Does anyone have a good profile to use for LFR, specifically the TOT LFR? I keep getting last on the healing meter with the Mistweaver 5.2 profile and was wanting to see if there is anything better out there! Sorry I haven't looked through 426 pages if there is one already, if there is, could someone point me to it?
I assume in the class config option, you have pressed load settings, and viewed the profiles in Users Settings? are you all playing with HB down atm?
Try with Tyrael and framelock OFF.@TuanHA
Horrible lag spikes. Doesn't seem like my fault, what can I do?
Same happens to Hunter TuanHACR....
I say agility > all.Dear Tuanha, thanks for your brilliant CR, I've been using it as tank. Now I'm switching to dps. May I ask what the reforge/gem priority is? my ilv is 515, 2T15 and no RoR Trinket.
Many thanks for your help.