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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Hey Bobby,
I noticed that sometimes the bot will use Thunderstorm if a mob is a little too far away (IE: stupid harpies)
- Kick
Kick, I appreciate the log file, but it was created with the Debug Output option turned off so the log doesn't contain information about the combat scenario, character status, etc. Without that, I can't tell what was going on so assume it was functioning properly. ShamWOW casts Thunderstorm to regen mana when low in which case target range doesn't matter. Thunderstorm Mana % defaults to 65%, so anything less than that and it would cast once in Combat. If you could enable the Debug Output option in CC Configuration on ShamWOW's General tab the log file will contain all the information needed for me to confirm behavior that and resolve issues on future posts. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
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I just tried this bot out on my shaman for the first time and watched how he did combat, and I have a little feedback regarding enhancement.

First I noticed it seems to be programmed to wait till 5 stacks of searing totem to use lava lash, but in reality it is much higher dps if you just use it every cooldown, and ignore the stacks of searing totem. It's actually our highest dps move, and in rotations should take precedence before everything else. Second, what about unleash elements? It seems to never cast it, and it is a huge dps gain.

Ideally, to really push out #s, the bot would need to do something like this,

Totems > Lava Lash > Unleash Elements > Flame Shock (most effective when the buff from using Unleash Elements is active) > Stormstrike

Then from there using lava lash, unleash elements, stormstrike, and shock the moment they come off cooldown, using earth shock instead of flame shock if you don't have the unleash elements buff.

Also, what about using greater healing wave instead of healing surge? Way more effecient for enhancement due to maelstrom weapon, even if you don't have a full five stacks for instacast.
First I noticed it seems to be programmed to wait till 5 stacks of searing totem to use lava lash, but in reality it is much higher dps if you just use it every cooldown, and ignore the stacks of searing totem. It's actually our highest dps move, and in rotations should take precedence before everything else. Second, what about unleash elements? It seems to never cast it, and it is a huge dps gain.

Ideally, to really push out #s, the bot would need to do something like this,

Totems > Lava Lash > Unleash Elements > Flame Shock (most effective when the buff from using Unleash Elements is active) > Stormstrike

Then from there using lava lash, unleash elements, stormstrike, and shock the moment they come off cooldown, using earth shock instead of flame shock if you don't have the unleash elements buff.
banned4haxx, Thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback. Please note that I always need a complete debug log file with any post containing an issue, a question, or in your case constructive criticism that a member would like me to consider. I don't know for certain which version of ShamWOW you are using, were you in an instance or grinding, what options were set, etc. All of that is required information to be effective in responding to posts as the CC reacts differently based upon the combat environment and the current fight metrics.

As for a general response regarding the rotation implemented, it comes from Elitist Jerks [CLICK HERE]. I am guessing you are using ShamWOW 4.2.09B which is the stable release that was published quite awhile ago before EJ updated their post (and waiting for 5 stacks was thought to be preferable.) The current EJ rotation was implemented in the first version of the BETA. The current BETA release is 4.3.06 and is available to you from the first post in this thread. Just be sure to read the BETA page before downloading.

Also, what about using greater healing wave instead of healing surge? Way more effecient for enhancement due to maelstrom weapon, even if you don't have a full five stacks for instacast.
Agreed in general. Identifying one spell as always being more efficient is misleading however. In grinding or questing, the most important concern is downtime spent healing, eating, or drinking. What is needed is balance in healing spell selection that doesn't take mana below the Need Rest % but heals sufficiently. The BETA has some improvement in this area, but is still too HS heavy when self-healing. Additional improvements in this area are already in development and will be out in the next week.

Thanks again for your observations and if you would like to be a BETA Tester, please visit the first post in this thread and click the BETA link. Bobby53
Bobby, as i haven't tested enhancements/ele yet whilst raiding, i was wondering how the bots DPS compares to an average human player? Might test this out in a raid.
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Felwood
What should have happened (be specific):
What did happen (be specific):
System time of issue (log time stamp):

Shamwow works great except when it casts thunderstorm before the mob reaches me when it pulls. Also, it sometimes casts ghost wolf when it pulls a mob then starts to attack again. My pull range is at 40 yards.

