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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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ShamWOW is now officially ridiculous..... I run daily Therazane and TB Peninsula and my just-85-dinged Shaman beats the crap out of all my other characters (including the iLevel 362 DK) when it comes to speed on this.
I *love* the new Ghostwolf/Mount routines.

Is there a way to change healing rain to cast when 3 targets are below a certain health? I know 4+ is more efficent but i would like the option to cast healing rain on 3. Any chance you could give us that as a configrable opton?

Many thanks for a great cc.

Thanx, I think the problem is actually with the new HB release. Its happening on all my CC's with both the default and wOOts BG profiles in both BGBot[Beta] and PvP modes. I didnt include the log cause it didnt show any errors, just wouldnt enter combat unless attacked like 3-4 times 1st.

Sorry to post this issue to you before looking into it further. Only error in the log didnt pop up untill after entered in combat, which doesnt happen often even tho its a BG. Not sure if this is from the CC or SimpleFollow tho.
[3:05:56 PM:287] %   CastHeal:  moving to heal target who is 43.6263198852539 yds away
[3:05:56 PM:287] %   using fleeing target range of 0.0
[3:05:56 PM:381] %   MoveToHealTarget: stopping now that Heal Target is 43.8413772583008 yds away
[3:05:56 PM:381] %   CastHeal:  not within healing range, Heal Target Hunter.E703 is 43.8 yds away
DJKid, Thanks for the post but I need a complete log file as there are too many settings and conditions impacting behavior and decisions made which are indicated in the log file. That also appears to be a copy/paste of the Debug window. It is critical to attach the complete log file contents since it contains a sequential record of messages routed to all HB output windows rather than only one. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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ShamWOW is now officially ridiculous..... I run daily Therazane and TB Peninsula and my just-85-dinged Shaman beats the crap out of all my other characters (including the iLevel 362 DK) when it comes to speed on this. I *love* the new Ghostwolf/Mount routines.
Croga, Thanks for the feedback and glad you are getting good results with the new version. Appreciate the feedback +rep. Best of luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Bobby, Is there a way to change healing rain to cast when 3 targets are below a certain health? I know 4+ is more efficent but i would like the option to cast healing rain on 3. Any chance you could give us that as a configrable opton? Many thanks for a great cc. Thanks
fish221171, I appreciate the post. ShamWOW was never intended to be completely reconfigurable to a users preferences or desired playstyle. Instead, the design objective was to embrace the best of class responses to every combat situation possible and run in that mode with zero configuration. As the number of in game combat venues for HonorBuddy grew over time to dungeons, raiding, and arena some options became necessary. Others were added in a moment of weakness in my effort to give users what they wanted rather than what they needed. For now, my suggestion is to make a macro and bind it to a key easily accessible for you:
/cast Healing Rain
The inclusion of /stopcasting is important so that it will interrupt a current ShamWOW cast and enable you to selectively locate a Healing Rain where you see fit. There are still some abilities that could interfere with this, but in general the macro will enable you the freedom to cast it whereever and whenever you see fit.

If you really want an automated Healing Rain cast with a user specified number of friendlies triggering it, please advise of the specific combat scenario that requires recognizing less than 4 (which is less than what it should be already.)

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Hi! Why when I'm not in combat, sham use Earthliving Weapon every second.
It looks like this:


*Lightning Shield
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
*Earthliving Weapon
and so long as mana is not end.
Previously all works very good.
Hi! Why when I'm not in combat, sham use Earthliving Weapon every second.
It looks like this:
....cut for space....
and so long as mana is not end.
Previously all works very good.
chirax, Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for any issue or question about behavior you would like me to look into. Follow the steps in the first item on "1. How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism..." Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

PS: Here is my response to a prior user with similar issue when using ShamWOW with current release [CLICK HERE]
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... excerpted from a private message ...
stackrouse said:
Hey, first off...best CC out there. This ShamWoW is crazy good. But I have a question. Lets say I have one computer set up for me to play my mage. And I want my laptop to bot my shaman to heal me, in BG's. What config would you recommend me use to follow my mage around and heal bot me? Lazyraider set up as my mage for the tank? PvP bot with squire? or some other?
stackrouse, Glad you're pleased with the results! You have a few supported options to accomplish that.

1. PVP Bot with Squire ideally would be my first choice. That was what it was specifically designed to do, but I haven't been able to use it in awhile so there may be some issues with that setup. The constraint here would be it would work only in the BGs that Squire supports. I would probably recommend sticking with AB or AV.

