Still Horrible lag spikes... Turn HB OFF my WOW works fine...
According to your log, you did not read the directions on how to correctly configure Tyrael. It should be set to 100 TPS and FrameLock OFF.
Still Horrible lag spikes... Turn HB OFF my WOW works fine...
There was no error and you play a WindWalker there suppose to have no flag on this spec (MistWeaver detox may cause lag)@TuanHA
Still Horrible lag spikes... Turn HB OFF my WOW works fine...
WindWalker detox only remove Poison and Disease (unlike MistWeaver detox which can remove Magic, Poison and Diseases)
I wonder what the point of Detox in WindWalker, the only CC that worth detox is Hunter Wyvern Sting and no hunter spec for that ever![]()
That a nice suggestion Diogo122Detox rogue's stun poison at 4 stacks, it can dispel Devouring Plague. Since the initial damage of DP got removed and upped the actual DoT damage itself, you want to get rid of it ASAP.
Tyrael => Disabled FrameLock, 30 Ticks.
With Singular works ok, Same setup using with tuanha ,dont work anymore as usual to me.
Gonna try the others tuanha I hv, Hunter n Pala..
1?) Pala works flawless with above Tyrael setup default.
Again it cannot be the CC because hundreds of other people are using it and no one else has that issue. You should adjust your FPS to your max fps in WoW. So you only have 30 FPS in WoW?
? I'm assigned to heal tank, what should I do?How to set only healing Tank? My friend often asked me to only healing Tank but I found only healing Tank is so hard,why?How to set reasonable?THX~~
? I'm assigned to heal tank, what should I do?
Combat Routine have build-in heal priority logic. It will heal target (if below 95%) > Focus (if below 70%) > You (If below 70%) > Everyone else. So just target your tank and set focus on your off tank, Combat Routine will heal them first.
BTW, monk is not the best tank healer that the Priest/Paladin job therefore there's no option to heal Target/Focus only like my paladin CC.
Hey love the CC but it keep crashing my WoW, ive tested this over and over on all the Custom honorbuddy content and its definetly this plugin. Do u know why?
Hey guys!
Long time user, first time poster here. Thank you TuanHa for what you do!
I have a few questions for the community. My guild has recently had me switch to MW monk from disc priest, and while I figure out what the hell I'm doing, I'll be using Lazyraider to fill in the gap. Can any of you recommend quality settings for a 480-490 ilvl MW monk on 10 man raids? Any tips as well would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
Look in the user settings folder of the CR svn, and there's MW settings in there. There isn't really much different between 10 and 25m play at this point. Make sure your enchants/gems/reforges are correct to get the most out of the CR. You'll have to adjust some of the settings (most notably HS %) to adjust for your mana regen and personal comfort.