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[Release] Complete AdvancedItemFilter - Save only item with good affixes. !!Beta!!

Hey ToNyx,

Firstly thanks for taking up the mantle on this one, your additions look awesome.

One thing I'd like for the bot to do is stop picking up wisdom and town scrolls after a threshold (say 200 of each?) much like how you've done it with armour and blacksmiths. That possible?

EDIT: Also, anyway to duplicate the currency stash tabs? I have about 4 tabs dedicated to different currency, is there some code can duplicate so I can put certain currencies in one tab and some others in another tab?
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Hey ToNyx,

Firstly thanks for taking up the mantle on this one, your additions look awesome.

One thing I'd like for the bot to do is stop picking up wisdom and town scrolls after a threshold (say 200 of each?) much like how you've done it with armour and blacksmiths. That possible?

EDIT: Also, anyway to duplicate the currency stash tabs? I have about 4 tabs dedicated to different currency, is there some code can duplicate so I can put certain currencies in one tab and some others in another tab?

To answer both of your questions :

1) In progress, same process as the scraps.
2) In the next build you're able to put any currency to given tab, e.g. every "rare" currency to X, then others to 2/4/6/DickInABox... ans so on. Based on the tab name.

I'm not at home I can't give you a screenshot but it's working as intented for currency atleast.

What do you guys do with loot while leveling? Especially in HC?

I stash every rare, and every hour or so I check if something is an upgrade, do so, sell everything else, repeat.

Currently trying to fix GUI freeze (I think the reason is located but, somehow I really want this feature to be there. So I'll fix it and see how it goes.)
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Even if I told the bot to stash the currency in tab 4 it stills stash it in tab 1. How come?
Hey ToNyx,

found a small issue/bug/conflict with the current order of ops. I've set bot to retain a stack of alts, trans and aug for strongbox crafting, but after it grabs a stack of each from stash, it tries to clear the inventory before proceeding and stashes those orbs straight back in. This only happens when I've set those orbs to be stashed automatically in a different stash tab in the -Stashing- -Currency- settings.

If I removed them from the "Stashing" "Currency" page it no longer does it, but is that the only solution?
Even if I told the bot to stash the currency in tab 4 it stills stash it in tab 1. How come?

What are typing in for it to stash? The exact name or part of it? I've used the exact name and it has been working fine for me. Which currency in particular?
Hey ToNyx,

found a small issue/bug/conflict with the current order of ops. I've set bot to retain a stack of alts, trans and aug for strongbox crafting, but after it grabs a stack of each from stash, it tries to clear the inventory before proceeding and stashes those orbs straight back in. This only happens when I've set those orbs to be stashed automatically in a different stash tab in the -Stashing- -Currency- settings.

If I removed them from the "Stashing" "Currency" page it no longer does it, but is that the only solution?

Yeah, aware of that, found a workaround, just need to transpose it to every currency, this noon, and I post it, promise! <3 :D
Yeah, aware of that, found a workaround, just need to transpose it to every currency, this noon, and I post it, promise! <3 :D

Can someone confirm that the bot keeps currency in the first column of the main inventory?
As in our bags? Mine has defaulted to storing top left, going down from there.

K then I think I fixed the issue, and I also think you deserve a build (may have bugs tho)

I'm running for few hours, lemme know if there's something weird =)

There's a security check for orbs that the bot keeps, with StackCount > 10 (to avoid stashing lonely currency in those spots :p)



K then I think I fixed the issue, and I also think you deserve a build (may have bugs tho)

I'm running for few hours, lemme know if there's something weird =)

There's a security check for orbs that the bot keeps, with StackCount > 10 (to avoid stashing lonely currency in those spots :p)

You Hear that everyone, tony is telling you to ERASE EVERYTHING, EVILLL.

whos the pinky here cuz i assume ur the brain
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So the build include :

- Stash scanning for recipe items at startup (only if specific tab stashing for recipe items is checked)
- Recipes now consider : 20 rings, 20 amulets, 10 rings, and 1 of other types.
- Security for currency if kept/specific position
- Specific tab for any currency based on their name
- Trash IDENTIFIED uniques based a on a .txt file (you can edit & reload on the fly)
- Disable scrolls & scraps at given amount picked up (during bot's uptime)
- Currency tracker for current run
- Gem tracker, for those interested to see those informations
- GUI Rework.
- I may have forgotton some bullshit I coded. Whatever, it's in !

