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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

The Teachings of Xuen: A Windwalker PvE Guide

is the best place for stat weights. Hell you could go as far as looking at the top ranking WW's and see what they are doing.

I read the thread and also the EJ one. I'm thinking these analysis is more with theoretical stand-still fights and didn't consider the moving fights/game lag/etc and most important CC response and/or lag. sometimes it's probably worth losing the theoretical highest dps and get stats best for Tuanha's CC. I'm now trying different settings and will update when I have a conclusion.

Anyone has good experience with certain stats priority? please share~~~

many thanks~
Hey tuanha.
I use your CC since months... Its perfekt! Nice work!
But in the last time a got some problems with healing...
The other Monks at the raid deal a lot more HPS than me....
Is it possible that my Monk use more and quicker "Soothing Mist"?
Sometime it looks like my Monk doing a breake and the other monks in the raid use the hole time "Soothing Mist"
I test the option Raid und Dungeon. But nothing changes...

I hope you understand my writen :) I?m german

start by trying to use my settings by loading them (button on the bottom left part of the Config panel). If you want the CC to use more soothing mist, set it to an higher value (but be carefull to your mana)
start by trying to use my settings by loading them (button on the bottom left part of the Config panel). If you want the CC to use more soothing mist, set it to an higher value (but be carefull to your mana)

Thanks tsatsa!
I use your settings already... Nice work! But what you are meaning with "set it to an higher value" ?
The setting "Soothing Mist Unit Below"? Your settings are 87. And this a little bit higher?
Oder you mean a other option?
Dear Tuanha, thanks for your brilliant CR, I've been using it as tank. Now I'm switching to dps. May I ask what the reforge/gem priority is? my ilv is 515, 2T15 and no RoR Trinket.

Many thanks for your help.

Try Elitist Jerks, Icy Veins or Ask Mr. Robot
Thanks tsatsa!
I use your settings already... Nice work! But what you are meaning with "set it to an higher value" ?
The setting "Soothing Mist Unit Below"? Your settings are 87. And this a little bit higher?
Oder you mean a other option?
Try set it to 100% for example, it always cast but it cost more mana.
I read the thread and also the EJ one. I'm thinking these analysis is more with theoretical stand-still fights and didn't consider the moving fights/game lag/etc and most important CC response and/or lag. sometimes it's probably worth losing the theoretical highest dps and get stats best for Tuanha's CC. I'm now trying different settings and will update when I have a conclusion.

Anyone has good experience with certain stats priority? please share~~~

many thanks~

Those threads on MMO-Champion are coming from the top parsing Windwalkers on EVERY fight (these are based on experience in raids). Same goes for the Brewmaster thread which I put my two sense into as well. You will not find any better info than from those threads I guarantee it. You have Mihir who has already cleared most of Heroic ToT for WW's in the Windwalker thread and Genshin and Midwinters Brewmaster in the Brewmaster thread talking all the time about stats. You can't just look at the very first post.

You just have to do some reading, but that is what makes someone stand out from the rest is actually doing the research.\

Personally I love sitting at 48% Crit raid buffed as Brewmaster.
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That profile just work perfect to me!

But the problem is sometime when i run around and it bugged but it says "No weapon equip", I think its only when i face the boss on wrong way or stay infront of him :< But its perfect thanks!
I'm still having some difficulties with TuanHA Monk Special Edition using grindbot with my Mistweaver. It keeps targeting mobs and then run right past it without actually attacking it or doing anything, it's like a 50/50 chance whether it will stop attacking the mobs it targets or not. All of sudden it run past the mob it was supposed to attack, attracting several addition mobs while he keeps running in a straight line making fights quite hard, and at times he will even run right into or off cliffs and whatnot.

And sometimes it will target a mob successfully, run up to it and start attacking, but run slightly past it so my character stand with his back towards the mob for the entire encounter making it far less efficient than it should be.'

This has nothing to with the actual profiles I'm using as it seems to happen with whatever grindbot profiles I try to run as a Mistweaver using the "Full AFK" profile. I've tried to manually load FistMistWeaver and FistWeaver profiles from the routine folder and enabled all auto control options but they are facing the same problems.
It mostly goes like this:

Battle 1: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, kills it.

