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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

any idea why anti-lag #1 checked makes my routine no longer work?
and why it doesnt cast darksoul when trinkets proc

I've seen this once before. It basically thinks that the GCD is always active. Incorrect lua values being returned from the game. Not much I can do about it really.

I'm not too sure i explained it right.

I move to hotspots fine and in-between quests etc, but it wont pull mobs.

Yeah, the free version doesn't support that.

Hey Millz,

can you pls take a look at Unending Resolve ? I've disabled it in the CR and want to use it manually but the Routine uses it nevertheless always itself :(

Burst mode active? It'll use Unending Resolve if burst is active, because it prevents you from being silenced.

Hey do you have a website for the paid version? What is the difference from the free just the movement?


Any chance on upping the priority for RoF when AoEing. Below are my settings, an RoF constantly runs out, leaving me a bit ember starved...

View attachment 110185


also, can someone explain the proper settings for shadowburn? Mine does it from time to time, but it seems like it doesnt have it on "high priority". For example the other warlock in my guild snipes about 7 times as much with shadowburn as i do.
Do i do something wrong? Shouldnt shadowburning adds be highest priority > all when aoe'ing adds

my settings : http://puu.sh/5eKlc.png

Settings look okay. Changed the max value from 19 to 20 (since you can actually use it at 20) - but won't make much difference for this. I've also made a couple of changes to the code to help use SB more often.

RoF everything is a fairly high priority, but it won't cast if your mana is below 40% (as it's very mana intensive, you'd end up being starved).
Glad you're having success with it :)

1) I've added a setting for it. Personally I'd prefer to let the pet die and summon another at 100% HP, but each to their own :) - Will push to SVN once I'm home.

2) Imp -> It's meant to dispel any magic effects on you (when using sacrifice). I've not added anything to dispel party members (for crowd control) - but it's a nice idea. I don't currently have any logic in for casting when the pet is actually active, I'll need to test this out when I'm at home though, because it's a different style of casting when it's using a pet ability.

2b) Disarm -> It will cast when your target (if selected) activates offensive cooldowns - it's just not made clear in the GUI that it's happening.

Hmm just checked the code, and I've commented out the section to use Exhaustion with this, but I'm not sure why. I've changed the code to cast curse of exhaustion on your target if they're a melee player.

Thanks for taking my suggestions on board and clearing up those points i wasnt too clear on.

Regarding, 1) I may have went a long winded way of saying this, but my suggestion for the SS+Health funnel was because the CR seems too prioratise other things for use of that last or newly generated shard over resummoning your dead pet, Wich as affliction in arena should be prio #1, Maybe have a look into that?

Cant get affliction working does nothing but soul burn apply dots and cast darksoul thats it no grasp haunt nothing wont let me manually cast either


Thanks for taking my suggestions on board and clearing up those points i wasnt too clear on.

Regarding, 1) I may have went a long winded way of saying this, but my suggestion for the SS+Health funnel was because the CR seems too prioratise other things for use of that last or newly generated shard over resummoning your dead pet, Wich as affliction in arena should be prio #1, Maybe have a look into that?

Are you running out of shards a lot? Could just be using soulburn with too many abilities - i.e. if burst is active it'll use haunt constantly, so you'll never have spare shards. Same applied with soulburn and curses.
Cant get affliction working does nothing but soul burn apply dots and cast darksoul thats it no grasp haunt nothing wont let me manually cast either

From the log file it looks like it's AoEing pretty heavily between the target dummies. Disable AoE so it's doing single target and see what happens.
Cant get affliction working does nothing but soul burn apply dots and cast darksoul thats it no grasp haunt nothing wont let me manually cast either

You realise the attached log shows that it is infact refreshing DoTs, Channeling malefic grasp, Soulswaping, ect, Doesnt really back up your claim
don't support china version.

Hey - In what sense? How does it not support the Chinese version? There's already quite a few Chinese users. I'm aware that the GUI is in English, but I've been working with Joe_ss and Sk1vvy to translate them into both Russian and Chinese (which is almost complete). German is coming soon.
Millz то есть будет перевод графического интерфейса на русскую версию ?
Hi Millz!

