Seal: Seal of Insight
Buffs: Maintain these buffs on your main healing target.
Beacon of Light
Sacred Shield
Healing Priority: Follow these guidelines for optimal healing.
Holy Shock Use on every cooldown to build Holy Power.
Word of Glory Consume 3 Holy Power to heal low to moderate damage.
Holy Light Use to heal low to moderate damage.
Divine Light Use to heal moderate to high damage.
Flash of Light Emergency heal to save players facing death.
The Holy Paladin healing priority revolves around building and spending Holy Power. Your primary Holy Power builder is Holy Shock. You will consume Holy Power with Word of Glory. Holy Light, Divine Light, and Flash of Light should all be used as suggested in the Healing Priority, but keep in mind that Holy Light is the most Mana efficient heal to use on targets not affected by your Beacon of Light.
Holy Paladins must also watch for Infusion of Light and Divine Purpose procs. Always try to use Infusion of Light procs on Divine Light for single target healing. Remember that casting Divine Light on your Beacon of Light target will always grant a Holy Power thanks to Tower of Radiance. Divine Purpose procs should be used on Word of Glory.
Finally, if it's possible, you should melee to generate additional Mana from Seal of Insight.
AoE Rotation - 5.1
Light's Hammer
Light of Dawn
Holy Radiance + Holy Shock
If only experiencing low to moderate raid damage, try to heal single targets with Holy Light. As raid damage increases, use Holy Radiance to build Holy Power and Light of Dawn to spend Holy Power. If available, use Light's Hammer on cooldown by targeting the group of players that need the most healing. Use Infusion of Light procs on Holy Radiance for AoE healing and Holy Shock after Holy Radiance for extra AoE healing thanks to Daybreak. Finally, Divine Purpose procs should be used on Light of Dawn for AoE healing.
Effective Cooldowns - 5.1
These effective cooldowns are available if you chose them in your talent build.
Light's Hammer Cast on an area with party members that need the most healing.
Please learn how to properly play a holy paladin. You will be SOL if the bot is ever down. This is why we can't have nice things. People watch their bot do 80k hps since its has a 100x faster reaction time then them or they peak for a second at 80k. Having it set to holy light most of the time in heroic is not a good idea but have fun with that. Secondly, you get carried in a heroic boss fight and come in here like you are pro sauce spamming holy light, clearly you are in Blood Legion and your fellow healers are super pro because you didn't need to do anything. Lastly, I didn't get the kill - for that attempt I did over 100k and thought the CC did a excellent job, so stop being jelous and mad and move on.
If you want my setting you will have to wait - I went into ToES tues and did not raid last night. We are hitting MV tonight I believe and I said I will post them when I raid MV on heroic. I don't owe you anything, if I want to post them I will. If I don't I won't. You clearly aren't doing so well on heroic as you say. You are a very mad person for someone who supposedly solo heals heroic modes with a priest on smite healing, we know you are full of shit but everyone on the internet is super pro. Better contact Blizzard you sir are clearly to elite for heroic modes and need something harder. 11/16 heroic you say? Well I am currently 16/16 heroic and the guilds best healer.
Shouldn't be so mad - yes I am a god. Now back to things about this cc and telling TuanHa how awesome his cc is
are YOU 16/16 hc? I believe that when you screenshot ur achiframe on sha of fear hc, and for evidence lets say have mouseover on hearthstone for tooltip.
infact im willing to delete my wow character with youtube proof if u can provide that picture.