View attachment 2-4-2011_12_32 PM 7192 Log.zip

I'm running into problems with certain elite mobs (usually higher level), where the cc claims that the mob is evading or it just sits there and heals occasionally casting earth shock...

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53
Your Level 73 Orc Enhancement Shaman Build is:  
Eleme/Enhan/Resto   1/32/0 
... running the Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0] bot Solo as Combat Only in Dragonblight
CC movevement disabled due to Config Setting
Max Pull Ranged:   30 
HB Pull Distance:  30
Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run 
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
Lava Lash: cast will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames 
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available 

Totem Bar[Fire ]: SEARING_TOTEM
Totem Bar[Air  ]: WINDFURY_TOTEM
*Windfury Weapon
*Flametongue Weapon 
>>> ADD: Sarathstra.B823[75] at 29.1 yds
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 46.7%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 100.0% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 37.1%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 100.0% 
*Earth Shock
*Lightning Shield 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 49.9%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 49.9% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 49.9%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 49.9% 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 67.2% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 67.2%
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 37.5% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 37.5%
/stopcasting - heal target reached 100.0% 
*Earth Shock
*Lightning Shield 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 40.0%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 90.4% 
/stopcasting - heal target reached 90.4%
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 61.9%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 61.9% 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 63.6% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 63.6%
/stopcasting - heal target reached 74.4% 
*Lightning Shield
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 42.6% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 53.9%
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 27.7% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 27.7%
/stopcasting - heal target reached 72.0% 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 41.1% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 41.1%
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 42.1% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 85.7%
/stopcasting - heal target reached 85.7% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 53.9%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 53.9% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 30.3%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 30.3% 
/stopcasting - heal target reached 71.6%
*Earth Shock 
*Water Shield
^Heal Target: -ME-[73] at 5.7% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 5.7%
*Water Shield 
You are stunned and unable to cast
Stopped to Eat and Drink 
You are stunned and unable to cast
Stopped to Eat and Drink 
You are stunned and unable to cast
Stopped to Eat and Drink 
You are stunned and unable to cast
Stopped to Eat and Drink 
You are stunned and unable to cast
Stopped to Eat and Drink 
You are stunned and unable to cast
Stopped to Eat and Drink
Bobby, as i haven't tested enhancements/ele yet whilst raiding, i was wondering how the bots DPS compares to an average human player? Might test this out in a raid.
I would say test it out and let me know your thoughts.
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Felwood
What should have happened (be specific):
What did happen (be specific):
System time of issue (log time stamp):

Shamwow works great except when it casts thunderstorm before the mob reaches me when it pulls. Also, it sometimes casts ghost wolf when it pulls a mob then starts to attack again. My pull range is at 40 yards.

View attachment 16412
tomei, Thank you very much for the complete debug log file. Thunderstorm is cast either when there are multiple attackers within 10 yards OR when mana has fallen below the Thunderstorm Mana % you are configured for. The default is 65 (see CC Configurtion, General tab.) There was one at 1:12:09 because of attackers and one at 1:12:56 for mana. You can lower the Mana % if you want to use it for Damage only, but I don't recommend that. You get a free 8% mana boost every 45 seconds, so my recommendation is to keep it on cooldown. I am probably raising the default Thunderstorm Mana % to 80 in the next release, but because it can be important to save for multiple attackers or as a defense against ganknig on PVP realms, I am leaving the % configurable.

Regarding Ghost Wolf, I reviewed the first hour of activity and couldn't find a Ghost Wolf cast after a mob had been intentionally pulled. If you see the behavior you described again please note what time it occured and provide that in the post next to System time of issue (log time stamp). As it stands I couldn't find an example that appeared to match your description and have not seen that behavior in my testing.

Pull range can be set as high as you want. Just be sure to include the complete debug log file as you did this time so I can see that and other important configuration variables values.