I have some problem with this routine. when i using Affliction spec im allways out of shards :( This routine uses soulshard when casting soul swap even when targeting totems :D. And Drain soul needs some "tuning" because drain soul not working every time when enemy is low health and yes i have checked that on GUI!
Millz то есть будет перевод графического интерфейса на русскую версию ?
У тебя голова хоть немного соображает? Писать человеку, проживающему в Великобритании, в английский топик, на РУССКОМ языке?
Будет тебе русский язык. Я уже перевёл весь графический интерфейс.
Hi Millz!

I have some problem with this routine. when i using Affliction spec im allways out of shards :( This routine uses soulshard when casting soul swap even when targeting totems :D. And Drain soul needs some "tuning" because drain soul not working every time when enemy is low health and yes i have checked that on GUI!

It ignores checks on your current target for things like totems - it's not necessary - you don't need to target the totems anyway - the routine takes care of that.

Drain Soul -> Not sure what you mean? Got a log ?
Are you running out of shards a lot? Could just be using soulburn with too many abilities - i.e. if burst is active it'll use haunt constantly, so you'll never have spare shards. Same applied with soulburn and curses.

Yup i have burst on all the time in arena pretty mutch, But thats how i play manually and how affliction should be played Afaik, i dont mind being low on shards, id just preffer the CR summoned pet over SB+SS even in burst mode ^^.

Just a thought, hows about an Arena mode where it always saves one shard for resummoning/Saving pet, would that be too much trouble coding wise? 100% 1800+ people know to go after the pet, and even when they dont it get owned by spalsh damage, reserving one shard would be arena heaven.
View attachment 110231

Millz why that routine uses every time soul swap with soulshards? thats the main reason why im allways out of shards :(

It's doing AoE, that's how you do it :)

Yup i have burst on all the time in arena pretty mutch, But thats how i play manually and how affliction should be played Afaik, i dont mind being low on shards, id just preffer the CR summoned pet over SB+SS even in burst mode ^^.

Just a thought, hows about an Arena mode where it always saves one shard for resummoning/Saving pet, would that be too much trouble coding wise? 100% 1800+ people know to go after the pet, and even when they dont it get owned by spalsh damage, reserving one shard would be arena heaven.

Yeah I can do something for that. Will add it tomorrow.

...in other news, I have multi-language support working flawlessly (other than it taking a while to re-draw the GUI).

Russian: http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/1263/vyje.png
Chinese: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/303/zzbn.png
The main problem is in PvE scenario. When the routine starts the AoE rotation and run out of shard, doesn't prioritize Drain Soul to regain it. It's a big dps loss. Personally, when i need to cleave or aoe, i turn off the routine and i use SB:SS only to reapply dots on my main target to have a longer duration before i begin SS on other targets and the result is amazing. Remember that SS doesn't benefit from pandemic. Actually the routin swap DoTs over and over again on the same targets because the main target DoTs are near to finish.
The main problem is in PvE scenario. When the routine starts the AoE rotation and run out of shard, doesn't prioritize Drain Soul to regain it. It's a big dps loss. Personally, when i need to cleave or aoe, i turn off the routine and i use SB:SS only to reapply dots on my main target to have a longer duration before i begin SS on other targets and the result is amazing. Remember that SS doesn't benefit from pandemic. Actually the routin swap DoTs over and over again on the same targets because the main target DoTs are near to finish.

The routine will SB:SS your current target to get the DoT times up, and then inhale/exhale to all of the other units. Once the DoTs are too low on duration on your current target (and are no longer worth inhale/exhale) - it'll SB:SS again.

You're correct though, when it runs out of shards it should be using Drain Soul - and it isn't. I'll look at that tomorrow.
How do i stop affliction spamming Rain of fire in 5v5 (not tested any other place)

Edit: Lowered "high unit aoe" setting gonna try that
Millz спасибо за русский язык! Рутина работает просто супер.
How do i stop affliction spamming Rain of fire in 5v5 (not tested any other place)

Edit: Lowered "high unit aoe" setting gonna try that

Rain of Fire in affliction spec ??

Sounds to me like you've changed spec without reloading the bot ;)