- Joined
- Jan 24, 2012
- Messages
- 171
Rain of Fire in affliction spec ??
Sounds to me like you've changed spec without reloading the bot![]()
This is indeed what i did ty XD was drunk derping

Rain of Fire in affliction spec ??
Sounds to me like you've changed spec without reloading the bot![]()
Would it be possible to get a cast havoc on focus in the config?
Invite for what?How do you accept the invite Millz?
Then you just got to do the SVN part as he's said in the guide aswellI have followed it exactly, clicked the link, created an account and logged in correctly with HB.
Dotmanager doesn't seem to be working for me as destro. Have immolate at 4,000,000 and still casts on low hp mobs.
Careful about talking about the paid version here. We don't want Millz to get into trouble. Take it to PMs with him if you continue to have difficulties.
Currently when 3 or more mobs are in range, it doesn't use AoE abilities, what have i not configured correctly?
[18:52:33.447 D] [Demonic ~ Debug]
[18:52:33.447 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ====== Demonic Settings ======
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableMovement: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableTargeting: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFacing: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovement: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovementDuration: 3000
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowRestBehavior: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EatHPPercent: 75
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrinkManaPercent: 50
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CreateHealthstones: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthstones: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyHealthstoneWithDarkRegen: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthstoneHPPercent: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket1: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket2: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1Condition: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2Condition: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowHPValue: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowManaValue: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowHPValue: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowManaValue: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSynapseSprings: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SynapseSpringsCond: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseLifeblood: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodCond: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodLowHPValue: 25
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + RacialUsage: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ForceOutOfCombatPulse: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ScanAndBreakStealthedUnits: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkIntent: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthFunnel: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelMyHPGreaterThan: 50
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelPetHPLessThan: 20
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulburnWithHealthFunnel: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDrainLife: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrainLifeHP: 50
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulburnDrainLife: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SoulburnDrainLifeHP: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + TwilightWardCond: 3
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelection: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelectionCond: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseSoulburnWithCurse: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolve: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveHPValue: 40
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolveTargetLowHP: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveTargetHPValue: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingBreath: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_RootedSnared: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHP: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DemonicCircle_Soulburn: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHPValue: 65
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDemon: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonSelection: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDoomguard: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonCombatInstantAbilitiesOnly: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomguardCondition: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonInfernal: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + InfernalCondition: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBanish: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BanishCondition: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonTarget: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonFocus: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonHealer: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulshatter: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearTarget: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearFocus: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAny: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAnyUsedCooldowns: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearHealer: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyFearFullDuration: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowFearHalfDuration: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + KillTotems: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSymbiosisRejuventation: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SymbiosisRejuvenationHealthPercent: 80
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_SpellLockDurationRemaining: 500
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_DisarmHealthPercent: 40
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_CauterizeHealthPercent: 88
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_ShadowBulwarkHealthPercent: 25
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_ShadowBulwarkWithDarkRegen: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkRegeneration: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkRegenerationPercent: 35
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorHPLessThan: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorHPLessThanValue: 80
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorUnitsInRange: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorUnitsInRangeValue: 3
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreath: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreathOnlyWhenTargetNotSlowed: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoil: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + MortalCoilHPValue: 75
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoilHealer: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryUnitsInRange: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ShadowfuryUnitsInRangeValue: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryOnCooldown: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryOnHealers: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulLink: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSacrificialPact: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactMyHPBelowValue: 75
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactPetHPAboveValue: 65
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactOnlyUseOnLossOfControl: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkBargain: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkBargainHPBelowValue: 25
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyDarkBargainOnLossOfControl: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BloodHorror: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBurningRush: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BurningRushCancelHPBelowValue: 50
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnboundWillOnLossOfControl: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceCondition: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceTargetLowHPValue: 20
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseGrimoireOfSacrifice: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Talent_DarkSoulSecondCharge: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMannorothsFury: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableAoEAbilities: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AoEHighUnitCount: 5
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseDarkSoulMisery: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryCondition: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryLowHPValue: 40
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableCancelCasting: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastHPPercent: 5
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastShardCount: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionForceRefresh: 4000
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionPandemicPower: 10
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionAnyPower: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionMinimumHpValue: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyForceRefresh: 4000
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyPandemicPower: 10
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyAnyPower: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyMinimumHpValue: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionForceRefresh: 4000
