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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Absolutely brilliant CC, the one big problem I am having though is that it keeps making WoW crash and slows the frame rate down to a crawl.
Absolutely brilliant CC, the one big problem I am having though is that it keeps making WoW crash and slows the frame rate down to a crawl.

Turn of frame lock on the botbase you're using. If it is off, no idea. Try a clean install.
hey tsatsa - how well does this CR do in real 10 man raids for ToT? i mean would you say it plays maybe less than, same as, slightly above, or way above the average human controlled healer??? is the HPS pretty good overall from your experience?

also, i notice CR rarely cast enveloping mist much even if put on a very high %.. is that not really an issue??
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Please send the setting to the tabs, if any, relevant to TK with a maximum Healing, does not work adequately set to be on the 1st place
hey tsatsa - how well does this CR do in real 10 man raids for ToT? i mean would you say it plays maybe less than, same as, slightly above, or way above the average human controlled healer??? is the HPS pretty good overall from your experience?

also, i notice CR rarely cast enveloping mist much even if put on a very high %.. is that not really an issue??

I'm currently raiding ToT heroic and the CC works pretty well compared to other classes (i would say above the average human controlled healers for sure). However, take in mind that you have to choose your style during different fights or even during a single fight. Durumu for exemple i usually not topping meters because i prefer to fistweave the boss during less dmg parts of the fight, which means a lot of overhealing but also 30-40k DPS. For other fights like Iron Qon i prefer to go pure ranged healer because the fight is quite mana intensive at ATM my settings are not really optimized for fistweaving (more changes will come)

Concerning Enveloping Mist (EM): you shouldnt be using EM sporadically on players unless you know only you will be able to heal them. EM is a relatively strong and short HoT thus it is best used on a player who will be taking more damage so in other words it's not necessary to spam this ability. The key is to play smart to reduce overhealing. If you check in my settings, EM is used only for players below 55%. Using Soothing mist on player above 55% + would probably mean overhealing because during the casttime of soothing mist is really likeble that another healer will heal that specific target (especially in 10 man raids)

I will try to write down a complete guide for every boss in ToT, including talents to use and uploading settings slightly different for specific fights
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My guild recently asked me to switch from MW to WW/MW hybrid depending on how many healers we need for the fights. My DPS is rather low compared to the other WW, but most of that is due to a gear disparity at this time, and it's not an issue. I'm only DPS on the farm fights anyway. I've tried many combinations of gems, talents, and reforges, and no matter what I try, I find that I'm capping both energy and chi almost constantly. Is this something that other WWs are experiencing? I'm using a 2h now (not ideal I know, but I don't have any 1h), but so is the other WW. It's to the point where I've never seen FoF cast because my energy is never low enough to justify it.

For now I'm running with the "accepted" gearing strategy found on any monk forum anywhere because it doesn't seem to make a difference, and this seems to be the most DPS anyway. I'm running the recommended Lazyraider settings from page 1. I tried Tyrael, but no difference. Is the CR just running too slow and letting energy cap, or is this a problem people are running into elsewhere? If there's a setting I should tweak as well let me know, I'm using the WW settings from the user settings folder.
Not sure if it is a sign of issues, but I was looking through my log from last night's raid and noticed that there are a good many [299] errors showing up again. I did not have any crashes or obvious issues, but last time this happened the crashes were not far behind. For some reason I cannot attach files right now. The excerpt below is one of many from the log:

[00:19:08.452 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 4F979E14 [299]!
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.MemoryManagement.MemoryBase.ReadString(IntPtr address, Encoding encoding, Int32 maxLength, Boolean relative)
at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua, String scriptName)
at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnVal[T](String lua, UInt32 retVal)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWItem.get_Cooldown()
at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.CanUseEquippedItem(WoWItem item) in d:\HonorBuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THHelpers.cs:line 324
at TuanHA_Monk_Special_Edition.Classname.<UseTrinket>b__547(Object ret) in d:\HonorBuddy\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THCommon.cs:line 5973
at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.Decorator..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.TreeSharp.PrioritySelector..()
at Styx.TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
Hey Tuan! I wanted to figure out how to adjust the settings to make this cc work as most mistweaver monks heal in 25M. Ive analyzed numerous world of logs data and all of them purely do this:

- Keep Renewing Mist on cooldown
- Heal anyone with Soothing Mist that needs healing thats not affected by Renewing Mist and to also generate Chi for Uplifts.
- Uplift spam as much as possible even if 1 target with Renewing Mist can be healed by it.

