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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Depends ofc how many healers u are going with, he got nerfed yesterday so if you have a monk healer u can probably 3-heal it, if else I advice 4healing, ur job on this fight is to maintain heavy steady raid hps, constantly, disable auto beacon and put it on tank, change beacon glyph to divine protection one and use during explosions, bop ppl with the debuff soaking the thingys and aura mastery on corrupted one when its on 30-50 hp, salvation urself + ur cohealer(not the disc priest, the other one) as soon as p2 starts to assist tanks in getting aggro on adds and try to not use too much divine heals in P1, u need them in p2 tank takes shitloads of damage, u can sacrifice them if u get a pws or are comfort with spending bubble on it, when u reach P3 hes dead, p3 is a joke just let raid stack abit behind boss with small gap, so offtank can soak heart of fear from u (its exactly like exhale on zorlok) and also transition from p2-p3 let a warlock and mage or something go inside the explosion thingy and cast like madness to accelerate explosion, and heal up fast then do same on other one, that gives u a 10-15 sec window to burst him into P3 without thingys up, just stop dps on 35% and push it when both exploded, i had divine light on 60% i believe,

Pretty much what i was gonna do... and theres no way we ever gonna attempt 3 healing lol.. will be myself, disc priest, monk and our elesham going resto...

We will most likely get heroic protectors and lei shi before we do major work on empress though :(

cheers for the advice
and also guys im not telling u to NEVER use holy radiance, what im saying is that the moments where its actually worth casting them in pve, is soooo rare, and the CC would NEVER be able to be configurated to do it at only that time, u need to know the fight and be human to make that call, so yeah, use it, but not with the cc sorry, and Tuanha this is no critics to ur CC :P i love it, its just a very retarded spell <3
Pretty much what i was gonna do... and theres no way we ever gonna attempt 3 healing lol.. will be myself, disc priest, monk and our elesham going resto...

We will most likely get heroic protectors and lei shi before we do major work on empress though :(

cheers for the advice

well we killed empress on first night we started him, hes very very easy, its just endurance test on raid, focus 12 mins and hes dead
T15 Two set.... Why blizzard.. Why.....

Item - Paladin T15 Holy 2P Bonus (New) Increases the healing done by your Daybreak ability by 50%.

They just trying to make us use Holy Radiance now... Better be some Stack up Aoe fights in 5.2 or ill be mad they gave us a shit 2 set for a spell i hardly use.

I agree 100% ive solo healed HC Stone Guards with just a disc priest smiting... Either your guild stands in alot of shit.. or your PRO as hell and need to find your "Missing" settings... Because when i sort of "Solo"" healed it, i only did 84k HPS and no one was ever even close to death.. it was Jasper, Jade, Colbolt... So i had a pretty Decent Set of Dogs to get High HPS on.

So either no one cares what you say because your a Liar.. or Your other healers were only doing 19k HPS while your doing 100k and Your Raid stands in EVERYTHING BAD... or your a God.

So find these Magic settings and some blanked screen shots...

Because so far you just look silly.. and Alaerwen has never steered me wrong... So far... Im 492 ilvl and 11/16HM and i highly disregard all opinions and statements you have said in the past.. and i suggest others do the same.

EDIT: By the way my Holy radiance is set to 0... the only time i use it is manually. The only times i use it is either on Heroic Elegon Phase 3, Lei shi's push back (where its not needed but i use it) and Heroic Imperial Vizer Zor'lok's Force and Verve (and i only use it on the Force and Verve if the Disc Priests Spirit Shell is on CD and ONLY if they are well Positioned.)...

Seal: Seal of Insight

Buffs: Maintain these buffs on your main healing target.

Beacon of Light
Sacred Shield
Healing Priority: Follow these guidelines for optimal healing.

Holy Shock Use on every cooldown to build Holy Power.
Word of Glory Consume 3 Holy Power to heal low to moderate damage.
Holy Light Use to heal low to moderate damage.
Divine Light Use to heal moderate to high damage.
Flash of Light Emergency heal to save players facing death.
The Holy Paladin healing priority revolves around building and spending Holy Power. Your primary Holy Power builder is Holy Shock. You will consume Holy Power with Word of Glory. Holy Light, Divine Light, and Flash of Light should all be used as suggested in the Healing Priority, but keep in mind that Holy Light is the most Mana efficient heal to use on targets not affected by your Beacon of Light.

