Hi, tuanha. First of all I'd like to thank you for this awesome combat routine.
Today my guild just got into tortos hc and the mistweaver routine is quite a mess in this boss encounter. To summarize there is a spell (Crystal Shell) which is applied by the players who attack a crystal, that absorbs all healing done and added to this total up to 75% of max health. The point of this mechanic is to maintain the shield and to do that you have to overheal those players with this shield active, but since the very own routine doesn't let you heal a player over 100% of hp, the routine can't do this encounter properly.
So I thought a way to "patch up" this issue, would be a check box that allows the routine to overheal, or at least soothing mist overheal (cause this way you can cast enveloping mist or surging mist, while channelling soothing mist)
PD: Just for the record I have a donor version, if this helps you in any way.