Tuhana i see a error.
When i change Purifying Brew to Medium or other, save and no working, always mark High Stagger![]()
Any fix Thuana?
Tuhana i see a error.
When i change Purifying Brew to Medium or other, save and no working, always mark High Stagger![]()
Any fix Thuana?
After looking at your World of Logs you aren't kegsmashing as much nor are you blackout kicking enough. You Keg Smashed 7 times on your first Lei Shen kill back on 4/17. My Lei Shen kill last night I Keg Smashed 25 times. You were using Rushing Jade wind......which you shouldn't have, because Rushing Jade wind is.....well terrible..... And like they said in the brewmaster forums you shouldn't be using Zen Sphere. You also only used blackout kick 8 times, compared to my 27 blackout kicks. You pulled 100k DPS(e) I pulled 123k DPS(e) mind you this was the worst pull and damage I have done in the past month on Lei Shen mainly due to other circumstances.
I also don't think you understand how vengeance gains work. If you don't understand that then you won't ever get higher damage either. Example, on Lei Shen you pop Fortifying brew and dampen harm on the first decapitate that you take and you take the second decapitate with Zen Meditation. GRANTED this entails you to actually press buttons which I know you already hate doing, but that is what it takes on some fights to up your TANK dps. The less you tank the less vengeance you gain, the less you taunt the less vengeance.
It really isn't the CC it is more of an awareness thing.
Also I would like to point out your character sheet does not show you actually EVER killed Heroic Sha prior to nerf, nor ever.
Lol, crazy men that search me in other forums, your life is so boring..
I use all automatic, if no use more Blackout or Keg is because CC no use more, its that sample, i play full auto, i say you too many times, but you dont understand.
For Healing Sphere and Rushing i change this night i dont see too many diference in dps.
If you dont like help me ok, but plz, dont follow and spy me in others forums![]()
I don't follow you. You use the same name on both forums. I read the Brewmaster forums and post in there daily. You aren't special pumpkin. All Midwinters monk and I will end up telling you is that you are doing it wrong in order to put out the DPS we are you have to have some knowledge and do some actual clicking of your buttons. This isn't like windwalker.
Actually you derped up to the point if a Blizzard employee looked they would see who you are and ban your account.
Ok for last time..I DONT CLICKING ANY BUTTON, PLAY FULL AUTO, can you understand this time?? If CC no use more, no is for me, is for CC, simple to understand.
And yes, in others forums have too many players that help to much that you, i can ask question and they respond easy, no say that i use this or this, etc...
They also said to see your logs. They will tell you you aren't getting enough vengeance and you aren't using the correct abilities at the right time. This is because as a TANK you have to actually REACT to certain situations. You will continue to always be lower on the DPS pole than anyone else. You have been informed, there isn't any more to say.
Also looking at one of you achievements, again you are lying. Also, the achievement for it is ACCOUNT WIDE. Which you have your Feng achievement kill back in September, but again no Heroic Sha. NOTE: for a heroic Sha killing guild prior to the nerf you sure are far behind in the Heroic kills for this tier............ You just killed Lei Shen on 4/17
Anyways I am going to stop this blather because you want to increase your DPS and I am telling you how, but you don't care to heed the advice. You just assume a robot can do it all for you, which it cannot as a tank.
Yes please, i dont like add you to ignore list, and please use your brain, think i have different account ( bot, raidings, etc..) and no have all in same account, but you continue give me lier and i repot you for moderator
Watching you and Clubwar go back and forth is funny. I know it's not funny to either of you though. The picture that comes to my mind when I see you two arguing is that of a master and an apprentice martial artist. The master constantly tells the apprentice that it is, in fact, possible to snatch the pebble from the hand, however the apprentice continuously says that it's impossible to do it.Your guild hasn't even killed it. So I guess you raid in a different guild as well. Either way I don't buy your claims.
Watching you and Clubwar go back and forth is funny. I know it's not funny to either of you though. The picture that comes to my mind when I see you two arguing is that of a master and an apprentice martial artist. The master constantly tells the apprentice that it is, in fact, possible to snatch the pebble from the hand, however the apprentice continuously says that it's impossible to do it.
You constantly tell him how to achieve better DPS as a monk tank, and he constantly battles back saying that he doesn't press anything on his own and depends solely on the bot to do everything (or as he likes to put it, "full auto").
I just snicker when I read the back and forth between you two.
LOL, win a game vs a Glad is epic, that deserve an archivementTuanHA, this CC is doing great in Arena !!
20-1 with a well geared Ret pally at around 1600+ MMR
Tomorrow, I will get my T2 wep and win more games >
I rape double DPS, because of RoP, Life Cocoon, Disarm, Pallys BoP, and DS... So much survival!!
We even beat Venruki's alt mage (Venrukisan)
For those who don't know Venruki is a multi glad famous WoW player in "hey im mvp"
He streams a lot and plays with the Reckful
He played double DPS and we owned him. Monks are amazing in 2s and RBGs
The only down side is when we face a healer/dps team. It causes a bit of mana problems if they're doing a lot of damage especially, if its a long game (maybe because I'm not that geared yet compared to the DPS I am facing)
Please, add a way for the CC to pause when drinking!
LOL, win a game vs a Glad is epic, that deserve an archivement
Yes, the monk survivability and heal per second is really high but it trade for Mana.
But that also the class mechanic, MistWeaver always the first to run out of mana whether you are skill player manual play or with CR assist.
For the drink, you can pause bot using bot hotkey feature (default Tyrael hotkey is Alt-X) or my CR hotkey feature (default is Ctrl + 7 - need to hold these 2 button for 1 second to pause FYI)