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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Is there anyway to blacklist units then ? I am assuming you did something similiar with the immune mobs on blast furnace? There is never a reason to dot the pack adds over spears. If you are doing that, you are wasting GCD's

Yeah I can blacklist units pretty easy. Just need their ID's.
Yeah I can blacklist units pretty easy. Just need their ID's.


Not everyone and every raid plays the same. Besides if you spec Cata which you should for that fight you won't have a problem. Gimping everyone elses performance is out of the quiestion. What if someone plays destro? why blacklist them when he benefits from havoc? or affliction? what will we dot? ourselves?

@Kevin8597 you should rather learn to spec properly for the fight instead of maximizing your fury by disabling adds for everyone.

Not everyone and every raid plays the same. Besides if you spec Cata which you should for that fight you won't have a problem. Gimping everyone elses performance is out of the quiestion. What if someone plays destro? why blacklist them when he benefits from havoc? or affliction? what will we dot? ourselves?

@Kevin8597 you should rather learn to spec properly for the fight instead of maximizing your fury by disabling adds for everyone.

Nilrem2004 is right here. With the change to decide if you like to cata in normal or demo form you can cast cata in normal on these enemys so everyone will have corruption up so you will gain a huge fury reg. Beside this you can´t choose beastlord heroic for any suggestions. The adds don´t have much life because of this they die really fast. So the owls, warris and so on can enjoy life because they have a quick and strong aoe. This fight will change in mythic because these adds will have more life so they will live for a longer time. This results in better aoe for us warlocks.

If you like to multi dot these weapons than you can pick some weapons into your first target. This will result in dotting this target if the target don´t have applied dots.
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Not everyone and every raid plays the same. Besides if you spec Cata which you should for that fight you won't have a problem. Gimping everyone elses performance is out of the quiestion. What if someone plays destro? why blacklist them when he benefits from havoc? or affliction? what will we dot? ourselves?

@Kevin8597 you should rather learn to spec properly for the fight instead of maximizing your fury by disabling adds for everyone.

I know how to play the spec, and I know that dotting an add that is alive for 3-4 seconds is not efficient nor worth the GCD of doing so. If you are destruction for the fight, you really need to learn what spec to play on which fight.

As for cataclysm, I never said to black list them for cata, I said for the hard casting of corruption and especially doom. If you are casting doom on those adds then you need to rethink playing a warlock. The adds simply should NOT be up long enough for corruption or doom to be worth the GCD of casting it, if they are, then your raid needs to analyze how they are handling the adds and deal with them better.

For destruction. No idea why you would ever want to go destruction for this as Demo will FAR outperform destruction on this fight, and every fight in BRF for that matter. If you are destruction, you should be havocing spears, not adds except for shadow burn sniping - which again - isn't dotting the mobs. The only one case I could see where my suggestion would impact in the way you are saying is for Fire and brimstone immolate, but again, you really shouldn't be destruction on this fight.

For affliction, again, the adds are NOT up long enough for multi dotting to be effective, if they are, again look at your raid comp and fix that. The goal is to burn the adds within 4-5 seconds. If they are alive longer then that then your raid needs more AOE to deal with the adds. Affliction should be multi dotting the spears, not the wolf packs. And - as I mentioned before with destruction, you REALLY should not be affliction on this fight. Being affliction on beast lords is just a bad choice. There is a reason why there is 1 affliction lock in the top 1000 parses for warlocks on heroic beast lord, because its a bad spec choice for the fight. Destro is more prominent then affiction, but still less then 10 % of locks are destro within the top 1000. You should be demo here, if you aren't you should switch.
Nilrem2004 is right here. With the change to decide if you like to cata in normal or demo form you can cast cata in normal on these enemys so everyone will have corruption up so you will gain a huge fury reg.

The adds spawn faster then the cool down of cata. While the adds are up and I don't have cata up, I dont want to be spamming corruptions on targets that are going to die within 4 seconds. Complete waste of time, GCD's that could be better spent dotting spears, or DPS'ing the boss ( or CW if it is up )

Maybe mythic will change things, but for right now the adds simply don't live long enough to warrent manually casting dots on them.
If the blacklist option is to completely blacklist them, then yes - I don't want that either, we still need them for cata + CW + hog

but if we could blacklist them from hard casting corruption and doom, this would be a DPS boost overall. And if it was just frmo corruptoin + doom, it wouldn't affect the other two specs
Still working on it at the moment, but this is the change list for the next build so far:

- All movement checks are now ignored when Aspect of the Fox is active.
- [Demonology] Adjusted the opener timings to suit the higher fury requirement. This will help Dark Soul and 2x Demonbolt cast.
- [Demonology] Chaos Wave can now be configured for how many units are required to hit.
- [Demonology] Cataclysm can now be configured to cast in normal or demon form.
- [Demonology] Added setting to use Dark Soul before casting Cataclysm.
- Removed the delay for cast on ground abilities.
- Added support for food items that provide the buff 'Refreshment' instead of Food/Drink.