I wanted to make the CC work to generate as much Chi as possible for Uplift spam but to also be able to effectively heal in between moments where Uplifting isnt as effective and in times you need to generate Chi for uplift. I'm having a hard to keeping up with our other healers and even with our other Mistweaver Monk. He also has more Renewing Mists and Uplifts than I do. I have tried setting it to where the CC will Soothing Mist, Renewing Mist, and Uplift with 1 target at 100% health. More than half the time, it has a problem using soothing mist at all and when it does it doesn't choose people with the lowest health to heal when there is no chi to uplift and renewing mist is on cooldown. How can I make this more efficient?
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Crashing Problem

View attachment 2013-03-08 07.33.34 Crash - 5184.txt

This is the Attach of Log, Can anyone help me with this crash. I only use TuanHA and Lazyraider. Tried Fresh Installs and dont work

This is the Crash Warning that HB gave me 2, I couldnt put up the log cuz it was 2 big.

[20:29:54.521 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 020E0F26 [299]!
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.StyxWoW.get_IsInGame()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
Is it possible to disable paralysis entirely? I find that while leveling, it becomes a nuisance because the bot will wait out the entire length of the CC and just sit there starring at the sky like an idiot until the mob is free of CC.

Also, I find at times, that the bot does not recognize that it's stuck in combat with a target right next to it and even times when it's being hit.

Today while doing BGs as my MW monk, I found that he likes to continue running away from his healing target out of LOS and into walls and such while tossing out heals... so, can someone take a look at he movement portion of the CC?

No other addons are on... just BGbuddy and this Routine selected

Today while doing BGs as my MW monk, I found that he likes to continue running away from his healing target out of LOS and into walls and such while tossing out heals... so, can someone take a look at he movement portion of the CC?

No other addons are on... just BGbuddy and this Routine selected

For MistWeaver, the movement is controlled by BGBuddy, not my CR. If your char keep running away from his healing target, I advise you post bug report on BGBuddy thread.
As promised, here my little guide to MW monk ToT raiding with this CC.

  • General information

Settings are tuned for MistWeaver ranged healing. They will:

- Cast Expel on CD to generate chi
- Recast the healing statue when far away from 40 yards
- Revival, Xuen the tiger need to be manually used as healing CDs
- Spinning Crane Kick need to be manually used for AoE healing
- Diffuse Magic & Zen meditation need to be manually used as defensive CDs or in situational ways

If you go melee range and there is nothing to do, your monk will do some melee dmg (but settings are basically tuned to be a ranged healer)

Settings tuned for my monk (510+ ilvl). If you go out of mana set:

1) Healing sphere below 78
2) Soothing Mist below 83

I suggest to use these talents and glyphs (tier 30 and 75 are situational, look below):


  • Gemming / reforging your monk

Throne of thunder gear allows to reach different caps of haste. Basically 3145 haste is easily obtenable, 6145 requires more gear (around 522-525 ilvl).

If the socket bonus gives intellect, spirit, haste or critical strike, I suggest to always gem in the current way:

- Sparkling River's Heart in blue sockets
- Misty Wild Jade in yellow sockets
- Purified Imperial Amethyst in red sockets
If the socket bonus gives mastery, just fill sockets with Sparkling River's Heart

In order to reforge my gear, i usually use WoW Reforge Calculator & Optimizer

Just below the stats weights, i forge the site to:

Cap #1: Haste > exactly to > 3145 (or 6145 if you can reach)
Cap #2: Spirit > at most to > 10500
Cap #3: Critical strike > at least to > 6000 (if you can reach, if not set it to 5000-5500)

Try to play around with number in order to get numbers you like (at least 3145 haste is mandatory)

  • Throne of Thunder raiding

I mainly take these information from icy-veins. Take in mind that i just raid 10 man, and settings I provide are tested only in that form.

