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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Hi bobby53, another problem/suggestion.

When in PVP (arena) and using a sheild, it always puts earth shield on itself even if its not being targetted (possibly as intended), this isn't great, but not my main concern

My issue is when it switches to water shield for mana, it should put earth shield on someone/somehting else, and it doesn't. Would be great if it swapped earthshield to the most targetted player, and put water shield on itself, unelss it was taking lots of damage :)

Anyways, not urgent, just a suggestion to improve a near-perfect CC :)
pcxnet, Thank you for the post. The current design is the behavior you are seeing. A ShamWOW Configuration setting was added in 4.5.00 to allow you to disable Shields so you can control them manually without ShamWOW overwriting them. Those are the two best options at present.

I had an alternative implementation that cast Earth Shield on the target receiving the most incoming damage in the last time interval, but the problem in testing was the target either received Earth Shield too late or the Shaman would get stunned and be without Earth Shield vs. a Rogue or Warrior, and would end up wasting a GCD trying to restore it while getting burnt down. So after extensive testing, I determined it only lead to quicker deaths at that point as it wasn't able to apply all the subjective reasoning a user does in selecting the right target to have it. I am going to revisit caster PVP (both Elemental and Resto) in the next month so will look then at seeing if there is a reasonable alternative implementation worth including. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
Bobby. I raised this concern before and it seems like the trinket thing is still broken. (I had to delete a lot of the text cuz it was too big to upload)

HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: Zul"gurub
What should have happened (be specific): Attacked (Elemental Shaman)
What did happen (be specific): It seems to happen on bosses. It will only use lava burst off cooldown. or just eventually stop casting at all


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Bobby. I raised this concern before and it seems like the trinket thing is still broken. (I had to delete a lot of the text cuz it was too big to upload)

HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider
Shamans Location: Zul"gurub
What should have happened (be specific): Attacked (Elemental Shaman)
What did happen (be specific): It seems to happen on bosses. It will only use lava burst off cooldown. or just eventually stop casting at all
Projektt, Thank you very much for the post with log attached.

You mentioned the not attacking issue previously and I replied that a log file plus detail would be needed to look into it. You reported the trinket issue later which I responded to but didn't get a reply so am not sure if you switched trinkets during combat or not.

In this post, due to the way the description is written and not system time being provided I'm not sure which issue the log file is for or what portion of it I should be reviewing. The log file is great, but providing a partial log and omitting the system time from the description diminishes its value.

Trinket issue: I don't see anything suspect in this log. For the casts I saw it was activated on a 2 minute interval which matches its cooldown.

Not Casting: it appears that specific mobs were detected as immune to Nature spells, so that is why you only saw casts from the Fire and Frost schools. This is possibly due to an Amani Protective Ward being up. This should have been reported by HB/WOW as a temporary immunity on the which ShamWOW handles much differently than a permanent immunity, but that does not appear to be the case for some. To resolve, just disable Immunity Checking in the ShamWOW options (it was enabled in the log file you attached.) That options shouldn't be needed, but was added because ShamWOW can only react to the data provided to it and this gives you a means of turning that feature off and putting the responsibility of recognizing when mobs are immune on you.

Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Edit: I'll add additional messaging on the immunity in the next release, as well as change the default for Immunity Detection to 'false'. The default value change will only effect users that either delete their Shamans config file or create a new Shaman on that release or later.
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Bobby. The problem is it happens on all the bosses. Like when I posted that log 2 pages back in Baradin Hold where it would start attacking and then all of a sudden it stopped attacking once the eyes came out and would no longer cast. The same thing happens in Zul'gurub. cats PERFECt on trash but during boss fights it just stops casting and sits there. that log was submitted 2 pages back. No bosses in ZG/Za and raids are immune to nature damage.

I didn't switch trinkets at all. I removed it to see if that was the issue but it's still the same problem
Bobby. The problem is it happens on all the bosses. Like when I posted that log 2 pages back in Baradin Hold where it would start attacking and then all of a sudden it stopped attacking once the eyes came out and would no longer cast. The same thing happens in Zul'gurub. cats PERFECt on trash but during boss fights it just stops casting and sits there. that log was submitted 2 pages back. No bosses in ZG/Za and raids are immune to nature damage.

I didn't switch trinkets at all. I removed it to see if that was the issue but it's still the same problem
projektt, That's not 100% accurate. The issue you were facing in the Baradin Hold log (trinket error) is different from the one you just submitted (immune mob detection.) The first was an error and is now handled in 4.5.04. The latter is a user configuration option you control.

The issue you had with trinkets before (Baradin Hold) was that it was throwing an exception (error) when it attempted to /use. That exception interfered with combat operations occurring after that. Now that is fixed, it is getting further into the rotation but the immunity detection is causing you not to cast any spells from the nature school. While the problems may feel somewhat similar, they aren't. Code was added to 4.5.04 to detect and prevent that trinket exception and the last log file shows no problems related to trinkets (in fact it shows them being used at almost perfect intervals.) I don't know what was causing the issue if you didn't switch trinkets while HB was running, but regardless it now detects the issue and prevents it. If you are having a trinket problem then its a different one and not obvious to me from the log file so I will need a complete debug log file submitted along with the time you observed the problem occurring.