Thank you again for taking the time to post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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I'm running into problems with certain elite mobs (usually higher level), where the cc claims that the mob is evading or it just sits there and heals occasionally casting earth shock...
<-- cut for space -->
enoracar, My apologies for your issue, however there isn't enough detail in your post for me to look into it further. The Log Window copy/paste doesn't contain the detail I need which is present in your complete debug log file. It also doesn't appear to contain any mention of detecting an Evade mob which I was expecting to see based on your description. Please take a look at ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] which has details on the information needed when posting about an issue and steps for providing a complete debug log file. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Kick, I appreciate the log file, but it was created with the Debug Output option turned off so the log doesn't contain information about the combat scenario, character status, etc. Without that, I can't tell what was going on so assume it was functioning properly. ShamWOW casts Thunderstorm to regen mana when low in which case target range doesn't matter. Thunderstorm Mana % defaults to 65%, so anything less than that and it would cast once in Combat. If you could enable the Debug Output option in CC Configuration on ShamWOW's General tab the log file will contain all the information needed for me to confirm behavior that and resolve issues on future posts. Thanks for your help, Bobby53

Ah, my bad. When I create profiles, your totems spam the debug log ... so I turn the debug output off (so I can see it interact and everything that I need to make sure it's doing what I want it to do while making the profiles).

If I see it do this again (generally only with ranged mobs) i'll kill the bot, restart and give you a fresh log with debug output :)
Ah, my bad. When I create profiles, your totems spam the debug log ... so I turn the debug output off (so I can see it interact and everything that I need to make sure it's doing what I want it to do while making the profiles). If I see it do this again (generally only with ranged mobs) i'll kill the bot, restart and give you a fresh log with debug output :)
Only bother with that if it casts Thunderstorm and your mana was already above 65%, otherwise it was casting for to regen mana as intended.
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Only bother with that if it casts Thunderstorm and your mana was already above 65%, otherwise it was casting for to regen mana as intended.

ah, that makes sense

now... the vehicle thing works! now i just need a working cb -_-
ah, that makes sense
now... the vehicle thing works! now i just need a working cb -_-
Good to hear! Based on our conversation and thinking more about Thunderstorm in responding to yours and tomei's posts, I am going to make a slight adjustment. Conditions for it to cast will be any one of the following:

1. Stressful Fight and at least 1 attacker within 10 yds
2. Mana % < Thunderstorm Mana % and at least 1 attacking within 10 yds
3. Mana % < Thunderstorm Mana % and RAF Group

Stuff in bold italics is new. This preserves its use for pure mana regen while in Instances/Raids, will maintain using for mana regen while Grinding, but waiting a couple seconds on cast so ranged mobs are within range to take some damage. This will be in next release. Thanks for the posts, Bobby53
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I'm a new user to both Honorbuddy and shamwow, so it's entirely possible I have set something up wrong, or have some bad settings.

I'm using the latest freshly downloaded version of HB, and using ShamWOW v4.2.09b (i also tried the beta with the same result)

HonorBuddy Mode: PVP
Shamans Location: AV
What should have happened (be specific):

What did happen (be specific): whether my shaman is elemental or resto, it casts no spells. if I disable all mods, or leave them running it's the same. IT runs around AV, dismounts and targets enemies but casts nothing, does not heal when attacked or respond in any way, does not even turn to face attackers.

System time of issue (log time stamp): continious, though i did take over and heal myself so as not to look so silly in game :D

I hope the log file shows what exactly is going wrong and that somebody can point me in the right direction.


I'm a new user to both Honorbuddy and shamwow, so it's entirely possible I have set something up wrong, or have some bad settings.
I'm using the latest freshly downloaded version of HB, and using ShamWOW v4.2.09b (i also tried the beta with the same result)
HonorBuddy Mode: PVP
Shamans Location: AV
What should have happened (be specific):

What did happen (be specific): whether my shaman is elemental or resto, it casts no spells. if I disable all mods, or leave them running it's the same. IT runs around AV, dismounts and targets enemies but casts nothing, does not heal when attacked or respond in any way, does not even turn to face attackers.

