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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Hey bobby, while i'm trying to write questing profiles, this thing is great... but i'm having issues when i'm "mounted" onto a vehicle.

Can you please implement some code so that if me.isinvehicle, to stop trying to buff lightning shield? :(

3:26:55 AM:380] %   Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded -- Mounted = False
[3:26:55 AM:380] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  100% mana
[3:26:55 AM:380] %   - status REST [me]:  h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:False, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[3:26:55 AM:380] %   RestLogic:  before ShamanBuffs
[3:26:55 AM:456] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x0, 0)
[3:26:56 AM:908] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[3:26:56 AM:908] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  100% mana
[3:26:58 AM:7] %   TotemManagerUpdate:  found 0 totems with closest 7866.0 yds away at <0, 0, 0>
My debug log is spammed with stuff like that, and the main log just says *Lightning Shield

Other than that, this thing pwns face
wow! just WoW! is all i have to say about this CC. excellent work man, currently using it while i 'm using the Archbuddy and when i come across some level 84 ( im 82) it litterally beats the shit out of it ) steadily pounding for 10-17k hits during fights.
Earthquake = wasteful.

I'll ask again, in case it got buried... Can we have an option to disable earthquake? I never use earthquake. Ever. There is no situation that EVER calls for it, excepting possibly killing shards on Corebus in Stonecore. Otherwise it's a huge waste of mana. I have it commented out now, but the CC constantly tries to use it in instances, and it throws an error rather than stepping down to chain lightning (which I would much rather it do, as it is glyphed and easily 10x as powerful as earthquake when you consider mana used.) and I do not know enough C# to edit it out entirely. Thanks Bobby, you rock.
Hey bobby, while i'm trying to write questing profiles, this thing is great... but i'm having issues when i'm "mounted" onto a vehicle. Can you please implement some code so that if me.isinvehicle, to stop trying to buff lightning shield? :(

3:26:55 AM:380] %   Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded -- Mounted = False
[3:26:55 AM:380] %   RESTING START: 100% health,  100% mana
[3:26:55 AM:380] %   - status REST [me]:  h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:False, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[3:26:55 AM:380] %   RestLogic:  before ShamanBuffs
[3:26:55 AM:456] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x0, 0)
[3:26:56 AM:908] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[3:26:56 AM:908] %   RESTING ENDED: 100% health,  100% mana
[3:26:58 AM:7] %   TotemManagerUpdate:  found 0 totems with closest 7866.0 yds away at <0, 0, 0>
My debug log is spammed with stuff like that, and the main log just says *Lightning Shield

Other than that, this thing pwns face
Kick, Thanks man and my apologies for the obstacle. If you are using version 4.2.09B, then you need to upgrade to the BETA (link on first post near top of page) since it should already handle that. If you are using the BETA and get the error, I need the entire log file however. Attach a .zip and I'll get it fixed immediately for you so that its not in your way. Thanks, Bobby53

Edit: I'll have a new version available in the morning for you. I'll still take a log file if you have one to make sure the change I am making is in the area you encountered a problem.
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wow! just WoW! is all i have to say about this CC. excellent work man, currently using it while i 'm using the Archbuddy and when i come across some level 84 ( im 82) it litterally beats the shit out of it ) steadily pounding for 10-17k hits during fights.
Glad to hear its working well for you! Thanks for sharing your success
I'll ask again, in case it got buried... Can we have an option to disable earthquake? I never use earthquake. Ever. There is no situation that EVER calls for it, excepting possibly killing shards on Corebus in Stonecore. Otherwise it's a huge waste of mana. I have it commented out now, but the CC constantly tries to use it in instances, and it throws an error rather than stepping down to chain lightning (which I would much rather it do, as it is glyphed and easily 10x as powerful as earthquake when you consider mana used.) and I do not know enough C# to edit it out entirely. Thanks Bobby, you rock.
lysdexic, Thanks for the post and my apologies, I did somehow overlook your earlier request. I see mention of two different errors cited in your posts as well as some constructive criticism. I need a log file for any one of these you want me to look into. .... A) Casting Earthquake when only 2 mobs. B) mentioned above its throwing an error? Please note that I can't support a version of ShamWOW that a user has modified.

