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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Ey bobby! my bot got stuck resting all the time now when i starting it! i think it might be the new uppdate ^^ Heres the log
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Look in to it :D And keep up the good work :) +rep
yaith, My apologies for any issue you may be having. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW so that I can look into your concern. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
I am kind of new to shaman, but, should a good rotation for a lvl 54 enhancement be :

Flame Shock
Lava Lash
Earth Shock
repeat from Stormstrike

Updating to new BETA yields a fix to Lava Lash not beeing used, but now it will only spam Earth Shock for the shock instead of flame and then earth. Or is it spamming earth shock for the shock slot better for DPS?
I am kind of new to shaman, but, should a good rotation for a lvl 54 enhancement be :

Flame Shock
Lava Lash
Earth Shock
repeat from Stormstrike

Updating to new BETA yields a fix to Lava Lash not beeing used, but now it will only spam Earth Shock for the shock instead of flame and then earth. Or is it spamming earth shock for the shock slot better for DPS?
MrBig, See my reply to your earlier issue post regarding information needed [CLICK HERE]. Having the log file allows me to accurately respond to your question and address the issue you are experiencing rather than having to hypothesize (politically correct term for guess) what situation your character may have been in, what decisions may have been made by the CC, etc.

EDIT: Looked at it quickly and recalled encountering this and thoughts I had back in November in early pre-release BETA development. ShamWOW implements the Elitist Jerks rotation for Enhancement Shaman, so had noticed the same thing on a mid-40ish enhancer. Omitting Flame Shock seems to work better on same level mobs because they don't typically live long enough to benefit from the Flame Shock DoT. However, before training Unleash Elements it appears reasonable that when fighting elites, bosses, and higher level mobs that live longer it would be a DPS loss to not keep the Flame Shock DoT up. I'll look at this one a little further.
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Issue: Using your most recent Beta, with ArchaeologyBuddy. When i start it, if already mounted (in the air) it buffs itself and falls to its death. This only occurs when starting AB not if a buff needs to be re-applied during your session.

Testing: I mounted, removed buffs/enchants and started AB. ShamWoW instantly dismounted me and fell into a lake. Once AB mounted me again i manually removed my enchants/buffs and ShamWoW waited until my next landing to re-buff.

Log attached.


Issue: Using your most recent Beta, with ArchaeologyBuddy. When i start it, if already mounted (in the air) it buffs itself and falls to its death. This only occurs when starting AB not if a buff needs to be re-applied during your session.

Testing: I mounted, removed buffs/enchants and started AB. ShamWoW instantly dismounted me and fell into a lake. Once AB mounted me again i manually removed my enchants/buffs and ShamWoW waited until my next landing to re-buff.

Log attached.
lukeyboy89, Terrific post! Thank you very much for the detail. There are mounted checks present in ShamWOW already which is why it works after the initial buff. However, the initial buff will cause a dismount. I'll add support for detecting this and preventing the dismount situation so you can readily start/stop the bot while in flight. Thanks again for the detail, Bobby53
MrBig, See my reply to your earlier issue post regarding information needed [CLICK HERE]. Having the log file allows me to accurately respond to your question and address the issue you are experiencing rather than having to hypothesize (politically correct term for guess) what situation your character may have been in, what decisions may have been made by the CC, etc.

EDIT: Looked at it quickly and recalled encountering this and thoughts I had back in November in early pre-release BETA development. ShamWOW implements the Elitist Jerks rotation for Enhancement Shaman, so had noticed the same thing on a mid-40ish enhancer. Omitting Flame Shock seems to work better on same level mobs because they don't typically live long enough to benefit from the Flame Shock DoT. However, before training Unleash Elements it appears reasonable that when fighting elites, bosses, and higher level mobs that live longer it would be a DPS loss to not keep the Flame Shock DoT up. I'll look at this one a little further.

Yeah, I was looking at it, and sometimes it would use it, and sometimes it wouldnt, I thought it would be an error, but now that you say that, I figured it was doing exactly what it should be doing. However, manually playing it, the application of flame shock boosted my lava lash so much that it didnt even matter the dot duration on target.

I didnt include log because looking at it at first glance didnt yield any clues at to what was happening, maybe i should had looked in deeper, tho.
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Burning steps
What should have happened (be specific): He suld download Mesh and start to attack mobs,
What did happen (be specific): He stod still and did nothing started to Download mesh but didnt do it
stem time of issue (log time stamp): 11:00

Hope i did right now,


Yeah, I was looking at it, and sometimes it would use it, and sometimes it wouldnt, I thought it would be an error, but now that you say that, I figured it was doing exactly what it should be doing. However, manually playing it, the application of flame shock boosted my lava lash so much that it didnt even matter the dot duration on target.

