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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

For those interested, I've updated my guide to support Blackrock Foundry. The profiles have been updated as well.

If there's anything you'd like to see that is currently not in the guide, feel free to let me know!

This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank so much for all the work!!!
I'm surprised you recommend GoSyn and Demonbolt for Iron Maidens. I was beating our arms warrior when all 3 bosses were stacked using GoSup and Cata, pulling 38k at 671 ilvl at the end of the fight.
How do I turn off the sound / voice which tells me 'Burst enabled/disabled', please?

Thanks in advance! It's driving me nuts.

EDIT: NVM, think I found it but I can't delete post.
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15k low dps on BUTCHER at 635, and 14k on brac for some reason its going into metamorph early and casting other things besides demon bolt so i can only get 1 or 2 off instead of 4. lots of downtime is it just me or? please look at logs and let me know i was told this routine was good enough for mythics. And sometimes even at 800+ fury it doesnt cast chaos bolt, othertimes at around 200 it will metamorph and drain me to 0. Another thing is everyfight im either low or out of mana. I logged the fight and I ranked 8% in my bracket, i paid $20 man very disapointed rn said this was the best :/ please help.


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15k low dps on BUTCHER at 635, and 14k on brac for some reason its going into metamorph early and casting other things besides demon bolt so i can only get 1 or 2 off instead of 4. lots of downtime is it just me or? please look at logs and let me know i was told this routine was good enough for mythics. And sometimes even at 800+ fury it doesnt cast chaos bolt, othertimes at around 200 it will metamorph and drain me to 0.

If you haven't already download Kink's profiles just do it. I was seeing the same thing using the included PVE settings, but using Kink's settings my dps is much much better.

I saw an 8k+ improvement using Kinks as well, are you sure you are loading the profile correctly? Maybe your gear and/or stats are low.
Here is a log, this is loading kinks correctly right? And you guys using enyo too?...

I just noticed i get red text with like 200 of XML Error: Unknown tag and then seperate codes when i load profile.


I got the profile working uploaded logs and still only 21% in MY bracket wth guys :/ see
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Right just an update on what has been going on with me and this CR...

I am DEMO spec atm and i am topping meters in my guilds heroic raid and i am getting ranked top 30 in world using this CC. here's a few tips to anyone using this CR..

1, change your spec to Demonology
2, in demonology tab make sure you have the gap set to 100 fury or lower (example 971 cast meta 891 de-cast meta) the further the gap between these 2 lines means this - if you're at max cap fury and you move or something else your CR will continue to use NON demonbolt fury dmg and waste your fury so if you have a 200 or 300 or 400 gap the cr will use up all this fury and it wil not demonbolt till it's full again. So your gap needs to be very low like 100 or 80 or 70, the lower the gap the better chance it will cast demonbolt even while you move, from my experience the CR will wait till you stop moving and cast demonbolt.
3, i would reccomend turning AOE off because this CR will use Hellfire and a big range which is really dumb, just manually AOE
4, only cast dark soul on metamorph ONLY!

Right now something for the developer. Issues i have with the CR included below.

1, please fix the AOE so i can tick or untick a Hellfire box, the best aoe for us is Hand of guldan for high hp mobs and chaos wave for low hp mobs, hellfire is situational.
2, please make the CR dump ALL of it's fury on the BOSS low hp, like 10% dump fury or something. I have had so many times that the boss is 5% hp and i have 60%% fury and no demonbolt cooldown and the cr will only cast demonbolt at 100% fury.
3, it would be HIGHLY desirable if the CR would cast demonbolt on COOLDOWN in stacks of 4 like maybe have a setting like this --- cast demonbolt at a certain fury, the main problem with the cr is it wont cast demonbolt on DEBUFF cooldown expire

Thats all i can think of at the moment will be back with more shortly i presume.


P.S What is Kinks? Can someone tell me?
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15k low dps on BUTCHER at 635, and 14k on brac for some reason its going into metamorph early and casting other things besides demon bolt so i can only get 1 or 2 off instead of 4. lots of downtime is it just me or? please look at logs and let me know i was told this routine was good enough for mythics. And sometimes even at 800+ fury it doesnt cast chaos bolt, othertimes at around 200 it will metamorph and drain me to 0. Another thing is everyfight im either low or out of mana. I logged the fight and I ranked 8% in my bracket, i paid $20 man very disapointed rn said this was the best :/ please help.
Here is a log, this is loading kinks correctly right? And you guys using enyo too?...

I just noticed i get red text with like 200 of XML Error: Unknown tag and then seperate codes when i load profile.

You need to load the settings in the Demonic GUI. Click Class Config and load settings using the button in the lower left corner. That's the reason why you've got poor DPS.

I got the profile working uploaded logs and still only 21% in MY bracket wth guys :/

You need to remove that link, but you can't compare yourself in a bracket of 0-657 when you're at 637 ilvl. You're comparing yourself to people with 20 ilvl's higher.

Right just an update on what has been going on with me and this CR...

I am DEMO spec atm and i am topping meters in my guilds heroic raid and i am getting ranked top 30 in world using this CC. here's a few tips to anyone using this CR..

1, change your spec to Demonology
2, in demonology tab make sure you have the gap set to 100 fury or lower (example 971 cast meta 891 de-cast meta) the further the gap between these 2 lines means this - if you're at max cap fury and you move or something else your CR will continue to use NON demonbolt fury dmg and waste your fury so if you have a 200 or 300 or 400 gap the cr will use up all this fury and it wil not demonbolt till it's full again. So your gap needs to be very low like 100 or 80 or 70, the lower the gap the better chance it will cast demonbolt even while you move, from my experience the CR will wait till you stop moving and cast demonbolt.
3, i would reccomend turning AOE off because this CR will use Hellfire and a big range which is really dumb, just manually AOE
4, only cast dark soul on metamorph ONLY!

