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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Here is my log, it is HUGE because it ends up getting spammed with what I presume to be the error. I couldn't enable debug through CC config because when I click the CC Configuration button inside HB2 windows pops up a box saying "Windows can't open this file" and asks me to choose a program. If you have an idea how to fix that I could get you a debug log, but this is the best I can do for now. Couldn't attach it as it is too large, and pastebin didn't like the large file, so I took the last couple hundred lines: [10:15:10 PM:465] Cleared POI [10:15:10 PM:557] %

It spams that literally thousands of times, and came up with a 13mb log in about 25 minutes of running.
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rawrasaurus, Sorry for the rough start for you. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Search for a New Users Guide or visit the Wiki on this site for New User information. It should walk you through HonorBuddy installation and usage. The problem you are having shown by the file above and your description is trying to Open the Shaman.cs file. Once installed, you don't have to think about that file again. You want to Open an XML profile (created by yourself or downloaded from this forum) which tells HonorBuddy where to go and what to do (grinding, question, farming, etc...) It would be worth reviewing some of that startup info before posting again.

2. See the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for details on how to post an issue in this thread if you are having a Shaman specific problem. The partial copy/paste of the Log window provided above isn't the same as attaching a complete debug log file. The FAQ will provide the steps explaining how to do this so complete info is available to help you.

3. If you are still stuck getting it going, send a PM to Tony. He is amazing at helping new users get up and going as quickly as possible.

Hope this helps,

Thanks so much for your help and co-operation. I didn't really expect to get much of a response but you have been amazing so I thank you for that :D

I'll check out some new user guides and let you know how I get on, thanks again :cool:
Here is my log, it is HUGE because it ends up getting spammed with what I presume to be the error. I couldn't enable debug through CC config because when I click the CC Configuration button inside HB2 windows pops up a box saying "Windows can't open this file" and asks me to choose a program. If you have an idea how to fix that I could get you a debug log, but this is the best I can do for now. Couldn't attach it as it is too large, and pastebin didn't like the large file, so I took the last couple hundred lines: [10:15:10 PM:465] Cleared POI [10:15:10 PM:557] %It spams that literally thousands of times, and came up with a 13mb log in about 25 minutes of running.
SMcCloud, Thank you very much for the debug log. Unfortunately, I need a complete debug log file which would contain version information, settings, important character spec information, etc. and this appears to be only portion of it cut from where the error messages begin. In the situations you mentioned where it is extremely large, there are a few things you can do to combat this:

  1. Compress the file as a .ZIP before attaching. Text files compress really well, especially those with a lot of repetition and you can attach up to a 9mb .ZIP file so your file should be no problem.
  2. Send a portion of the file from the 1st up through the first several error messages of the Clear POI type you mentioned.
  3. Stop HonorBuddy approximately 1 minute after you get the message in WOW after the battleground begins (so 1 minute after the gates open in WSG/AB/AV, people get off the boat in SotA, etc.
Thank you again for post. I'll keep an eye out for an update with rest of log file as described above, Bobby53
when i run this with instancebuddy with resto.. it keeps running up to mobs.. then just circles them constantly.. looks totaly botish any resolution to this problem?
when i run this with instancebuddy with resto.. it keeps running up to mobs.. then just circles them constantly.. looks totaly botish any resolution to this problem?
kuw84, My apologies for any issue you may be having, however the situation described does not match my results in testing. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
what are the differences between this and the default shaman, which i see you help create?

sorry read the 1st post again

i guess i have been noticing effects because with shamwow its slow to loot skin sometimes not right away, but default shaman is fine

also i had alot of totemmanagerupdate spam in debug but i tried the beta cc and it did not have the spam message
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what are the differences between this and the default shaman, which i see you help create?
sorry read the 1st post again
i guess i have been noticing effects because with shamwow its slow to loot skin sometimes not right away, but default shaman is fine
also i had alot of totemmanagerupdate spam in debug but i tried the beta cc and it did not have the spam message
bakedapple, My apologies for any issue you may be having, however the situation described does not match my results in testing. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
Mh, I'd like to ask for a new feature *g*

In it's current state the use of ghost wolf will be disabled when you select "Use Mount" in the general settings tab. If you use Archaelogybuddy, you can uncheck "Use mount" but it will still fly if you'r a lifetime user. ShamWow will still prevent the use of ghost wolf in this case.

So, can you please add an override inside ShamWow to use ghost wolf form in conjunction with Archaelogybuddy? It would speed up the process to find artifacts in all those cases where AB won't use the flying mount inside digsites.

