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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

if the death knight has Glyph of Enduring Infection, when a 3 + effects, Monk tries to dispel them and spam dispel.lost mana and no heal.
View attachment 6864 2013-04-10 14.17.txt

tuanha first so mutch thx for your work! I have a problem with your monk cc sometimes i got a wow error (only when i use your monk cc in the arena)
any idear? When i buy the full your full cc is the problem also?

sry for my bad englisch i hope you understand my problem.
I disagree that askmrrobot is crap i use it on all my lvl 90s. The problem with windwalker dps is using lazyraider. If you use tyreal you will get a 10-20k dps bump and it helps to set up your cc as posted on page one. i noticed a dps loss for weeks after 5.2 was released when using lazyraider but after switching to tyreal my dps went back up alot. Im a 520 item lvl windwalker with multiple top 100 rankings all with tyreal and special edition cc. It also helps alot to use your damage reflection cds while in pools of damage like on megaera, jin'rokh and ji'kun. The only issue im have atm is alot of the gear has to much hit and im way over hit cap at the moment. but that will fix itself as i get more gear off the last bosses in tot. the valor and some gear off the first half bosses has to much hit on it. But no matter how you chose to gem and enchant your gear and weather you follow askmrrobot or go the stack agility way---- USE TYREAL !!!!!

link-- Level 90 Pandaren Monk | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
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Does anyone have a good profile to use for LFR, specifically the TOT LFR? I keep getting last on the healing meter with the Mistweaver 5.2 profile and was wanting to see if there is anything better out there! Sorry I haven't looked through 426 pages if there is one already, if there is, could someone point me to it?
Does anyone have a good profile to use for LFR, specifically the TOT LFR? I keep getting last on the healing meter with the Mistweaver 5.2 profile and was wanting to see if there is anything better out there! Sorry I haven't looked through 426 pages if there is one already, if there is, could someone point me to it?

I assume in the class config option, you have pressed load settings, and viewed the profiles in Users Settings?
Updated my settings for MistWeaver ranged healing in order to follow new improvements.

- Cast Expel on CD to generate chi
- Revival, Xuen the tiger need to be manually used as healing CDs
- Spinning Crane Kick need to be manually used for AoE healing
- Diffuse Magic & Zen meditation need to be manually used as defensive CDs

- If you go melee range and there is nothing to do, your monk will do some melee dmg (but settings are basically tuned to be a ranged healer)
- Settings tuned for my monk (510+ ilvl). If you go OOM set:

1) Healing sphere below 78
2) Soothing Mist below 83


tuanha i need to discuss with you about some problems with the donotcleanse list... any chance to get your skype privately?
Guys, per the forum rules, you're not really allowed to post links advertising, selling, or asking for donations for plugins, routines, profiles, and bot bases. Just saying so that you don't get in trouble, or get the creators in trouble. Keep those types of links to PMs.
Dear Tuanha, thanks for your brilliant CR, I've been using it as tank. Now I'm switching to dps. May I ask what the reforge/gem priority is? my ilv is 515, 2T15 and no RoR Trinket.

Many thanks for your help.
Hey tuanha.
I use your CC since months... Its perfekt! Nice work!
But in the last time a got some problems with healing...
The other Monks at the raid deal a lot more HPS than me....
Is it possible that my Monk use more and quicker "Soothing Mist"?
Sometime it looks like my Monk doing a breake and the other monks in the raid use the hole time "Soothing Mist"
I test the option Raid und Dungeon. But nothing changes...

I hope you understand my writen :) I?m german