Do you not see how you are conflicting your own statements ? You told me that I should learn to spec properly, so I countered your statement by, with numbers to back me up, showing you that destro / affliction are speccing improperly for this fight. You state you have hit massive numbers with affliction on this fight yet there isn't a single ranking in the top 1000 for affliction, and I don't care to go back further then that. And as for not playing the class or positioning, turning off the CR got me into that top 1000 due to not wasting GCD's on the adds.
If you are ranking really high with affliction on this fight, then simply put, your raid lacks AOE. If your raid lacks the aoe to burst down the adds... then maybe you can multi dot efficiently, but then it just means demo would become even stronger because you would get more chaos waves in one the adds. It is incredibly common knowledge that afflictions aoe is incredibly poor, and even blizzard has confirmed this. The niche of affliction is, generally, sustained multi target where the targets are spread out more then 6 yards apart. Something that you MAY be able to get off the spears / beastlord but in the end, demo with proper chaos wave timing will burn affliction every time. It is not a skill thing, is simply mechanics of the class. It is not a matter of seeing everyones parses or not, the mechanics of the beastlord fight, if done correctly, are favored by demo, simply put. There is a reason why every single one of the top locks in the game are going demo, and there is a reason why the top 1000 logs for this fight are 90% demo, it is the best option for this fight.Even if you look at Kinks profiles for demonic ( just updated them today or yesterday ) didn't even bother to show an affliction one, since you just shouldn't be affliction on this fight.
In the future if you are going to make a statement to someone telling them to learn how to spec, and then they counter you with your argument, you shouldn't then state that it is not their right to tell people how to spec, because in the end it isn't yours either. If you want to attack someones ability to play, you should do so in a private message, not directly in the forums. This will be my last reply to you on the matter as I don't want to litter Millz thread with this stuff.