Beowulf, I appreciate the assist but the lines quoted above are correct. In PVP there really isn't an acceptable resting health % less than 100%. This differs drastically from PVE encounters due to facing burst damage, stuns, and silences on every fight. The issue resides in the RestLogic function which should be healing out of combat in battlegrounds up to 100% but currently is not. Overdue on some sleep here. I'll get a correction posted tomorrow. Thanks again for the detailed post, Bobby53
Hm, why does my shaman do the follwing?
- approach mob while grinding / questing
- kill mob
- run away 40 yards
- return to the mob
- loot the mob
Meaning: he doesn't loot the mob driectly after killing him.
Thanks in advance
This is an HB issue, not CC issue. The only real solution to this is to use a plugin to fix it until a new HB version is released.
Here's one if you want a link.
Thanks for the follow up. I agree, Mixed mode usage highlights the real meaning of config values. The older version of ShamWOW used Rest% for Battlegrounds which is probably why you expected that. At times I felt it looked out of place for a class with healing spells to run around out of combat (mounted for example) at just above 60% health in a Battleground, while that same toon doing that while Questing looks perfectly normal so a single value may not work. Ideally in a Battleground it will self-heal out of combat to near maximum (while trying to avoid wasteful overhealing) and drink as needed to get above Rest Mana %. I am going to defer that change however until I have time to look at it in more detail and make a change that is a clear improvement, so I have reverted back to the previous behavior. I'll post the update shortly. Thanks for the input on this, Bobby53Yeah, I know it differs drastically.
I guess your comment applies more to users using Mixed mode, I'm using strictly PvP, which means my rest settings apply specifically to PvP. I think the reason I commented on that line was more that the rest % is hardcoded and that's not clear anywhere - I always assumed that my rest health percent would be the one used, and that line caught my attention when I set mana and health rest percents to 0 and it still attempted to rest.
I suppose my concern is for the user that runs out of drink/food during a botting session. If they know they are going to and consequently set health/mana rest percents to 0 to avoid issues, that line means that if they're low on mana (low enough that they can't heal) and are below 100% HP, even with the RestLogic fix, the bot will sit there, afk until mana regens enough to cast a heal spell and get up to 100% HP, and will then probably die anyways because it proceeds into combat at 0% mana. In these scenarios, it is better to proceed on into combat (which ensures the bot doesn't stand there looking bottish) and die in order to respawn back at full health and mana.
In battlegrounds, deaths aren't really as much of a concern as looking bottish, IMO.
Anyways, that's just my input, doesn't make a huge difference to me either way. Was just surprising that the bot wasn't respecting my rest health percents.
[I][B]01/15/11 Revision 4.3.04-BETA[/B][/I]
FIX - Removed code causing character to pause in Battlegrounds until health regen'd to 100%
CHANGE - Elemental PVP: changed so totems are thrown at start of fight. This delays burst by 1 GCD but will help slightly with survivability
CHANGE - Elemental PVP: changed critieria for Thunderstorm so cast for mana or when multiple enemies within 10 yds. Previously checked if multiple within melee range
CHANGE - Resto: now checks that Chain Heal will hit minimum of 3 targets (up from 2) and Healing Rain will hit minimum of 4 targets (up from 3).
CHANGE - Resto: prior to Chain Heal cast, will attempt to cast Riptide on primary heal target if does not currently have buff
Absolutely agree, nice suggestion! Will be included in next release.New version working great Bobby.One random suggestion though - In regards to dropping totems before doing anything else in elemental PvP, I would recommend only doing this if the target is not currently mounted. If they are, they're usually out of range by the time it gets to casting any spells because it dropped totems first.
highend, Thanks for the posts and am glad its working well for you! I only need a log file if there is a specific instance you want me to look at. I'll keep it as an awareness item for future releases. Thanks for the follow up, Bobby53Just a short message after the weekend. I've run beta 3 for a few hours on friday and... it' great. Heroism is fixed, it's placing totems (pve) at the beginning of the fight and recalls them right after it has killed the mob. "Spin of death" is gone. One very minor thing thoughIt now has the habit to pull the mob and don't stop right in front of it (that was the normal behaviour with beta 2 and all stable releases), but runs right through and then refaces it. Have you seen this behaviour by yourself? If you need a logfile for this behaviour I'll provide one. Apart from that: Couldn't look like more human!
[11:33:41:628] Start/Stop button pressed.
[11:33:42:377] Cleared POI
[11:33:45:328] % TotemManagerUpdate: found 0 totems with closest 7229.9 yds away at <0, 0, 0>
[11:33:45:549] % Need rest: true, ShieldBuffNeeded -- Mounted = False
[11:33:45:553] Activity: Resting
[11:33:45:554] % RESTING START: 100% health, 100% mana
[11:33:45:560] % - status REST [me]: h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:False, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[11:33:45:563] % RESTING ENDED: 100% health, 100% mana
[11:33:46:356] % TotemManagerUpdate: found 0 totems with closest 7229.9 yds away at <0, 0, 0>
[11:33:46:381] % Mainhand weapon Skullcrusher Mace of the Monkey needs enhancement
[11:33:46:381] % Offhand weapon Skullcrusher Mace of the Monkey needs enhancement
[11:33:46:381] % Need rest: true, IsWeaponEnhanceNeeded mh:True oh:True
[11:33:46:382] % RESTING START: 100% health, 100% mana
[11:33:46:382] % - status REST [me]: h/m:100.0%/100.0%, combat:False, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
[11:33:46:382] % RestLogic: before ShamanBuffs
[11:33:46:485] Spell_C::CastSpell(324, 0, 0x0, 0)
[11:33:48:44] % ShamanBuffs: AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:True
[11:33:48:44] % Weapon Enchant Check: NeedOnMainhand=True-Windfury Weapon, NeedOnOffhand=True-Flametongue Weapon
[11:33:48:97] Spell_C::CastSpell(8232, 0, 0x0, 0)
[11:33:49:694] % Offhand weapon Skullcrusher Mace of the Monkey needs enhancement
[11:33:49:855] Spell_C::CastSpell(8024, 0, 0x0, 0)
[11:33:52:17] % RESTING ENDED: 100% health, 99.5671005249023% mana
[11:33:52:156] % TotemManagerUpdate: found 0 totems with closest 7229.9 yds away at <0, 0, 0>
[11:33:52:680] StyxWoW.AreaManager.CurrentGrindArea is null
Goklz, My apologies for any issue you may be having. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW so that I can look into your concern. Thanks for your help, Bobby53hey m8, using this cc all the time, but with the new arch buddy it tries buffing while flying, any idea how i could stop that, if not how i could remove weapon and shield buffs from shamwow?
MrBig, My apologies for any issue you may be having. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW so that I can look into your concern. Thanks for your help, Bobby53Hello, any idea why it is not using Lava Lash, I cant find an option for it either :/
PS : it says "Lava Lash: when off cooldown".
lukeyboy89, My apologies for any issue you may be having. Please see the ShamWOW FAQ [CLICK HERE] which is post #2 in this thread for information on the details needed when posting about issues with ShamWOW so that I can look into your concern. Thanks for your help, Bobby53Using your most recent Beta, with ArchaeologyBuddy. When i start it, if already mounted (in the air) it buffs itself and falls to its death. Would it be possible to have a mount check?