This is not fair dude. There are a few people here like me who wants the help improving this cr because we would like to compete in the higher rankings and to have a fantastic rotation. We all know that most of the people here uses this for casual playing but it comes a time when somebody likes to also play in the higher rankings with this cr.
We all know that millz is a fantastic coder but we use this cr in the raids and like to support him to max out this cr.
This change with HoG on hotkey on/off would not bother normal players because millz can surely put HoG usage on default and every player can decide if he like to stack HoG or not.
So please millz fix this as fast as possible because every raid atm starts on Beastlord and it is actually not playable with this cr in its current state.
Am i not helping too improve the routine? Kinda raiding at very high rating atm but for bestmaster and thorgan the cr is just missin 30 k dps.