Thank you millz for a fast fix but life is so boring because we now need to wait 12 hours when the HB-Team approves these changes. Thank you very much so I need to play tonight again with a broken Demonbolt opener ...
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I know how to play the spec, and I know that dotting an add that is alive for 3-4 seconds is not efficient nor worth the GCD of doing so. If you are destruction for the fight, you really need to learn what spec to play on which fight.

As for cataclysm, I never said to black list them for cata, I said for the hard casting of corruption and especially doom. If you are casting doom on those adds then you need to rethink playing a warlock. The adds simply should NOT be up long enough for corruption or doom to be worth the GCD of casting it, if they are, then your raid needs to analyze how they are handling the adds and deal with them better.

For destruction. No idea why you would ever want to go destruction for this as Demo will FAR outperform destruction on this fight, and every fight in BRF for that matter. If you are destruction, you should be havocing spears, not adds except for shadow burn sniping - which again - isn't dotting the mobs. The only one case I could see where my suggestion would impact in the way you are saying is for Fire and brimstone immolate, but again, you really shouldn't be destruction on this fight.

For affliction, again, the adds are NOT up long enough for multi dotting to be effective, if they are, again look at your raid comp and fix that. The goal is to burn the adds within 4-5 seconds. If they are alive longer then that then your raid needs more AOE to deal with the adds. Affliction should be multi dotting the spears, not the wolf packs. And - as I mentioned before with destruction, you REALLY should not be affliction on this fight. Being affliction on beast lords is just a bad choice. There is a reason why there is 1 affliction lock in the top 1000 parses for warlocks on heroic beast lord, because its a bad spec choice for the fight. Destro is more prominent then affiction, but still less then 10 % of locks are destro within the top 1000. You should be demo here, if you aren't you should switch.

First of all you are not here to tell who will play what spec, maybe someone likes to play destruction or affliction( affliction for your information has corruption also) and people should play whatever spec they like or want to play without you limiting them. Second for Doom you have minimum HP option in settings, should learn to use it to prevent problems of dotting wrong adds. Third just because you don't see someone's parses doesn't mean another spec is not viable for the fight. I'm making numbers with affliction that you can't imagine with demo.
We are not here to improve performance for particular encounter because it's hard to tune routine that way, we are here to make it overall better on all encounters. btw if your raid tanks boss where adds spawn and you are on max range of the boss down the hall you won't have problems in dotting corruption on adds that die fast, you just need to learn to position yourself and not expect the routine to do that for you.

Gosh, next we will have people complaining that Demonic should automatically move them out of fire..... -.-
@Kevin8597 you should rather learn to spec properly for the fight instead of maximizing your fury by disabling adds for everyone.

First of all you are not here to tell who will play what spec, maybe someone likes to play destruction or affliction

Do you not see how you are conflicting your own statements ? You told me that I should learn to spec properly, so I countered your statement by, with numbers to back me up, showing you that destro / affliction are speccing improperly for this fight. You state you have hit massive numbers with affliction on this fight yet there isn't a single ranking in the top 1000 for affliction, and I don't care to go back further then that. And as for not playing the class or positioning, turning off the CR got me into that top 1000 due to not wasting GCD's on the adds.

If you are ranking really high with affliction on this fight, then simply put, your raid lacks AOE. If your raid lacks the aoe to burst down the adds... then maybe you can multi dot efficiently, but then it just means demo would become even stronger because you would get more chaos waves in one the adds. It is incredibly common knowledge that afflictions aoe is incredibly poor, and even blizzard has confirmed this. The niche of affliction is, generally, sustained multi target where the targets are spread out more then 6 yards apart. Something that you MAY be able to get off the spears / beastlord but in the end, demo with proper chaos wave timing will burn affliction every time. It is not a skill thing, is simply mechanics of the class. It is not a matter of seeing everyones parses or not, the mechanics of the beastlord fight, if done correctly, are favored by demo, simply put. There is a reason why every single one of the top locks in the game are going demo, and there is a reason why the top 1000 logs for this fight are 90% demo, it is the best option for this fight.Even if you look at Kinks profiles for demonic ( just updated them today or yesterday ) didn't even bother to show an affliction one, since you just shouldn't be affliction on this fight.

