Tuanha Holy Paladin SE CR PVE settings guide, a way from ilevel 408 to 480+
Part One: Dungeon mode
So you have Tuanha AWSOME CR and want to be a healer but have no gear for it ? no sweat with this baby

Vendor gear is all you need, do not buy the expensive ones from AH, go to any gear vendor in Pandaria, buy yourself every peace of Paladin Holy gear for about 400G and you are good to go, no need for gems / enchants untill we get to the second part of this guide, if you already have some better holy gear or stuff in the AH is cheap on your server? go for it
1 thing tough, questing goes faster in terms of xp generation, my advice is to stick to retribution untill you hit 90 then go to Townlong Steppes ? Longying Outpost and buy the 408 Holy gear from the vendor there
Give yourself these holy talents & glyphs:
Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Start up HB and apply these settings in the CR:
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Go random normal dungeons and loot those bosses for everything they got

watch your justice points and trade them in for better gear @ Townlong Steppes - Niuzao Temple, for those who dont know, there are 2 vendors there with all gear from all factions you have reputation with, and yes, those fu dailys are still a must to get you better gear faster, but if you have time, and realy do not want to do those dailys it is not realy needed, you get your LFR ilevel eventualy with doing dungenons and then heroic dungeons
Part Two: Heroics
Settings from part one still apply but you could start to get youself some gems and enthcants on your looted heroic and bought epic gear, do not buy the jade enchant for your weapon, unless you can make it yourself or buy it realy cheep, only buy that if you have your epic weapon, on my server it costs 10K gold so ... fu them
I use MR Robot for advice on gems/enchants/reforge and there default settings for PVE are good enough for this guide, once you are raid and LFR ready you can play with it or use your good common sense to go forward
Part Three: RAID and LFR, go bonkers with melee
Respec to Eternal Flame
Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
I still use Holy Prism, its a personal choice
By now you should have at least 8K spirit and around 19% haste unbuffed and you can SLOWLY start to swap the settings from Divine Light and Flash of Light to this:
View attachment 69321
I say SLOWLY for a reason, not all encounters yield the same results couse things change, it depends on your entire RAID Party how things go (or not)
If you notice you use way to mutch mana and go OOM before the end of the fight, but you are top healer and at least 2x better than the healer under you, set it back untill your gear can handle it
From ilevel 470 and up or 10K+ spirit and 22% haste, things realy get going for you, i have no mana issues at all and about always top healer

there are moments i get on second place but never forget the overhealing other healer classes do, if you substract that, noone comes even close
The settings i showed you here have no settings for mana trinkets, you should set them for whatever you have
Remember a Paladin healer has a tradition to melee for mana, in Cata u even needed to do that for better holypower and mana gen to survive the long deathwing fights and in MoP it helps you to, there is absolutly no problem for you to crawl behind the boss in melee range and let it auto attack while the CR keeps casting the heals, you are a PLATE healer for a reason
Make sure Righteous Fury is off though, otherwise the tank will find it hard to keep aggro and you get unneeded mutch damage, remember to look at the situation at hand and act on it accordingly
Note on divine light setting for raid, its not off for a reason, its on 40 together with gardian and holy avenger (if you talented it), if members get below this setting in RAID its mostly not the end of the damage spike, by then Divine Favor is running and together these abilitys give me 160K+ critical heals, more than enough for those oh shit moments and noone comes to close to death, an other importand reason is to account for lag and other infuenses to not go below 40, but hey, you can play with those settings
I am on ilevel 480 now, once i go to full epic levels i will update this post and make new settings for those encounters
Happy healing, mocbar