I didnt include log because looking at it at first glance didnt yield any clues at to what was happening, maybe i should had looked in deeper, tho.
MrBig, Did you switch specs? Flame Shock increases Lava Burst damage for Elementals, but it doesn't increase Lava Lash damage for Enhancement. Anyway, just attach the log file if you have a follow up on this one so I can see what is specifically occurring. Thanks, Bobby53
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Burning steps
What should have happened (be specific): He suld download Mesh and start to attack mobs,
What did happen (be specific): He stod still and did nothing started to Download mesh but didnt do it stem time of issue (log time stamp): 11:00
Hope i did right now,
yaith, Thanks for the detailed post. Based upon the first error message encountered in the log file, it appears the CC was installed incorrectly. I suggest deleting the contents of the CustomClasses folder and reinstalling ShamWOW. The Frequently Asked Questions page contains information on how to install. Here is the relevant section:

3. How do I install ShamWOW?
Read the INSTALL.TXT file present in the SHAMWOW.ZIP you downloaded. It details *exactly* where all the files in the ShamWOW distribution need to be copied. This is extremely important both during the first install and any upgrade you perform.
In general, HonorBuddy and the Bot you are running handle the download of meshes, etc. The only thing CustomClasses are responsible for are those behaviors that are class specific. This typically includes buffs when out of combat, and movement and spell selection while in combat. Other than that it is the Bot being run and the HonorBuddy framework that handles the rest.
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In general, HonorBuddy and the Bot you are running handle the download of meshes, etc. The only thing CustomClasses are responsible for are those behaviors that are class specific. This typically includes buffs when out of combat, and movement and spell selection while in combat. Other than that it is the Bot being run and the HonorBuddy framework that handles the rest.[/QUOTE]

Well hes still busy Resting just standing there, i changed all setting done all i can but nothing. Idk what to do idk if resting have with the Honorbuddy bot to do
Well hes still busy Resting just standing there, i changed all setting done all i can but nothing. Idk what to do idk if resting have with the Honorbuddy bot to do
Ok, so assuming the installation issue has been corrected, please attach a new debug log file so we can focus on any additional problem you may be encountering.

Please note that for faster turn around in resolving any problems you are encountering, you should always attach a complete debug log file to your post. For example, this reply could have contained a useful answer with solution so you could resume botting instead of it being another request for a log file. In the event I am unable to be online the rest of today, you would probably have to wait another 24 hours or more before any follow up. If in doubt, my suggestion is to always provide a log file that may not be needed rather than having to get only a log file request from me then waiting an extra day or two for an informative response.
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HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/
Shamans Location: Burning steps
What should have happened (be specific): Starting to bot.
What did happen (be specific): Standing still and resting waiting for 99.21413523% mana to be rested up.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 18:00

Okej il think about it next time sorry for being so short,


HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/
Shamans Location: Burning steps
What should have happened (be specific): Starting to bot.
What did happen (be specific): Standing still and resting waiting for 99.21413523% mana to be rested up.
System time of issue (log time stamp): 18:00
Okej il think about it next time sorry for being so short,
yaith, It is not an extremely obvious error message, but you are receiving a profile error message that is the cause of your problem:

[19:07:06:773] StyxWoW.AreaManager.CurrentGrindArea is null

The profile you are running Horde Grinding 1-60 v0.9.xml will not work for a character Level 50 or higher. It does not contain a valid SubProfile in that range so am assuming the Level 50-60 work on it has not been completed yet. You should check out that thread for status information on the authors plans for adding support for those level ranges.

In the meantime, you'll either want to switch to another profile or write your own. Grind profiles for a specific area are not difficult to write. I thought there was a new users guide to writing grind profiles, but I didn't see it in a quick search. If you can't locate it in the Wiki or searching, send a PM to Tony or chinajade.
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Some unexptected behavour

HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF
Shamans Location: Deepholm

What should have happened (be specific):
1. When Earth Elemental is summoned, the bot leaves all mobs that were engaged and go to the next mobs, leaving the elemental to its own on 2 or more mobs. Eventually elemental dies, bot dies.

2. The self healing is only "Healing Surge", maybe want to make this a bigger heal. Sometimes the bot only is healing itself on 2 or 3 mobs, never dpsing them again. The heals are too small.

3. WaterShield is never used or cast, whatever values I use

4. |If the bot dies, and is ressed at spirithealer, the bot just continues with a 10 mins debuff. The bot is weak and dies again easily. Might be a HB problem..