The design objective of ShamWOW isn't to match each individuals personal playstyle. Instead, it should analyze the character build and current combat scenario and make the best decision possible using current best practices. The logic where possible is taken from analysis available on Elitist Jerks, Arena Junkies, etc. The use of Earthquake came from EJ so until some revision occurs there, support is going to remain in ShamWOW.

EJ doesn't account for GoCL however because its not part of the recommended build. The current ShamWOW code uses Earthquake it a little too liberally using EJ as a measure as well. While I won't add an on/off switch for Earthquake, I will add recognition of the Glyph of Chain Lightning. If its not present, then it will cast Earthquake when 5+ mobs are present. If GoCL is slotted, then it will require 8+ mobs in the aoe radius to cast. Right now it prevents stops Earthquake if mana gets below the Emergency Mana %, but it should stop casting it earlier than that. For now I'll have it stop at 60% and look for feedback from users. If mana is an issue at that point, please shoot me a complete debug log file where mana is an issue so I can analyze and account for that.

Thanks for the post, Bobby53
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EJ doesn't account for GoCL however because its not part of the recommended build. The current ShamWOW code uses Earthquake it a little too liberally using EJ as a measure as well. While I won't add an on/off switch for Earthquake, I will add recognition of the Glyph of Chain Lightning. If its not present, then it will cast Earthquake when 5+ mobs are present. If GoCL is slotted, then it will require 8+ mobs in the aoe radius to cast. Right now it prevents stops Earthquake if mana gets below the Emergency Mana %, but it should stop casting it earlier than that. For now I'll have it stop at 60% and look for feedback from users. If mana is an issue at that point, please shoot me a complete debug log file where mana is an issue so I can analyze and account for that.

Thanks for the post, Bobby53

Better than I asked for, even. Stopping at 60 is great. That is roughly 2 possible casts. I need to run it a few more times in a recognized instance to be sure about the target counting, and also to give you a proper log. I know you wouldn't support it if I modified it, makes lots of sense. Is there a way to check if the unit we are counting in radius is also attacking someone in our group? I don't know enough about the API to understand its complexities.

The real gain in GoCL comes when you have a good chunk of mastery. 6-7 jumps, with an initial crit, doubled, and sometimes tripled really adds up fast, and the procs do not cause additional threat. The DPS between the two might be similar or even a little lower for GoCL, but the end result is not. I realize however, that when you're writing this, you can't expect the character to have a decent level of any stat, so leaving it basic means it will be more survivable.

One other thing, in both STABLE and BETA, if I fire up CombatBot on a training dummy, initial totems will be dropped, but they are not refreshed when they expire. This includes searing totem, which is fairly crucial to single target dps. Can you add this behavior in? It seems like there would be situations where a fight might last longer than 60 seconds, especially in PvP.

Thanks again for your dedication to this CC, and your extreme professionalism handling the people replying to this thread to include myself.
Is there a way to check if the unit we are counting in radius is also attacking someone in our group?
Yes, the add logic in ShamWOW only considers those enemy targets that are In Combat even though the AoE abilities triggered do not (CL, FN, EQ, MT) The purpose is to support single target dps in situations where other mobs are present but not attacking. I have begun adding crowd control detection as well for cases where the tank doesn't move the primary target far enough away from cc'd mobs, but it is currently incomplete.