Mh, I'd like to ask for a new feature *g*

In it's current state the use of ghost wolf will be disabled when you select "Use Mount" in the general settings tab. If you use Archaelogybuddy, you can uncheck "Use mount" but it will still fly if you'r a lifetime user. ShamWow will still prevent the use of ghost wolf in this case.

So, can you please add an override inside ShamWow to use ghost wolf form in conjunction with Archaelogybuddy? It would speed up the process to find artifacts in all those cases where AB won't use the flying mount inside digsites.

Highend, My apologies for any issue you may be having. I would be happy to look into why Ghost Wolf isn't being cast in that situation for you. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues, questions, or constructive criticism pertaining to ShamWOW. Primarily in this case I need a log file as I believe I have an understanding of what you are seeing. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
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is there something I can do to get it to run in ele spec.
it uses totems and weapon enchant like enh and will not cast.
Is there a setting for Fulmination at 7 or 8?
is there something I can do to get it to run in ele spec. it uses totems and weapon enchant like enh and will not cast.
Is there a setting for Fulmination at 7 or 8?
sparks, My apologies for any issue you may be having, but your description does not match my results in testing. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues, questions, or constructive criticism pertaining to ShamWOW. Primarily in this case I need a log file as I believe I have an understanding of what you are seeing. If the file is large, I need a timeframe within the file the issue occurred.

It will recognize 7+ stacks of Lightning Shield for Fulmination. There is not a setting to configure this.

Thanks for your help, Bobby53
Both AB and GB have this fixed. Ask CC authors to add a logic to target pet's target. When you are in combat, has no target, has pet and pet has target

if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null && StyxWoW.Me.GotAlivePet && StyxWoW.Me.Pet.CurrentTarget != null)

new Decorator(
     ret => StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null &&
               StyxWoW.Me.GotAlivePet && 
               StyxWoW.Me.Pet.CurrentTarget != null,
     new Action(ret => StyxWoW.Me.Pet.CurrentTarget.Target()))

There an issue with the current HB build that stops you from attacking any mobs your pet agro's. I haven't been able to test it but Raphus posted the fix for the issue.
There an issue with the current HB build that stops you from attacking any mobs your pet agro's. I haven't been able to test it but Raphus posted the fix for the issue.
Thanks lukeyboy. That issue was introduce in the prior version of HB and was reported here by a user describing their Shaman running away after Earth Elemental Totem was cast and it aggroed the mobs. Earth and Fire Elementals aren't the same as pets so the code quoted won't handle those, but I had already added code to work around the recent "fix" in HonorBuddy . The release should be available this week.
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Hey bobby really love the CC and just got my shaman to 85.. Running BG's with resto and it's going great tho I would love an option to change how the toon uses eartshield on him self because atm on low mana he casts ES then WS and takes couple hits and ES again
Hey bobby really love the CC and just got my shaman to 85.. Running BG's with resto and it's going great tho I would love an option to change how the toon uses eartshield on him self because atm on low mana he casts ES then WS and takes couple hits and ES again
sparks, My apologies for any issue you may be having, but I need additional detail to look into this for you. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues, questions, or constructive criticism pertaining to ShamWOW. Primarily in this case I need a log file as I believe I have an understanding of the issue you saw from your well written description. If the log file is large, I need a timeframe (time on your computer) when you saw the unexpected behavior. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
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lukeyboy: Turn off shield twisting by setting water shield to 0%. That fixes the ES problem in BGs. There really isn't a good situation in a BG where you have 0 mana and can afford to wait for water shield to fill you up anyway, though maybe a IsInBattleground would be in order.

I would like an option to disable use of earthquake entirely, similar to how you can elect to save hero, etc. If I run CombatBot in elemental, and the tank pulls multiple mobs and there is more than 1 other party member in the 10 yard radius, it wants to drop earthquake. Not sure if it is miscounting units in radius due to a bug in HB or not as I didn't save a log. I will post one next time I see it happen. Ultimately though, I would rather it simply not cast it. Threat from it is insane, and when it comes down to numbers it is horribly inefficient. I much prefer the magma/nova/CL behaviour, but I don't know how to force it even with your fantastic source commenting and funny variable names.
Hay all. I dont have time to read 100 pages.. can someone tell me if 4.3.04 Beta is the latest beta release?

I ask because I have been using it for a while now ( for a beta), and am seeing the Issue with running away after a pet is cast and takes over combat - I know thats been reported a few times in the last several days, and will be surprised if theres not a fix for it up yet :)


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