does ur cr not work in old lfr??? i am in heart of fear
Millz: Few questions as a premium user
1) Anyone have optimal destruction settings for SoO? I've changed a few things but still feel I'm missing some dps. Millz, I have the premium version, would it be possible to quickly put together a profile? I have a feeling most users that are raiding at the higher tier currently are destro and it would be great to have a solid config.
2) Framelock: Ideal settings for this? Have a 3770k processor. Have had it on 60 and not experiencing any lag in game, want to make sure I'm getting the best dps though.
3) Been noticing if I move and manually cast fel flame, demonic will cast immolate again once I stop moving, even if it's just been reapplied. (On latest version) Should I not manually cast anything and just let it do it's thing?
Anyway to auto shadowburn any target under 20% within range unless we are fire / brimstoning more then X targets?
1) I updated the defaults 2 days ago, they're a good guide to go from. Make sure you load the aura config file into the advanced tab.
2) Providing you aren't getting lag, 60 is fine. Anything about 30 is a bit of a waste though, even 10 is fine.
3) You shouldn't need to manually cast anything, the routine will determine what it needs to cast and when best to do it. If you cast things manually, the routine isn't tracking the spells fully.
It will when AoE is enabled.
Great added the defaults again and the aura config. Recommended immolate settings?
I haven't been noticing the auto shadowburn with AoE enabled. Will double check.
You can enable the cancel casting too (a lot of people do), and it'll help to kill off low HP units (which, if they die within 5 seconds, gives you a free ember).
Immolate -> Force between 4500 and 7500. Pandemic @ 1, Any @ 30/50, amount = 3 or 4 (we're only really using it to generate embers when multi dotting), and minimum HP depends on what instance you're doing it in. 10 man / LFR = 5mill... 25 man... 10m? For heroics add an extra 5m onto those.
Not exactly sure on good HP values, that's just a bit of trial and error I suppose.
Roger that. Working now that I loaded the defaults again. Makes sense on the immolate settings.
I know there has been discussion on Rain of Fire and when to use it. Are you an advocate of using it with procs or ignoring it single target?
So I'm having an issue with this CR. For some reason it doesn't do anything unless I aggro a mob, then it kills the mobs then just stands there staring at the next mob without approaching it.
I had to share this, because I've spent 3 bastard days working on it solid.
Russian (credits to Sk1vvy for translating):
Once I've got it all sorted, I've got people lined up to translate it into Russian, German, and Chinese. Non-English people rejoice!
Hey - the free version doesn't have movement/targeting/facing in - need to use it with Tyrael / Raidbot / LazyRaider etc - where you control all the movement and targeting, then when you're in combat the routine takes over.
And two days later he will share how it works, and we all follow multi-language trend ^^?
Oh WoW! I've been trying to use it for grinding and with Brodie's plugin!! Good to know. So if i got the premium version would it work for what I need to use it for? Grinding mobs like skyshards, or timeless isle rep or with any profile scripts
Im sorry if this sounds stupi,am I the only person who has issue with pet interrupting even if its not set to do it? was working like before last update. Free version (for now)![]()
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Immolate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Immolate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Immolate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Immolate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]
[Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Jeeves @ 100.0%]