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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Depends if you want a high "burst" rather than "substained". If you set it to 73-75 energy (I think I was unclear when I wrote it), you will gain an higher starting burst rather than having a higher substained dps. While I use "TimeToEnergyMax > 4" taken, that all depends on how fast you regenerate energy. If I were to take an fully T15H windwalker monk for example, I can't just go around and set the default value energy for this, because he has a shit ton of haste so he regenerates faster than everyone else. That's why TimeToEnergyMax is very handy when coming to monk.

*Did some simming*

It turns out that TimeToEnergyMax > 3 is actualy better than > 4.

After your edit, I'm not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me, as I don't understand what TimeToEnergy > 3 vs > 4 even means :P

I didn't pick 42 out of a hat though - somebody came up with a formula based on your personal haste rating to figure out the best setting for FoF max energy. Obviously, the higher your haste, the lower you want to set the max energy setting to avoid hitting energy cap during FoF and wasting energy that could've been used.
New update bring faster and more healing done to MistWeaver:

+ New method to predict healing (same as my paladin) therefore you should see more healing done and less over heal.
+ Totally rewrite the buff/debuff checking method, it's the main reason make CR run slow for some people, now it fixed.
+ Minor bug fix and improvement.

Please update and enjoy.

This latest update is amazing. Best one yet. see the attachment. First one is me, ahead of 2 shamans, 2 druids, and a pally.


  • holy-crap.webp
    14.7 KB · Views: 101
lol save the copy of that rev if you like bp423

I may make stupid mistake later and CR turn bad, silly me >.<
Tuahna, can u do a some tweak for me? i use Expel Harm in MW for chi generation on CD, on 100% hp. that's rly awesome, but one moment: can u do tweak for do not use expel harm then i already have 4 (5 with talent) chi?
New update, you can expel harm to regen chi event at 100% hp.

Set expel harm to 100, it will use on cooldown regen chi as long as:
1. You are in combat
2. Expel Harm is not on cooldown
3. You are at max chi -1 (3 chi or less if you don't have Ascension, 4 chi or less if you talent Ascension)
New MistWeaver, more healing done:

Better handle Spinning Crane Kick Channelling

Revival should NEVER use out of combat :D
New update, you can expel harm to regen chi event at 100% hp.

Set expel harm to 100, it will use on cooldown regen chi as long as:
1. You are in combat
2. Expel Harm is not on cooldown
3. You are at max chi -1 (3 chi or less if you don't have Ascension, 4 chi or less if you talent Ascension)
Big thx 4 your work!
Hi, tuanha. First of all I'd like to thank you for this awesome combat routine.

Today my guild just got into tortos hc and the mistweaver routine is quite a mess in this boss encounter. To summarize there is a spell (Crystal Shell) which is applied by the players who attack a crystal, that absorbs all healing done and added to this total up to 75% of max health. The point of this mechanic is to maintain the shield and to do that you have to overheal those players with this shield active, but since the very own routine doesn't let you heal a player over 100% of hp, the routine can't do this encounter properly.

So I thought a way to "patch up" this issue, would be a check box that allows the routine to overheal, or at least soothing mist overheal (cause this way you can cast enveloping mist or surging mist, while channelling soothing mist)

PD: Just for the record I have a donor version, if this helps you in any way.
I think i find universal solution for this in Paladin and Monk.

The only problem is I just can't find debuff name "Crystal Shell" in wowhead.

Can you link me that?
Here the wowhead link: Crystal Shell - Spell - World of Warcraft

A suggestion that i've got in mind on yesterday when playing brewmaster as offspec. Could you add the use of Zen Spheres as Brewmaster on and only on tanks? It should provide a good healing on both tanks and melee groups, and some extra dmg on bosses aswell
Hey Tuanha,

Is the auto racial code in place?
I have it checked but it never seems to use the Orc racial Blood Fury.
Am i the only one who have a low dps since the 5.2 with Windwalker ?
I was always first DPS 1-2 month ago and now, i have the impression my character don't dps corectly. I'm always 14-15 th dps on the recount.
I have the Special Edition MONK with Honorbuddy (v2.5.6937.199 BETA and v2.5.6929.555 STABLE).
Revision 314.

