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Pure SWTor

Try using BotLoader and running the RaidBot. The RaidBot doesn't start the rotation until you initiate combat. This will prevent the issues you're having with engaging combat before you're ready. If that doesn't work, you should use F9 to pause the rotation and use your CC, then change targets and hit F9 again.

The syntax you're looking for is something like this:
Spell.Cast("Spell", ret => (X && Y) || Z),
This will cast the spell if both X and Y are true, or if Z is true. You could also use
Spell.Cast("Spell", ret => X && (Y || Z)),
This will cast the spell if X is true and either Y or Z are true.

Finally, I just double-checked, and "Asleep (Mental)" is already in the crowd controlled section. I forgot to put in the PBAoE section, so I fixed that. What problem were you seeing with that exactly? Discharge and Lacerate are both Single-Target spells, so the fix there is just don't target the CC'd character.

Thanks for the syntax help. Discharge is not single target for Darkness spec because we are using "Dark Charge" for tanking. When Dark Charge is active (It is a stance like warrior shi form etc, so is always active) Discharge is aoe. For the DPS specs of assassin when using surging charge or lighting charge, Discharge is single target.
Thanks for the syntax help. Discharge is not single target for Darkness spec because we are using "Dark Charge" for tanking. When Dark Charge is active (It is a stance like warrior shi form etc, so is always active) Discharge is aoe. For the DPS specs of assassin when using surging charge or lighting charge, Discharge is single target.

Ah, okay. Instead of Me.InCombat, you could use something like:
Spell.Cast("Discharge", ret => ShouldAoe),
Does this mean that it will only cast when aoe situation happens? Because Discharge is also vital for single target fight cause it is apply a valuable debuff on target. Also Lacerate is aoe :) http://i.imgur.com/v11jX7v.png

Oh jeez, that makes working with this rotation way more complicated. The best I can do for you is !Me.CurrentTarget.IsCrowdControlled. It'll still use AoE inappropriately at some points, but won't break a CC'd target. There's no other way I can think of to work this rotation, since the AoE spells are all needed during Single Target.
Oh jeez, that makes working with this rotation way more complicated. The best I can do for you is !Me.CurrentTarget.IsCrowdControlled. It'll still use AoE inappropriately at some points, but won't break a CC'd target. There's no other way I can think of to work this rotation, since the AoE spells are all needed during Single Target.

I see :) yea its a mess... anyway, I ll leave it as is now that I am leveling and I will start worry when max level and start group content hehe.
I see :) yea its a mess... anyway, I ll leave it as is now that I am leveling and I will start worry when max level and start group content hehe.

Don't forget, F9 is a quick and easy solution in many cases. Pause/UnPause very quickly and from in-game.
Don't forget, F9 is a quick and easy solution in many cases. Pause/UnPause very quickly and from in-game.

Hehe I need to get used to this shortcuts :) F10 disable/enable movement. Now I wanna give some feedback on Smuggler (Sharptrooper). You need to add in the Buff section the "Burst Volley" (top talent in Sharpotrooper) and then in rotation section you need to add to "Sabotage Charge" the parameter to only cast when Burst Volley is active. Actually we have 2 fillers, Charged Burst and Sabotage Charge, you use Charged Burst always over Sabotage charge except if you are under the effect of Burst Volley, then Sabotage Charge is better than Charged Burst. So basically you need to add

Spell.Buff("Burst Volley")

and then in rotation

Spell.Cast("Sabotage Charge", ret => Me.HasBuff("Burst Volley")),
Hehe I need to get used to this shortcuts :) F10 disable/enable movement. Now I wanna give some feedback on Smuggler (Sharptrooper). You need to add in the Buff section the "Burst Volley" (top talent in Sharpotrooper) and then in rotation section you need to add to "Sabotage Charge" the parameter to only cast when Burst Volley is active. Actually we have 2 fillers, Charged Burst and Sabotage Charge, you use Charged Burst always over Sabotage charge except if you are under the effect of Burst Volley, then Sabotage Charge is better than Charged Burst. So basically you need to add

Spell.Buff("Burst Volley")

and then in rotation

Spell.Cast("Sabotage Charge", ret => Me.HasBuff("Burst Volley")),

Update from SVN and let me know how it works. Should I add a modifier to Burst Volley? Something like
Update from SVN and let me know how it works. Should I add a modifier to Burst Volley? Something like

Yeap is working :) As far as Me.CurrentTarget.StrongorGreater() is up to you :) I use this to many abilities to avoid waste them on weak mobs, but I use the cc for leveling anyway and doing only the daily/weekly flashpoints. Abilities that adds a debuff for example, cause weak mobs are dead in 1-2 shots and is a waste of resource to cast a dot. For example in Smuggler I have added the Me.CurrentTarget.StrongorGreater() to

Spell.Cast("Flourish Shot", ret => !Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Armor Reduced") && Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater())
Spell.DoT("Vital Shot", "", 15000, ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater())

and to the buffs

Spell.Buff("Burst Volley", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater())
Spell.Buff("Smuggler's Luck", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater())
Spell.Buff("Illegal Mods", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.StrongOrGreater())

But in Flashpoints and Operations there are always strong or greater mobs, so I don't think it will make a difference there for buffs, but in leveling it is a difference. Although the dots, even in Flashpoints, might be a waste of resources, especially for classes like Smuggler/Agent who need to stay above a certain % on their resource...

On the Saboteur spec is better use Quick Shot only when you have the Hot Pursuit buff (T4 talent) or else better use Flurry of Bolts (the free ability). So basically the last 2 lines should be

Spell.Cast("Quick Shot", ret => !Me.IsInCover() && Me.HasBuff("Hot Pursuit")),
Spell.Cast("Flurry of Bolts")
Last edited:
On the Saboteur spec is better use Quick Shot only when you have the Hot Pursuit buff (T4 talent) or else better use Flurry of Bolts (the free ability). So basically the last 2 lines should be

Spell.Cast("Quick Shot", ret => !Me.IsInCover() && Me.HasBuff("Hot Pursuit")),
Spell.Cast("Flurry of Bolts")

I already have this on the Sniper side, I must have forgotten to port it over to the Gunslinger side.
Is the sawbones Scoundrel really a Scoundrel because mine is thinking he is a gunslinger ?
View attachment 133068I guess a scoundrel is a melee champ :D Yep, only with my companion. Level 26

1. Delete Lockboxes and Autoequip plugins from your folder. You can delete Buddymonitor as well if you're not using it.
2. Pure works best at level 55, but as long as you have Slow-release Medpac you should be okay.
3. All Scoundrel routines work from melee. That's the entire class structure for Scoundrel. It only has 2-3 ranged attacks.