Right now something for the developer. Issues i have with the CR included below.

1, please fix the AOE so i can tick or untick a Hellfire box, the best aoe for us is Hand of guldan for high hp mobs and chaos wave for low hp mobs, hellfire is situational.
2, please make the CR dump ALL of it's fury on the BOSS low hp, like 10% dump fury or something. I have had so many times that the boss is 5% hp and i have 60%% fury and no demonbolt cooldown and the cr will only cast demonbolt at 100% fury.
3, it would be HIGHLY desirable if the CR would cast demonbolt on COOLDOWN in stacks of 4 like maybe have a setting like this --- cast demonbolt at a certain fury, the main problem with the cr is it wont cast demonbolt on DEBUFF cooldown expire

Thats all i can think of at the moment will be back with more shortly i presume.


P.S What is Kinks? Can someone tell me?


1) Increase the 'high aoe' value - it'll not cast hellfire until the number of units in range of you goes over this setting value.

2/3) It uses Soulfire to dump fury when the boss TTD is getting low. Demonbolt is restricted by the debuff. If some boss mechanics made the boss appear to die and then res fully again (i.e. immerseus), then it would break the rotation completely. As it stands currently it'll let the debuff drop then cast 4x Demonbolt. If the debuff had 30s left on it, and it cast a 5th Demonbolt, and the boss went back to full HP it would completely ruin DPS.

Kinks Guide: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/thebu...-warlock-routine-pve-pvp-903.html#post1822650
You need to load the settings in the Demonic GUI. Click Class Config and load settings using the button in the lower left corner. That's the reason why you've got poor DPS.

You need to remove that link, but you can't compare yourself in a bracket of 0-657 when you're at 637 ilvl. You're comparing yourself to people with 20 ilvl's higher.


1) Increase the 'high aoe' value - it'll not cast hellfire until the number of units in range of you goes over this setting value.

2/3) It uses Soulfire to dump fury when the boss TTD is getting low. Demonbolt is restricted by the debuff. If some boss mechanics made the boss appear to die and then res fully again (i.e. immerseus), then it would break the rotation completely. As it stands currently it'll let the debuff drop then cast 4x Demonbolt. If the debuff had 30s left on it, and it cast a 5th Demonbolt, and the boss went back to full HP it would completely ruin DPS.

Kinks Guide: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/thebu...-warlock-routine-pve-pvp-903.html#post1822650

Hi Millz. You are right mate but this TTD Soulfire thing I have experienced yesterday on the flamebender kagraz fight but this was the first time I have ever experienced this so called "execute mode" since I am playing demo with demonic. I played so many times on a boss fight with high fury value and the cr don´t want to go into meta and cast soulfire near the end of a fight. This issue I have every time. Yesterday also we killed a boss and I finished the fight with 600-700 fury. I think this problem occcures when the demonbolt debuff is not up and the cr trys to build up the fury for demonbolt. Do you need a log or is this issue present on your to do list ?
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Hi Millz. You are right mate but this TTD Soulfire thing I have experienced yesterday on the flamebender kagraz fight but this was the first time I have ever experienced this so called "execute mode" since I am playing demo with demonic. I played so many times on a boss fight with high fury value and the cr don´t want to go into meta and cast soulfire near the end of a fight. This issue I have every time. Yesterday also we killed a boss and I finished the fight with 600-700 fury. I think this problem occcures when the demonbolt debuff is not up and the cr trys to build up the fury for demonbolt. Do you need a log or is this issue present on your to do list ?

Yes, this is exactly what i was trying to say. The CR doesnt go into META and cast soulfire on execute, it tries to build up fury for demonbolt!

I think a whole new seqence is needed for sub 20%, maybe tick a box for execute phase switch or something
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Yes, this is exactly what i was trying to say. The CR doesnt go into META and cast soulfire on execute, it tries to build up fury for demonbolt!

I think a whole new seqence is needed for sub 20%, maybe tick a box for execute phase switch or something

If the CR went in at Sub 20% and only casted soulfires in meta that would be a huge dps loss. It would need to calculate a TTD and work off that, not just set at 20%. On a normal boss 20% is plenty of time to get a full demon bolt cycle in.

Also, keep in mind bosses like iron maidens. One boss may have a low TTD but the other ones may still be at 10% or higher. I would rather not have the CR go into meta and waste demo fury on soulfires when there is still plenty of time left on the other two bosses for demon bolts. I think maybe a hotkey would be best to tell the addon to stop its demonbolt cycle and just pure soulfire spam maybe ? Not sure what the best approach here would be, but just going into meta and soulfiring sub 20% is a bad idea.
If the CR went in at Sub 20% and only casted soulfires in meta that would be a huge dps loss. It would need to calculate a TTD and work off that, not just set at 20%. On a normal boss 20% is plenty of time to get a full demon bolt cycle in.

Also, keep in mind bosses like iron maidens. One boss may have a low TTD but the other ones may still be at 10% or higher. I would rather not have the CR go into meta and waste demo fury on soulfires when there is still plenty of time left on the other two bosses for demon bolts. I think maybe a hotkey would be best to tell the addon to stop its demonbolt cycle and just pure soulfire spam maybe ? Not sure what the best approach here would be, but just going into meta and soulfiring sub 20% is a bad idea.

Make some sort of execute mode like the pvp burst mode but then for pve.