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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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*NEW* ShamWOW 4.5.01 available for download!

This is a quick release to fix an arena targeting bug.

Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for any issue or question about behavior you would like me to look into. Follow the steps in the first item on "1. How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism..."

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman,

Change History - 08/29/2011 Revision 4.5.01
o fixed - Arena Targeting: now correctly targets enemy team members from the same faction
Not there yet , thanks for your help with this though really appreciate it.

Same thing against my own faction. In this log the mage its is finding is its partner and the hunter (ttarget) is the enemy - but it still doesnt engage, you can see the loop it is doing in the log attached - the little guy fights like a banshee against horde teams though ;)

[8:39:17 AM:823] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:98.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[8:39:17 AM:856] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.BCB9 th:100.0%, tdist:18.7 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Hunter.1DE0 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[8:39:17 AM:857] % combatChecks: pvp target Mage.BCB9 is not hostile, so checking for another
[8:39:17 AM:859] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:98.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[8:39:17 AM:889] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.BCB9 th:100.0%, tdist:18.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Hunter.1DE0 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[8:39:17 AM:985] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:98.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[8:39:18 AM:022] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.BCB9 th:100.0%, tdist:17.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Hunter.1DE0 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[8:39:18 AM:023] % combatChecks: pvp target Mage.BCB9 is not hostile, so checking for another
[8:39:18 AM:025] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:98.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[8:39:18 AM:054] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.BCB9 th:100.0%, tdist:17.2 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Hunter.1DE0 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[8:39:18 AM:140] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:98.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[8:39:18 AM:184] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Mage.BCB9 th:100.0%, tdist:16.4 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Hunter.1DE0 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[8:39:18 AM:185] % combatChecks: pvp target Mage.BCB9 is not hostile, so checking for another
[8:39:18 AM:187] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:98.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[8:39:18 AM:216] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Mage.BCB9 th:100.0%, tdist:15.9 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Hunter.1DE0 taggro:N tpetaggro:N


How do we add custom dispells / purges? I cant figure it out
stevelulwow, The user interface is display only. To change the lists modify the HonorBuddy\Config\ShamWOW.config file. There is a Dispell Blacklist (cleanses any debuff not in the list) and a Purge Whitelist (only purges buffs shown in the list.) Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Not there yet , thanks for your help with this though really appreciate it.

Same thing against my own faction. In this log the mage its is finding is its partner and the hunter (ttarget) is the enemy - but it still doesnt engage, you can see the loop it is doing in the log attached - the little guy fights like a banshee against horde teams though ;)

... cut for space...
HB8654A32, Have you manually targeted the Hunter? Looks like the Mage was manually targeted possibly to set focus and then was left as target. When using LazyRaider, it requires the user to select the current target. Thanks, Bobby53
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sp3sh, Thank you very much for the log file. I wouldn't have been able to help you without it. For an issue where you are citing a specific behavior as described, it is extremely important that you provide as specific system time as possible. In this case the fact you provided a complete debug log that only spanned from 11:05 to 11:10 was very helpful in limiting my research ( I was scared when you said 9:00 to 11:00 -- lol)

In this case, the problem is due to a known HonorBuddy issue. It's related to the large hitbox size of Chimaeron which isn't something you encounter in 5 mans. HonorBuddy is unable to determine the size of an enemies hit box, so CC's traditionally use the standard 5.0 yds for melee range. This doesn't impact ranged characters or when you haven't disabled CC movement (since the CC will move in to what it believes is melee range.) In this case, you were using LazyRaider (with movement disabled) and keeping your melee Shaman at the visual edge the hitbox. So while you maintained a distance between 15 and 22 yards from the mobs location which was actually within the mobs hitbox, the CC believed that since you weren't within 5 yards of its location (standard hit box size) that you could only use ranged attacks.

So, you have a few choices on how to proceed until the next version of ShamWOW is released (where I'll included an updated ShamWOW.config specifying a larger hitbox for this boss):

1. Add an entry to HonorBuddy\Config\ShamWOW.config file to override the size of the hitbox used for Chimaeron. There is an entry present for Argaloth to treat his hitbox as 10yds, but from your log file it seems Chimaeron needs a 20 yd hit box (which is a guess based upon average distance both you and the tank maintained from the boss.) You can add that yourself by directly editing the file HonorBuddy\Config\ShamWOW.config to contain the following line (insert directly below the Argaloth line):
    <Mob Id="43296" Name="Chimaeron" HitBox="20" />
2. Don't stop moving your melee character at the edge of the hit box. Continue moving in towards the center until you are within 5.0 yards. You'll know when that is because it will begin casting melee attacks. For a large hitbox like this you will be well under the boss.