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionPandemicPower: 10
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionAnyPower: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionMinimumHpValue: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTargetTogglesWithAoE: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTarget: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTargetProcs: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFEverythingInRange: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseHavoc: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_OnlyHavocWithCB: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_FlamesOfXoroth: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseEmberTap: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EmberTapHPValue: 25
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseDarkSoulInstability: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForDarkSoul: 20
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulCondition: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulLowHPValue: 40
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ChaosBoltValue: 20
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseAoEAbilities: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_AoEUnitCount: 3
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EnableCancelCasting: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelTimeRemaining: 500
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCastHPPercent: 15
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCurrentTarget: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelAnyTarget: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseRoFToPull: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForHavoc: 10
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateRefresh: 4000
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolatePandemicPower: 10
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateAnyPower: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateMaxUnitsToDoT: 4
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateMinimumHpValue: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_EnableAoEAbilities: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_AoEUnitCount: 5
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCancelValue: 650
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCastValue: 900
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseDarkSoulKnowledge: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeCondition: 1
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeLowHPValue: 40
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseImpSwarm: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseCarrionSwarm: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInDemonForm: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInNormalForm: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomForceRefresh: 15000
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomPandemicPower: 10
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomAnyPower: 30
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomMaxUnitsToDoT: 5
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomMinimumHpValue: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_CorruptionMaxUnitsToDoT: 5
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_CorruptionMinimumHpValue: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseCustomCanCast: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLag: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLagStage2: True
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HasGivenRep: 2
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AttackOutOfCombat: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UsePotion: False
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + PotionCondition: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Movement: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Targeting: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Facing: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_AoE: 18
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Burst: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Cooldowns: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Modifier: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Key: 0
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ==============================
[18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug]
Ok so i'm destro spec, in the class config under destro i have enabled:
Enable AoE Abilities (Switch to full @ 3)
Rain of Fire when single target
Rain of Fire single target (procs - advanced tab)
Rain of Fire everything in range
Code:[18:52:33.447 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] [18:52:33.447 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ====== Demonic Settings ====== [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableMovement: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableTargeting: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFacing: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovement: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SuspendMovementDuration: 3000 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowRestBehavior: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EatHPPercent: 75 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrinkManaPercent: 50 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CreateHealthstones: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthstones: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyHealthstoneWithDarkRegen: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthstoneHPPercent: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket1: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseTrinket2: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1Condition: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2Condition: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowHPValue: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket1LowManaValue: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowHPValue: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Trinket2LowManaValue: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSynapseSprings: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SynapseSpringsCond: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseLifeblood: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodCond: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + LifebloodLowHPValue: 25 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + RacialUsage: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ForceOutOfCombatPulse: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ScanAndBreakStealthedUnits: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkIntent: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHealthFunnel: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelMyHPGreaterThan: 50 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HealthFunnelPetHPLessThan: 20 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulburnWithHealthFunnel: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDrainLife: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DrainLifeHP: 50 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulburnDrainLife: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SoulburnDrainLifeHP: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + TwilightWardCond: 3 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelection: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CurseSelectionCond: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseSoulburnWithCurse: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolve: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveHPValue: 40 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnendingResolveTargetLowHP: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingResolveTargetHPValue: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UnendingBreath: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_RootedSnared: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHP: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DemonicCircle_Soulburn: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonicCircle_LowHPValue: 65 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDemon: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonSelection: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonDoomguard: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DemonCombatInstantAbilitiesOnly: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomguardCondition: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AutoSummonInfernal: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + InfernalCondition: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBanish: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BanishCondition: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonTarget: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonFocus: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + CommandDemonHealer: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulshatter: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearTarget: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearFocus: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAny: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearAnyUsedCooldowns: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseFearHealer: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyFearFullDuration: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AllowFearHalfDuration: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + KillTotems: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSymbiosisRejuventation: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SymbiosisRejuvenationHealthPercent: 