isnt it alrdy the time u seted for a realease? xD im anctious
Haha, went to shopping for the new flat, damn those old ladies talking with the cashier !
Alright boys, I experienced a crash earlier today (not related to the plugin i guess)
But if you're experiencing it too, lemme know
The Stop/Start issue is (I hope) fixed, now it still remember he had X of Y items and so on.
Here you go bitches ! it's fully working, tested in VM and such ! Have fun, spend more time with you siblings, your gf, your dog, my paypal account (lol, jk stop harassing me already)
Have fun botting poe :$
PS : Some details you may need to read :
Remember to delete the extension and the other files you installed with the old version.
You can enter currency names and press Enter, I added a keydown handler because I'm lazy as fuck.
Well, enjoy.
OH SHIET, I forgot, if you have any suggestion (that atleast 80% would use, don't tell me "hey, I would love the plugin to make coffee and waffles" nah. I know everyone loves coffee and waffle but nah.) just tell me.
Credits :
pushedx, for this awesome bot.
ExVault, for his wonderful coding habits
DBF, because Caribou, DEER LORD.
Jyam, well, obviously a genius but lazy as fuck, this bitch.
Alcor75, because I love pasta he.
Some morons I may have forgotten.
Ok, fixed a typo in the itemevaluator XD nice bugfix brah !