Sweet thanks for the tip but what about in Arena or Rated BG as a holy Pally? Any tips for getting it to work well there?
Something is majorly broken with either this CC or Honorbuddy. I know it's had some problems in the past where it pauses for a few second before healing in arenas, but today doing 2v2 it all out stopped doing everything for a solid 10 seconds. I was right next to my partner, not cc'd what so ever. It did this a couple times to the point my partner started screaming "WHY AREN'T YOU HEALING ME? HE WAS IN A FULL 8 SEC FEAR" Here is my log, im using HB and both wow and HB are set to start as admin.
I have another log that has many more errors in it but it is too large to upload. If there is a way to upload file larger than 1MB, then I could.
Sweet thanks for the tip but what about in Arena or Rated BG as a holy Pally? Any tips for getting it to work well there?
I play hpally, on arena and rbg.
All works fine, but somtimes very slow time reaction.
I've remove the framelock within CR few week ago and let the combat routine do it.Try Tyrael with frame lock and see if that helps. Even at 15 fps it runs much much faster for me then any other bot.
Here's my problem, hopefully someone can help.
the second I turn on frame lock in Tyrael, my FPS drop to around 15 fps from about 100 fps with lazyraider or Tyrael without framelock.
I have a good PC 8 gigs of ram with an SSD drive and and I7 2600 CPU @ 3.4 GHz.
I've updated to the latest version of Tyrael (which works great with this CC even though you get a small announcement at start that tells you it doesn't). I've updated the GPU drivers to the latest version and I've set both WoW and HB as high priority process. I've even gone as far as disabling my antivirus thinking maybe it has some memory write protection that is slowing it down and while it's gotten a little better it still drops my FPS to around 20-25 with lots of stuttering. It gets better in small groups like in heroics but it's almsot unplayable in raids and completely unplayable in PvP. This is all with the cleanse immediately option disabled, If I turn that on the FPS drop to around 5-10 per second.
Does anyone have any idea of a way to fix this?
Edit. The difference for me between Tyrael without framelock and Lazyraider to Tyrael with framelock enabled is around 10-15 k hps even when running Tyrael at 15 FPS. so kind of a big deal.
The error [299] is an know issue and happen to a lot of CR last 2 HB release. We've reported to HB and hope they fix it soon.Hi TUANHA okay i know its error [299] so I run as admin for now on and it still comes up with the error idk what else to do it freezes in arenas and bgs =[ I know its not my computer because my computer never freezes with other crs or running bots while watching twitch. Also it use to never be like this about 2 weeks back ? idk
[07/01/2013 11:25:51 CH] Alexander (alxaw): Hey Tuan, I just wanted to say something regarding the [299] read error, it's due to someone minimizeing (tabing) out of wow mostly. It's suppose to write into the log file like this "StyxResources.WoW_cannot_be_minimized_while_running_Honorbuddy_"
[07/01/2013 11:26:23 CH] Alexander (alxaw): It broke during MoP
[07/01/2013 11:27:59 CH] Alexander (alxaw): It's already reported to the hb devs, and should be fixed on the next update ^^
alaerwen is raiding hardmodes ..."Laughs at all the people saying don't use holy radiance"
"Laughs at all the people saying don't use holy radiance"
Hand of Purity now reduces all incoming damage by 10% in addition to its other effects.
Eternal Flame's periodic heal now provides 100% more healing when self-cast.
Judgment now costs 5% of base mana.
The base damage of Consecration has been increased by 789%, and it now scales less efficiently with attack power by approximately 11%.
Try Tyrael with frame lock and see if that helps. Even at 15 fps it runs much much faster for me then any other bot.
Here's my problem, hopefully someone can help.
the second I turn on frame lock in Tyrael, my FPS drop to around 15 fps from about 100 fps with lazyraider or Tyrael without framelock.
I have a good PC 8 gigs of ram with an SSD drive and and I7 2600 CPU @ 3.4 GHz.
I've updated to the latest version of Tyrael (which works great with this CC even though you get a small announcement at start that tells you it doesn't). I've updated the GPU drivers to the latest version and I've set both WoW and HB as high priority process. I've even gone as far as disabling my antivirus thinking maybe it has some memory write protection that is slowing it down and while it's gotten a little better it still drops my FPS to around 20-25 with lots of stuttering. It gets better in small groups like in heroics but it's almsot unplayable in raids and completely unplayable in PvP. This is all with the cleanse immediately option disabled, If I turn that on the FPS drop to around 5-10 per second.
Does anyone have any idea of a way to fix this?
Edit. The difference for me between Tyrael without framelock and Lazyraider to Tyrael with framelock enabled is around 10-15 k hps even when running Tyrael at 15 FPS. so kind of a big deal.
"Laughs at all the people saying don't use holy radiance"
......"Laughs at all the people saying don't use holy radiance"
This coming from the person who was supposedly kicked from his guild for supposedly doing 100k healing with ilvl480 (there are no healers on WoL that are able to pull 100k with ilvl480 on that fight), then lost his settings and was magically unable to reproduce them for others. After that recommends moving flash as high as 80%. Any healer that has healed a heroic is laughing at you for even mentioning moving flash this high and I promise you aren't pulling 100k on HC stone guard with flash anywhere near this.
Instead of laughing at someone who actually seems to provide some knowledge of healing HCs why don't you provide your magical settings.
BTW, I've successfully healed HC stone guards with this CR and I've used multiple settings trying to min max it, and unless you have proof of your 100k with ilvl 480, I'm going to go out on a limb and guarantee it didn't happen.
I agree 100% ive solo healed HC Stone Guards with just a disc priest smiting... Either your guild stands in alot of shit.. or your PRO as hell and need to find your "Missing" settings... Because when i sort of "Solo"" healed it, i only did 84k HPS and no one was ever even close to death.. it was Jasper, Jade, Colbolt... So i had a pretty Decent Set of Dogs to get High HPS on.
So either no one cares what you say because your a Liar.. or Your other healers were only doing 19k HPS while your doing 100k and Your Raid stands in EVERYTHING BAD... or your a God.
So find these Magic settings and some blanked screen shots...
Because so far you just look silly.. and Alaerwen has never steered me wrong... So far... Im 492 ilvl and 11/16HM and i highly disregard all opinions and statements you have said in the past.. and i suggest others do the same.
EDIT: By the way my Holy radiance is set to 0... the only time i use it is manually. The only times i use it is either on Heroic Elegon Phase 3, Lei shi's push back (where its not needed but i use it) and Heroic Imperial Vizer Zor'lok's Force and Verve (and i only use it on the Force and Verve if the Disc Priests Spirit Shell is on CD and ONLY if they are well Positioned.)...
The discussion was over whether or not it is optimal to use HR while raiding. Feedback was given by people with actual heroic experience using the CR while attempting to steer other users away from bad advice. Thank you for your constructive feedback though.this is a CC thread not an epeen contest or flaming war... grats you have used this CC successfully, but in the mean time take the back and forth to an off topic thread or better yet pm's. none of this discussion between y'all do anything for this CC, no faults reporting, no logs, no suggestions on what to change the CC, and most of all no settings to be shared with others.
I've always gone off your guide and changing things as i see fit and assisting the CR as i see fit... I just got 5/6 HM HoF last night with a heroic ambershaper kill... Since you were just talking about HM Grand empress.. Would you mind sharing your settings.. would be must appreciated also any tips while assiting the CR?