiles for Highmaul they could share? Thanks in advance!
MIllz, can you code so the bot dont uses hand of guldan when there is more than 3 mobs, instead have it using it in demon form.
MIllz I just bought your combat routine and whenever I go to log into honorbuddy it will stay at logging in stage until it then says not responding if I turn off streaming my paid combat routine it will then allow me to log in. any ideas???
MIllz I just bought your combat routine and whenever I go to log into honorbuddy it will stay at logging in stage until it then says not responding if I turn off streaming my paid combat routine it will then allow me to log in. any ideas???

A few ppl are having the same problem, myself included. HB blame the Botbases/CR's but i can log into Insanity + Enyo fine (sometimes) on my new key but unfortunately due to some person in Nigeria spamming my old email i cant access my password on my main key so i cant kill my streams on the store, so there goes a few hundred $$$ down the drain unless it gets sorted.
Aha, yes, that made a difference. 14k sustained. The link at the first page provides profiles for BRF which will be fine come next week, but since i'm only 629 I won't be running BRF normal modes. Does anyone have the profiles for Highmaul they could share? Thanks in advance!

The profiles themselves work in both BRF and HM.
can we have when demonbold talen is chose never go in metamorphosis to cast another thing than 4 demonbolt & 1 doom in regular cycle and 2 demonbolt & 1 doom just after pull.
Yes, the addition of a Hotkey to pause the usage of HoG would be a massive DPS increase in certain fights. That is if it isn't too hard to implement.
something wrong with either HonorBuddy or this Profile.
when i try to open honorbuddy it get stuck on the logging screen hanging .
when i disable this profile milz one i can login , when i reenable it its hang again .
i even downloaded a new honorbuddy without any modification . same problem
Hey Millz. I have a small request. To get the most out of the routine I have to play with suspend on keystroke. And I am also raidleading in my guild. Is it possible to get an option to ignore a specific button for the suspend on keystroke setting? Since I am using push to talk and the routine pauses when I do so
Just ran it again, standing where I was out of AoE range of the other target dummies and got up to 27k DPS at 629 ilvl. It is possible that it was spreading DoTs to the nearest target dummy and my addon just wasn't showing it. In any case, I still am dropping from that to 12-13k on boss fights. Was unable to find Kinks profiles for Highmaul. Could someone link those to me or point me in the right direction? Thanks!

There is no way you are reaching 27k dps with 629 ilevel single target. What damage meter are you using ? If recount, ditch that addon ASAP it is a pile of crap. Get skada of DETAILS! they are miles more accurate.

EDIT : I saw your updated post :P Ignore this, but if you are using recount you should still ditch that :)
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