The current issue is related to immunity detection which I covered in my prior reply. Here is a list of the mobs where your or a party member cast an offensive spell against them that failed because they were immune:

[9:59:36 AM:989] ### IMMUNE mob, adding Amani'shi Tempest [#24549] to Physical list 
[9:59:54 AM:432] ### IMMUNE mob, adding Amani'shi Tempest [#24549] to Nature list 
[10:00:32 AM:740] ### IMMUNE mob, adding Akil'zon [#23574] to Physical list
[10:00:45 AM:173] ### IMMUNE mob, adding Akil'zon [#23574] to Nature list 
[10:01:16 AM:778] ### IMMUNE mob, adding Soaring Eagle [#24858] to Nature list
[10:05:36 AM:374] ### IMMUNE mob, adding Amani Protective Ward [#23822] to Physical list
[10:05:42 AM:743] ### IMMUNE mob, adding Amani Healing Ward [#23757] to Physical list
Since this data comes from WOW, if you question it you'll want to start saving your Combat Logs and checking those for the immunity spell failures. Again, ShamWOW only reacts to the data its provided. In the list you'll notice the Boss Akil'zon listed and indicated as immune to Nature.

So send me the detail (complete log file and the system time you observed the symptom occurring) for these and any other problems/questions you have and I'll do my best to get to the bottom of it. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Well I just start a Sham only to try your CC....the answare u already now.....WOW! it's FANTASTIC! nerver si so much detail! WOW!
+ Rep for u :)

Thanks Bobby53! ! ! ! !!
yipsilonn, Thank you for sharing your ShamWOW success, and good luck with your Shaman +rep. Bobby53
Pretty sure ur fame went to ur head.... this CC blows
@Crayzness85: No doubt. And thank you for taking the time to make such an incredibly detailed post. I will be sure to use this as an shining example to all users (no, it shall become known as a beacon of hope to all troubled Shaman) regarding how to provide constructive feedback that results in improving the CC. Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

@ALL SHAMWOW USERS: If you are using ShamWOW while sitting at your computer and feel a breeze on your shins, have no fear because according to Crayzness85 its just your decision to use this CC since it blows. Take full precautions and wear appropriate protective gear to ensure you aren't chafed by the breeze while Botting a Shaman. ... and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

@EVERYONE: If you have an issue with ShamWOW, I GREATLY appreciate your substantive feedback which would include a description of the problem, the system time (on your computer, not the realm) that you witnessed it occurring, and a complete debug log file for that run.

My apologies to anyone that I may have offended recently (including Crazyness85.) If I am being fully transparent, I do grow weary of asking, pleading, justifying, and rationalizing with individual users why they need to provide a complete debug log file with the time they witnessed the symptom at the source of their issue/question. However, everyone has a first post and I will work diligently to provide the same dignified request for a log file and supporting detail that I feel that I have in most cases.

If you have any questions regarding the steps to provide info describing a problem/question please see item #1 in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Question [CLICK HERE]. If you simply want to criticize without providing constructive feedback, please use a different thread as this one is dedicated to supporting ShamWOW Users. Future posts in this thread not falling within the scope of ShamWOW support will be deleted.

Thanks for your help, Bobby53
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Thank you so much Bobby! disabling that immunity checked fixed the problem!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you so much Bobby! disabling that immunity checked fixed the problem!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
projektt, Thanks for the follow up letting me know that resolved your issue! Enjoy and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
hi bobby

I dont speak much but i dont like people just complaining...so keep up the VERY good work and let the music play....

So i have a small question i ve a 5 raf team with war + 4 sham. Every time i group them together in a questing mode...the shammies dont use any ghost wolf abilities. I mean whe they play solo no problemo but when group they dont use it. Of course i could use normal mount but wolf is so nice / i cant provide a log of this event ....i think it s because of group test and the logic u put in ur cc. Is there a way to force use gost wolf in this special case.

Thx Bobby

First of all thx for the great CC keep it up, but i got a little problem: If i run LazyRaider it keeps spamming Earthliving Weapon is there a way to fix it?

Bobby, AWESOME work as usual. Thanks for giving us the option to heal pets. You don't know how many times hunter's pets saved my ass when I ended up with a crappy tank.
hi bobby

I dont speak much but i dont like people just complaining...so keep up the VERY good work and let the music play....

So i have a small question i ve a 5 raf team with war + 4 sham. Every time i group them together in a questing mode...the shammies dont use any ghost wolf abilities. I mean whe they play solo no problemo but when group they dont use it. Of course i could use normal mount but wolf is so nice / i cant provide a log of this event ....i think it s because of group test and the logic u put in ur cc. Is there a way to force use gost wolf in this special case.

Thx Bobby
jobwow, Thank you for the post and glad it works well in general for you. I will take a quick look at the logic, but a log file from any one of your 4 Shaman followers would be a tremedous help since I'm assuming you configure all 4 identically. Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for your response, Bobby53

EDIT: I will need a log file from atleast one follower. The behavior is highly dependent upon the bot and config you were running.
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First of all thx for the great CC keep it up, but i got a little problem: If i run LazyRaider it keeps spamming Earthliving Weapon is there a way to fix it?

*****le, I am unable to duplicate your results. Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for a template to use when posting as well as instructions on how to attach a complete debug log file so I can provide quick and accurate response to your issue/question. If you are using an international client, there is a known issue in the latest release that is resolved if you switch to the English Client. I'll have fixed in the next release. Thanks for your post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Bobby, AWESOME work as usual. Thanks for giving us the option to heal pets. You don't know how many times hunter's pets saved my ass when I ended up with a crappy tank.
MrWizard16, You're welcome and sorry it was so long in coming. That plus the fix to Earth Elemental Totem for Resto in the prior release should for an extremely resilient 5-man even when things fall apart. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Quick Update regarding the Pre-Casting (Lag Tolerance.) HonorBuddy does not currently support this for Instant Casts (meaning exact timing on the amount of GCD remaining is not available.) This means Enhancement Shaman will see virtually no improvement. I've been told that the next release should provide the support necessary. Until then, Elemental and Resto Shaman enjoy the advantage!
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