5. After a mob is killed by the bot, the bot wait approx 4-6 seconds doing absolutely nothing before continuing. Waste of time, waste of XP (might be HB again)

6. Difference between ranged pull, auto pull and fast pull is (for the eye) nothing.

Maybe one or more of these topics were addressed earlier, in that case ignore this post.

Kind regards
Absolutely agree, nice suggestion! Will be included in next release.

Also, use Frost shock of Hex on mounted players. Hex - Elemental Mastery - Heroism - Flame shock - Instant lava burst... etc

I would also suggest to use Hex if health <- X heal up, and keep on fighting.
Pakkie, My apologies for any unexpected behavior encountered. Please be sure to provide a complete debug log file. This is an excellently written and descriptive post of a number of issues and observations you clearly took a good deal of time to note and communicate. Without the log file however I can only guess in response to several of them which doesn't do your efforts justice. If possible, please follow up with a log file for those identified so I can look into them for you. Thanks for the post, Bobby53

What should have happened (be specific):
1. When Earth Elemental is summoned, the bot leaves all mobs that were engaged and go to the next mobs, leaving the elemental to its own on 2 or more mobs. Eventually elemental dies, bot dies.
Known issue. This is due to a change made in HonorBuddy to work around the WOW bug where your character remains in combat after killing a mob. HonorBuddy now only stays to fight if it is in combat and has a valid target. It checks true pets but not things like elementals created by totems for some reason. One of the next releases should provide a resolution for this, otherwise I'll see if I can put in a work around to fix the HonorBuddy work around for Shaman.

2. The self healing is only "Healing Surge", maybe want to make this a bigger heal. Sometimes the bot only is healing itself on 2 or 3 mobs, never dpsing them again. The heals are too small.
Need a log file. I agree some revision in this area is needed (assuming you mean non-Restos.) The only bigger heal is GHW. The problem with GHW is the longer cast time gives more opportunity for push back. So at some point there are diminishing returns on casting the bigger heal with low health because your Shaman ends up dying before the cast completes. Please provide a ;og file containing specific instances where you believe a different self-healing spell selection was needed. Be sure to pass along the time the instance occurred as the log files can get very large and it is not easy to search for an occurrence of 3 or more Healing Surge's in a row for example.

3. WaterShield is never used or cast, whatever values I use
Need a log file. This doesn't match my results in testing so would need to see what is occurring in your installation.

4. |If the bot dies, and is ressed at spirithealer, the bot just continues with a 10 mins debuff. The bot is weak and dies again easily. Might be a HB problem..
This feels like an HB issue as it isn't class specific. Suggest also requesting an option to allow controlling whether you wait out the rez sickness or not similar to GB.

5. After a mob is killed by the bot, the bot wait approx 4-6 seconds doing absolutely nothing before continuing. Waste of time, waste of XP (might be HB again)
Need a log file to see what is occurring to cause the delay in your setup.

6. Difference between ranged pull, auto pull and fast pull is (for the eye) nothing.
Need a log file. This is an Enhancement Shaman setting only, so if run with another spec you won't see a difference as they only perform Ranged Pulls. For Enhancement, there should be a distinct difference between Ranged and Fast. Auto would look the same as one or the other since it simply chooses which it should use based on the target type.
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Hey Bobby,

I'm loving the new beta setup of shamwow. i have successfully healed Halfus, Magmaw, Omnotron Defense System and Maloriak. and am always in first or second place on the healing meters (damn holy pallies haha). Just wanted to thank you for your awesome work
Also is there anyway that i could turn interrupts on and off for certain fights. thanks again for your awesome work. and if you have a paypal or donate link let me know id like to give you some money for all your efforts
very good work, like the interface.
Thank you both for the follow up!
Bobby could i request a plugin that joins BG's as a group instead of single queue? Have a few of your shamans and honestly they out-heal everyone else every single time. Having 2-3x ShamWoWs in a bg would be win.
Hey bobby,

Playing around with ShamWOW as Enhancement now, just had a quick comment. I'll include a log, although I'm not sure if there's any need for it. :)

With the new "drop totems before engaging in combat" feature, the bot also delays the start of autoattacking until after the GCD that dropping totems causes. This looks rather... strange as enhancement, as the bot runs up into melee range, stares at someone for half a second, drops totems, stares for another couple seconds, and THEN begins attacking.

Since autoattacking can be started at any point, IMO it should ignore any GCDs currently in progress and should be the first thing the bot does.


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