3. Stop LazyRaider and take control for the Chimaeron fight.

4. Raid in a different spec.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

PS: I don't know the actual hitbox size for Chimaeron, but if you want to post another log file where you move to the furthest point where you can still hit him with melee attacks and then press Stop in HonorBuddy (making the last distance to target in the log file that position) I'll use that distance for the official config distributed. Otherwise I'll go with 20 yards.

Thanks Bobby, ill see if i can obtain a few different radius's on mobs like this. Thanks for showing me how to fix it also.
Thanks Bobby, ill see if i can obtain a few different radius's on mobs like this. Thanks for showing me how to fix it also.
There are quite a few in the game, but it's only a problem when disabling CC movement and a lot are encountered while grinding/questing. If you just advise any you encounter in Raids and Heroics that would be a big help to the ShamWOW community. Thanks, Bobby53
stevelulwow, The user interface is display only. To change the lists modify the HonorBuddy\Config\ShamWOW.config file. There is a Dispell Blacklist (cleanses any debuff not in the list) and a Purge Whitelist (only purges buffs shown in the list.) Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Ok I've tried both Combat Bot and Lazy raider , I've manually targetted and manually
cast an inital spell to try to fire off the bot, but it still doesnt like same faction.

The failing part of the log (from what I can see) looks like this (attached the complete log) Looks to me like some sort of check on the Hunter returning as "not hostile" so it
goes looking for another target

1:00:58 PM:204] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Hunter.32F1 th:100.0%, tdist:27.5 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Mage.BCB9 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[1:00:58 PM:206] % combatChecks: pvp target Hunter.32F1 is not hostile, so checking for another
[1:00:58 PM:207] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:4.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[1:00:58 PM:271] % Exit COMBAT [target]: Hunter.32F1 th:100.0%, tdist:27.5 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Mage.BCB9 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[1:00:58 PM:351] % PVPSTAT Enter COMBAT [me]: h/m:4.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[1:00:58 PM:405] % Enter COMBAT [target]: Hunter.32F1 th:100.0%, tdist:27.5 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:Mage.BCB9 taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[1:00:58 PM:406] % combatChecks: pvp target Hunter.32F1 is not hostile, so checking for another
[1:00:58 PM:407] % PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]: h/m:4.8%/100.0%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:0, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N

Cheers again


Keep up the good work! Would be great if you could look into adding these features.

When drinking/eating, force NO_ACTION from the CC. This way, you can timed when to drink without needing to fully heal everyone first.

When mounting, force NO_ACTION from the CC. Able to mount without having to heal everyone first.

Both options can be disable in the CC if others don't want it.
Keep up the good work! Would be great if you could look into adding these features.

When drinking/eating, force NO_ACTION from the CC. This way, you can timed when to drink without needing to fully heal everyone first.

When mounting, force NO_ACTION from the CC. Able to mount without having to heal everyone first.

Both options can be disable in the CC if others don't want it.
HB4717A34, Thanks for the post and glad you are generally pleased with it. Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for any issue or question about behavior you would like me to look into. Follow the steps in the first item on "1. How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism..." This avoids any ambiguity related to what you are requesting. Please be sure to include an explanation of why it is needed and not just what is needed. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
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Ok I've tried both Combat Bot and Lazy raider , I've manually targetted and manually cast an inital spell to try to fire off the bot, but it still doesnt like same faction.

[1:00:58 PM:206] % combatChecks: pvp target Hunter.32F1 is not hostile, so checking for another
HB8654A32, Thanks for the follow up. I changed the messaging and test in the last release to be able to better drill down on the issue and it is clear from the message above that if the Hunter is an arena opponent of the same faction the HB .IsHostile property is returning false. Later tonight I'll post a release which will dump a lot of flag information for all players in arena (not identifying values) to better see what properties are available to indicate an arena opponents as enemy players even if from the same faction. It will be in about 14 hours from this post and I'll provide instructions with it. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
Hey bobby, I am posting with a request for resto shamans (pvp based request).

Would it be possible to add the ability for RShaman to use Spirit Link Totem? For example: IF Self hp => 95% && party member(s) health =< 40%, then cast Spirit Link Totem?

