New log,
Here's from a freshly installed one i already tried that as u suggested, but there was no difference.
And as i said, this only happens with premium for me
free version works fine.
Greetings. In spec "destruction" has only the sacrificial fire. In the setting of the branch "destruction" all set and saved. What am I doing wrong?
Has it ever worked, or has this just started ? Did you rename the Honorbuddy.exe file ?
Респекнулся - перезапусти ХБ.Проблема в следующем. В спеке "разрушение" лок атакует только заклинанием "жертвенный огонь". Он не кастует "стрелу хаоса", не кастует "поджигание". В настройках спека выставил всё, как на скринах на 1ой странице.
No the premium version has never worked for me, only the free. no i have never renamed my honorbuddy.exe
Also got tuanha premium, that one works fine, but demonic premium seems not to be working for me,
Can anyone suggest good settings for Immolate in Dot manager for Heroic SoO?
just bought your premium, was just wondering when i would have access.
are we supposed to do anything with this AuraList.xml? every time i try to load it in GUI it crashes my HB lol
Millz: Few questions as a premium user
1) Anyone have optimal destruction settings for SoO? I've changed a few things but still feel I'm missing some dps. Millz, I have the premium version, would it be possible to quickly put together a profile? I have a feeling most users that are raiding at the higher tier currently are destro and it would be great to have a solid config.
2) Framelock: Ideal settings for this? Have a 3770k processor. Have had it on 60 and not experiencing any lag in game, want to make sure I'm getting the best dps though.
3) Been noticing if I move and manually cast fel flame, demonic will cast immolate again once I stop moving, even if it's just been reapplied. (On latest version) Should I not manually cast anything and just let it do it's thing?
I am also a premium user and would like to understand answers to above 1 & 2...
I also have a noob question as i recently started using this combat routine for Destro while questing. I am using Tyrael as the bot base with no framelock and use the questing xml in the routine. After targeting a mob, it doesn't do anything unless I actually attack, is this intended? I also have issues moving while in combat. Any suggestions?