Jin'rokh the Breaker

Useful talents:

Diffuse Magic to mitigate the damage of lightning storm. Mandatory for heroic

Zen Sphere, it will do some healing and some damage. On Normal, during lightning you should be stacked. The damage is pretty high, so people might dip below 35%. However, if your raid has good healing and people never go below 35% health, it might be more useful to go with Chi Wave (in 10 man) or Chi Burst (in 25 man).

Useful glyphs:

You might decide to use Glyph of Fortifying Brew instead of Glyph of Meditation to mitigate damage from lightning storms.

CDs: use
Revival during Lightning Storms and
Xuen during pool phase (the tiger will provide extra damage and healing because of the pools buff).

Tips & Tricks:

Heroic: DIFFUSE MAGIC IS A MUST. When you get Ionization Debuff, you run OUT OF THE WATER and pop Diffuse Magic. The debuff will instantly be dispelled and do damage around you. You will take the damage at a 90% reduction. The timer for Diffuse Magic and Ionization are the same, so you will have it for every single one.
During Lightning Storm don't run around like a scared chicken. Be patient and watch where you are going. Try to do stand still as much as possible or do some Spinning Crane Kickif you have to move. If you are having trouble surviving use Fort Brew for one and then Zen Med for the others. You can't do any healing when you're dead.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT nodispel"


Useful talents:

Ring of Peace is amazing for this fight, my settings will use it on someone who has 3+ targets (so a tank) silencing and disarming them. Leg sweep is viable as well, but if other players are stunning as well it becomes less effective because of diminishing returns. Ring of peace also lasts longer making it more useful on the casters.

Diffuse Magic is helpful to clear magic debuffs when you are lacking dispels. If you do not lack dispells, you should go with Dampen Harm to as it is better for the final phase with Jalak.

Zen Sphere is once again useful if your raiders dip below 35% during the AoE from Jalak, otherwise you should go with Chi Wave.

Tips & Tricks:

- Mistweave the entire fight. If you are struggling for damage, start fistweaving at THE END of the fight when he takes more damage.

- Use Grapple Weapon on the adds for a healing boost. Make sure to disarm War God Jalak for a healing boost at the end

- Revival should be used at least twice during this fight. The first time is during the 2nd gate with the poison adds. Do your best to dispel as much as you can and save it when a majority of the raiders have about 5+ stacks of the poison debuff (or if the adds have died or are going to die soon). If your raiders are good at interrupting and focusing them down, you can use it on less stacks as well (we never went over 3 stacks for example). The second time you should use it is during the phase with jalak and his raid wide AoE. As usual, make a cooldown rotation with your other healers for the raid AoE from Jalak and let them know you'll mass dispel the poison debuff with revival.
- Xuen can provide useful healing when there are multiple adds up and stacked near each other.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"

Council of Elders

Useful talents:

Leg Sweep if you are assigned to stun Living Sands or Loa Spirits. Otherwise
Dampen Harm is the most useful as there is almost no predictable magic damage on this fight.

Tips & Tricks:

Not much for healers to worry about on this fight, just mistweave for the duration of the fight.
Revival for sandstorms (arrange a cooldown rotation with your other healers).
Dampen Harm and
Fortifying Brew to mitigate the damage from sandstorms.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"


Useful talents:

Dampen Harm is by far the best choice as there is no magic damage in this fight and it works wonders with quake stomp.

