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Pure SWTor

Update from SVN, just pushed Jarring Strike fix through (and K.O. for Scrapper)

Nice :) Something else I noticed. It is better to have Overload Shot a parameter to only fire when over 85 energy. Many times happens that you have 70-75 energy and only a couple of seconds of Shiv left, but the bot uses the Overload Shot and then it enters the low energy handle state, with a result to not cast Shiv on cooldown which I believe is a DPS loss. Overload Shot is a energy dumb when nothing else is up but if using Overload shot result to delay your other abilities then I think is better not to use it. I changed mine(last 2 spells on priority) to:

Spell.Cast("Overload Shot", ret => Me.EnergyPercent >= 87),
Spell.Cast("Rifle Shot")

Overload Shot costs 17 energy. This way, is much better for me. It still use the Overload Shot ability a lot, but without messing the main rotation.

But then again this is my opinion, I did not do any theorycrafting or run any dps meters e.t.c.
I don't play an Operative (or a DPS Scoundrel), so you tell me: is Overload Shot a waste over Shiv? If so, I'll increase the energy requirement.
I don't play an Operative (or a DPS Scoundrel), so you tell me: is Overload Shot a waste over Shiv? If so, I'll increase the energy requirement.

Yeap, Overload Shot should only use while moving or while in range from target, but should never consume precious energy :)

SWTOR Lethality and Concealment Operative DPS Class Guide - Dulfy

It can better been added as a range ability (like Saber throw) and with the additional parameter of being >=80 energy than being part of rotation.
Update from SVN. I could force a Me.IsMoving check, but let's see if this is good enough

hm... before I try it I don't think is a good idea. Because I always move (and most of people) in order to get behind the targets...so it will use the overload shot for no reason. I think the real purpose is if you cannot stay on melee with the boss and have to "dance" to avoid things or if you got away and you are now on the way back to boss...but I don't think how bot can simulate this. I would just put a high energy requirement and let it as is. Besides, is the only range ability after the free rifle shot, so if we are not on melee and have the required energy it will shoot it.
Well the problem is that I have it coded so that it uses the procs from Savagery, which I'm guessing you don't have at level 30. If you want a quick fix until you get the Savagery talent, just put this line in below the current Force Scream line:
Spell.Cast("Force Scream"),

I don't have Force Choke specced because it's a DPS loss at max level. You're welcome to add it in wherever, just use the same syntax I provided you with above.

Freaking awesome man - Yah I added the line as you stated and it works perfectly. I am surprised that it was that easy - haha. Thanks so much buddy. You're the best.

I would like to ask you something else though. I told you before that using my razor naga, that I was able to create a macro for my Sorcerer in pvp that wouldnt lock up. I am guessing because it was far simpler than the code in the bot. What I was wondering was if you might help us figure out what might be causing it to lock up in pvp - like is there a away to dumb down the bot so that we are only doing the rotation - and nothing more. I realize that its on SWTORs end, but as my simple macro isnt locking up in pvp; I just figured that it wouldnt either with the bot, if we dumbed it down to only do a rotation and nothing more.
Hello guys.
How to make Pure Routines works?

I make this steps:
1) Download all pure routines files in folder from SVN
2) Put the files to C:/BOT/Routines/Pure
3) Start bot and try to select one from 2 pure routines in list
4) Press "START" and nothing happens.

Thats wrong? Thank you.
Hello guys.
How to make Pure Routines works?

I make this steps:
1) Download all pure routines files in folder from SVN
2) Put the files to C:/BOT/Routines/Pure
3) Start bot and try to select one from 2 pure routines in list
4) Press "START" and nothing happens.

Thats wrong? Thank you.

You need to download and install TortoiseSVN first: TortoiseSVN - Downloads (chose 32 bit or 64 bit depending on your system). After you install it, go to the BOT routine folder and create a folder with name "PureSwtor" without the quotes of course :). Then right click on the folder and select "SVN Checkout..". Put the link of the SVN provided in the first page and click ok. It will download all the required files.

After that, in the future you can simple right-click on the folder and select "Update" to get the latest version of PureSwtor.
You need to download and install TortoiseSVN first: TortoiseSVN - Downloads (chose 32 bit or 64 bit depending on your system). After you install it, go to the BOT routine folder and create a folder with name "PureSwtor" without the quotes of course :). Then right click on the folder and select "SVN Checkout..". Put the link of the SVN provided in the first page and click ok. It will download all the required files.