Battle 2: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, run right past it, normally aggro a few other mobs, after running in a straight line for a while stops and staring killing whatever mobs he have aggroed. Hopefully he wont drop down a cliff or get stuck while running in a straight line for whatever reason.

Battle 3: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, goes slightly past it and stands still with his back to the mobs but after a while he manage to kill it.

This goes on and on, it's somewhat random but he will rarely be able to successfully mark and kill targets more than tops three to four times in a row without starting to move right past a mob, or start running a straight line.

This goes for both the Full AFK, FistMistWeaver and FistWeaver profiles with and without Auto Target activated in the settings.

If I try to use the recommended 60 yards pull distance in the bot settings, my Mistweaver will just target mobs from a distance and just stand there doing nothing until a mob suddenly get close enough to get aggored, then he will kill the mob. I have to stick with a maximum of about 15 yards for anything to happen at all.

This is starting to get really irritating, especially considering my Mistweaver is slaying these mobs like they wore chickens, so it's just the strange behaviour making things not going efficiently.
It mostly goes like this:

Battle 1: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, kills it.

Battle 2: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, run right past it, normally aggro a few other mobs, after running in a straight line for a while stops and staring killing whatever mobs he have aggroed. Hopefully he wont drop down a cliff or get stuck while running in a straight line for whatever reason.

Battle 3: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, goes slightly past it and stands still with his back to the mobs but after a while he manage to kill it.

This goes on and on, it's somewhat random but he will rarely be able to successfully mark and kill targets more than tops three to four times in a row without starting to move right past a mob, or start running a straight line.

This goes for both the Full AFK, FistMistWeaver and FistWeaver profiles with and without Auto Target activated in the settings.

If I try to use the recommended 60 yards pull distance in the bot settings, my Mistweaver will just target mobs from a distance and just stand there doing nothing until a mob suddenly get close enough to get aggored, then he will kill the mob. I have to stick with a maximum of about 15 yards for anything to happen at all.

This is starting to get really irritating, especially considering my Mistweaver is slaying these mobs like they wore chickens, so it's just the strange behaviour making things not going efficiently.
FAQ 1st page:

Why Combat Routine don't face target and attack in Grinding/Questing/Gathering...?
Combat Routine do not support Grinding/Questing/Gathering in MistWeaver spec, please spec to BrewMaster or WindWalker.

The reason I don't code MistWeaver working with Grinding/Questing/Gathering is adding more feature only reduce CR performance. We can always spec to BrewMaster or WindWalker to do that job faster anyway.
hey tuanha the new code for killing totem's is awesome, i'm wondering if you can give detox for windwalkers?
Ah, I totally missed that. The default Singular routine seems to be rather efficient with Mistweaver now so I'll just use that for grinding / questing.

hey tuanha the new code for killing totem's is awesome, i'm wondering if you can give detox for windwalkers?
WindWalker detox only remove Poison and Disease (unlike MistWeaver detox which can remove Magic, Poison and Diseases)

I wonder what the point of Detox in WindWalker, the only CC that worth detox is Hunter Wyvern Sting and no hunter spec for that ever :D
Hi Tuan,

The CR doesn't seem to work well while mutated during the Primordius encounter. I don't have a log, but if you need one I can try and get one soon. I dont know exactly what it's doing, but I know it's not casting Rising Sun Kick.
Did you change the FPS setting as well? Did you read the tyrael guide? No one else has this issue except when they mess up the settings in tyrael.
WindWalker detox only remove Poison and Disease (unlike MistWeaver detox which can remove Magic, Poison and Diseases)

I wonder what the point of Detox in WindWalker, the only CC that worth detox is Hunter Wyvern Sting and no hunter spec for that ever :D

Rogue poisons might be what he is referring to.
Did you change the FPS setting as well? Did you read the tyrael guide? No one else has this issue except when they mess up the settings in tyrael.

Tyrael => Disabled FrameLock, 30 Ticks.
With Singular works ok, Same setup using with tuanha ,dont work anymore as usual to me.
Gonna try the others tuanha I hv, Hunter n Pala..
1?) Pala works flawless with above Tyrael setup default.
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