System time of issue (log time stamp): continious, though i did take over and heal myself so as not to look so silly in game :D
I hope the log file shows what exactly is going wrong and that somebody can point me in the right direction.
baseisdead, The log file attached shows errors occurring while HonorBuddy is still initializing and before it ever loads the CC's (ShamWOW) so this appears to be a general issue and not one related to Shaman or any specific class. A couple quick suggestions. Please try the following suggestions in order:

1. Reboot, then try running again
2. If still not working, reboot again, then delete HB folder, reinstall, then run again
3. Contact [email protected] (msn)

Sorry for the troubles and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Best layout and execution of a CC I've seen. Everything is exactly on point, I'll +rep you as often as I can.
Since you are the author of both ShamWOW and SetTheLeader: What in your opining is the best way to configure the HB/CC for instancing with fellow guild-members? I'm not talking about the numbers, but general settings like "disable movement" and stuff. What I want to achieve is something like what was already mentioned by someone several pages ago:
Situation #1: Manual movement in-between fights in dungeons, auto-movement / "perfect" rotations during fights, while focusing tank's target.
Situation #2: Same as #1 but with completely automated movement.
Should I use RaF-bot for this, or InstanceBuddy? Should I "Disable all movement" in HB-options or in CC-options in any of these situations? Thank you.
Link to Lazy Raider setup for 10/25 man raids [CLICK HERE]
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enoracar, My apologies for your issue, however there isn't enough detail in your post for me to look into it further. The Log Window copy/paste doesn't contain the detail I need which is present in your complete debug log file. It also doesn't appear to contain any mention of detecting an Evade mob which I was expecting to see based on your description. Please take a look at ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] which has details on the information needed when posting about an issue and steps for providing a complete debug log file. Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Sorry, here's a full log. The evading only happens when you don't do enough damage with a certain amount of time. (Looking at your code.) But you'll notice in the log, the bot only heals, casts lightning shield and earth shock. No cooldowns, Stormstrike, Lava Lash etc. I don't have this problem with all elites... Though Autofight seems to have spammed this log a bit, it does it with it on or off.

Simple log:
Loading Honorbuddy settings.
Gatherbuddy Sessions: 0/0
Honorbuddy Sessions: 1/1
Shared Sessions: 0/3
Lifetime user detected. Disabling flight checks.
[Squire] Version 1.0.0 Running
[Squire] Enabling HonorBuddy setting 'Use Mount', Mount Name: 'Mount Name Here'
[Squire] Version 1.0.0 Running
Attached to WoW with ID 3460
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]:Currently supported tanking dungeons :
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]:(This list will update itself automatically)
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]:
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
[Instancebuddy v3.0.1.199]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
New bot added!: Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0]
New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2 [Beta]
New bot added!: Instancebuddy
New bot added!: Grind bot
New bot added!: PvP
New bot added!: Mixed
New bot added!: RaF - Combat Assist
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
Honorbuddy started!
Character is a level 74 Shaman
Current zone is: Dragonblight
Building spell book
Spell book built
Chose ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53 as your combat class!
LOADED:  ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53 
Character specific config file loaded
Navigator.PathPrecision is: 2 

Your Level 74 Orc Enhancement Shaman Build is:   
Eleme/Enhan/Resto   1/32/0
... running the Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0] bot Solo as Combat Only in Dragonblight 

CC movevement disabled due to Config Setting 
CC movevement disabled to work with Mr.AutoFight
Max Pull Ranged:   30 
HB Pull Distance:  30
Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run 
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
Lava Lash: cast will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames 
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available 

Options saved to ShamWOW-realm-char.config 
Starting the bot!

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53 

Your Level 74 Orc Enhancement Shaman Build is:   
Eleme/Enhan/Resto   1/32/0
... running the Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0] bot Solo as Combat Only in Dragonblight 

CC movevement disabled due to Config Setting 
Max Pull Ranged:   30
HB Pull Distance:  30 

Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses 
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks 
Lava Lash: cast will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available 
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53
Starting the bot!
>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53
Your Level 74 Orc Enhancement Shaman Build is:  
Eleme/Enhan/Resto   1/32/0 
... running the Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0] bot Solo as Combat Only in Dragonblight
CC movevement disabled due to Config Setting
Max Pull Ranged:   30 
HB Pull Distance:  30
Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run 
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks
Lava Lash: cast will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames 
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available 

This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53 
Loading D:\HP\Default Profiles\Empty.xml.
Changing current profile to Empty
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to Empty

>>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53 

Your Level 74 Orc Enhancement Shaman Build is:   
Eleme/Enhan/Resto   1/32/0
... running the Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0] bot Solo as Combat Only in Dragonblight 

CC movevement disabled due to Config Setting 
Max Pull Ranged:   30
HB Pull Distance:  30 

Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses 
Ghost Wolf: can cast Ghost Wolf on the run
Maelstrom Weapon: will cast Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning at 5 stacks 
Lava Lash: cast will wait for 5 stacks of Searing Flames
Stoneclaw Totem: missing glyph, no Shaman Bubble available 
Shamanistic Rage: missing glyph, no Magic Cleanse available
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 53.4%
*Greater Healing Wave on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 53.4% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 54.4%
*Greater Healing Wave on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 54.4% 
Totem Bar[Fire ]: SEARING_TOTEM 
Totem Bar[Air  ]: WINDFURY_TOTEM 

*Water Shield 
Stopped to Drink
*Lightning Shield 
*Windfury Weapon
*Flametongue Weapon 
>>> ADD: Sarathstra.DAF6[75] at 16.7 yds
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 55.6% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 55.6%
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 34.4% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 34.4%
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 50.5%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 25.3% 
*Lightning Shield
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 36.9%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 36.9% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 36.9%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 79.4% 
*Earth Shock
*Lightning Shield 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 16.1%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 16.1% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 16.1%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 42.2% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 27.3%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 27.3% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 27.3%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 50.9% 
*Earth Shock
*Water Shield 
*Earth Shock
*Lightning Shield 
*Flame Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 44.2% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 44.2%
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 44.2% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 94.0%
/stopcasting - heal target reached 94.0% 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 59.5% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 59.5%
/stopcasting - heal target reached 72.2% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 44.1%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 44.1% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 54.2%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 100.0% 
*Earth Shock
*Lightning Shield 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 59.7%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 59.7% 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 44.8% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 44.8%
*Earth Shock 
*Lightning Shield
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 38.8% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 38.8%
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 60.0%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 61.0% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 47.5%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 47.5% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 47.5%
*Healing Wave on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 89.0% 
/stopcasting - heal target reached 89.8%
*Earth Shock 
*Earth Shock
*Earth Shock 
*Flame Shock
*Lightning Shield 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 54.8%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 20.6% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 20.6%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 41.6% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 23.1%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 23.1% 
*Earth Shock
*Lightning Shield 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 49.9%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 50.7% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 50.7%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 93.4% 
/stopcasting - heal target reached 93.4%
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 45.5%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 45.5% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 46.3%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 54.4% 
*Earth Shock
*Earth Shock 
*Lightning Shield
*Lightning Shield 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 57.6%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 57.6% 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 53.4% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 53.4%
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 64.6%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 51.0% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 51.8%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 51.8% 
/stopcasting - heal target reached 100.0%
*Water Shield 
*Earth Shock
*Lightning Shield 
*Flame Shock
*Lightning Shield 
*Earth Shock
*Earth Shock 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 43.8%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 43.8% 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 43.8%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 85.4% 
/stopcasting - heal target reached 85.4%
*Lightning Shield 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 42.4% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 42.4%
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 47.8% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 47.8%
*Earth Shock 
^Enemy weak at 5%, skipping heal
^Enemy weak at 5%, skipping heal 
^Enemy weak at 4%, skipping heal
^Enemy weak at 4%, skipping heal 
^Enemy weak at 4%, skipping heal
^Enemy weak at 4%, skipping heal 
^Enemy weak at 4%, skipping heal
*Lightning Shield 
*Earth Shock
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 47.2% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 47.2%
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 47.2% 
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 88.8%
! Kill #1 at 0 xp per hour fighting at x=4385.455,y=928.3652,z=80.94095 
^Heal Target: -ME-[74] at 63.7%
*Healing Surge on -ME- at 0.0 yds at 63.7% 
*Lightning Shield
Stopping the bot!
>>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53


Sorry, here's a full log. The evading only happens when you don't do enough damage with a certain amount of time. (Looking at your code.) But you'll notice in the log, the bot only heals, casts lightning shield and earth shock. No cooldowns, Stormstrike, Lava Lash etc. I don't have this problem with all elites... Though Autofight seems to have spammed this log a bit, it does it with it on or off.
Simple log:
<--- deleted for space --->
enoracar, Thanks for the complete debug log file. Enhancement is a melee spec so almost all abilities are reserved for when you are within melee range (5 yards.) The Shaman was positioned 9 yards away from the target in the log attached the entire fight. Since movement was disabled it could only stand still out of range and periodically cast spells that it would use when chasing a target. Move it closer to the target and it will attack with all abilities configured as expected. This is likely why it worked with some and not others. For targets with a large hit boxes, move within 5 yards of the center point since target hit box size isn't available to the CC.

