Millz --You can enable the cancel casting too (a lot of people do), and it'll help to kill off low HP units (which, if they die within 5 seconds, gives you a free ember).
Immolate -> Force between 4500 and 7500. Pandemic @ 1, Any @ 30/50, amount = 3 or 4 (we're only really using it to generate embers when multi dotting), and minimum HP depends on what instance you're doing it in. 10 man / LFR = 5mill... 25 man... 10m? For heroics add an extra 5m onto those.
Not exactly sure on good HP values, that's just a bit of trial and error I suppose.
Any Reason Unending Resolve casts every time its off cd? i have it set to cast @ sub 40% my hp , and unchecked Enemy hp
good profile, played as afli with it in rbgs.
my thoughts are:
its loosing a lot of dps thinking totems are players - also finding its focosing too much on "minor" pets such as imp's from warlocks or snakes from hunters snake trap
the way it refreshes dots and doesn't clip them is really nice though
Could you possibly look into setting up a way to fire off the Doomguard and/or Infernal based on health? I'd love to be able to set them as an "oh sh!t!" button if I'm grinding somewhere and things get to hairy. As it stands I try to fire them off manually, but that can be difficult to get through with how efficient your CR is as slamming through the other abilities. =)
from someone that has never used the bot to do BG / Arena. What is the "best" one to use?
Also, what should i be aware off when using this for BG botting? I expect for now to sit and control the movement myself to avoid looking too much like a bot
Millz --
Using these settings I've seen a big difference in DPS against the training dummies. I gained about 20k DPS using your new Auras list and the settings you provided/suggested. However, there is one thing I'm not seeing in the config section (I could have just looked over it since there are so many options) and that's to Life Tap at low mana. Any chance of getting that put in the GUI somewhere? If it's there, can you direct me to it?
Right now, with ilvl 505 and your provided suggested setup, I'm getting 108k sustained DPS on training dummies in Shrine of the Seven Stars.
latest SVN
I guess i'm being really thick here, but before i purchase the premium routine, i'm testing the free version.
With normal honorbuddy and questing bot, it moves to the hotspots and doesnt attack?
Hey do you have a website for the paid version? What is the difference from the free just the movement?
Hi Millz,
as u can see in log, during Galakras 2nd phase ([22:24:04.431 N]) and for the 90% Thok fight ([23:13:04.912 N], [23:11:25.918 N]), routine didn't worked and continue to channel malefic grasp ignoring dots. My wrong?
Can u also pm me with premium version details?
Hey Millz, Been doing some arena spam with the CR, havnt used it in a while, last time i tried too use it in pvp it was a little Rusty, But after much arena spam with the newer version, Damn is it good, Honestly its so smooth, i never get lagg or stutters with framelock on, its keeps them DoTs rolling as affliction like an absolute DoT God, i have nothing remotely negative too say about it at this point, So impressed right now with its performance as affliction in arena.
I do how even have a couple suggestions -
1) As affliction, main spec runs with soulink for the 20% passive / Supremecy / Resolve glyph for the 10% passive, So the pet is a massive part of the survival /damage/controll package here, So if its not allready impelmented automatocly, could i request an option too Soulburn+Healthfunnel (i use healthfunnel glyph personaly so its instant and doesnt slow me down having too channe) on a set Health% on the pet, soulburn + healthfunnle makes the heal 140% stronger and gives the pet a mini 30% shield wall, i feel this could be an important tool, as good team will try and kill the pet, so good locks have too respond, or face the nightmare of having too re summon, I guess its a toss up between using the shard too heal the pet and keep it alive or just summon another pet, but i find the CR prioratises soulburn for other stuff even when you 100% need the pet before anything else, the pet is that important.
2) Sometimes in high end arena its advisable against some comps too roll with an imp, for obv reasons being the disspell, it can be a game breaker, i notice you have put allot of work into the new pet section, could we have an option in there for disppeling Traps / poly / Ect, I didnt try any recently with an imp myself because i face nothing but warriors atm, Im assuming the CR doesnt allready do this, Same with the voidwalker Disarm, could we have a disarm on CDs, Baldestorm / unholy frenzy/ shadow dance ect ect.
These are very minor suggestions that could have a huge impact on arena matches, These are the only suggestions i can think of because frankly everything else is soo good in the CR atm, Goodjob!
Oh another thing i was wondering about, in the curse section, PvP exhaution/enfeeblement, i was wondering what the logic was behind this, For example, A warrior whaling on me as they frequently do, Does the CR prio Slowing him so i can kite melee range or does it enfeeble so his damage on me is reduced?