Also is it intended in the design for arenas that the shaman gets earth shield 100% of the time until mana% =< x% or is it intended to cast earth shield on whoever is set to "tank"?
My shaman goes oom much faster in arena than other shamans because they use water shield 90% of the time and are only using earth shield when being focused if they have high mana.
Bobby, for first BIG thanks for your ShamWOW CC. Last build works brilliant! Only one new problem detected (never seen this before)

HonorBuddy Mode: Mixed (GatherBuddy + Random BGs)
Shamans Location: Twin Peaks Batteground (but happens at any BG)
What should have happened (be specific): nothing
What did happen (be specific): Every second casts Bind Elemental on all mage's pets if in range (Water Elemental). Looks very-very bottish.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 17:00-18:30 30-Aug-11

ShamWOW v4.5.01 with latest HB

View attachment 30-Aug-11_5_08 PM 6544 Log.zip
Hey bobby, I am posting with a request for resto shamans (pvp based request). Would it be possible to add the ability for RShaman to use Spirit Link Totem? For example: IF Self hp => 95% && party member(s) health =< 40%, then cast Spirit Link Totem?
You're in luck. Others had previously requested so its already in the feature release. No official ETA, but unless I get many issues from this last release it should be in a week.

Also is it intended in the design for arenas that the shaman gets earth shield 100% of the time until mana% =< x% or is it intended to cast earth shield on whoever is set to "tank"? My shaman goes oom much faster in arena than other shamans because they use water shield 90% of the time and are only using earth shield when being focused if they have high mana.
The intended design for PVP is that the Resto Shaman shield twist between the Mana (Water) and Damage (Earth) shield on themselves to balance survivability with mana regen. Damage Shield is a generic term that refers to either Lightning Shield or Earth Shield as appropriate based upon the spec and combat environment.

You control it with the values specified for shield twisting. Here's a post regarding controlling.

http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/shaman/5336-shamwow-hb2-enhance-elemental-resto-pvp-raf-healbot-bobby53-68.html#post346771 [CLICK HERE]

It is important that you leave some buffer space between the two mana values you specify, otherwise it will appear as though he is unnecessarily changing shields when in fact it is only reacting to the values provided. My recommendation would be to try the following combinations and see which works best for you:

Water Shield: 80% Earth Shield 100%
Water Shield: 70% Earth Shield 90%

If those don't suit your needs you'll want to use the new option available for disabling shields and cast them yourself. If you find a problem with the Healer Shield Twisting please be sure to post the log file and time you noticed it.

Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53

EDIT: Was so tired the other night that I forgot I added a #15. Shield Twisting section to the FAQ. Give it a look and hopefully explains better than I have here. If not let me know.
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Hey Bobby, great work on the update. Any chance of having a feature to turn off the hitbox control or something to that affect?

As discussed prior hitbox radious will vary and change playstyle of melee, any chance to make it user control rather then looking at the config file for the radius?

Just had a similar issue to hitbox in the cata old heorics, if it became user control then the radius wouldnt be required for multiple mobs and it would be up to the user to move closer or further

Can anyone tell me why the Hex section is greyed out?

Cannot seem to find any reference to it when I search the forums.

Bobby, for first BIG thanks for your ShamWOW CC. Last build works brilliant! Only one new problem detected (never seen this before)

HonorBuddy Mode: Mixed (GatherBuddy + Random BGs)
Shamans Location: Twin Peaks Batteground (but happens at any BG)
What should have happened (be specific): nothing
What did happen (be specific): Every second casts Bind Elemental on all mage's pets if in range (Water Elemental). Looks very-very bottish.
Computer time of problem (local time, not realm time): 17:00-18:30 30-Aug-11

ShamWOW v4.5.01 with latest HB

View attachment 26650
surfer999, Glad you are pleased with the behavior in general. Thank you for the well written issue post. The only problem is that the time range given spans 1-1/2 hours instead of singling out a specific instance of Bind Elemental span (which is the problem you are reporting if I understand.) The log files are intentionally verbose to provide detail for situations I can't see, but the downside of that is it is too much info to read over for a 90 minute time span. If you see additional issues in the future, please try to provide the time on your local system that you noticed it occurring. It doesn't have to be to the second, just within a minute or so would be great.