2. LazyRaider. This wasn't designed for AFK use, so you will need to click the Ressurect button if the healer dies. However, it will do a yeoman's job of following you as long as you don't jump off a cliff, etc. There was some logic introduced for not dismounting in Battlegrounds under certain circumstances, so if you use this and the healbot stays mounted and doesn't heal you please post the log file and I'll revise/adjust to allow it to work.

Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Thank you for the CC, i've been playing with it all day long!

I just have a little trouble in some raids : The bot doesn't do anything with the fight against Cho'Gall, I had to configure my Vuhdo addon while we were fighting the boss =D to be able to heal

Then, same issue against Argaloth and Occu'thar. Didn't try it with my resto spe but with my elemental one !

Thank you for your help!

Thank you for the CC, i've been playing with it all day long!

I just have a little trouble in some raids : The bot doesn't do anything with the fight against Cho'Gall, I had to configure my Vuhdo addon while we were fighting the boss =D to be able to heal

Then, same issue against Argaloth and Occu'thar. Didn't try it with my resto spe but with my elemental one !

Thank you for your help!
And why go to the raid bot?
Hello. Thank you for the CC, i've been playing with it all day long! I just have a little trouble in some raids : The bot doesn't do anything with the fight against Cho'Gall, I had to configure my Vuhdo addon while we were fighting the boss =D to be able to heal Then, same issue against Argaloth and Occu'thar. Didn't try it with my resto spe but with my elemental one ! Thank you for your help!
mouloudo2, Sorry you were having issues, but that isn't enough detail to be able to assist you. Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for any issue or question about behavior you would like me to look into. Follow the steps in the first item on "1. How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism..." Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/InstanceBuddy/RaF

Shamans Location: Outside of instances

What should have happened (be specific): nothing :)

What did happen (be specific): Was spamming Earth Shield and Water Shield on himself all the time, until he gets oom. Then he drinks and keep spamming Earth / Water Shield.

System time of issue (log time stamp): Around 10:45 for example.


HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/InstanceBuddy/RaF
Shamans Location: Outside of instances
What should have happened (be specific): nothing :)
What did happen (be specific): Was spamming Earth Shield and Water Shield on himself all the time, until he gets oom. Then he drinks and keep spamming Earth / Water Shield.
System time of issue (log time stamp): Around 10:45 for example.
cm2003, My apologies for the error and thank you for the well written post! ShamWOW isn't installed correctly as the ShamWOW.config file is missing.
[10:29:11:270] Error loading Global ShamWOW Config info from 'C:\Users\...\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Config\ShamWOW.config'
For installation steps, please see either the INSTALL.TXT included in your download or visit ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] which has a topic entitled "How do I install ShamWOW?". I will revise in the next release to better handle that error as it should either deal with the missing information or stop the bot so the message is more obvious.

While this will effect your results, the error is likely caused by a setup that wasn't anticipated as ShamWOW was trying to put Earth Shield on the tank but a tank wasn't defined by the Bot you were running.

Based upon your post indicating the Bot usage was Grind/InstanceBuddy and that you were in a group in North Barrens, I am assuming you were trying to serve as a Party Healer for a group grinding in North Barrens while waiting for an LFD invite. The Grind bot shouldn't be chosen for that use as its intended for solo grinding or for use by the Leader/Tank. For any character that is following another in a DPS or Healer role when Grinding you'll need to use a Bot that is a follower Bot such as Party Bot. If you choose Party Bot, be sure to the run the Party Bot Leader Plug-in (this will identify the leader character to all Party Bots) on whatever character is the leader. You may also need to run the SetTheLeader Plug-in (which will identify the tank/leader to all CC's and other plugins) on any character is the follower. I'm not sure on this latter one since I haven't run Party Bot in a long time.

The simplest option would be to use LazyRaider for the follower, but since ShamWOW disables its in combat movement when LazyRaider is detected it may not work effectively in all combat situations for you. You could give it a try and just choose a tank follow range of 10 yds or so to keep it close. I'll look at the current options available and work that in as it would require the fewest steps and new components for you.

Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Quick bug report

I dont have any evidence really to help u but i thought i misewell mention it feel free to say NO BUG REPORT IMA THROW BRICK AT YOU!

on quest profile 1-60 in feralas i came back to my bot and the shamwow cc was spamming flamtounge windfury >_< and wouldnt let the bot move anywhere i just restarted and it went fine again

just thought all info helps
Casts Water Breathing even when option says No!