Holy Paladins must also watch for Infusion of Light and Divine Purpose procs. Always try to use Infusion of Light procs on Divine Light for single target healing. Remember that casting Divine Light on your Beacon of Light target will always grant a Holy Power thanks to Tower of Radiance. Divine Purpose procs should be used on Word of Glory.

Finally, if it's possible, you should melee to generate additional Mana from Seal of Insight.

AoE Rotation - 5.1

Light's Hammer
Light of Dawn
Holy Radiance + Holy Shock
If only experiencing low to moderate raid damage, try to heal single targets with Holy Light. As raid damage increases, use Holy Radiance to build Holy Power and Light of Dawn to spend Holy Power. If available, use Light's Hammer on cooldown by targeting the group of players that need the most healing. Use Infusion of Light procs on Holy Radiance for AoE healing and Holy Shock after Holy Radiance for extra AoE healing thanks to Daybreak. Finally, Divine Purpose procs should be used on Light of Dawn for AoE healing.

Effective Cooldowns - 5.1

These effective cooldowns are available if you chose them in your talent build.

Light's Hammer Cast on an area with party members that need the most healing.

Please learn how to properly play a holy paladin. You will be SOL if the bot is ever down. This is why we can't have nice things. People watch their bot do 80k hps since its has a 100x faster reaction time then them or they peak for a second at 80k. Having it set to holy light most of the time in heroic is not a good idea but have fun with that. Secondly, you get carried in a heroic boss fight and come in here like you are pro sauce spamming holy light, clearly you are in Blood Legion and your fellow healers are super pro because you didn't need to do anything. Lastly, I didn't get the kill - for that attempt I did over 100k and thought the CC did a excellent job, so stop being jelous and mad and move on.

If you want my setting you will have to wait - I went into ToES tues and did not raid last night. We are hitting MV tonight I believe and I said I will post them when I raid MV on heroic. I don't owe you anything, if I want to post them I will. If I don't I won't. You clearly aren't doing so well on heroic as you say. You are a very mad person for someone who supposedly solo heals heroic modes with a priest on smite healing, we know you are full of shit but everyone on the internet is super pro. Better contact Blizzard you sir are clearly to elite for heroic modes and need something harder. 11/16 heroic you say? Well I am currently 16/16 heroic and the guilds best healer.

or your PRO as hell and need to find your "Missing" settings.
Shouldn't be so mad - yes I am a god. Now back to things about this cc and telling TuanHa how awesome his cc is
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I could just Copy and Paste Holy Paladin PvE Heal Rotation and Cooldowns (MoP 5.1) Too.. but unfortunately this is a discussion about the effectiveness of HR in this tier and how it should be situationaly used manually for specific situations.


EDIT: By the way my Holy radiance is set to 0... the only time i use it is manually. The only times i use it is either on Heroic Elegon Phase 3, Lei shi's push back (where its not needed but i use it) and Heroic Imperial Vizer Zor'lok's Force and Verve (and i only use it on the Force and Verve if the Disc Priests Spirit Shell is on CD and ONLY if they are well Positioned.)...

My quote was based off of Alaerwen Comment about raising flash of heal and HR is pointless and he backed it up with Worldoflogs rankings.

Ranks where you can see how it works:

Amber-shaper Un'sok(HC): Details for Finality - 16-12 16:01 - herpderp - World of Logs
Grand Empress Shek'zeer(HC): Details for Eizel - 05-01 23:42 - Ctrl Z - World of Logs
Protectors of the Endless(HC): Details for Eizel - 04-01 21:38 - Ctrl Z - World of Logs
Protectors of the Endless(Elite HC): Details for Finality - 03-01 19:05 - Myth - World of Logs
Lei Shi(HC): Details for Aladya - 01-01 19:06 - Method - World of Logs
Sha of Fear(HC): Details for Virsta - 31-12 18:07 - Defenestrate - World of Logs

I'm telling you, dont use flash of light :P and dont let bot use holy radiance, use it urself because it is used VERY rarely, (for example if ENTIRE raid is about to die in p2 on Blade Lord or Elegon p3 or some shit like that)

This all started with your comment bellow and your previous posts providing lack of information when asked about your statement and still to date failing to provide valid information. (Quoting Noxxic is not valid information.)

