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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Hey bobby, I am posting with yet another request.
can u add option for higher ping 250+
this should fix delay on cast with pre casting or something like
zahremar, I'll look into that. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Hi bobby, this truely is the CC to set the standard. Just one suggestion.. could you please add the ability to heal pets ? taht would be awesome for arena :)

Thanks heaps for the awesome work!
pcxnet, Thanks for the post. I recently began work on that. It won't be in the bug fix release coming out, but should be in the first release after that. No ETA but it is coming. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
*NEW* ShamWOW 4.5.03 available for download!

Download for first post in this thread. Prior version still available in case you encounter issues and need to downgrade.

I incorporated a lot more than just the bug fixes planned in this release. Key changes include accounting for lag (this is a fundamental change to spell cast timing and should equate to more DPS and more Heals) and the ability to heal pets. If you encounter an error, be certain to use the template in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for posting your question / issue.

Changes in Release
09/07/2011 Revision 4.5.03
o *new* - added option to enable/disable automatic use of cooldowns in PVP. default is enabled. cooldowns controlled include Fire Elemental, Earth Elemental, and Bloodlust/Heroism

o fixed - saving/loading of PVP trinket option

o fixed - glyph recognition of water breathing and water walking glyphs for arena buffs now correctly displays only if the the associated PVP options are enabled

o fixed - correctly check options for raid water walking and water breathing buffs. previously would apply both if either was enabled. now correctly applies only buffs selected

o change- increased minimum time interval a raid member waits for preparation rebuff

o fixed - error sometimes occurring at startup when totems have already been set.

o change- now suppresses Water Walking cast if already in Ghost Wolf form or mounted

o change- revised messaging for weapon imbues to assist in troubleshooting

o fixed - will now correctly clear weapon imbues if an existing one needs to be changed. fixes spamming error of applying a new imbue without first clearing existing

o change- Enhancement PVP: slight movement and auto attack usage to improve readiness at point it reaches enemy position

o *new* - Enhancement PVP: will cast Healing Rain instead of Greater Healing Wave as the Maelstrom heal if Shaman health > 70 and at least two teammates in range

o fixed - Ghost Wolf: would previously prevent casting Ghost Wolf if a critter had same faction as grinding/questing profile mobs. now ignores critters

o fixed - modified add detection logic which encountered issues in Tol Barad that prevented from casting cooldowns. adds are now correctly counted which enables casting of cooldowns according to options set.

o *new* - support for Dog Whistle trinket from Scarelet Monestary and Barov Servent Caller trinket from Scholomance

o fixed - exception occurring when trinkets are changed while HonorBuddy is running and after they have been recognized by ShamWOW

o *new* - casting engine accounts for network lag. all users should notice slight improvement in DPS/HPS, but those with the higher levels of lag will notice the most improvement

o *new* - support for healing pets

o *new* - configurable target counts for Chain Heal and Healing Rain.

o change- Focused Insight: now will only cast shock to buff Healing Rain

o change- Unleash Elements: will attempt to cast prior to Greater Healing Wave

o fixed - Resto RAF: will now cast Earth Elemental if tank dies; was broken for Resto

o fixed - Resto RAF: added minimum time interval after Earth Shield cast before checking for buff
Very nice Bobby, Will get this on the go asap. Am currently only using your CC to watch how to play a level 85 Elemental Shaman so I can start playing it myself.
Thanks for your time and effort and a very detailed update post.

I never see it use Spiritwalker's Grace in PvP. Is there any reason for this? Issues for coding ect.. ? Or just not sure what use it would be, personally I think an option like, use spiritwalkers grace if x number of melee in range. That way we could run away and still pull of some decent DPS on them. (9 times out of 10 in BGs if I die its because there is 2-3 Melee on my.) Also you think you'd be able to code something like if map = xxx location = x.x.x to x.x.x Use Thunderstomp if x targets in range. (that am guessing would be really hard) but would be fun for thunderstomping people off cliffs and bridges <3
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Very nice Bobby, Will get this on the go asap. Am currently only using your CC to watch how to play a level 85 Elemental Shaman so I can start playing it myself.
Thanks for your time and effort and a very detailed update post.