In the future if you are going to make a statement to someone telling them to learn how to spec, and then they counter you with your argument, you shouldn't then state that it is not their right to tell people how to spec, because in the end it isn't yours either. If you want to attack someones ability to play, you should do so in a private message, not directly in the forums. This will be my last reply to you on the matter as I don't want to litter Millz thread with this stuff.
ugh.. why does it feel like people want to get out of answering a question by asking for a log. Now.. before i continue, i do and will owe you a full apology if the issue in question is due to a problem in which the logs are relevant to solving. That being said, if it isnt summoning the pet after death... id like to think its just a setting somewhere. I paid for millz, i started the profile within grindbot with the trap plugin enabled, and didnt touch anything else. pet summoning isnt on by default then?

ughg.. anyhow, i switched to singular and it worked hunky dory.

I guess if i ever want to switch back ill have to post a log so in the name of saving both of our times.. ill attach one next time.
I only pull 12k on butcher at 630 while others same ilvl pulling 16k+. I also notice there are alot of long pauses like I will target add and it doesnt attack so i place corruption on target and it doesnt start attacking for 10 seconds then it will stop casting for a while.
Do you not see how you are conflicting your own statements ? You told me that I should learn to spec properly, so I countered your statement by, with numbers to back me up, showing you that destro / affliction are speccing improperly for this fight. You state you have hit massive numbers with affliction on this fight yet there isn't a single ranking in the top 1000 for affliction, and I don't care to go back further then that. And as for not playing the class or positioning, turning off the CR got me into that top 1000 due to not wasting GCD's on the adds.

If you are ranking really high with affliction on this fight, then simply put, your raid lacks AOE. If your raid lacks the aoe to burst down the adds... then maybe you can multi dot efficiently, but then it just means demo would become even stronger because you would get more chaos waves in one the adds. It is incredibly common knowledge that afflictions aoe is incredibly poor, and even blizzard has confirmed this. The niche of affliction is, generally, sustained multi target where the targets are spread out more then 6 yards apart. Something that you MAY be able to get off the spears / beastlord but in the end, demo with proper chaos wave timing will burn affliction every time. It is not a skill thing, is simply mechanics of the class. It is not a matter of seeing everyones parses or not, the mechanics of the beastlord fight, if done correctly, are favored by demo, simply put. There is a reason why every single one of the top locks in the game are going demo, and there is a reason why the top 1000 logs for this fight are 90% demo, it is the best option for this fight.Even if you look at Kinks profiles for demonic ( just updated them today or yesterday ) didn't even bother to show an affliction one, since you just shouldn't be affliction on this fight.

In the future if you are going to make a statement to someone telling them to learn how to spec, and then they counter you with your argument, you shouldn't then state that it is not their right to tell people how to spec, because in the end it isn't yours either. If you want to attack someones ability to play, you should do so in a private message, not directly in the forums. This will be my last reply to you on the matter as I don't want to litter Millz thread with this stuff.

Dont Blacklist this mobs....DSome points for me why DONT do this....

1st. i play demo, my other lock in raid plays affli, also at darmac....me makes ~60k dps, rankes top 100, with no probglems with the adds, bro makes ~50k dps as affliction, dottin ALL of the mobs that are in range, and where TTD says it gets a dot cause it live long enough...
2nd: like nilrem said, everyone got a other bosstactic....ours is to meleecleave the adds and fokus only boss....this means, that everyone fokuses boss, except the melees and the locks, cause we havent everytime a drood in the raid.
3rd. i only see that u have a problem with the adds, nilrem makes it clear why we dont need this option....mostly cause i also know that when they make this option now, than everyone comes running out in mythic, ALSO you, whining round why they cant dot down the adds at darmac and that this routine is broken and blaa blaa blaa....its not the first time that this happens....

Cause of this, i hope that this blacklist will NOT be done, cause it will end in a chaos and in more problems as it makes....

but good tip from my side....domm cast minimum hp will save ur live if u dont want to dot this adds....and stay at the entrance of the boss, cause than u dont have the adds in range for dotcleave....

only my few cents to this....

Hello Millz,

I have a some problem. If I play affliction it works amazing but if I switch to demonology and change my setting to reflect that. My warlock just stands there and doesn't do anything. This happens with both the normal and beta HB. I going to link the last few logs I had.


In addition, in raid I just notice it will use demonbolt..it just spams touch of chaos.