"Laughs at all the people saying don't use holy radiance"

So why make a comment such as this and then complain when you get backlash. When you don't even provide any information to back up your claim.

Im sorry but i really cant take you for seriouse if your basing your logic off of noxxic which is theoretical.. and we are giving information about it in Practice by providing in detail top parses.

I remember all my setting for each fight and have them in notepad... Its been weeks since your magical 100k HPS and you still dont provide information.
Are we debating on who can bot better? I do like Swizzie's point about being able to play without the bot. Since everyone here is a baddass, I'm sure your raid group is like mine and about to start working on the ptr, since most of all heroic modes are cleared. We all know that the bot will not be working on ptr and being able to duplicate your typical spell selection/style of healing should be paramount, otherwise your other healers who you've learned to mesh with perfectly, might be thrown off when you start HR HR HS LOD spamming.

Alaerwen's settings work well, but do require user action such as cd management and when shit hits the fan, I have to control what's going on. The problem is it's hard to give generic settings when the style of encounters varies so. I am not pro or elite, but seem to have cleared more heroics than some of you, and do feel, correct or not, that I have to adjust settings for pretty much every fight (HPrism Vs LH, EF blanket mode #, Divine Light Vs Flash of Light %, dispells on or off, auto beacon on or off, Holy Avenger Vs Divine Purpose).

Tuan, I would love a change log file added to CR or updates on the SE on SE website.
Are we debating on who can bot better?
Exactly, I am the worst heals botter here. I spend more time on my second screen changing settings then I do actually watching raid.
I cannot say my e-dick is larger then anyones. Lazyraider and the CC are doing all the work so it is the CC ranking on work of logs not us.

I have found my settings to be superior in some fights and bad in others. I am not claiming to be gods gift to CC settings, but what I use works. If you don't agree then that is fine. But to rage and attack me, I think there are other reasons for that then "raise the FoL to 60-70-80", this person was finishing with alot of mana and asked how to spend more. Raising FoL and tweeking it to his best may/may not have made him spend more mana. If you feel I am incorrect then toss in your 2 cents and tell us why. Calling me out and flaming me like some internet punk will only make you look childish.

If you aren't using Holy Radiance then either you are bad or you have excellent aoe healing already in your raid. Either is fine alot of bad healers use this cc and they are now great healers. That is my opinion, this is MoP Holy Radiance isn't a shit spell anymore. If you have the regen I feel it is a excellent spell to build Holy power.. If I am wrong then my internet ego can handle that. Prove me wrong and that will be that.
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@Tuanha: The bot shouldn't start stacking Holy Power during the preparation phase of the arena/RBG matches. As soon as the battle begins it removes every short duration buffs(like holy's mastery) and removes all accumulated holy powers as well.
can someone explain on "simple" english that does mean Framelock and how it works? and, ofc, profit of using this in tyrael/lazyraider?
+ rep, TY
@Tuanha: The bot shouldn't start stacking Holy Power during the preparation phase of the arena/RBG matches. As soon as the battle begins it removes every short duration buffs(like holy's mastery) and removes all accumulated holy powers as well.

wtf who cares if its removed or not?! dont waste any more gui to implement sth. that has nothing to bring with but only taking memory.
wtf who cares if its removed or not?! dont waste any more gui to implement sth. that has nothing to bring with but only taking memory.

U don't know what are U talking about, do U?

I wasn't asking for extra features, I was asking for NOT doing something when it makes no sense. It's the same with the bot trying to cast spells on the arena/BG end screen when U can't cast spells. Bottish behavior.
U don't know what are U talking about, do U?

I wasn't asking for extra features, I was asking for NOT doing something when it makes no sense. It's the same with the bot trying to cast spells on the arena/BG end screen when U can't cast spells. Bottish behavior.

yes, and you retard think that tuanha doesnt have to add sth like "if in bg don't use holy shock etc when it didnt start". this is memory dude. and its sth no one cares about
Is there any configuration for ret pally pvp/pve? Cause the default one doesnt do much dmg. Did a bg and didnt even hit 1 million dmg. Thanks
Is there any configuration for ret pally pvp/pve? Cause the default one doesnt do much dmg. Did a bg and didnt even hit 1 million dmg. Thanks

I haven't played with ret with this CR as its just my alts offspec and prefer to play it manually.. but i would assume if you want more DMG turning off survival skills such as WoG/EF, Sacred shield and Hands of ""... If you using selfless healer set it to 0.