A link for my character: http://armoryx.com/id.php?id=20874

I didn't touch my talent tree, my stuff is totaly reforged and optimised.

I use Laizyraider with the good config (like the first topic)
For the routine, i click on "Raid" for use settings default for raid.

The "auto move" and "auto target" don't work too :(


Last edited:
Here the wowhead link: Crystal Shell - Spell - World of Warcraft

A suggestion that i've got in mind on yesterday when playing brewmaster as offspec. Could you add the use of Zen Spheres as Brewmaster on and only on tanks? It should provide a good healing on both tanks and melee groups, and some extra dmg on bosses aswell

Chi Wave is still higher Damage output and Healing, unless you are looking for AoE aggro. IE Horridon or Tortos, but you should never be tanking the bats anyways.
Am i the only one who have a low dps since the 5.2 with Windwalker ?
I was always first DPS 1-2 month ago and now, i have the impression my character don't dps corectly. I'm always 14-15 th dps on the recount.
I have the Special Edition MONK with Honorbuddy (v2.5.6937.199 BETA and v2.5.6929.555 STABLE).
Revision 314.

A link for my character: http://armoryx.com/id.php?id=20874

I didn't touch my talent tree, my stuff is totaly reforged and optimised.

I use Laizyraider with the good config (like the first topic)
For the routine, i click on "Raid" for use settings default for raid.

The "auto move" and "auto target" don't work too :(
Hmm, it strange, I test now and then WindWalker dps and the rotation seem fine, it pulling competitive dps compare to other CRs.

Auto Move and Auto target disabled in raid to improve performance/dps too.
OK guy, a extremely powerful PvP update have been deployed. Rev 315:

Add Kill Totems and Interrupt Flag Capper for WindWalker and MistWeaver. Very good in rbg when 7 sec cap flag is everything. CR will auto find and Jab/C rackling Jade Lightning interrupt that. Also kill nasty totems:
//Spirit Link Totem 53006
//Earthgrab Totem 60561
//Earthbind Totem 2630
//Windwalk Totem 59717
//Mana Tide Totem 10467
//Healing Tide Totem 59764
//Capacitor Totem 61245

Another update for MistWeaver PvP (which is retarded OP right now): Whenever you silenced, CR will Spinning Crane Kick to heal. It also good vs rogue, right after he Garrote, we Spin to get him out :D

Please update and enjoy.
Am i the only one who have a low dps since the 5.2 with Windwalker ?
I was always first DPS 1-2 month ago and now, i have the impression my character don't dps corectly. I'm always 14-15 th dps on the recount.
I have the Special Edition MONK with Honorbuddy (v2.5.6937.199 BETA and v2.5.6929.555 STABLE).
Revision 314.

A link for my character: http://armoryx.com/id.php?id=20874

I didn't touch my talent tree, my stuff is totaly reforged and optimised.

I use Laizyraider with the good config (like the first topic)
For the routine, i click on "Raid" for use settings default for raid.

The "auto move" and "auto target" don't work too :(
U got low ilvl, bad stats, gems and, I think, don't know about monk nerfs and about monk like damage class.. So.. It's ok
U got low ilvl, bad stats, gems and, I think, don't know about monk nerfs and about monk like damage class.. So.. It's ok

I think you have right and maybe my char hasn't got the good gear, but i have optimised it with "Askmrrobot" so normaly, my char must be fine for this gear.

Can you link me your monk profile for make a comparaison? Maybe you have some advise for me ?

Thx Tuan for this routine :)
Just add Monk will Paralysis Priest Psyfiend as soon as he drop it, so no more fear :D
New update for MistWeaver,

Better logic on Renewing Mist, you should see it use on proper cooldown and more healing done :D