View attachment 14072 2015-02-11 01.23.txtView attachment 15912 2015-02-11 00.44.txtView attachment 17436 2015-02-11 01.48.txt
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ugh.. why does it feel like people want to get out of answering a question by asking for a log. Now.. before i continue, i do and will owe you a full apology if the issue in question is due to a problem in which the logs are relevant to solving. That being said, if it isnt summoning the pet after death... id like to think its just a setting somewhere. I paid for millz, i started the profile within grindbot with the trap plugin enabled, and didnt touch anything else. pet summoning isnt on by default then?

ughg.. anyhow, i switched to singular and it worked hunky dory.

I guess if i ever want to switch back ill have to post a log so in the name of saving both of our times.. ill attach one next time.

A log is needed to see where to routine went wrong. If you don't supply a log we can see absolutely nothing of your issue. It's not a scapegoat.

Hello Millz,

I have a some problem. If I play affliction it works amazing but if I switch to demonology and change my setting to reflect that. My warlock just stands there and doesn't do anything. This happens with both the normal and beta HB. I going to link the last few logs I had.


View attachment 167701View attachment 167702View attachment 167703

You need to restart Honorbuddy when you switch specs.
Still working on it at the moment, but this is the change list for the next build so far:

- All movement checks are now ignored when Aspect of the Fox is active.
- [Demonology] Adjusted the opener timings to suit the higher fury requirement. This will help Dark Soul and 2x Demonbolt cast.
- [Demonology] Chaos Wave can now be configured for how many units are required to hit.
- [Demonology] Cataclysm can now be configured to cast in normal or demon form.
- [Demonology] Added setting to use Dark Soul before casting Cataclysm.
- Removed the delay for cast on ground abilities.
- Added support for food items that provide the buff 'Refreshment' instead of Food/Drink.

Hi Millz. Some information when will this fix be released ? I watched right now but can´t see a approval of HB-Team. Have you pushed it out ?
A log is needed to see where to routine went wrong. If you don't supply a log we can see absolutely nothing of your issue. It's not a scapegoat.

You need to restart Honorbuddy when you switch specs.

ok thank you for the quick response....also you know why it doesn't want to cast demonbolt?
Do you not see how you are conflicting your own statements ? You told me that I should learn to spec properly, so I countered your statement by, with numbers to back me up, showing you that destro / affliction are speccing improperly for this fight. You state you have hit massive numbers with affliction on this fight yet there isn't a single ranking in the top 1000 for affliction, and I don't care to go back further then that. And as for not playing the class or positioning, turning off the CR got me into that top 1000 due to not wasting GCD's on the adds.

If you are ranking really high with affliction on this fight, then simply put, your raid lacks AOE. If your raid lacks the aoe to burst down the adds... then maybe you can multi dot efficiently, but then it just means demo would become even stronger because you would get more chaos waves in one the adds. It is incredibly common knowledge that afflictions aoe is incredibly poor, and even blizzard has confirmed this. The niche of affliction is, generally, sustained multi target where the targets are spread out more then 6 yards apart. Something that you MAY be able to get off the spears / beastlord but in the end, demo with proper chaos wave timing will burn affliction every time. It is not a skill thing, is simply mechanics of the class. It is not a matter of seeing everyones parses or not, the mechanics of the beastlord fight, if done correctly, are favored by demo, simply put. There is a reason why every single one of the top locks in the game are going demo, and there is a reason why the top 1000 logs for this fight are 90% demo, it is the best option for this fight.Even if you look at Kinks profiles for demonic ( just updated them today or yesterday ) didn't even bother to show an affliction one, since you just shouldn't be affliction on this fight.

In the future if you are going to make a statement to someone telling them to learn how to spec, and then they counter you with your argument, you shouldn't then state that it is not their right to tell people how to spec, because in the end it isn't yours either. If you want to attack someones ability to play, you should do so in a private message, not directly in the forums. This will be my last reply to you on the matter as I don't want to litter Millz thread with this stuff.

I dare you quote me where I said I play affliction on THAT particular fight. Learning english language, reading with understanding is your top priority not specc, sorry my mistake.
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Let's keep the thread friendly guys - we're all here with the same goal :)

I only pull 12k on butcher at 630 while others same ilvl pulling 16k+. I also notice there are alot of long pauses like I will target add and it doesnt attack so i place corruption on target and it doesnt start attacking for 10 seconds then it will stop casting for a while.

Post a log file please.

How To Attach a Log

Hi Millz. Some information when will this fix be released ? I watched right now but can´t see a approval of HB-Team. Have you pushed it out ?

I've not pushed it yet. There was issues with the store beta version compiler yesterday that prevented me from testing it.

ok thank you for the quick response....also you know why it doesn't want to cast demonbolt?

Need a log file for this, but make sure your 'cast demonic fury' value is above 800.