If your using the public version i would suggest getting the donor version to do more damage as well. It also could just be your gear.

EDIT: After browsing at the "Default" settings.. it has use SS which is a GCD loss.. It also has WoG me below 70% and WoG friendly below 50% which is good for survival but in short means you do less dmg as yous using Holy Power to heal your self and everyone in your bg rather than using TV... So i would suggest reading what you have your settings and change it to how you want it.
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yes, and you retard think that tuanha doesnt have to add sth like "if in bg don't use holy shock etc when it didnt start". this is memory dude. and its sth no one cares about

Now we're calling names? Great.
You don't know what are you talking about, but being aggressive is easier than using your brain I guess.

Adding an extra condition to the Holy Shock's logic is not consuming more MEMORY. If anything, it would use a VERY small fraction of processing time(nothing that even worth mentioning).
He only has to add this line to the Holy Shock's logic in the "HealRotation" method in the THCommon.cs file:
!Me.HasAura("Arena Preparation")
and maybe one more for the rated battleground preparation, but I wasn't able to find the name of that buff because I'm in work.

Also, just as an FYI, gui means Graphical User Interface and to implement this small Quality of Life change Tuanha wouldn't have to "waste any more gui". I did not ask for any options on the GUI to be able to turn it on and off. I helped the development of the ret part of this CC with my suggestions and now I'm trying to help improving the holy logic. If you don't have anything useful to say, then please shut up. Calling ppl who want to help a "retard" is quite rude and quite stupid considering that you don't even know what are you talking about... :)

In the arena and rated battleground preparation phase spamming Holy Shock to get HP and to stack the damage absorption shield from mastery is useless. These are removed once the battle starts. Also, it could be viewed as a bottish behavior to do something that is totally useless.

True, the user can pause then resume the bot, but it's not convenient, that's why I'm suggesting this QoL improvement.
Hey RetLover,

Thank for the help on Ret rotation.

I understand that bottish and annoying but it's not really a matter we need to fix. Because Holy Shock is only 6 sec cooldown and it will be ready before your team taking enough damage.

For the "bottish", just explain your friend that you "practicing" :D or just pause the bot. Sure I can do an aura check !Me.HasAura("Arena Preparation") but it cause more problem than benefit (no buff precombat for example) and slow down the CC.

I've also add stop action on load-screen but HB API never really work. Only 5 second after screen-load start, HB API report wow loading xD
Hey RetLover,

Thank for the help on Ret rotation.

I understand that bottish and annoying but it's not really a matter we need to fix. Because Holy Shock is only 6 sec cooldown and it will be ready before your team taking enough damage.

For the "bottish", just explain your friend that you "practicing" :D or just pause the bot. Sure I can do an aura check !Me.HasAura("Arena Preparation") but it cause more problem than benefit (no buff precombat for example) and slow down the CC.

I've also add stop action on load-screen but HB API never really work. Only 5 second after screen-load start, HB API report wow loading xD
Exactly, I am the worst heals botter here. I spend more time on my second screen changing settings then I do actually watching raid.
I cannot say my e-dick is larger then anyones. Lazyraider and the CC are doing all the work so it is the CC ranking on work of logs not us.

I have found my settings to be superior in some fights and bad in others. I am not claiming to be gods gift to CC settings, but what I use works. If you don't agree then that is fine. But to rage and attack me, I think there are other reasons for that then "raise the FoL to 60-70-80", this person was finishing with alot of mana and asked how to spend more. Raising FoL and tweeking it to his best may/may not have made him spend more mana. If you feel I am incorrect then toss in your 2 cents and tell us why. Calling me out and flaming me like some internet punk will only make you look childish.

If you aren't using Holy Radiance then either you are bad or you have excellent aoe healing already in your raid. Either is fine alot of bad healers use this cc and they are now great healers. That is my opinion, this is MoP Holy Radiance isn't a shit spell anymore. If you have the regen I feel it is a excellent spell to build Holy power.. If I am wrong then my internet ego can handle that. Prove me wrong and that will be that.

you dont seem to get it do you.. if you tell the bot to use FoL on 80% and HR all the time, he wont get up the EF stacks wich is the MOST important heal we have, resulting in LESS hps, having the bot tossing EF and YOURSELF manually doing the shitty HR or FoL in emergency will always be the best way to go.