Tips and Tricks:

Revival for quake stomps (cooldown rotation with other healers)
Try to avoid the turtles.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"


Useful talents:

Rushing Jade Wind to be used during Rampage
Dampen Harm vs
Diffuse Magic: diffuse magic allows for great mitigation during the AoE or to avoid damage from the frost/fire/poison stuff. It will however remove the cinders debuff which may cause problems if it falls off at the wrong place. Dampen harm is useful to mitigate the cinder damage, but since you might never get it, diffuse magic might be more worthwile.
Tiger's Lust is great to give the people with the cinders a speed boost. that way they can clean up the ice patches faster.
Zen Sphere is a good choice and will become better towards the end as your raid will take more damage during the aoe and thus have a bigger chance to dip below 35% hp.

Tips and Tricks:

Mistweave the entire fight, there is no reason to fistweave unless you are really close to a kill and the damage is needed.
Revival: Make a cooldown rotation with your other healers for the AoE damage.
Rushing Jade Wind: make sure to use it during Rampage, becasue that is when it will be needed most.
CC settings will not dispel at all. You will have to manually use Detox on people with the cinders buffs ONLY when they are far away from others.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT nodispel"


Useful talents:

Diffuse magic if you have to soak pools. If you don't have to, take Dampen Harm and use it on cooldown to mitigate the RANDOM damage from caw.
Tips and Tricks:

If you stay on the boss platform the whole fight:

  1. Use Xuen on the boss for healing and damage, zen sphere or chi wave when you are stacked up for the AoE damage from quills.
  2. Fistweaving performs pretty well but is mana intensive, try out both fist and mistweaving and see what suits you best.

If you are healing a group assigned to dealing with the nests:

  1. Use xuen or RJW on the platform if you know you'll have quills.
  2. put your statue down each time you get to a new platform, it's free so that shouldn't be a problem
  3. Fistweave when there is no quills comin. I advise against fistweaving during quills as the adds may die and you'll be scrambling to keep everyone alive. To avoid doing dmg, just move at the very border of the platform to make sure to be away from eggs/adds

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"

Durumu the Forgotten

Tips and Tricks:

If you are hitting enrage, fistweaving is viable especially when moving around with the beam.

During the maze phase, you should be mistweaving. If you can do the dance from melee range, then fistweaving could also help, but there is a lot of raid damage that needs to be healed.

Manually using SCK while moving with your group helps you generate a ton of chi and to spam uplifts

Tigers lust to run ahead of the group is helpful to send a chi burst through the whole group, while also being able to easily get away from Durumu's eye beam.

Diffuse magic is helpful when you need to cut corners during the maze phase, or to switch between melees or ranged for whatever reason. Diffuse magic also help when you need to drop puddles or split damage form the light phase. Pretty much everything in this fight is magic damage.

Rushing Jade Wind is by far the most useful especially during maze phase while you are running around with your group.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"


Useful talents:

Chi Wave or
Zen Sphere if you are having tank issues
Chi Burst if you want to do more more raid healing and damaging slimes at the same time.

Tips and Tricks:

If you're tanks aren't dying randomly, then Chi Wave or Chi burst will be useful for your raid.

Once your raid gets fully mutated, then you should go around and try to get 4 beneficial buffs. You can get a 5th if you plan on fistweaving him, but with 4 it gives less room for error for getting a detrimental buff.

If you do decide to get 5 and want to fistweave then I would suggest trying to dps him from his side, on the inside of the room while your tanks kite him. This way, it will be less likely that you will run over an ooze puddle that will give you negative buffs.
Otherwise, mistweave the entire fight try to heal some of the random damage.

CC settings will not dispell any debuffs at all to avoid to dispell negatives debuffs which should also remove benefical stacks.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT nodispel"

Dark Animus

Useful talents:

Chi Wave - This spell has a history of doing a lot of damage to adds. It may seem good because of the single target damage and burst healing it will do, but it can easily kill an add that you do not want to die and cause problems for your raid. Use
Chi Burst instead.