One other thing, in both STABLE and BETA, if I fire up CombatBot on a training dummy, initial totems will be dropped, but they are not refreshed when they expire. This includes searing totem, which is fairly crucial to single target dps. Can you add this behavior in?
lysdexic, In general things like these aren't missing or new behavior. If it isn't doing something correctly it is because new code (in either HonorBuddy, a Bot, or ShamWOW) has broken the existing behavior or it is being used in a situation that wasn't anticipated during design. Please always provide a complete debug log file for any issue you would like me to look into. In this case, please just post the BETA log as barring any show-stopping issue that is the line of code being worked upon.

Thank you for your feedback and time spent communicating details about ShamWOW and the Shaman class, Bobby53
Bobby is possible to add a option to Disable all targeting logic while DisableMovement is enabled like the Fedehat DK cc? if you can it will be awesome so we can do dungeons, raids, etc with perfect rotation while we pick the targets of our choose, ty.
Sorry, but it freeses both - WOW and HB.
[01:07:28:485]Loading [B]Honorbuddy[/B] settings.
You are using an old version of HonorBuddy and trying to use it with the newly written GatherBuddy 2. Download the current version of HonorBuddy and you should be good to go. This isn't related to the Custom Class in use.
Bobby is possible to add a option to Disable all targeting logic while DisableMovement is enabled like the Fedehat DK cc? if you can it will be awesome so we can do dungeons, raids, etc with perfect rotation while we pick the targets of our choose, ty.
pinhe1ro, Lazy Raider mode has been supported by ShamWOW for a very very long time, and disabling targeting isn't required in general to do raids, dungeons, etc. Please provide a specific example of when its picking the wrong target along with a complete debug log file. If there is a specific encounter that you believe requires disabling targeting, then provide a very detailed description of it. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
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while i do mining i dont really run into any mobs but it still activates/reactivates lighting shield, can i turn this off? as people acuse me of botting in whispers ^^. will a log file need to be provided? as it usually enables lighting shield on start. ty
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while i do mining i dont really run into any mobs but it still activates/reactivates lighting shield, can i turn this off? as people acuse me of botting in whispers ^^. will a log file need to be provided? as it usually enables lighting shield on start. ty
bakedapple, Unless you are experiencing some unexpected behavior, Lightning Shield is only cast when it needs to be renewed (every 10 minutes if you aren't attacked.) I doubt that would be the source of any whispers you are receiving because if they are watching you so closely to detect a pattern that occurs once every 10 minutes, something else about your session is drawing their attention. Most players mining with a Shaman would keep their weapon imbues and shield up so they don't waste 2-3 GCDs applying them during combat in the event they are attacked. I would think a Shaman mining without Shields or Weapon imbues would actually draw more attention than having them applied.

Please attach a complete debug log file for this issue and provide the following as well:

1. What time in the log file is the specific cast of Lightning Shield that caused you concern. If you are saying its a concern that it is ever cast, then no log file is needed

2. Is it a PVP or PVE Realm

Please note I will look at making this change, but need the detail mentioned above first to be sure the change made is the change actually needed.

Thanks, Bobby53
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Looking for Shaman BETA Testers: A NEW BETA Release of ShamWOW 4.3.06 is available for download to anyone willing to fill the role of TESTER instead of USER. If you are looking for a version to AFK or run with InstanceBuddy with predictable results stick with the current Stable release of 4.2.09b. If you would like to try out the newest version, all I ask in exchange for your early access to this release is that you agree to write detailed posts and always attach a complete debug log file when you encounter an issue.

To access the BETA, visit the ShamWOW download page [CLICK HERE] and follow the instructions.

Changes in BETA 4.3.06

02/02/11 Revision 4.3.06-BETA
FIXED - PVP - All Builds: fixed bug when picking up a new target which was introduced with Pet fix in last release

FIXED - Vehicles: should now correctly detect when in a vehicle and not try to cast spells

FIXED - Healing: fixed error thrown when heal target selected dies between the time they are selected and heal is cast

CHANGE - Elemental: Earthquake - normally cast only if 5+ mobs are in AoE. if Glyph of Chain Lightning is slotted, will only cast Earthquake if 8+ mobs in area giving a greater tolerance to continue AoE attack rotation with Chain Lightning rather than Earthquake.