For this fight and how you are using it, you may want to try disabling Mr.AutoFight and just using the Combat / Heal Bot. Using both is a little redundant when soloing, since they serve the same purpose (disabling non-combat movement.) The only difference is that ShamWOW disables its own in-combat movement if it sees you are using Mr.AutoFight. So eliminating that will mean ShamWOW takes over but only when you attack an enemy target. Out of combat you can still freely move around without error.

Thanks for the complete debug log and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
I got a log where the bot pulls then casts ghost wolf then starts to attack again. It happened at 2:36-2:37 am.

This was in the log box.
Looting Deadwood Den Watcher
>>> PULL: Deadwood Avenger.FB78[49] at 35.5 yds 
*Call of the Elements
*Lightning Bolt 
*Ghost Wolf
*Flame Shock
Stopping the bot!

Also, when the bot is stopped when you are dead at the spirit healer and try to start it in grind mode it stops and gives error but when you manually run to corpse and rez it will work again when you start it. Shouldn't it work in spirit mode and run back your corpse?

[2:50:03 AM:399] Start/Stop button pressed.
[2:50:03 AM:418] Starting the bot!
[2:50:03 AM:495] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[2:50:03 AM:586] Changing current profile to NE Felwood 49-51
[2:50:03 AM:676] Cleared POI
[2:50:03 AM:744]  
[2:50:03 AM:744] >>> STARTING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53
[2:50:04 AM:334]  
[2:50:04 AM:335] Your Level 50 Orc Elemental Shaman Build is:  
[2:50:04 AM:335] Eleme/Enhan/Resto   21/0/0 
[2:50:04 AM:335] ... running the Grind bot bot Solo as Combat Only in Felwood
[2:50:04 AM:335] %   Battleground: False
[2:50:04 AM:335] %   RAF: False
[2:50:04 AM:335]  
[2:50:04 AM:367] Max Pull Ranged:   40
[2:50:04 AM:367] HB Pull Distance:  40 
[2:50:04 AM:367] 
[2:50:04 AM:539] Cleanse Spirit: can only remove Curses 
[2:50:04 AM:539] Ghost Wolf: must stop to cast Ghost Wolf
[2:50:04 AM:542]  
[2:50:04 AM:543] %   ignoring untrained healing spell 'Greater Healing Wave' - setting health to 0%
[2:50:04 AM:543] %   ignoring untrained healing spell 'Riptide' - setting health to 0%
[2:50:04 AM:544] %   ignoring untrained healing spell 'Unleash Elements' - setting health to 0%
[2:50:04 AM:545] %   ignoring untrained healing spell 'Healing Rain' - setting health to 0%
[2:50:04 AM:545] %   ignoring untrained healing spell 'Oh Shoot Heal' - setting health to 0%
[2:50:04 AM:545] %   ### HealSpellManager Dump BEFORE PRUNE
[2:50:04 AM:545] %   
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      % Spell Description
[2:50:04 AM:545] %    --- --------------------------------
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Healing Rain
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Chain Heal
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Oh Shoot Heal
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Healing Surge
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Greater Healing Wave
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Healing Wave
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Unleash Elements
[2:50:04 AM:545] %      0 Riptide
[2:50:04 AM:545] %   
[2:50:04 AM:546] %   ### HealSpellManager Dump AFTER PRUNE
[2:50:04 AM:546] %   
[2:50:04 AM:546] %      % Spell Description
[2:50:04 AM:546] %    --- --------------------------------
[2:50:04 AM:546] %   
[2:50:04 AM:906] Start/Stop button pressed.
[2:50:04 AM:910] Stopping the bot!
[2:50:04 AM:910] Stop called!
[2:50:04 AM:913] >>> STOPPING ShamWOW v4.3.06 BETA by Bobby53
[2:50:04 AM:928] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse()
[2:50:04 AM:930] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse()
   at Styx.WoWPulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.b()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.a()
[2:50:04 AM:930] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.a()


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