As for your issue, I found a couple points where the Bind Elemental spell cast failed repeatedly indicating Invalid Target. Is there a chance that it moved behind you in some fashion? There are diminishing returns on Bind Elemental in PVP like all CC's but if that had occurred I would have expected an "Immune" message instead.

It appears to be an issue only for Elemental. For Enhancement whose mechanics now provide some free time between casts I made this the lowest priority spell. For Elemental however, if it were below Lightning Bolt it would never get cast so you can get in a situation where it casts repeatedly. I'll give it some thought and either throttle the number attempts or make it optional. Prior to my doing any of that, please watch the Water Elemental when you see it being cast and if it did not get CC'd please describe what you could observe as I haven't encountered that issue.

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Hey Bobby, great work on the update. Any chance of having a feature to turn off the hitbox control or something to that affect?

As discussed prior hitbox radious will vary and change playstyle of melee, any chance to make it user control rather then looking at the config file for the radius?

Just had a similar issue to hitbox in the cata old heorics, if it became user control then the radius wouldnt be required for multiple mobs and it would be up to the user to move closer or further
sp3sh, Sorry mate, but the user control is the config file. if I did what you asked and simply disabled having ShamWOW check if it was in melee range you would see it spam Stormstrike casts (thinking its in range) and a stream of red messages on the screen would follow while the target was out of range. As I mentioned, there are mobs with large hitboxes though out the game, but problem only occurs when you turn off CC movement and control it yourself. Hence, we don't need a list of every mob in the game that has this condition, only the common ones encountered in end game raids and heroics. Adding a config entry is straight forward or you can atttach the log file and tell me what time you were fighting the mob and I'll add to the main one. I'll continue to look at other ways of identifying when you are in melee range, but until thats available the config file is your best option.

Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman,

Can anyone tell me why the Hex section is greyed out?

Cannot seem to find any reference to it when I search the forums.

fish221171, Weird.... I just searched and cannot find it either but have definitely responded to that one recently. The reason is that HonorBuddy currently doesn't support checking which mob has a raid icon on it or what type, so I can't really implement it in a clean fashion. I'll remove the options from the next release and reintroduce for use when that ability becomes available in HB. Thanks, Bobby53
Bobby, thank you for fast reaction! And excuse me for terrible English. Really I think your ShamWOW is the best CC from Glider times to the present. From time to time I think it smarter then myself. :)

I can see this issue right now at each BG if any Frost Mage with Water Elemental pet fights near my Shaman, friend or foe. Bind Elemental spell cast failed repeatedly (indicating Invalid Target) because this Water Elemental is Mage's summoned pet which can't be binded by spell.

Can you look at log attached to my first message? Timestamps here:

from 18:10:54:295 (at line 16921) to 18:12:37:733 (1 min 43 sec) 17 Bind Elemental spells casted on 2 targets.

For example:
[18:11:08:823] FaceToUnit: facing to npc:Water Elemental.0008 thats 24 yds away 
[18:11:08:823] %   Safe_FaceUnit:  turning to face Water Elemental.0008
[18:11:08:874] Spell_C::CastSpell(76780, 0, 0xF1409E5F31000008, 0) [541]
[18:11:08:899] *Bind Elemental on Water Elemental.0008 at 24.4 yds at 100.0%
[18:11:09:440] %   ShamanBuffs:  AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
[18:11:09:441] %   PVPSTAT Exit COMBAT [me]:  h/m:100.0%/62.8%, combat:Y, melee:0, range:4, rooted:N, immobile:N, silenced:N, fleeing:N
[18:11:09:472] %           Exit COMBAT [target]: Hunter.7B30 th:3.5%, tdist:43.2 tlos:Y tlosocd:Y tcombat:Y ttarget:DeathKnight.EE2A taggro:N tpetaggro:N
[18:11:09:562] %   SpellCast Fail:  Bind Elemental on guid:0 due to 'Invalid target'
[18:11:16:253] *Bind Elemental on Water Elemental.0009 at 26.2 yds at 100.0%
[18:11:24:014] *Bind Elemental on Water Elemental.0009 at 11.7 yds at 100.0% 
[18:11:31:065] *Bind Elemental on Water Elemental.0008 at 25.8 yds at 100.0%
[18:11:34:219] *Bind Elemental on Water Elemental.0008 at 26.3 yds at 100.0% 
[18:11:37:008] *Bind Elemental on Water Elemental.0008 at 26.3 yds at 100.0%
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