[GemsTracker] [L:18] Name : Added Chaos Damage [S:Main][XP: 69,8KK / 94KK (~78,03%)]
[CurrencyTracker] ------> STASHED CURRENCY : 
[CurrencyTracker]      - Orb of Fusing x1
[CurrencyTracker]      - Chromatic Orb x4
[CurrencyTracker]      - Orb of Alteration x8
[CurrencyTracker]      - Orb of Transmutation x6
[CurrencyTracker]      - Vaal Orb x1
[CurrencyTracker]      - Jeweller's Orb x2
[CurrencyTracker]      - Orb of Chance x2
[CurrencyTracker] --------------------------------->


- Fix Deaths per Hour bind (weird shit)
- Custom IDing task (to avoid those bullshit tier recipes
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Hey ToNyx,

Here's a log with a few hours of where I stopped it after it was looping trying to find enough items for a chaos recipe.

View attachment Exilebuddy 3524 2015-04-22 13.08.zip

Not sure how long it had been doing this but it was awhile.

Edit: Had enough items in the stash to make a full recipe, however it had put what was needed in the first tab instead of the tab designed for chaos recipe items. Not sure if that's why it was having issues but thought it might help.

Also, anyway to reset the currency counter? Said I'd picked up 3 exalts, but turns out that was a lie :D
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Hey ToNyx,

Here's a log with a few hours of where I stopped it after it was looping trying to find enough items for a chaos recipe.

View attachment 176416

Not sure how long it had been doing this but it was awhile.

Edit: Had enough items in the stash to make a full recipe, however it had put what was needed in the first tab instead of the tab designed for chaos recipe items. Not sure if that's why it was having issues but thought it might help.

Also, anyway to reset the currency counter? Said I'd picked up 3 exalts, but turns out that was a lie :D

Ofc that's why, it's like fucking your gf but doing it the wrong hole #kappa :D

make sure, if you have specific tab for item recipe, to have EVERY OF YOUR ITEMS IN THIS TAB FOR THE RECIPES!

Also, it's not a "pickup counter" it's a stashed counter, it's designed for 100% afk bot setups
Ofc that's why, it's like fucking your gf but doing it the wrong hole #kappa :D

make sure, if you have specific tab for item recipe, to have EVERY OF YOUR ITEMS IN THIS TAB FOR THE RECIPES!

The first stash tab was clear (from what I remember) when it started, so it had overflowed into the first tab before it started clearing the recipe tab. Will keep an eye on this to make sure all the chaos recipe items are in that tab, as I noticed in the previous iteration the recipe tab was filling up even though there was enough to complete a recipe.

Also, it's not a "pickup counter" it's a stashed counter, it's designed for 100% afk bot setups

I get the slight distinction, takes into account currency from selling to vendor etc I'm basically running 100% afk just check it now and then to make sure everything is functioning. I just didn't believe that it stashed 3 exalts since I'd turned it on for that run. Usually lucky to get 1 exalt drop ever 5 days or so.

From what I've seen Augs/Alts/Transmutes are not accurate, going up several hundred each town run. The rest are accurate though.

edit: clarity.
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The first stash tab was clear (from what I remember) when it started, so it had overflowed into the first tab before it started clearing the recipe tab. Will keep an eye on this to make sure all the chaos recipe items are in that tab, as I noticed in the previous iteration the recipe tab was filling up even though there was enough to complete a recipe.

I get the slight distinction, takes into account currency from selling to vendor etc I'm basically running 100% afk just check it now and then to make sure everything is functioning. I just didn't believe that it stashed 3 exalts since I'd turned it on for that run. Usually lucky to get 1 exalt drop ever 5 days or so.

From what I've seen Augs/Alts/Transmutes are not accurate, going up several hundred each town run. The rest are accurate though.

edit: clarity.

For the chaos recipe thing, it's working as intented, it's not high-latency friendly tho, gonna add some failover later, don't have the time for now, spent way too much time on this and now my eyes are broken, and I'm sleepy :D

Make sure you're running a fresh of fresh install of the plugin, the old behavior went full stupid and had to rework it.

the currency tracker is working fine on my side. Here is the logic used :
- If the entry is not present, add it using the stack count as base ref for amount
- If it is, just increment using the stack count.

It's iterating through every currency stack so basically, if you have 10 stacks of scrolls, it's gonna do 40+40+40....+40 10 times. it never adds something higher than the stack count from currency.

My bot is running since 7AM, until now, and it's still going. I'll edit this post to add my currency tracker report. I avoid TV at work because it sometimes fucks up the cursor in townrun :D

// EDIT //


[CurrencyTracker] ------> STASHED CURRENCY :
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Fusing x6
[CurrencyTracker] - Chromatic Orb x163
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alteration x222
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Transmutation x72
[CurrencyTracker] - Vaal Orb x3
[CurrencyTracker] - Jeweller's Orb x126
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Chance x21
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Augmentation x60
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alchemy x11
[CurrencyTracker] - Chaos Orb x14
[CurrencyTracker] - Cartographer's Chisel x2
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Regret x2
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Scouring x1
[CurrencyTracker] - Gemcutter's Prism x1
[CurrencyTracker] - Regal Orb x1
[CurrencyTracker] --------------------------------->
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I did a fresh install of files into the folder (deleted everything out first so was an empty folder, unziped new files in), but forgot to clear the 'AdvancedItemFilter.json' in the settings folder. Will do that after this run. This is my currency tracker after less than an hour:

