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Highend, I appreciate the follow up, but the spinning is still mentioned in the Known Issues and no mention of a fix present in the Change History for this release that was just posted. You may want to check there to avoid duplicating your efforts on issues you already documented clearly. The spinning is a glitch in the WOW UI when Click to Move is used and you are automatically facing an object (mob, herb, vein, etc.) A work around will be present in the next release. As for the totem recall cast failing it was due to the same reason as last time. It is not mentioned in the Known Issues so I'll add to that now. Thanks, Bobby53Beta 2.
Totems are placed way too late. First mob right after starting the bot. Totems were placed at aprox. 20% target health (about 14k out of 70+).
Same setup as always, Unbound Emberfiends in TH.
Wanted to report this quickly, the logfile is not that big *g*
Edit: A few mobs later, it went to the next one (over ~40 yards), left totems behind, didn't recall them nor placed new ones for that mob. Recalled the old ones after it died.
Next mob: Spinning around it, I had to move the char by myself to prevent it from dying (already listed as a bug, but it's included in the logfile (last mob)).
I'll stop the testing process for now. Will report back when the next beta is out if heroism is still casted while having the debuff.
Did you take a look at the default druid's (beta) backup movement after charging an enemy (fpsware)? Maybe you can implement this or something else to prevent the "deadly" spinning.
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