After that, in the future you can simple right-click on the folder and select "Update" to get the latest version of PureSwtor.

I already download all SVN files :)
I already download all SVN files :)

And when you need to update? You will re-download one by one? I told you the easy way to do it and also in this way the files are downloaded in the correct Folder structure. In any case, if you want to manually do it, the correct folder is


Inside that folder put the files you downloaded in the correct order as it seen in the svn link and hope for the best :)

Edit: also it is best to have only one combat routine in your routines folder. Zip/rar the others to keep there and everytime you wanna use the bot just unzip the routine you want to use at the current moment.

Read this https://www.thebuddyforum.com/buddy...952-buddywing-dummies-tutorial-new-users.html :)
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Hello guys.
How to make Pure Routines works?

I make this steps:
1) Download all pure routines files in folder from SVN
2) Put the files to C:/BOT/Routines/Pure
3) Start bot and try to select one from 2 pure routines in list
4) Press "START" and nothing happens.

Thats wrong? Thank you.

If you expect help, please post a logfile!
This is guessing in the dark and with a log we can provide better support.
Feedback From my Assassin (Darkness).

You must add in some rotation abilities the parameter Me.InCombat because if you are assigned to crown control from stealth you will instead start combat by hitting the mob you are supposed to cc. The abilities that needs this parameter are:

Discharge have a range of 10M. This is also the range of Mind Trap, the cc you wanna use from stealth. So once you go in range to cc, the bot will cast Discharge and start combat. The other ability are Force Lightning (you may have 3 stacks of Darkness from a previous fight pack in a dungeon and once you take target to cc, it will cast it. This is more rare and situational but it is possible to happen). And last one is Thrash. Thrash is melee ability, but if it happens to go close to the target to use the cc instead of using it from 10m, the bot will use thrash and break it. Mine looks like this and works fine :)

Spell.Cast("Force Lightning", ret => Me.BuffCount("Harnessed Darkness") == 3 && Me.InCombat),
Spell.Cast("Shock", ret => Me.HasBuff("Energize")),
Spell.Cast("Maul", ret => Me.HasBuff("Conspirator's Cloak") || Me.IsBehind(Me.CurrentTarget)),
Spell.Cast("Assassinate", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
Spell.Cast("Discharge", ret => Me.InCombat),
Spell.Cast("Thrash", ret => Me.InCombat),
Spell.Cast("Force Speed", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance >= 1.1f && Me.IsMoving && Me.InCombat)

I also changed Maul to be used also if I am behind the target but I am not sure if this is good force consuming wise. How can I also add in Maul the parameter InCombat? Because it has the ||. In general I wanna know how to make a spell use like this.

spell require parameter x and then either y or z. Would something like this work? "ability", ret => x && y || z

EDIT: Also you might need to add in the cc file to also recognize the assassin cc spell http://i.imgur.com/wiGdq7W.png because Discharge and Lacerate breaks it as is now.
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Try using BotLoader and running the RaidBot. The RaidBot doesn't start the rotation until you initiate combat. This will prevent the issues you're having with engaging combat before you're ready. If that doesn't work, you should use F9 to pause the rotation and use your CC, then change targets and hit F9 again.

The syntax you're looking for is something like this:
Spell.Cast("Spell", ret => (X && Y) || Z),
This will cast the spell if both X and Y are true, or if Z is true. You could also use
Spell.Cast("Spell", ret => X && (Y || Z)),
This will cast the spell if X is true and either Y or Z are true.

Finally, I just double-checked, and "Asleep (Mental)" is already in the crowd controlled section. I forgot to put in the PBAoE section, so I fixed that. What problem were you seeing with that exactly? Discharge and Lacerate are both Single-Target spells, so the fix there is just don't target the CC'd character.
Hey, thinking of dusting off my healing operative and was wondering if the bot/pure can keep up in an OP setting. How does it work? I'm assuming I use healbot mode from botloader. Can I target who I want healed if I were say only healing an offtank? I know this isn't quite a pure rotation question but was just curious. Thanks!