I never see it use Spiritwalker's Grace in PvP. Is there any reason for this? Issues for coding ect.. ? Or just not sure what use it would be, personally I think an option like, use spiritwalkers grace if x number of melee in range. That way we could run away and still pull of some decent DPS on them. (9 times out of 10 in BGs if I die its because there is 2-3 Melee on my.) Also you think you'd be able to code something like if map = xxx location = x.x.x to x.x.x Use Thunderstomp if x targets in range. (that am guessing would be really hard) but would be fun for thunderstomping people off cliffs and bridges <3
khurune, Thanks for the post and glad its working well for you overall. Here are a couple quick comments regarding your suggestions/requests:
1. Spiritwalker's Grace is a fun and important ability that I enjoy using for manual play. Here is a response from me to a previous request [CLICK HERE] discussing its role with ShamWOW and possible uses. At the point I add kiting logic I'll add support for Spiritwalker's Grace, but prior to that it doesn't make sense. Unless you are also to remove any movement impairing effects while using Spiritwalker's Grace, 2 or more decent melee on you without someone else healing you should mean a relatively quick death.
2. Thunderstorm - I'll give that some additional thought and see what I can do. It won't be real soon, but after having just revamped Enhancement PVP I will be looking at Elemental next.
Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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it spams wep enchants WAYYYYYYY to much anyway to turn down it refreshing the duration every 3-10 seconds?

EDIT: i dont really think a debug log is neccisary seeing as there are no errors it just likes to spam windfury and flametoung during and out of combat :| ALOT

it also has alot of trouble mounting ect because it is spamming it so really grinding 10 mobs takes about 5-10 minutes as it spams so much the char cant move :| i have reinstalled WINDOWS HB and everything over a month or so and it still does this :(
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it spams wep enchants WAYYYYYYY to much anyway to turn down it refreshing the duration every 3-10 seconds?

EDIT: i dont really think a debug log is neccisary seeing as there are no errors it just likes to spam windfury and flametoung during and out of combat :| ALOT

it also has alot of trouble mounting ect because it is spamming it so really grinding 10 mobs takes about 5-10 minutes as it spams so much the char cant move :| i have reinstalled WINDOWS HB and everything over a month or so and it still does this :(
Quinlan, I appreciate you taking the time to post regarding this. However, I will need a log file and the supporting detail for a specific instance that you witnessed the behavior to be able to research this for you. In case it was overlooked, here is a recent excerpt from a couple posts ago where I announced the new release:

... If you encounter an error, be certain to use the template in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for posting your question / issue and attach a complete debug log file...
If you need to locate the FAQ in the future, you can either go to the 2nd post in this thread or simply look at one of most recent responses as I have to post this info frequently (or as you put it "WAYYYYYYY to much".) Thanks again for letting me know and I'll keep an eye out for the additional info so I can begin researching, Bobby53
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*NEW* ShamWOW 4.5.04 available for download!

Quick bug fix release. Download from the first post in this thread as usual.

Change History
[B]09/08/2011  Revision 4.5.04[/B]

o fixed - use of configurable counts for Healing Rain and Chain Heal counts

o fixed - debug message spam occurring while on taxi (flight path)

[B]09/07/2011  Revision 4.5.03[/B]

o *new* - added option to enable/disable automatic use of cooldowns in PVP.  default is enabled. cooldowns controlled include Fire Elemental, Earth Elemental, and Bloodlust/Heroism

o fixed - saving/loading of PVP trinket option

o fixed - glyph recognition of water breathing and water walking glyphs for arena buffs now correctly displays only if the the associated PVP options are enabled

o fixed - correctly check options for raid water walking and water breathing buffs.  previously would apply both if either was enabled. now correctly applies only buffs selected

o change- increased minimum time interval a raid member waits for preparation rebuff

o fixed - error sometimes occurring at startup when totems have already been set.

o change- now suppresses Water Walking cast if already in Ghost Wolf form or mounted

o change- revised messaging for weapon imbues to assist in troubleshooting

o fixed - will now correctly clear weapon imbues if an existing one needs to be changed.  fixes spamming error of applying a new imbue without first clearing existing

o change- Enhancement PVP: slight movement and auto attack usage to improve readiness at point it reaches enemy position

o *new* - Enhancement PVP: will cast Healing Rain instead of Greater Healing Wave as the Maelstrom heal if Shaman health > 70 and at least two teammates in range

o fixed - Ghost Wolf: would previously prevent casting Ghost Wolf if a critter had same faction as grinding/questing profile mobs. now ignores critters

o fixed - modified add detection logic which encountered issues in Tol Barad that prevented from casting cooldowns. adds are now correctly counted which enables casting of cooldowns according to options set.

