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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Hay all. I dont have time to read 100 pages.. can someone tell me if 4.3.04 Beta is the latest beta release?

I ask because I have been using it for a while now ( for a beta), and am seeing the Issue with running away after a pet is cast and takes over combat - I know thats been reported a few times in the last several days, and will be surprised if theres not a fix for it up yet :)

TIA, Frosty
ShamWOW Download Page [CLICK HERE]

Sounds like you already know where to find the BETA information so reading 100 pages doesn't seem like an issue. The link to the BETA Page is located at the top of the first post in this thread. I have provided a link to the first so if needed go there and use the link to the BETA Page provided.

As a BETA Tester and not a BETA User, I know you'll provide more detail plus a complete debug log file in subsequent posts regarding any issue you are seeing. It's been reported as a general HonorBuddy issue that is specifically impacting the Earth Elemental Totem. No other report I am aware of has been made so unless you are speaking specifically and solely about Earth Elementals, your post is important and needed.
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HonorBuddy Mode: Quest
Shamans Location: Org and Ratchet
What should have happened (be specific):
What did happen (be specific):
System time of issue (log time stamp):
ecxtimmy, Thank you for what appears to be a good beginning to your issue post. However, I'm not sure what the issue is you are posting about or what time frame in the log files the problem occurred. I'll keep an eye out for the update. Thanks, Bobby53

EDIT: In both log files I found the following error:
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 33284 in database.
So at this point I'll assume that was the reason for the post. That is either an error in the profile or in HonorBuddy, not sure which. You appear to be using 1-35 Horde Questing v. 2.0.4.xml so you'll want to post in that thread regarding the issue. Just use these same log files and describe the error or link back to this post and you should be good to go.
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Hey bobby hers a new post with log about the earthshield problem

HonorBuddy Mode: PvP
Shamans Location: SoTA
What did happen (be specific): Used manatide and changed to water shield and as soon as there was enough mana recasted earth shield and water shield again because of low mana so my toon is wasting mana by casting earth shield on self and then recasting watershield right after the earth shield.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 14:49 ->


Hey bobby hers a new post with log about the earthshield problem

HonorBuddy Mode: PvP
Shamans Location: SoTA
What did happen (be specific): Used manatide and changed to water shield and as soon as there was enough mana recasted earth shield and water shield again because of low mana so my toon is wasting mana by casting earth shield on self and then recasting watershield right after the earth shield.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 14:49 ->
UREG, Thank you very much for the detailed issue post. That is definitely an issue. I'll include a fix for that behavior in the version being posted later today. Thanks for your assistance in identifying and resolving this. Bobby53
Hello, first off; thanks for a great CC. And I apologize in advance if this has been asked before or if it has nothing to do with the CC. But here goes.

HonorBuddy Mode: Quest
Shamans Location: Atm Zangarmarsh (but happens everywhere)
What should have happened (be specific): Loot mob after killing it
What did happen (be specific): My character will kill a mob, not loot it, run some yards in one direction. Stop and the return to loot it. This looks very bot-like and I'd really love to fix this somehow.
System time of issue (log time stamp): Not really sure if this produces an error message at all. But here's a timestamp for one of the incidents [18:45:32:682] (Fight starts at timestamp).

Again, sorry if this is not a CC issue and a HB issue.

Also on a sidenote, how can I disable earth elemental totem from being put down. Due to the bug I'd like to stop using it.

Thanks in advance.


Hello, first off; thanks for a great CC. And I apologize in advance if this has been asked before or if it has nothing to do with the CC. But here goes.

HonorBuddy Mode: Quest
Shamans Location: Atm Zangarmarsh (but happens everywhere)
What should have happened (be specific): Loot mob after killing it
What did happen (be specific): My character will kill a mob, not loot it, run some yards in one direction. Stop and the return to loot it. This looks very bot-like and I'd really love to fix this somehow.
System time of issue (log time stamp): Not really sure if this produces an error message at all. But here's a timestamp for one of the incidents [18:45:32:682] (Fight starts at timestamp).