CHANGE - Elemental: Earthquake - will only cast if Mana > 60%

CHANGE - PVP - All Builds: removed logic which would blacklist targets that ran out of LoS

CHANGE - Grind/Questing - Combat Style: renamed the "Disable Totems / CDs" PVE Combat Style to "Low-level Farming". Also changed so it will also prevent applying a shield. This is due to Lightning Shield causing lower level mobs being farmed for +rep to die without receiving credit for the +rep.
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thank you for adding low level style ill watch it for the next few hours, running fine at the moment
thank you for adding low level style ill watch it for the next few hours, running fine at the moment
You are welcome. It was already present as Disable Totems/CDs. I renamed it to what it was actually used for and added disabling shields to it. If you do encounter an issue, please note that a complete debug log file needs to be attached along with a timestamp of the point you witnessed the problem. I personally wouldn't farm without shields but since this ability was needed for those grinding rep anyway feel free to use it as you see fit.

Thanks, Bobby53
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Looking for Shaman BETA Testers: A NEW BETA Release of ShamWOW 4.3.06 is available for download to anyone willing to fill the role of TESTER instead of USER. If you are looking for a version to AFK or run with InstanceBuddy with predictable results stick with the current Stable release of 4.2.09b. If you would like to try out the newest version, all I ask in exchange for your early access to this release is that you agree to write detailed posts and always attach a complete debug log file when you encounter an issue.

To access the BETA, visit the ShamWOW download page [CLICK HERE] and follow the instructions.

Changes in BETA 4.3.06


I'll be leveling a 80+ while making questing profiles (even though we can fly yet, but I hope soon) - I'll let you know with a full log if anything occurs out of the ordinary :)

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Hey Bobby,

I noticed that sometimes the bot will use Thunderstorm if a mob is a little too far away (IE: stupid harpies)

HB Log:
*Lightning Bolt 
*Flame Shock
*Lava Burst 
*Lightning Bolt
*Lightning Bolt 
*Lightning Bolt
Looting Wormwing Swifttalon
Stopping the bot!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53

and debug spam:

[3:40:23 PM:534] >>> PULL: Wormwing Swifttalon.FF38[80] at 29.1 yds 
[3:40:23 PM:622] Spell_C::CastSpell(66842, 0, 0xF130A0440012FF38, 0)
[3:40:23 PM:633] *Call of the Elements
[3:40:25 PM:265] Spell_C::CastSpell(403, 0, 0xF130A0440012FF38, 0)
[3:40:25 PM:283] *Lightning Bolt 
[3:40:27 PM:382] Spell_C::CastSpell(8050, 0, 0xF130A0440012FF38, 0)
[3:40:27 PM:400] *Flame Shock
[3:40:28 PM:86] Activity: Combat
[3:40:28 PM:116] *Auto-Attack 
[3:40:28 PM:716] Spell_C::CastSpell(51490, 0, 0xF130A0440012FF38, 0)
[3:40:28 PM:733] *Thunderstorm
[3:40:30 PM:99] Spell_C::CastSpell(51505, 0, 0xF130A0440012FF38, 0)
[3:40:30 PM:116] *Lava Burst 
[3:40:32 PM:83] Spell_C::CastSpell(403, 0, 0xF130A0440012FF38, 0)
[3:40:32 PM:100] *Lightning Bolt
[3:40:34 PM:484] *Lightning Bolt 
[3:40:36 PM:885] *Lightning Bolt
[3:40:39 PM:676] Cleared POI
[3:40:39 PM:811] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Wormwing Swifttalon
[3:40:40 PM:511] interact: 0x29615914
[3:40:40 PM:517] interact done: 0x29615914
[3:40:41 PM:296] Looting Wormwing Swifttalon
[3:40:41 PM:338] Cleared POI
check for something like at the end of log (attached)

- Kick


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