Dampen Harm - This spell is useful all around for the damage the adds do, in case they get empowered and melee you once, but where it really shines is during matter swap because for the most part, it will reduce the damage by half and if by chance a second one goes out and you happen to get swapped right after that first one, it will again half it. Diffuse can help as well, but I find Dampen Harm more helpful since it last longer and can mitigate more attacks.

Useful glyphs:

Glyph of Fortifying Brew - This glyph is helpful for all the damage you need to take because of the adds you tank and if you get matter swapped.

Tips and Tricks:

Use Dampen Harm for matter swaps. It can save your life, especially for ill timed dispels. If you don't try to use Zen Med or Fort Brew.

DPS your add to 90-85% just go gain some initial agro. If you get matter swapped, just stay where you are so your add does not rampage across the room while trying to melee you. If you are required to heal a tank, then ask people to move so you can get back to your position.

Manually use Life Cocoon to maintain a tank alive at the beginning of the fight, if you are assigned to heal one.

Manually Detox Matter Swapper debuffs on people when it has 5-6 seconds left (CC will take care to not dispell it automatically even if Detox is active in settings).

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"

Iron Qon

Useful talents:

Dampen Harm - for first and final phase.

Chi Burst or
Zen Sphere - these help during the first and final phase when you are stacked up.

Tips and Tricks:
First phase: You can use SCK to heal up your cluster after they take Unleashed Flame. Revival when things start to spin out of control, you won't need it again until the final phase.

The second and third phases aren't a big deal. We can get out of the tornado phase easier than others thanks to Roll as well as Transcendence (you can basically be out in 1 or 2 seconds), and once you're out you can heal everyone else. Be sure to replace your Transcendence on the outside of the Tornado, you don't want to port back into it the next time it comes around.

The final phase things ramp up again, make sure you have the mana for it! The damage will go up quite significantly every time he does Fist Smash. Revival should be used as a CD at your raid's discretion.

Use Xuen during the final phase. Zen Sphere or Chi Burst since everyone is stacked as well. Dampen Harm will help you soak your Unleashed Flame, as well as mitigate Fist Smash towards the end of the fight, so it's a clear winner over Diffuse Magic here.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"

Twin Consorts

Useful talents:

Diffuse Magic - Mainly for first phase if you are bad at not getting stacks of the debuff from healing the tank. It's also good for the Tidal Force if you can't dodge it.
Chi Wave: it will give Corrupted Healing

Tips and Tricks:

Cosmic barrage and Ice Comet WILL NOT hit you. STACK IN MELEE. Being in melee range is so much easier for this fight so that you don't have to worry about being near someone else or have someone complain that you are near them.

You'll want to make sure Revival is up during the Break of Dusk phase, as damage is highest there. Tidal Force is a good time for it, as it's about as high as raid damage gets for this fight.

Corrupted Healing. With the current state of the CC, it's impossible to avoid getting stacks of this debuffs. You basically will get it because uplifting during moments where one tank is tanking Beast of Nightmares with ReM on him. Either ask your tanks to make a macro to remove ReM, or you use
Diffuse Magic when you reach 5-6-7 stacks. Just know that you are a shameful healer and are putting more of a burden on your other healers.

Use Zen Sphere & Xuen as the raid will be spread the whole fight.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"

Lei Shen

Useful talents:

Diffuse Magic - For solo soaking Static Shock
Chi Burst - For the end of the encounter
Chi Brew ? For having full chi at the end of the encounter

Useful glyphs:

Glyph of Zen Meditation

Tips and Tricks:

During transition phases: if you get static shock on you you need to use Diffuse Magic or Zen Meditation to SOLO SOAK.

Xuen can be good for the 2nd phase where there are a few adds (ball lightning) do do a bit of AoE healing. Although, those adds don't last very long anyway.

During the final phase you should roll away from Thunderstruck fighting against the wind.

Settings to use: "MistWeaver ToT generic"


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My settings

Thought I would share.
I have ranked twice for TOT 10 man normal on world of logs one in the 60's one in the 50's
settings work fine in 25 as far as I can tell, my main use is 10man though.