o *new* - support for Dog Whistle trinket from Scarelet Monestary and Barov Servent Caller trinket from Scholomance

o fixed - exception occurring when trinkets are changed while HonorBuddy is running and after they have been recognized by ShamWOW

o *new* - casting engine accounts for network lag. all users should notice slight improvement in DPS/HPS, but those with the higher levels of lag will notice the most improvement

o *new* - support for healing pets

o *new* - configurable target counts for Chain Heal and Healing Rain.

o change- Focused Insight: now will only cast shock to buff Healing Rain

o change- Unleash Elements: will attempt to cast prior to Greater Healing Wave

o fixed - Resto RAF: will now cast Earth Elemental if tank dies; was broken for Resto

o fixed - Resto RAF: added minimum time interval after Earth Shield cast before checking for buff
HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider

Shamans Location: Stormwind

What should have happened (be specific): Buff *Lightning Shield and *Earthliving Weapon

What did happen (be specific):Spam *Earthliving Weapon

System time of issue (log time stamp): 17-30


tytytytyty(I love You for *new* - casting engine accounts for network lag. all users should notice slight improvement in DPS/HPS, but those with the higher levels of lag will notice the most improvement)
OMG u fixed the weapon chant spam thing LUB U! <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Not fixed for me :S

*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
HonorBuddy Mode: LazyRaider

Shamans Location: Stormwind

What should have happened (be specific): Buff *Lightning Shield and *Earthliving Weapon

What did happen (be specific):Spam *Earthliving Weapon

System time of issue (log time stamp): 17-30
chirax, My apologies for the issue. It is an internationalization problem. To work around this until I can look into it in further detail, please use the English Language WOW Client. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Not fixed for me :S

*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
Dalmask, please see the following.

...If you encounter an error, be certain to use the template in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for posting your question / issue.
If you need to locate the FAQ in the future, you can either go to the 2nd post in this thread or simply look at one of my recent responses as I have to post this link frequently. Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for the additional info so I can begin researching. Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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tytytytyty(I love You for *new* - casting engine accounts for network lag. all users should notice slight improvement in DPS/HPS, but those with the higher levels of lag will notice the most improvement)
zahremar, You're very welcome. Not often I can make a change that should improve performance for all users in every combat scenario. Hopefully this is one. Please be sure to let me know how it works for you. Bobby53
chirax, My apologies for the issue. It is an internationalization problem. To work around this until I can look into it in further detail, please use the English Language WOW Client. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

But in 4401, was not this problems, everything worked perfectly. I think better to use 4401 for me. I hope you fix it. Anyway big thanks you Bobby53 =))
hi1674. I'm holding off on making any changes to enemy player detection for arenas and rated bg's until receiving an additional log with an Arena team property dump so I can confirm findings from the post by Liquid. Currently that appears to be the only way to identify the enemy team when they are the same faction, but that has the potential for error in other scenarios as well as increasing overhead. Thanks, Bobby53

Hi Bobby

Have attached logs from recent arena confirming the flagging problem with same faction teams. Full log is attached and also just the log of enemy targets.

One thing I have noticed is that you can force an attack on those targets , but the bot wont target and attack them automatically.

Thanks again for all the work on shamwow - it really is awesome !


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Hi Bobby

Have attached logs from recent arena confirming the flagging problem with same faction teams. Full log is attached and also just the log of enemy targets.

One thing I have noticed is that you can force an attack on those targets , but the bot wont target and attack them automatically.

Thanks again for all the work on shamwow - it really is awesome !
Thanks for the post and glad its of use to you. I actually did make a change in this last release which is why it will now allow attacking. With the info you attached I should be able to get this working in the next release. Thanks for the follow up and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
But in 4401, was not this problems, everything worked perfectly. I think better to use 4401 for me. I hope you fix it. Anyway big thanks you Bobby53 =))
Chirax, You are correct. If you check the change history you'll notice I introduced an improvement in the area of applying shields. With change comes risk and I unfortunately introduced a the bug you encountered. Thanks for the log which should enable me to resolve. Look for it in the next release, Bobby53
Hi bobby53, another problem/suggestion.

When in PVP (arena) and using a sheild, it always puts earth shield on itself even if its not being targetted (possibly as intended), this isn't great, but not my main concern

My issue is when it switches to water shield for mana, it should put earth shield on someone/somehting else, and it doesn't. Would be great if it swapped earthshield to the most targetted player, and put water shield on itself, unelss it was taking lots of damage :)

Anyways, not urgent, just a suggestion to improve a near-perfect CC :)
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