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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

the log also show bg, doesnt it mate?
anyways, gna try revision 289, and get back to u:)
I think there's something wrong with the setting.

Please delete EVERYTHING except the folder .svn and do a SVN update again, it should be fixed.
Thats exactly what I did. But I still have to choose BGbuddy if I wanna do bg's. Ir is there a way I can use LazyRaider? To do bg's and Raids?
As I said, I'm new. I looked at the pictures. dobbelchecked and it is exactly what you did.
You need to download LazyRaider (link on my blog too) and put it in the Bot folder. LazyRaider WILL appear in the drop down box, top left corner of Honorbuddy program.
You need to download LazyRaider (link on my blog too) and put it in the Bot folder. LazyRaider WILL appear in the drop down box, top left corner of Honorbuddy program.
I've done that. But amd I supposed to use LazyRaider or should I use Bgbuddy for bg's? Because when I use Lazyraider it just stands in SW, not doin anything.
for lazyraider u have to move by yourself
you want to botting bgs full afk ? then bg buddy
well u should never EVER use holy radiance, I used it only ONCE in MoP so far and that was elegon p3 on our first kill cuz raid was rly low, its the most unefficiant spell ever, and no dont raise flash of light either, only move divine light and problem solved..

Divine Light set high, because using auto beacon, you will be generating holy power. How many stacks of EF do you recommend for 10/25 man?
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You should not use bgbuddy atm cause it's not safe right now. Me and many others had a ban for grind or bgbuddy and I even supervised it allot. Just use lazy raider until bgbuddy is safe again.
hey does anyone wanna share there 10 man holy settings? im using stock right now and is working really good. just trying to see if anyone has something a little better :)
So... Which version of HB works the best for this CC? I lost my hdd where I was saving all of the releases >.<
And... can you upload a link? =D
wich version ?
i have the lastest normal release and everthing works perfect ;)
You should not use bgbuddy atm cause it's not safe right now. Me and many others had a ban for grind or bgbuddy and I even supervised it allot. Just use lazy raider until bgbuddy is safe again.

So I have to "steer" my char with LazyRaider?
u have to move by yourself with lazyraider ...
the cr will do the rotation ;)
Something is majorly broken with either this CC or Honorbuddy. I know it's had some problems in the past where it pauses for a few second before healing in arenas, but today doing 2v2 it all out stopped doing everything for a solid 10 seconds. I was right next to my partner, not cc'd what so ever. It did this a couple times to the point my partner started screaming "WHY AREN'T YOU HEALING ME? HE WAS IN A FULL 8 SEC FEAR" Here is my log, im using HB and both wow and HB are set to start as admin.

I have another log that has many more errors in it but it is too large to upload. If there is a way to upload file larger than 1MB, then I could.


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no yeah...there's definitely something slowing it down. Did more HPS when I was poorly geared with EF blanket

P sure it's lazyraider
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Sorry but this reply is not helpful in anyway. You say not to use HR and i understand why not. But you offer nothing in response besides derision. Also as far as pumping your heals up including flash, i have flash set to 85 and divine at 95 and holy light at 0 obviously, no mana issues AND i use HR just because i have mana to spare ;p 182 GS and cleared all up to HC...stoopid deeps can't get thier shit together ;)

I have also switched between shield and EF and it must just be the group i run with but no-one has died regardless of which i use. Sometimes i am top heals and sometimes i am not but as long as we don't wipe i really don't give a damn. Now, in arenas as holy is where this cc shines imo. NO problems at all with burden of guilt and a blast of speed and my frost DK partner is all over them while they are thinking "wtf just happened?" as i am running away healing myself and freedoming (yeah my new word i just made up) as i go.