Again, sorry if this is not a CC issue and a HB issue.

Also on a sidenote, how can I disable earth elemental totem from being put down. Due to the bug I'd like to stop using it.

Thanks in advance.
Androgynous, Thank you for the very detailed post. I will be able to give this a thorough review for you later today. In general, the looting behavior you have described is an HonorBuddy issue. There is a plugin that addresses it but I don't have a link to it handy atm. However I will specifically review this and follow up in more detail. As for disabling the Earth Elemental totem, the only thing you can do is to set Earth Elemental Totem for use in Stressful Situations only (default setting) and then define a Stressful Fight as being one with more mobs than you will normally encounter. Another option is to try the Pet Targeting Plug-in a try [CLICK HERE]. I have not looked at it since the I had incorporated a fix already in the development release of ShamWOW before it was posted. Totems and the elementals created by them aren't really pets so I don't know if it will work. If it doesn't, no worries as it will be resolved in ShamWOW today. Thanks, Bobby53
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Thanks for the reply. I'll up the mob count on stressful situations, I currently don't have that many panic buttons so it shouldn't be a big issue if it doesn't use the others.

I found a plugin now that should sort the looting (I didn't know a plugin could fix it, so thanks for the tip).
Looking for Shaman BETA Testers: A NEW BETA Release of ShamWOW 4.3.05 is available for download to anyone willing to fill the role of TESTER instead of USER. If you are looking for a version to AFK or run with InstanceBuddy with predictable results stick with the current Stable release of 4.2.09b. If you would like to try out the newest version, all I ask in exchange for your early access to this release is that you agree to write detailed posts and always attach a complete debug log file when you encounter an issue.

Note: I spent most of the testing time on this set of changes on Elemental PVP and grinding mode as Enhancement (to test the HonorBuddy Pet bug.) I left the prior BETA release available for download as well for now in the event you encounter an issue with one of the many Bot variants (like InstanceBuddy) that I wasn't able to test with.

To access the BETA, visit the ShamWOW download page [CLICK HERE] and follow the instructions.

Changes in BETA 4.3.05

[I][B]01/30/11 Revision  4.3.05-BETA[/B][/I]
FIX - All Specs:  fix for HonorBuddy pet/elemental totem targeting issue

FIX - All Specs:  fix for Unleash Elements.  bug was causing it to believe weapons did not have imbue so attack casts were prevented

FIX - All Specs:  when taking a flying mount or taxi/vehicle will cause dismount in air.  fixes startup with Archaeology Buddy when already in air as well as error messages that sometimes occurred when started while taking taxis between cities, etc.

FIX - Elemental ALL:  Corrected message when Fulmination to indicate it waits for 7+ stacks rather than 8+

FIX - Elemental PVP:  added Fulmination Check when determining what Shock to cast.  Previously was only being done in PVE

CHANGE - Elemental PVP:  will not cast totems before attacking a mounted player; totem cast was allowing mounted player to be out of range by time attack cast

CHANGE - Elemental PVP:  will Hex target to silence prior to initial nuke attack

FIX - Resto PVP:  Shield Twisting values used for Water Shield / Earth Shield when healing in Battlegrounds.  This corrects alternating shield spam caused when mana was at Emergency % in battlegrounds.  Also allows forcing water shield or earth shield 100% of the time in Battleground.  Outside of Battleground numbers apply to Water Shield/Lightning Shield, except when in RAF Group which still forces Water Shield

CHANGE - some messages that were in Log window now moved to Debug window
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Hey there.

I've been using ShamWoW and the default SOTA profile for the weekend and its been working great.

Decided to give mixed mode a try to do some grinding during the honor downtime and when I try to start up the bot I would get this message

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.2.09b by Bobby53
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!

