Ruinit, There was a slight change in the last couple releases. 4401 will always clear the weapon enchants when the bot is started, forcing them to be reapplied. 4500+ checks if current ones are appropriate and clears only if needed. Found a bug though so fixed in next release. Should be soon as it will contain only a few fixes for recently reported bugs. Thanks, Bobby53Any luck bobby on tracking down why 4502 is spamming wind furry/flame tongue in enhanced sometimes? My log is a few pages back. I have reverted back to 4401. It doesn't do it.
shaorinor, There was some odd interaction where the mobs weren't being reported by HB as being in combat for some reason. Revised criteria for whats an add and what isn't so should be resolved in the next release. If you have any additional issues, please report the time of a specific occurrance. It's more helpful to zero in on a portion of the log file where you said it occurred as opposed to know it happens throughout. Thanks for the post, Bobby53HonorBuddy Mode: Quest
Shamans Location: Tol Barad Peninsula
What should have happened (be specific): When fighting 2 or more NPCs, enhancement shaman should summon fire elemental/earth elemental/feral spirits
What did happen (be specific): He doesn't summon them unless I remove the check mark restricting him to reserve casting these for level +3/ +2 or more mobs
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): Everytime, using ShamWOW 4.5.02
Log included of my last bout, but this problem is not restricted to tol barad. Any fight with 2 or more NPCs, my enhancement shammy does not summon elementals or feral spirits. He did do this in previous iterations of ShamWOW, so I'm not sure if it's just the latest release or if it's a "user fubar" error.
almuhairi, Thank you for the post. This should be resolved in the next release which is coming soon. Thanks again and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53i don't know whats wrong....
bot spamming and stuck in 2 places
*Windfury Weapon
*Flametongue Weapon
*Windfury Weapon
*Flametongue Weapon
*Windfury Weapon
*Flametongue Weapon
projektt, I appreciate the post, but as you mentioned there is nothing I can do without a log file. There are too many components, options, and game combat scenarios that affect behavior for me to be able to even say whether something you are experiencing matches what others may have. Since I can't do anything with a post of this nature other than request a log file, you may want to consider waiting to post until one is available. Please be sure to include the time you observe a specific occurrence of the behavior and avoid entries like "Always" or "10:00 - 11:00". I'm looking for as specific as possible a clock time that you see it happen rather than a time range that it happened across. Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for the follow up, Bobby53I don't have any logs cuz I deleted them all but sometimes the CC won't attack. and sometimes it will IN RAIDS. Like if I cast a spell it will sometimes start doing it's rotation and other times it wont do anything or cast maybe flame shock then lava burst and do nothing. You probably need a log but just seeing if this was brought up before. I'll try and get in another raid so I can post a log
hi1674. I'm holding off on making any changes to enemy player detection for arenas and rated bg's until receiving an additional log with an Arena team property dump so I can confirm findings from the post by Liquid. Currently that appears to be the only way to identify the enemy team when they are the same faction, but that has the potential for error in other scenarios as well as increasing overhead. Thanks, Bobby53Would it be possible to have the CC check if the target is in your party or not to see if it's hostile in arenas ?
projektt, I appreciate the post, but as you mentioned there is nothing I can do without a log file. There are too many components, options, and game combat scenarios that affect behavior for me to be able to even say whether something you are experiencing matches what others may have. Since I can't do anything with a post of this nature other than request a log file, you may want to consider waiting to post until one is available. Please be sure to include the time you observe a specific occurrence of the behavior and avoid entries like "Always" or "10:00 - 11:00". I'm looking for as specific as possible a clock time that you see it happen rather than a time range that it happened across. Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for the follow up, Bobby53
By definition, you can't be proactive with a prioritization based upon Health % since its a reactionary mechanic. If you want proactive (anticipation) behavior, you'll need to play manually.
projektt, Thank you for the detailed log file. The problem encountered occurred while trying to use the Blood-Soaked Mug trinket. Since this occurs very early in the combat sequence and an exception was thrown, it never made it past this so the effect would have been your character did nothing as described.HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: BH (25 Man)
What should have happened (be specific): Attacked (Elemental Shaman)
What did happen (be specific): It started casting at beginning but once Eyes of Occu'thar came out it stopped attacking.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): About 9:16 - 9:17
Impala, My apologies for the issue and thank you for the log file. I was able to confirm you are encountering a known issue [CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS] that has been corrected in the bug fix release about to be posted. Please upgrade to 4.5.03 when it is available and let me know if you continue to encounter this issue. Also, if you encounter any future issues please use the template from the FAQ for reporting. The one thing that was missing which is extremely helpful (especially with large log files which most are) is the system time you noticed the problem. Thanks, Bobby53I have water walking enabled true, and water breathing unchecked. But it still waterbreaths in beginning of rbg/bg. Also, can you make it remember settings for specific Specs. Like if I spec Resto, I don't want to have to choose healing only in the pvp tab. Then if I switch to elemental, I'll have to go to the settings and then pvp tab and change it back to combat only. I don't know if that made sense, but like make it so the settings set for each spec are saved. Thanks again on an awesome CC. Log is 5mb(good log of some rbg's back to back) Deposit Files
jeffgtx, I will add that for you. That's a good idea and compromise for those that enjoy the bot assisted form of use. Thanks for the post, Bobby53How about a HotKey to pause casting temporarily in order to override behavior without competing with the CC?
HB7032V76, Sorry for the difficulty encountered. I implemented a tremendous amount of new functionality back in Jan 2011 which was going to require a lot of work in the help file. The helpfile was a good bit of work, so before putting in the time to update I wanted to confirm how many people used it so I omitted from the distribution to see how long it took someone to report that it wasn't working. You are the first, so it would seem that isn't an program area frequented often. I'll remove the Help button to avoid future confusion.hi ,
help button is not working for me , i dunno why, and i want to add spells for cleanse blacklisting, but i dont know how... thx![]()