80 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_SpellLockDurationRemaining: 500 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_DisarmHealthPercent: 40 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_CauterizeHealthPercent: 88 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_ShadowBulwarkHealthPercent: 25 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Pet_ShadowBulwarkWithDarkRegen: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkRegeneration: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkRegenerationPercent: 35 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorHPLessThan: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorHPLessThanValue: 80 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseHowlOfTerrorUnitsInRange: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HowlOfTerrorUnitsInRangeValue: 3 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreath: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDemonicBreathOnlyWhenTargetNotSlowed: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoil: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + MortalCoilHPValue: 75 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMortalCoilHealer: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryUnitsInRange: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + ShadowfuryUnitsInRangeValue: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryOnCooldown: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseShadowfuryOnHealers: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSoulLink: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseSacrificialPact: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactMyHPBelowValue: 75 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactPetHPAboveValue: 65 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + SacrificialPactOnlyUseOnLossOfControl: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseDarkBargain: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DarkBargainHPBelowValue: 25 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + OnlyDarkBargainOnLossOfControl: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BloodHorror: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseBurningRush: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + BurningRushCancelHPBelowValue: 50 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseUnboundWillOnLossOfControl: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceCondition: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + GrimoireOfServiceTargetLowHPValue: 20 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseGrimoireOfSacrifice: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Talent_DarkSoulSecondCharge: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseMannorothsFury: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableAoEAbilities: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AoEHighUnitCount: 5 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UseDarkSoulMisery: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryCondition: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_DarkSoulMiseryLowHPValue: 40 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_EnableCancelCasting: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastHPPercent: 5 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CancelCastShardCount: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionForceRefresh: 4000 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionPandemicPower: 10 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionAnyPower: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_CorruptionMinimumHpValue: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyForceRefresh: 4000 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyPandemicPower: 10 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyAnyPower: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_AgonyMinimumHpValue: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionForceRefresh: 4000 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionPandemicPower: 10 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionAnyPower: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Affliction_UnstableAfflictionMinimumHpValue: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTargetTogglesWithAoE: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTarget: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFSingleTargetProcs: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_RoFEverythingInRange: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseHavoc: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_OnlyHavocWithCB: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_FlamesOfXoroth: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseEmberTap: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EmberTapHPValue: 25 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseDarkSoulInstability: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForDarkSoul: 20 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulCondition: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_DarkSoulLowHPValue: 40 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ChaosBoltValue: 20 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseAoEAbilities: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_AoEUnitCount: 3 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_EnableCancelCasting: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelTimeRemaining: 500 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCastHPPercent: 15 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelCurrentTarget: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_CancelAnyTarget: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_UseRoFToPull: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_MinimumEmbersForHavoc: 10 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateRefresh: 4000 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolatePandemicPower: 10 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateAnyPower: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateMaxUnitsToDoT: 4 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Destruction_ImmolateMinimumHpValue: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_EnableAoEAbilities: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_AoEUnitCount: 5 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCancelValue: 650 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_FuryCastValue: 900 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseDarkSoulKnowledge: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeCondition: 1 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_DarkSoulKnowledgeLowHPValue: 40 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseImpSwarm: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseCarrionSwarm: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInDemonForm: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_UseSoulFireInNormalForm: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomForceRefresh: 15000 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomPandemicPower: 10 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomAnyPower: 30 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomMaxUnitsToDoT: 5 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + DoomMinimumHpValue: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_CorruptionMaxUnitsToDoT: 5 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Demonology_CorruptionMinimumHpValue: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UseCustomCanCast: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLag: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + EnableFramelockAntiLagStage2: True [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + HasGivenRep: 2 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + AttackOutOfCombat: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + UsePotion: False [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + PotionCondition: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Movement: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Targeting: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Facing: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_AoE: 18 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Burst: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Cooldowns: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearTarget_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearFocus_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_FearMouseover_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilTarget_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilFocus_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_MortalCoilMouseover_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryTarget_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryFocus_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_ShadowfuryMouseover_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_HowlOfTerror_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Modifier: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] + Hotkey_Soulstone_Key: 0 [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] ============================== [18:52:33.448 D] [Demonic ~ Debug]
Looking through the log there doesnt seem to be any mention of a failure to cast any AoE ability.
It'll place Havoc on another target fine.
Basically I was in stratholme with about 20 mobs in front of me and it chose to single target dps with havoc, rather then use rain of fire.
This can be repeated at any time by pulling 3+ mobs all within 10yrds.
In game:
As you can see there is clearly more then 1 - 5 mobs and its single target DPS'ing.