HonorBuddy Mode: PVP.
Shamans Location: Any BG preparation cycle.
What should have happened (be specific): Only buffing Water Walking.
What did happen (be specific): Buffing Water Walking and Breathing.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): Locations in timeframes of each pre-buff cycle [19:19:27:851], [19:42:43:760], [20:17:44:301], [20:38:30:997], [21:35:31:257], [22:19:21:956], [22:56:37:294], [23:24:27:855], [0:16:28:668]
Additional Info: I have the Glyphs for Water Walking and Water Breathing which are detected. This might be of influence why it's not detecting the setting (one overrides the other).
[19:17:47:675]   # PVP_PrepWaterWalking    'True'
[19:17:47:675]   # PVP_PrepWaterBreathing  'False'
[19:19:10:453] [glyph] Water Walking: found, will buff battleground and arena members in range
[19:19:10:453] [glyph] Water Breathing: found, will buff battleground and arena members in range
Regards, LiquidAtoR.
I dont have any evidence really to help u but i thought i misewell mention it feel free to say NO BUG REPORT IMA THROW BRICK AT YOU!

on quest profile 1-60 in feralas i came back to my bot and the shamwow cc was spamming flamtounge windfury >_< and wouldnt let the bot move anywhere i just restarted and it went fine again

just thought all info helps
Quinlan, I 'm not throwing it back at you, there simply isn't enough information to look into. It can be grouped with a couple others that recently experienced weapon buff issues with the most recent HonorBuddy release, but there is no way to tell if it was the same issue or not. It does sound like another version of the problem being experienced by others where HonorBuddy is not updating the list of buffs for your character. Appreciate you passing along the info that a restart corrected. Did you only restart HonorBuddy, HonorBuddy + WOW, or a complete system restart? Thanks, Bobby53
HonorBuddy Mode: PVP.
Shamans Location: Any BG preparation cycle.
What should have happened (be specific): Only buffing Water Walking.
What did happen (be specific): Buffing Water Walking and Breathing.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): Locations in timeframes of each pre-buff cycle [19:19:27:851], [19:42:43:760], [20:17:44:301], [20:38:30:997], [21:35:31:257], [22:19:21:956], [22:56:37:294], [23:24:27:855], [0:16:28:668]
Additional Info: I have the Glyphs for Water Walking and Water Breathing which are detected. This might be of influence why it's not detecting the setting (one overrides the other).
[19:17:47:675]   # PVP_PrepWaterWalking    'True'
[19:17:47:675]   # PVP_PrepWaterBreathing  'False'
[19:19:10:453] [glyph] Water Walking: found, will buff battleground and arena members in range
[19:19:10:453] [glyph] Water Breathing: found, will buff battleground and arena members in range
Regards, LiquidAtoR.
LiquidAtoR, Great to hear from you! Sorry it was due to a bug however. And yep, that's one I botched up. Two different things are occurring:
1. The messages regardng Water Walking or Wather Breathing detected and being used to buff currently only detect the glyphs being present and don't check if you have the options enabled. Fixed in next release.
2. The check for whether a raid member needs to be buffed is checking if you have either config setting enabled. So it works as expected if you have both enabled or both disabled, but will fail for the example you provided of just one buff enabled and one disabled. Fixed in next release.

To work around it for now, you would either want both options on or both off. If you truly only want of the buffs cast during preparation, then only choice until getting the fixed release is to remove the glyph you don't want the buff applied for.

Thanks for the incredibly well written post +rep, Bobby53
Thanks bobby for your fast reply :)
I was changing my setup, so this didn't happen anymore. Before I was using the stock ShamWoW which came with HB.

As I have an issue again I've updated now and keep getting the following error:
My Shaman turned 62 and after that HB stopped working with the error: "This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!"

I've added one point (as per the plugin Talented), but keep getting this error. For the moment I'm not able to use this great CC - and it's REALLY fucking great... The healing is incredible... Not any complain so far from anyone in a random group, except now where the bot just stopped and I didn't realise it soon enough :D

Attached the error log I've just created.

I think I've fixed the issue on my own.
I was loading now a Blank profile (was on mixed mode with party + instance buddy) and now it seems to work.

What I'm not understanding is, why it was working before and then just stopped :(


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