Actually I did offer other solutions, I even screenshotted my exact setup + glyphs + talents, and I dont see why you have holy light on 0.. and divine light on 95? and I really dont see why you use flash on 85.. I believe you cleared up to HC because I can soloheal heal normalmodes with my monitor shut off (without this CC ofc),

Flash of Light I have on 35 something, Divine Light on 40-75 depending on what fight and how many healers we use, and HR I simply dont use. I dont use light of dawn either,

YES HR and LoD gives amazing HPS, but HPM? no, not at all. On Grand Empress I pushed 105k hps with this cc, im ilvl 491 so its nothing about being "overgeared", infact im pretty much undergeared.

Putting Flash of Light on 85 or using Holy Radiance is stupid thing just to try win healing done meter, it wont save ur raid, all u do is steal healing from ur co-healers who probably could heal it up with alot less manawaste.

Eternal Flame gives u CONSTANT raid hps and saves ur mana for emergency moments where ur raid actually NEEDS you to burst, and not just steal healing from others.

Simple way to check how ur theory would work is for example will of emperor hc, constant titan gas? ur cc would spam flash light during the entire fight (12 minutes) do you say you could do that without mana problems?

or what about this one.. garalon, can u push flash of light constant for the entire fight?

or... lets say empress heroic, where raid gets smashed to 10% hp every 30 sec, and the fight is 12-14 minutes long,

ur settings is wrong mate, but yeah, it works in normalmode, but i see no point in using them settings.
Divine Light set high, because using auto beacon, you will be generating holy power. How many stacks of EF do you recommend for 10/25 man?

Im running with 1 HP, 10 man and its working fine, i suppose its best for 25 also
Ranks where you can see how it works:

Amber-shaper Un'sok(HC): Details for Finality - 16-12 16:01 - herpderp - World of Logs
Grand Empress Shek'zeer(HC): Details for Eizel - 05-01 23:42 - Ctrl Z - World of Logs
Protectors of the Endless(HC): Details for Eizel - 04-01 21:38 - Ctrl Z - World of Logs
Protectors of the Endless(Elite HC): Details for Finality - 03-01 19:05 - Myth - World of Logs
Lei Shi(HC): Details for Aladya - 01-01 19:06 - Method - World of Logs
Sha of Fear(HC): Details for Virsta - 31-12 18:07 - Defenestrate - World of Logs

I'm telling you, dont use flash of light :P and dont let bot use holy radiance, use it urself because it is used VERY rarely, (for example if ENTIRE raid is about to die in p2 on Blade Lord or Elegon p3 or some shit like that)
Actually I did offer other solutions

Oh i know you posted a great guide and i appreciate the time you took to do so.
I was only referring to that particular post not being helpful ;)
And your probably more than correct when it comes to HC but the reason i use the setting i do, holy light at 0 and DL at 95 is because i have no mana issues so personally think it's pointless to throw a low heal when i can throw a high one. Flash of light is at 85 because we haven't done HC so again, no mana issues.

I am sure this will change but as stands it runs just fine ;)
Something is majorly broken with either this CC or Honorbuddy. I know it's had some problems in the past where it pauses for a few second before healing in arenas, but today doing 2v2 it all out stopped doing everything for a solid 10 seconds. I was right next to my partner, not cc'd what so ever. It did this a couple times to the point my partner started screaming "WHY AREN'T YOU HEALING ME? HE WAS IN A FULL 8 SEC FEAR" Here is my log, im using HB and both wow and HB are set to start as admin.

I have another log that has many more errors in it but it is too large to upload. If there is a way to upload file larger than 1MB, then I could.
Look at your log there's no error but I think the setting is broken.

Please delete all the settings files except the .svn folder and do a svn update again, problem should be fixed.
I just got lazy raider and going to give it a test but not sure how this works for healers? As dps or tank you just click the target and the bot takes over but as heals do i need to stand near ppl in my raid or actually target the ones who need healing to heal them? Or does the bot just do its thing when an attack starts?

scottie I can tell you what I usually do; put the tank that has aggro on focus then I target the enemy. I have my focus button on tilde (button left to key 1) for easiest access.