[CurrencyTracker] ------> STASHED CURRENCY :
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Augmentation x2952
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alteration x1873
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Transmutation x3830
[CurrencyTracker] - Exalted Orb x2
[CurrencyTracker] - Chromatic Orb x31
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Chance x19
[CurrencyTracker] - Glassblower's Bauble x8
[CurrencyTracker] - Jeweller's Orb x96
[CurrencyTracker] - Vaal Orb x2
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alchemy x7
[CurrencyTracker] - Chaos Orb x7
[CurrencyTracker] - Gemcutter's Prism x1
[CurrencyTracker] - Regal Orb x3
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Scouring x1
[CurrencyTracker] - Cartographer's Chisel x5
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Regret x1
[CurrencyTracker] --------------------------------->
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Fusing x4

Checked my stash and have not had an increase in exalts so think settings is playing up somehow?

This worries me though:

[AreaStateCache] The location 17112 [Exalted Orb] is being added. [Allocation 22/04/2015 5:10:22 PM]
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 17112.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 17112.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
[AreaStateCache] The location 17112 [Exalted Orb] is being removed because the WorldItem does not exist.
[RemoveItemLocation] The location 17112 [Exalted Orb] is being removed.

That normal for picking something up?


Ok so do not know what I am doing wrong, but after the first town run on new start with everything fresh I got this for currency:

[CurrencyTracker] ------> STASHED CURRENCY :
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alteration x225
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Augmentation x334
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Transmutation x450
[CurrencyTracker] - Chromatic Orb x13
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Regret x3
[CurrencyTracker] - Jeweller's Orb x14
[CurrencyTracker] --------------------------------->

I Completely wiped the /AdvancedItemFilter folder. Reinstalled fresh everything from the link above. Removed the settings file and processed everything again. These are my tabs:

I will do some more investigation to see where these numbers are coming from, it shouldn't be doing this.

NB: Completely superfluous to the running of the plugin, not a call for action. More just sharing so if we find a fix it'll be visible for anyone else in case they come across the same issue.
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I did a fresh install of files into the folder (deleted everything out first so was an empty folder, unziped new files in), but forgot to clear the 'AdvancedItemFilter.json' in the settings folder. Will do that after this run. This is my currency tracker after less than an hour:

[CurrencyTracker] ------> STASHED CURRENCY :
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Augmentation x2952
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alteration x1873
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Transmutation x3830
[CurrencyTracker] - Exalted Orb x2
[CurrencyTracker] - Chromatic Orb x31
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Chance x19
[CurrencyTracker] - Glassblower's Bauble x8
[CurrencyTracker] - Jeweller's Orb x96
[CurrencyTracker] - Vaal Orb x2
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alchemy x7
[CurrencyTracker] - Chaos Orb x7
[CurrencyTracker] - Gemcutter's Prism x1
[CurrencyTracker] - Regal Orb x3
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Scouring x1
[CurrencyTracker] - Cartographer's Chisel x5
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Regret x1
[CurrencyTracker] --------------------------------->
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Fusing x4

Checked my stash and have not had an increase in exalts so think settings is playing up somehow?

This worries me though:

[AreaStateCache] The location 17112 [Exalted Orb] is being added. [Allocation 22/04/2015 5:10:22 PM]
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 17112.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 17112.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waiting for the action to finish Interaction.
[AreaStateCache] The location 17112 [Exalted Orb] is being removed because the WorldItem does not exist.
[RemoveItemLocation] The location 17112 [Exalted Orb] is being removed.

That normal for picking something up?


Ok so do not know what I am doing wrong, but after the first town run on new start with everything fresh I got this for currency:

[CurrencyTracker] ------> STASHED CURRENCY :
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Alteration x225
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Augmentation x334
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Transmutation x450
[CurrencyTracker] - Chromatic Orb x13
[CurrencyTracker] - Orb of Regret x3
[CurrencyTracker] - Jeweller's Orb x14
[CurrencyTracker] --------------------------------->

I Completely wiped the /AdvancedItemFilter folder. Reinstalled fresh everything from the link above. Removed the settings file and processed everything again. These are my tabs:
View attachment 176456
View attachment 176457
View attachment 176458

I will do some more investigation to see where these numbers are coming from, it shouldn't be doing this.

NB: Completely superfluous to the running of the plugin, not a call for action. More just sharing so if we find a fix it'll be visible for anyone else in case they come across the same issue.

Heya lyvewyre,
The bold Text is correct for it to pick-up and item off the ground.
The rest I'll have to test ton'y plugin, but I gotta backup settings in case Tony screws up :P