I've tried it on both the beta and stable versions of ShamWOW
4.209: For some unknown reason every time my sham needs to heal and uses Lifeblood (herbalism healing skill) - Warstomp (tauren racial) also procs, even though there are no mobs around. Thank you for otherwise great profile :) And the beta version acts really weird in bgs, keeps switching between mounts and ghost wolf form every couple of secs.
Also, why is ShamWOW not using Unleash Elements?
thesirren, My apologies for your issue, however I am not getting the results you describe during my testing. Since you mentioned using the BETA release, you should revisit the BETA Download page and review my expectations of BETA Testers before continuing use of that version. It isn't appropriate for everyone, so be sure to review and decide if you should continue using that version or just wait for the published stable release. For general questions, support posts, and constructive criticism regarding any version of ShamWOW please consult Post #2 in this thread which is the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE]. That page has details on the minimal information required for me to assist you. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
Hey there. I've been using ShamWoW and the default SOTA profile for the weekend and its been working great. Decided to give mixed mode a try to do some grinding during the honor downtime and when I try to start up the bot I would get this message

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.2.09b by Bobby53
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
I've tried it on both the beta and stable versions of ShamWOW
cyjimmy, Glad to hear it has been working well for you. For general questions, support posts, and constructive criticism regarding any version of ShamWOW please consult Post #2 in this thread which is the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE]. That page has details on the minimal information required for me to assist you. If you are using the BETA release as mentioned, please visit the BETA download page and review the expectations of posts received from BETA Testers.

That is an obscure HonorBuddy message saying that the currently loaded .XML profile does not contain any suitable activities defined for your character. Usually means the grind profile you are trying to use was created for characters in a different level range than the one you are trying to run it with. Could also be an error in the profile. In all cases however, it is related to the .XML profile and not the CC (ShamWOW in this case.) Your best avenue for support if this continues to occur is to post in the thread you downloaded the grind profile from so the author can make corrections if needed. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
cyjimmy, Glad to hear it has been working well for you. For general questions, support posts, and constructive criticism regarding any version of ShamWOW please consult Post #2 in this thread which is the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE]. That page has details on the minimal information required for me to assist you. If you are using the BETA release as mentioned, please visit the BETA download page and review the expectations of posts received from BETA Testers.

That is an obscure HonorBuddy message saying that the currently loaded .XML profile does not contain any suitable activities defined for your character. Usually means the grind profile you are trying to use was created for characters in a different level range than the one you are trying to run it with. Could also be an error in the profile. In all cases however, it is related to the .XML profile and not the CC (ShamWOW in this case.) Your best avenue for support if this continues to occur is to post in the thread you downloaded the grind profile from so the author can make corrections if needed. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Thanks for the quick feedback i'll run some more tests and see what I can find :)!
thanks for your response, I appreciate the work you are putting into this project. having read the changes fot beta-version it has come to my understanding that in the current stable version of shamwow, unleash elements is not functioning properly, am i right? if so, can we please get a mini-update to the stable-version that fixes this little problem, for the rest we can wait.
thesirren, Thank you for the follow up. Unleash Elements support is part of the BETA release so when testing on that has completed it will become available to all users.

beta-version uses Unleash elements, alright, but i am not satisfied with how beta performs on bg; is there anyway to make hb use 4305 while grinding and 4209 for bgs?
While I appreciate you sharing your observations regarding the BETAs performance in BGs, unfortunately the information provided isn't actionable. If there is something you would like to see improved, the best course of action is to specifically describe the opportunities for improvement you see and provide the necessary details which always includes a complete debug logfile. Otherwise you are depending upon myself to notice it or a BETA Tester to notice it and document. So far I have only received one PVP related post for the BETA and it has been addressed.

As for running multiple versions, you can install two different versions of the CC to separate folders in CustomClasses and name one ShamWOW-4209B and one ShamWOW and select which you want to use at startup, or make two completely different HonorBuddy installations. You can't however have HonorBuddy switch CC's after you have chosen one to use for that botting session.
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