It mostly goes like this:
Battle 1: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, kills it.
Battle 2: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, run right past it, normally aggro a few other mobs, after running in a straight line for a while stops and staring killing whatever mobs he have aggroed. Hopefully he wont drop down a cliff or get stuck while running in a straight line for whatever reason.
Battle 3: Successfully marks the target, moving towards it, goes slightly past it and stands still with his back to the mobs but after a while he manage to kill it.
This goes on and on, it's somewhat random but he will rarely be able to successfully mark and kill targets more than tops three to four times in a row without starting to move right past a mob, or start running a straight line.
This goes for both the Full AFK, FistMistWeaver and FistWeaver profiles with and without Auto Target activated in the settings.
If I try to use the recommended 60 yards pull distance in the bot settings, my Mistweaver will just target mobs from a distance and just stand there doing nothing until a mob suddenly get close enough to get aggored, then he will kill the mob. I have to stick with a maximum of about 15 yards for anything to happen at all.
This is starting to get really irritating, especially considering my Mistweaver is slaying these mobs like they wore chickens, so it's just the strange behaviour making things not going efficiently.